180 research outputs found

    Integrating Multiple Uncertain Views of a Static Scene Acquired by an Agile Camera System

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    This paper addresses the problem of merging multiple views of a static scene into a common coordinate frame, explicitly considering uncertainty. It assumes that a static world is observed by an agile vision system, whose movements are known with a limited precision, and whose observations are inaccurate and incomplete. It concentrates on acquiring uncertain three-dimensional information from multiple views, rather than on modeling or representing the information at higher levels of abstraction. Two particular problems receive attention: identifying the transformation between two viewing positions; and understanding how errors and uncertainties propagate as a result of applying the transformation. The first is solved by identifying the forward kinematics of the agile camera system. The second is solved by first treating a measurement of camera position and orientation as a uniformly distributed random vector whose component variances are related to the resolution of the encoding potentiometers, then treating an object position measurement as a normally distributed random vector whose component variances are experimentally derived, and finally determining the uncertainty of the merged points as functions of these variances

    Views about Euthanasia and Dementia: Exploring Perceptions Utilising Evidence from the Mass Observation Archive

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    This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion in the United Kingdom regarding euthanasia and assisted dying, using data specifically related to individuals with dementia. A qualitative approach was taken with data captured via a set of written questions in the form of a Mass Observation Archive Directive. The respondents, known as Observers, provided written responses; there was no limit to the length of the responses and the Observers were able to provide as much or as little detail as they chose. The data were analysed thematically utilising NVivo software. One-hundred and seven responses were received, representing a range of beliefs, and with opinions regarding euthanasia and dementia with pro, anti, and uncertain views being expressed. Five main themes emerged during our data analysis: capacity, legislation, agency and personal philosophies, disquietude, and incumbrance. Consistent with previous research capturing public views regarding euthanasia and assisted dying for people with dementia, the findings suggest policy makers may wish to consult the British public regarding legislation regarding euthanasia and dementia

    Ants and Fairies: The Debate with Darwinism in A. S. Byatt’s Morpho Eugenia

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Top-k Query Processing in Probabilistic Databases with Non-materialized Views

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    The inaccuracy of newspaper reports of U.S. foreign exchange intervention

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    A comparison of official data on U.S. foreign exchange intervention with newspaper reports, finding that the series are systematically different and implying either that intervention may not be able to signal monetary policy accurately or that not all market participants have equally accurate information about exchange market intervention.Foreign exchange - Law and legislation

    Development stakeholders and territorial identity in Portugal

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    The need to reaffirm the diversity of places and regions in order to make them economically and culturally “more competitive” on the globalised market of goods and services has been widely accepted in regional and local development policies in Portugal, but much more so rhetorically than in operational terms. This largely reflects the fact that policies, as well as their instruments, do not rely on empirical evidence of the changing character of territorial identity. In particular, there are virtually no records regarding representations of territorial identity features and issues by local/regional development stakeholders, both individual and institutional ones. The problem is that appropriate conceptualisations and analytical tools for comprehensive identification and assessing of various dimensions local/regional identity have been lacking. Since it has not been clear what the identity of places and regions means in factual and verifiable terms to different development stakeholders, it is has not been possible to determine what aspects of the identity need to be strengthened, preserved, diversified, or made “more competitive” in regional and local development policy design and implementation. This paper brings forward a methodological framework for the study of the changing character of local identities and the role of local development stakeholders in this change. The region-specific evidence obtained from a nation-wide field survey of Portuguese local development agents’ knowledge, attitudes and practice in relation to the territorial identity as a regional development issue is presented and discussed.

    Learning Tuple Probabilities

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    Learning the parameters of complex probabilistic-relational models from labeled training data is a standard technique in machine learning, which has been intensively studied in the subfield of Statistical Relational Learning (SRL), but---so far---this is still an under-investigated topic in the context of Probabilistic Databases (PDBs). In this paper, we focus on learning the probability values of base tuples in a PDB from labeled lineage formulas. The resulting learning problem can be viewed as the inverse problem to confidence computations in PDBs: given a set of labeled query answers, learn the probability values of the base tuples, such that the marginal probabilities of the query answers again yield in the assigned probability labels. We analyze the learning problem from a theoretical perspective, cast it into an optimization problem, and provide an algorithm based on stochastic gradient descent. Finally, we conclude by an experimental evaluation on three real-world and one synthetic dataset, thus comparing our approach to various techniques from SRL, reasoning in information extraction, and optimization

    Study on Gender Differences in Language Under the Sociolinguistics

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    Human beings not only created language, but also become the users; therefore, the study on linguistics should not only be made from the perspective of symbol, but more should be people-oriented. But the most significant difference between human beings is the gender difference, so people of different genders from either physiology or psychology in the use of language will have their own gender characteristics, which leads to the gender differences in language. By analyzing and studying on the connotation of gender differences in language and the social sources of it, we can conclude the significance of gender differences in language

    Forecast quality and simple instrument rules: a real-time data approach

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    We start from the assertion that a useful monetary policy design should be founded on more realistic assumptions about what policymakers can know at the time when policy decisions have to be made. Since the Taylor rule – if used as an operational device - implies a forward looking behaviour, we analyze the reliability of the input information. We investigate the forecasting performance of OECD projections for GDP growth rates and inflation. We diagnose a much better forecasting record for inflation rates compared to GDP growth rates, which for most countries are almost uninformative at the time a Taylor rule should sensibly be applied. Using this data set, we find significant differences between Taylor rules estimated over revised data compared to real-time data. There is evidence that monetary policy seems to react more actively in real time than rules estimated over revised data suggest. Given the evidence of systematic errors in OECD forecasts, in a next step we attempt to correct for these forecast biases and check to which extent this can lower the errors in interest rate policy setting. An ex-ante simulation for the years 1991 to 2001 supports the proposal that correcting for forecast errors and biases based on an error model can lower the resulting policy error in interest rate setting for most countries under consideration. In addition we investigate to what extent structural changes in the policy reaction behaviour can be handled with moving instead of expanding samples. Our results point out that the information set available needs a careful examination when applied to instrument rules like those of the Taylor type. Limited forecast quality and significant data revisions recommend a more sophisticated handling of the dated information, for which we present an operational procedure that has the potential of reducing the risk of severe policy errors. --Monetary policy rules,economic forecasting,OECD,real-time data