2 research outputs found

    Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEGs by Using Random Tree Forest, Naïve Bayes and KNN Classification

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    Epilepsy is a disease that attacks the nerves. To detect epilepsy, it is necessary to analyze the results of an EEG test. In this study, we compared the naive bayes, random tree forest and K-nearest neighbour (KNN) classification algorithms to detect epilepsy. The raw EEG data were pre-processed before doing feature extraction. Then, we have done the training in three algorithms: KNN Classification, naïve bayes classification and random tree forest. The last step was validation of the trained machine learning. Comparing those three classifiers, we calculated accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and precision. The best trained classifier is KNN classifier (accuracy: 92.7%), rather than random tree forest (accuracy: 86.6%) and naïve bayes classifier (accuracy: 55.6%). Seen from precision performance, KNN Classification also gives the best precision (82.5%) rather than Naïve Bayes classification (25.3%) and random tree forest (68.2%). But, for the sensitivity, Naïve Bayes classification is the best with 80.3% sensitivity, compare to KNN 73.2% and random tree forest (42.2%). For specificity, KNN classification gives 96.7% specificity, then random tree forest 95.9% and Naïve bayes 50.4%. The training time of naïve bayes was 0.166030 sec, while training time of random tree forest was 2.4094sec and KNN was the slower in training that was 4.789 sec. Therefore, KNN Classification gives better performance than naïve bayes and random tree forest classification

    Epileptic Seizure Detection Based on EEG Signals and CNN

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects approximately fifty million people according to the World Health Organization. While electroencephalography (EEG) plays important roles in monitoring the brain activity of patients with epilepsy and diagnosing epilepsy, an expert is needed to analyze all EEG recordings to detect epileptic activity. This method is obviously time-consuming and tedious, and a timely and accurate diagnosis of epilepsy is essential to initiate antiepileptic drug therapy and subsequently reduce the risk of future seizures and seizure-related complications. In this study, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on raw EEG signals instead of manual feature extraction was used to distinguish ictal, preictal, and interictal segments for epileptic seizure detection. We compared the performances of time and frequency domain signals in the detection of epileptic signals based on the intracranial Freiburg and scalp CHB-MIT databases to explore the potential of these parameters. Three types of experiments involving two binary classification problems (interictal vs. preictal and interictal vs. ictal) and one three-class problem (interictal vs. preictal vs. ictal) were conducted to explore the feasibility of this method. Using frequency domain signals in the Freiburg database, average accuracies of 96.7, 95.4, and 92.3% were obtained for the three experiments, while the average accuracies for detection in the CHB-MIT database were 95.6, 97.5, and 93% in the three experiments. Using time domain signals in the Freiburg database, the average accuracies were 91.1, 83.8, and 85.1% in the three experiments, while the signal detection accuracies in the CHB-MIT database were only 59.5, 62.3, and 47.9% in the three experiments. Based on these results, the three cases are effectively detected using frequency domain signals. However, the effective identification of the three cases using time domain signals as input samples is achieved for only some patients. Overall, the classification accuracies of frequency domain signals are significantly increased compared to time domain signals. In addition, frequency domain signals have greater potential than time domain signals for CNN applications