91 research outputs found

    Musical timbre: bridging perception with semantics

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    Musical timbre is a complex and multidimensional entity which provides information regarding the properties of a sound source (size, material, etc.). When it comes to music, however, timbre does not merely carry environmental information, but it also conveys aesthetic meaning. In this sense, semantic description of musical tones is used to express perceptual concepts related to artistic intention. Recent advances in sound processing and synthesis technology have enabled the production of unique timbral qualities which cannot be easily associated with a familiar musical instrument. Therefore, verbal description of these qualities facilitates communication between musicians, composers, producers, audio engineers etc. The development of a common semantic framework for musical timbre description could be exploited by intuitive sound synthesis and processing systems and could even influence the way in which music is being consumed. This work investigates the relationship between musical timbre perception and its semantics. A set of listening experiments in which participants from two different language groups (Greek and English) rated isolated musical tones on semantic scales has tested semantic universality of musical timbre. The results suggested that the salient semantic dimensions of timbre, namely: luminance, texture and mass, are indeed largely common between these two languages. The relationship between semantics and perception was further examined by comparing the previously identified semantic space with a perceptual timbre space (resulting from pairwise dissimilarity rating of the same stimuli). The two spaces featured a substantial amount of common variance suggesting that semantic description can largely capture timbre perception. Additionally, the acoustic correlates of the semantic and perceptual dimensions were investigated. This work concludes by introducing the concept of partial timbre through a listening experiment that demonstrates the influence of background white noise on the perception of musical tones. The results show that timbre is a relative percept which is influenced by the auditory environment

    Nonparametric estimation of the jump component in financial time series

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    In this thesis, we analyze nonparametric estimation of Lévy-based models using wavelets methods. As the considered class is restricted to pure-jump Lévy processes, it is sufficient to estimate their Lévy densities. For implementing a wavelet density estimator, it is necessary to setup a preliminary histogram estimator. Simulation studies show that there is an improvement of the wavelet estimator by invoking an optimally selected histogram. The wavelet estimator is based on block-thresholding of empirical coefficients. We conclude with two empirical applications which show that there is a very high arrival rate of small jumps in financial data sets

    Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using Consumer-Grade Cameras

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    There are many ways in which the remote non-contact detection of the human heart rate might be useful. This is especially true if it can be done using inexpensive equipment such as consumer-grade cameras. Many studies and experiments have been performed in recent years to help reliably determine the heart rate from video footage of a person. The methods have taken an analysis approach which involves temporal Itering and frequency spectrum examination. This study attempts to answer questions about the noise sources which inhibit these methods from estimating the heart rate. Other statistical processes are examined for their use in reducing the noise in the system. Methods for locating the skin of a moving individual are explored and used with the purpose for acquiring the heart rate. Alternative methods borrowed from other fields are also introduced to find if they have merit in remote heart rate detection

    The Cosmic 21-cm Revolution Charting the first billion years of our universe

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    The redshifted 21-cm signal is set to transform astrophysical cosmology, bringing a historically data-starved field into the era of Big Data. Corresponding to the spin-flip transition of neutral hydrogen, the 21-cm line is sensitive to the temperature and ionization state of the cosmic gas, as well as to cosmological parameters. Crucially, with the development of new interferometers it will allow us to map out the first billion years of our universe, enabling us to learn about the properties of the unseen first generations of galaxies. Rapid progress is being made on both the observational and theoretical fronts, and important decisions on techniques and future direction are being made. The Cosmic 21-cm Revolution gathers contributions from current leaders in this fast-moving field, providing both an overview for graduate students and a reference point for current researchers

    Exploring the topical structure of short text through probability models : from tasks to fundamentals

