2,054 research outputs found

    Augmented city

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    Racial hatred, diplomatic conflicts, financial wars, environmental destruction, Covid-19 raging. In this imperfect world that doesn\u27t run in the way we want, we may grow numb, weary, and look for alternate realities that act as a relief from these increasingly bizarre events. And due to the current pandemic, ordinary individuals forced into isolation in a strange foreign city risk losing their psychological identity as well as their connection with the society. The city becomes a metaphor of this alienation as, in some cases, it lacks a sense of belonging by already built urban structures that disenfranchise both the individual and the citizen. Could we rebuild this lost relationship between the city and its residents by empowering the individuals to control and manipulate some part of their perceptible reality? Subjective idealism claims that to be is to be perceived. Why can\u27t we believe that what we perceive is the reality that belongs to us and create a world to escape to for a moment of relief? I propose a highly customizable city viewing system in which residents can create and share their imaginary urban public space. Just like Video Game Modifications(MOD) allow players to change the appearance of different elements of a game and add more features to the game according to their preferences, With the help of Augmented (Mixed) Reality technology, this system offers people an opportunity to Modding the real world, which is so exciting that for a specific area of the city, there will be a variety of thematic sets of virtual content for users to choose from. These contents will replace, mask, or upgrade real elements through MR devices, or new elements that don\u27t exist in reality will be simply added. I’d like to call these “Reality MOD.” And of course, in addition to downloading these Reality MODs by theme, people can also replace and delete any element in a pre-defined set of Reality MODs. At this point, people will create and embrace a version of reality that is only for themself. And they also have the right to escape from the real world in some of the extend. This thesis will take Kennedy Plaza in Providence, Rhode Island, and its surrounding context as the site to explore the possibilities on how a public space could be redesigned, transformed or improved by virtual contents. This research is also a provocative experiment which questions the rising dichotomy of technologies and digital realities as tools for freedom of expression

    The impact of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies on the customer experience

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    The arrival of Virtual-Reality, Augmented-Reality, and Mixed-Reality technologies is shaping a new environment where physical and virtual objects are integrated at different levels. Due to the development of portable and embodied devices, together with highly interactive, physical-virtual connections, the customer experience landscape is evolving into new types of hybrid experiences. However, the boundaries between these new realities, technologies and experiences have not yet been clearly established by researchers and practitioners. This paper aims to offer a better understanding of these concepts and integrate technological (embodiment), psychological (presence), and behavioral (interactivity) perspectives to propose a new taxonomy of technologies, namely the “EPI Cube”. The cube allows academics and managers to classify all technologies, current and potential, which might support or empower customer experiences, but can also produce new experiences along the customer journey. The paper concludes with theoretical and managerial implications, as well as a future research agenda


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    In the context of the Master of Intercultural Studies for Business, this project report presents and describes a work in the area of intercultural studies - the V-Portugal. The previous project work, on which the project described here is based, consisted in the design of an innovative venture, allied to virtual reality that aimed to create an application software that works through the use of virtual reality glasses. Called "Second Chance", this project conceived in 2018 combined the technological and tourist component, with the aim of capturing the interest of foreigners in Portugal, thus promoting our culture internationally. The product and service of V-Portugal was aimed at an audience with an interest in travelling and getting to know Portugal, satisfying visual desires, such as observing scenic areas of Portugal. The idea "V-Portugal" was born during my academic career at the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing, and was a finalist in the EDP University Challenge, although not a winner. At its genesis was the social conscience and sensitivity towards an often neglected public - the elderly - normally with reduced mobility. The application and the glasses would allow this age group to travel without having to leave home. It was because I perceived the viability of this concept in a different context than initially conceived that I sought to develop it and adapt it to the base area of the Masters - Intercultural Studies for business.No âmbito do Mestrado de Estudos Interculturais para Negócios, o presente relatório de projeto apresenta e descreve um trabalho na área dos estudos interculturais - V-Portugal. O trabalho de projeto prévio, no qual se alicerça o projeto aqui descrito, consistiu na conceção de um empreendimento inovador, aliado à realidade virtual que visava a criação de um software aplicativo e que funciona através do uso de óculos de realidade virtual. Denominado “Second Chance”, este projeto concebido em 2018, combinava a componente tecnológica e turística, com o objetivo de captar o interesse de estrangeiros em Portugal promovendo, desta forma, a nossa cultura internacionalmente. O produto e o serviço da V-Portugal estava direcionado a um público com interesse em viajar e conhecer Portugal, satisfazer desejos visuais, como por exemplo, observar zonas paisagísticas de Portugal. A ideia “V-Portugal” nasceu durante o meu percurso académico no Instituto Português de Administração e Marketing, ideia esta finalista da EDP University Challenge, embora não vencedora. Na sua génese, esteve a consciência social e a sensibilidade relativamente a um público, muitas vezes, negligenciado – os idosos - normalmente, com mobilidade reduzida. A aplicação e os óculos permitiriam a esta faixa etária viajar sem ter de sair de casa. Foi por ter percebido a viabilidade deste conceito em um contexto diferente do inicialmente concebido que o procurei desenvolver e adaptar à área base do Mestrado – Estudos Interculturais para negócios

    Factors for Interactive Liquid Perception in Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices

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    Augmented reality (AR) is one of the hottest things with Apple and Google trying to capture people\textquotesingle s interests and wonder. Given these new needs, there have not been much on what the best thing to do when creating these experiences. Thus in my work, I investigate the best way to bring believable virtual interactive liquids into the real world . Believability is what the user would feel is a more representative of a liquid in real life even when the liquid is virtual. Therefore, I examine three factors for virtual liquids, namely the dynamics and texturing of the liquid and the real world lighting. This works finds that motion models are the most important factor for humans to believe that the virtual fluid in AR is a liquid regardless of angles. This allow developers to focus on the motion models rather than any other factors when creating new experiences in AR

