5,478 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Transformation "bx" (Dagstuhl Seminar 11031)

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    Bidirectional transformations bx are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of two (or more) related sources of information. Researchers from many different areas of computer science including databases (DB), graph transformations (GT), software engineering (SE), and programming languages (PL) are actively investigating the use of bx to solve a diverse set of problems. Although researchers have been actively working on bidirectional transformations in the above mentioned communities for many years already, there has been very little cross-discipline interaction and cooperation so far. The purpose of a first International Meeting on Bidirectional Transformations (GRACE-BX), held in December 2008 near Tokyo, was therefore to bring together international elites, promising young researchers, and leading practitioners to share problems, discuss solutions, and open a dialogue towards understanding the common underpinnings of bx in all these areas. While the GRACE-BX meeting provided a starting point for exchanging ideas in different communities and confirmed our believe that there is a considerable overlap of studied problems and developed solutions in the identified communities, the Dagstuhl Seminar 11031 on ``Bidirectional Transformations\u27\u27 also aimed at providing a place for working together to define a common vocabulary of terms and desirable properties of bidirectional transformations, develop a suite of benchmarks, solve some challenging problems, and launch joint efforts to form a living bx community of cooperating experts across the identified subdisciplines. This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11031 with abstracts of tutorials, working groups, and presentations on specific research topics

    Meaningfulness, the unsaid and translatability. Instead of an introduction

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    The present paper opens this topical issue on translation techniques by drawing a theoretical basis for the discussion of translational issues in a linguistic perspective. In order to forward an audience- oriented definition of translation, I will describe different forms of linguistic variability, highlighting how they present different difficulties to translators, with an emphasis on the semantic and communicative complexity that a source text can exhibit. The problem is then further discussed through a comparison between Quine's radically holistic position and the translatability principle supported by such semanticists as Katz. General translatability — at the expense of additional complexity — is eventually proposed as a possible synthesis of this debate. In describing the meaningfulness levels of source texts through Hjelmslevian semiotics, and his semiotic hierarchy in particular, the paper attempts to go beyond denotative semiotic, and reframe some translational issues in a connotative semiotic and metasemiotic perspective

    On the Relationships Between Linguistics and Language Teaching

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    This paper attempts to make a discussion of the relationships between linguistics and language teaching, especially second language teaching. Although there are still many differences between linguistics and language teaching in their attitudes towards language, their goals, and their methods, they are both independent of and interacting with each other

    Factors 2 and 3: Towards a principled approach

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    This paper seeks to make progress in our understanding of the non-UG components of Chomsky's (2005) Three Factors model. In relation to the input (Factor 2), I argue for the need to formulate a suitably precise hypothesis about which aspects of the input will qualify as 'intake' and, hence, serve as the basis for grammar construction. In relation to Factor 3, I highlight a specific cognitive bias that appears well motivated outside of language, while also having wide-ranging consequences for our understanding of how I-language grammars are constructed, and why they should have the crosslinguistically comparable form that generativists have always argued human languages have. This is Maximise Minimal Means (MMM). I demonstrate how its incorporation into our model of grammar acquisition facilitates understanding of diverse facts about natural language typology, acquisition, both in "stable" and "unstable" contexts, and also the ways in which linguistic systems may change over time.Aquest treball pretén fer progressos en la comprensió dels components que no són UG del model de tres factors de Chomsky (2005). En relació amb l'entrada (factor 2), argumento la necessitat de formular una hipòtesi adequada i precisa sobre quins aspectes de l'entrada es qualificaran com a "ingesta" i, per tant, seran la base de la construcció gramatical. En relació amb el factor 3, destaco un biaix cognitiu específic que apareix força motivat fora del llenguatge, alhora que té àmplies conseqüències per a la nostra comprensió de com es construeixen les gramàtiques del llenguatge I, i per què haurien de tenir la forma interlingüísticament comparable als generativistes. Es tracta de maximitzar els mitjans mínims (MMM). Demostro que la seva incorporació al nostre model d'adquisició gramatical facilita la comprensió de fets diversos sobre tipologia de llenguatge natural, adquisició, tant en contextos "estables" com "inestables", i també de les maneres de canviar els sistemes lingüístics amb el pas del temps

    Grammaticalization and grammar

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    This paper is concerned with developing Joan Bybee's proposals regarding the nature of grammatical meaning and synthesizing them with Paul Hopper's concept of grammar as emergent. The basic question is this: How much of grammar may be modeled in terms of grammaticalization? In contradistinction to Heine, Claudi & Hünnemeyer (1991), who propose a fairly broad and unconstrained framework for grammaticalization, we try to present a fairly specific and constrained theory of grammaticalization in order to get a more precise idea of the potential and the problems of this approach. Thus, while Heine et al. (1991:25) expand – without discussion – the traditional notion of grammaticalization to the clause level, and even include non-segmental structure (such as word order), we will here adhere to a strictly 'element-bound' view of grammaticalization: where no grammaticalized element exists, there is no grammaticalization. Despite this fairly restricted concept of grammaticalization, we will attempt to corroborate the claim that essential aspects of grammar may be understood and modeled in terms of grammaticalization. The approach is essentially theoretical (practical applications will, hopefully, follow soon) and many issues are just mentioned and not discussed in detail. The paper presupposes a familiarity with the basic facts of grammaticalization and it does not present any new facts

    Learning Language from a Large (Unannotated) Corpus

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    A novel approach to the fully automated, unsupervised extraction of dependency grammars and associated syntax-to-semantic-relationship mappings from large text corpora is described. The suggested approach builds on the authors' prior work with the Link Grammar, RelEx and OpenCog systems, as well as on a number of prior papers and approaches from the statistical language learning literature. If successful, this approach would enable the mining of all the information needed to power a natural language comprehension and generation system, directly from a large, unannotated corpus.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, research proposa
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