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    Recent technological advances have radically changed the way we communicate. Today’s communication has become ubiquitous and it has fostered the need for information that is easier to create, spread and consume. As a consequence, we have experienced the shortening of text messages in mediums ranging from electronic mailing, instant messaging to microblogging. Moreover, the ubiquity and fast-paced nature of these mediums have promoted their use for unthinkable tasks. For instance, reporting real-world events was classically carried out by news reporters, but, nowadays, most interesting events are first disclosed on social networks like Twitter by eyewitness through short text messages. As a result, the exploitation of the thematic content in short text has captured the interest of both research and industry. Topic models are a type of probability models that have traditionally been used to explore this thematic content, a.k.a. topics, in regular text. Most popular topic models fall into the sub-class of LVMs (Latent Variable Models), which include several latent variables at the corpus, document and word levels to summarise the topics at each level. However, classical LVM-based topic models struggle to learn semantically meaningful topics in short text because the lack of co-occurring words within a document hampers the estimation of the local latent variables at the document level. To overcome this limitation, pooling and hierarchical Bayesian strategies that leverage on contextual information have been essential to improve the quality of topics in short text. In this thesis, we study the problem of learning semantically meaningful and predictive representations of text in two distinct phases: • In the first phase, Part I, we investigate the use of LVM-based topic models for the specific task of event detection in Twitter. In this situation, the use of contextual information to pool tweets together comes naturally. Thus, we first extend an existing clustering algorithm for event detection to use the topics learned from pooled tweets. Then, we propose a probability model that integrates topic modelling and clustering to enable the flow of information between both components. • In the second phase, Part II and Part III, we challenge the use of local latent variables in LVMs, specially when the context of short messages is not available. First of all, we study the evaluation of the generalization capabilities of LVMs like PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) and propose unbiased estimation methods to approximate it. With the most accurate method, we compare the generalization of chordal models without latent variables to that of PFA topic models in short and regular text collections. In summary, we demonstrate that by integrating clustering and topic modelling, the performance of event detection techniques in Twitter is improved due to the interaction between both components. Moreover, we develop several unbiased likelihood estimation methods for assessing the generalization of PFA and we empirically validate their accuracy in different document collections. Finally, we show that we can learn chordal models without latent variables in text through Chordalysis, and that they can be a competitive alternative to classical topic models, specially in short text.Els avenços tecnològics han canviat radicalment la forma que ens comuniquem. Avui en dia, la comunicació és ubiqua, la qual cosa fomenta l’ús de informació fàcil de crear, difondre i consumir. Com a resultat, hem experimentat l’escurçament dels missatges de text en diferents medis de comunicació, des del correu electrònic, a la missatgeria instantània, al microblogging. A més de la ubiqüitat, la naturalesa accelerada d’aquests medis ha promogut el seu ús per tasques fins ara inimaginables. Per exemple, el relat d’esdeveniments era clàssicament dut a terme per periodistes a peu de carrer, però, en l’actualitat, el successos més interessants es publiquen directament en xarxes socials com Twitter a través de missatges curts. Conseqüentment, l’explotació de la informació temàtica del text curt ha atret l'interès tant de la recerca com de la indústria. Els models temàtics (o topic models) són un tipus de models de probabilitat que tradicionalment s’han utilitzat per explotar la informació temàtica en documents de text. Els models més populars pertanyen al subgrup de models amb variables latents, els quals incorporen varies variables a nivell de corpus, document i paraula amb la finalitat de descriure el contingut temàtic a cada nivell. Tanmateix, aquests models tenen dificultats per aprendre la semàntica en documents curts degut a la manca de coocurrència en les paraules d’un mateix document, la qual cosa impedeix una correcta estimació de les variables locals. Per tal de solucionar aquesta limitació, l’agregació de missatges segons el context i l’ús d’estratègies jeràrquiques Bayesianes són essencials per millorar la qualitat dels temes apresos. En aquesta tesi, estudiem en dos fases el problema d’aprenentatge d’estructures semàntiques i predictives en documents de text: En la primera fase, Part I, investiguem l’ús de models temàtics amb variables latents per la detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter. En aquest escenari, l’ús del context per agregar tweets sorgeix de forma natural. Per això, primer estenem un algorisme de clustering per detectar esdeveniments a partir dels temes apresos en els tweets agregats. I seguidament, proposem un nou model de probabilitat que integra el model temàtic i el de clustering per tal que la informació flueixi entre ambdós components. En la segona fase, Part II i Part III, qüestionem l’ús de variables latents locals en models per a text curt sense context. Primer de tot, estudiem com avaluar la capacitat de generalització d’un model amb variables latents com el PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) a través del càlcul de la likelihood. Atès que aquest càlcul és computacionalment intractable, proposem diferents mètodes d estimació. Amb el mètode més acurat, comparem la generalització de models chordals sense variables latents amb la del models PFA, tant en text curt com estàndard. En resum, demostrem que integrant clustering i models temàtics, el rendiment de les tècniques de detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter millora degut a la interacció entre ambdós components. A més a més, desenvolupem diferents mètodes d’estimació per avaluar la capacitat generalizadora dels models PFA i validem empíricament la seva exactitud en diverses col·leccions de text. Finalment, mostrem que podem aprendre models chordals sense variables latents en text a través de Chordalysis i que aquests models poden ser una bona alternativa als models temàtics clàssics, especialment en text curt.Postprint (published version