    Digital marketing in the metaverse and its effect on E-commerce

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2022/2023The concept of the metaverse has its origins in futuristic literature, with the development of the internet allowing the video game industry to create virtual worlds for entertainment, which later with the entry of mass online gamers influenced the creation of protometaverses and the first metaverses operating today. Today, it is the technology companies that are investing large sums of money to drive the full development of the metaverse. However, there is still no concrete definition of what this virtual world will be, but it is clear that it will require the development of a set of technologies to make its ecosystem decentralised and immersive. On the other hand, the development of marketing in the metaverse depends on the emergence of a community of consumers. Protagonists who need virtual worlds for their development. Awakening their interest in interacting in these virtual worlds through their avatars, which allow them to perform various activities. Creating in them the need to obtain greater virtual experiences such as the acquisition of assets in the metaverse, a sector that captures the attention of companies to invest and explore new virtual markets. Marketing is the connection that allows brands to know and satisfy their needs, create new consumer experiences, and understand that the metaverse is a new digital marketing channel. In this context, brands are experimenting with new marketing practices that influence the creation of new business and e-commerce opportunities in virtual worlds, but in order to make commerce happen, it is necessary to clarify the means of payments that effect the buying and selling of virtual assets. It is clear that the development of e-commerce must be linked to decentralisation and that it plays an important role in the future economy of the metaverse. For this reason, this research seeks to provide the reader with knowledge of the digital marketing practices that are being carried out in the metaverse. Practices that allow the creation and reinvention of new business models in the third dimension. Giving the opportunity for e-commerce to evolve and adapt to the new demands and needs of consumers, who increasingly demand more real and innovative shopping experiences and personalised attention

    A mathematical approach to assess the ability of light filters to improve color discriminability of color vision deficient persons☆

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    Color vision deficiency (CVD) is a frequent condition that alters color perception to such an extent that many people encounter serious difficulties on their everyday lives. In this work, we present a strategy to analyze the effectiveness of light filters aimed to improve color discriminability of persons with CVD. The calculations are based on a simple model of color discrimination which has been successfully applied to several animal species. We first tested the calculations on three well-known commercial lenses designed for persons with CVD. In agreement with results of clinical studies, the calculations show that the highly colored lenses (VINO® and X-Chrom®) enhance chromaticity contrasts between problematic colors, whereas the more neutral Enchroma® do not provide any benefit. Also, we predict that two light filters proposed in recent works for novel lenses would not improve the performance of the commercial ones. Since the mathematical approach presented in this work enables predictive filter assessment, it opens the door to future research on the design of more effective lenses to improve color discriminability of persons with CVD. The calculations allow for large-scale screening of numerous light filters and different colored stimuli, CVD conditions, light sources, etc.Fil: González Bardeci, Nicolás Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Inorganica, Anal.y Qca.física. Area de Fotoquímica; ArgentinaFil: Lagorio, María Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Inorganica, Anal.y Qca.física. Area de Fotoquímica; Argentin

    Reinventing the retail sector with Virtual Fitting Rooms: Consumer Perception

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research and CRMVirtual Fitting Rooms (VFRs) have emerged as a promising technology for the eyewear industry, offering consumers the opportunity to try on glasses virtually before purchasing them. However, little is known about consumers' perception towards VFRs, especially in the context of eyewear. This thesis aims to explore consumers' assessment of VFRs for eyewear using a mixed-methods approach, including an experiment, in-depth interviews, and observation method. The sample consisted of 219 participants from NOVA IMS. The experiment aimed to measure the degree of acceptance of potential privacy issues involved and the willingness to use VFRs. The in-depth interviews aimed to explore the reasons behind participants' assessments towards VFRs, while the observation method was used to analyse the behavior and interaction between the participants and the VFR. The results indicate that concerns regarding potential privacy issues involved in VFRs were higher among the personalized sample. Additionally, younger, and male consumers were more likely to be accepting of potential privacy issues and more responsive to VFRs. Participants were less likely to use VFRs if it required uploading a video but were moderately likely to use VFRs if it required uploading a photo. However, participants were likely to use VFRs if it required entering measurements. Finally, a high proportion of the sample indicated that they would consider or certainly buy after the VFR experience. This study contributes to the literature on consumer’s perception towards VFRs by providing insights of NOVA IMS consumers’ perceptions towards VFRs for eyewear. The findings have important implications for eyewear retailers and manufacturers who are considering the implementation of VFR technology

    Wonder Vision-A Hybrid Way-finding System to assist people with Visual Impairment

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    We use multi-sensory information to find our ways around environments. Among these, vision plays a crucial part in way-finding tasks, such as perceiving landmarks and layouts. People with impaired vision may find it difficult to move around in unfamiliar environments because they are unable to use their eyesight to capture critical information. Limiting vision can affect how people interact with their environment, especially for navigation. Individuals with varying degrees of vision will require a different level of way-finding aids. Blind people rely heavily on white canes, whereas low-vision patients could choose from magnifiers for amplifying signs, or even GPS mobile applications to acquire knowledge before their arrival. The purpose of this study is to investigate the in-situ challenges of way-finding for persons with visual impairments. With the methodologies of Research through Design (RTD) and User-centered Design (UCD), I conducted online user research and created a series of iterative prototypes towards a final one: Wonder Vision. It is a hybrid way-finding system that combines Augmented Reality (AR) and Voice User Interface (VUI) to assist people with visual impairments. The descriptive evaluation method suggests Wonder Vision as a possible solution for helping people with visual impairments to find their way toward their goals