    Statistical Analysis of Spherical Harmonics Representations of Soil Particles

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    RÉSUMÉ :Grâce aux avancées en micro-tomographie par rayons-X, il est désormais possible d’obtenir des représentations en 3D haute résolution de milliers de particules échantillonnées depuis diverses sources géologiques. La représentation plus précise des particules pourrait éventuellement permettre d’obtenir des simulations numériques plus fidèles des comportements de matériaux granulaires par la méthode des éléments discrets (DEM, Discrete Element Method en anglais). Cependant, l’accès à des descriptions fines demande aussi de développer de nouveaux outils numériques pour la caractérisation géométrique et l’analyse statistique d’ensembles de particules. Ce mémoire se concentre sur la modélisation géométrique des particules de sol par la représentation de leur surface à l’aide de la décomposition en harmoniques sphériques. Plus précisément, nous discutons de l’utilisation des représentations en harmoniques sphériques pour développer un modèle statistique permettant de générer des assemblages virtuels de particules à partir des données de plusieurs centaines de grains. La haute dimension de tels ensembles de données a longtemps été une complication majeure, mais avec les récentes avancées en apprentissage automatique dans l’analyse des mégadonnées, il y a espoir que ces nouveaux algorithmes puissent surmonter cette limitation.----------ABSTRACT : Advancements in X-ray micro-computed tomography allow one to obtain high resolution 3D representations of particles collected from multiple geological sources. The representational power enabled by this new technology could allow for more accurate numerical simulations of granular materials using the celebrated Discrete Element Method (DEM). However, access to realistic representations of particles requires the development of more advanced geometrical and statistical characterization techniques. This thesis focuses on the use of the Spherical Harmonics decomposition of soil particles to model the surface of the particles. More precisely, we discuss the application of the Spherical Harmonics decomposition of particles to develop generative models of virtual assemblies that are calibrated based on datasets made of hundreds of grains. For long, the high dimensionality of the data has been a major challenge to the developpement of such statistical models. However, with recent advances of machine learning algorithms in the context of Big Data, there is hope that these new techniques can be utilized to overcome this limitation and obtain very accurate generative models of assemblies

    Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Development for Social Robots

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    The main aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate on how to involve a community for collaborative artificial intelligence (AI) development of a social robot. The work was initiated by the author’s personal interest in developing the Sony AIBO robots that have been unavailable on the retail markets, however, user communities with special interests in these robots remained on the internet. At first, to attract people’s attention, the author developed three specific features for the robot. These consisted of teaching the robot 1) sound event recognition in order to react to environmental audio stimuli, 2) a method to detect the underlying surface under the robot, and 3) of how to recognize its own body states. As this AI development proved to be very challenging, the author decided to start a community project for artificial intelligence development. Community involvement has a long history in open-source software projects and some robotics companies tried to benefit from their userbase in product development. An active online community of Sony AIBO owners was approached to investigate factors to engage its members in the creative processes. For this purpose, 78 Sony AIBO owners were recruited online to fill a questionnaire and their data were analyzed with respect to age, gender, culture, length of ownership, user contribution, and model preference. The results revealed the motives to own these robots for many years and how these heavy users perceived their social robots after a long period in the robot acceptance phase. For example, female participants tended to have more emotional relation to their robots than male who had more technically oriented long-term engagement motivation. The user expectations were also explored by analyzing the answers to this questionnaire to discover the key needs of this user group. The results revealed that the most-wanted skills were the interaction with humans and the autonomous operation. The integration with the AI agents and Internet services was important, but the long-term memory and learning capabilities were not so relevant for the participants. The diverse preferences for robot skills led to creating a prioritized recommendation list to complement the design guidelines for social robots in the literature. In sum, the findings of this thesis showed that developing AI features for an outdated robot is possible but takes a lot of time and shared community efforts. To involve a specific community, one needs first to build up trust by working with and for the community. Also, the trust for the long-term endurance of the development project was found as a precondition for the community commitment. The discoveries of this thesis can be applied to similar types of collaborative AI developments in the future. There are significant contributions in this dissertation to robotics. First, the long-term robot usage was not studied on a years-long scale before and the most extended human-robot interactions analyzed test subjects for only a few months. A questionnaire investigated the robot owners with 1-10+ years-long ownership in this work and their attitude towards robot acceptance. The survey results helped to understand the viable strategies to engage users for a long time. Second, innovative ways were explored to involve online communities in robotics development. The past approaches introduced the community ideas and opinions into product design and innovation iterations. The community in this dissertation tested the developed AI engine, provided inputs for further development directions, created content for the actual AI and gave their feedback about product quality. These contributions advance the social robotics field