69 research outputs found

    Impact of TFET unidirectionality and ambipolarity on the performance of 6T SRAM cells

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    We use mixed device-circuit simulations to predict the performance of 6T static RAM (SRAM) cells implemented with tunnel-FETs (TFETs). Idealized template devices are used to assess the impact of device unidirectionality, which is inherent to TFETs and identify the most promising configuration for the access transistors. The same template devices are used to investigate the $ extV- m DD range, where TFETs may be advantageous compared to conventional CMOS. The impact of device ambipolarity on SRAM operation is also analyzed. Realistic device templates extracted from experimental data of fabricated state-of-the-art silicon pTFET are then used to estimate the performance gap between the simulation of idealized TFETs and the best experimental implementations

    Strained Silicon Complementary TFET SRAM: Experimental Demonstration and Simulations

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    A half SRAM cell with strained Si nanowire complementary tunnel-FETs (TFETs) was fabricated and characterized to explore the feasibility and functionality of 6T-SRAM based on TFETs. Outward-faced n-TFETs are used as access-transistors. Static measurements were performed to determine the SRAM butterfly curves, allowing the assessment of cell functionality and stability. The forward p-i-n leakage of the access-transistor at certain bias configurations leads to malfunctioning storage operation, even without the contribution of the ambipolar behavior. At large VDD, lowering of the bit-line bias is needed to mitigate such effect, demonstrating functional hold, read and write operations. Circuit simulations were carried out using a Verilog-A compact model calibrated on the experimental TFETs, providing a better understanding of the TFET SRAM operation at different supply voltages and for different cell sizing and giving an estimate of the dynamic performance of the cell

    Sub-10nm Transistors for Low Power Computing: Tunnel FETs and Negative Capacitance FETs

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    One of the major roadblocks in the continued scaling of standard CMOS technology is its alarmingly high leakage power consumption. Although circuit and system level methods can be employed to reduce power, the fundamental limit in the overall energy efficiency of a system is still rooted in the MOSFET operating principle: an injection of thermally distributed carriers, which does not allow subthreshold swing (SS) lower than 60mV/dec at room temperature. Recently, a new class of steep-slope devices like Tunnel FETs (TFETs) and Negative-Capacitance FETs (NCFETs) have garnered intense interest due to their ability to surpass the 60mV/dec limit on SS at room temperature. The focus of this research is on the simulation and design of TFETs and NCFETs for ultra-low power logic and memory applications. Using full band quantum mechanical model within the Non-Equilibrium Greens Function (NEGF) formalism, source-underlapping has been proposed as an effective technique to lower the SS in GaSb-InAs TFETs. Band-tail states, associated with heavy source doping, are shown to significantly degrade the SS in TFETs from their ideal value. To solve this problem, undoped source GaSb-InAs TFET in an i-i-n configuration is proposed. A detailed circuit-to-system level evaluation is performed to investigate the circuit level metrics of the proposed devices. To demonstrate their potential in a memory application, a 4T gain cell (GC) is proposed, which utilizes the low-leakage and enhanced drain capacitance of TFETs to realize a robust and long retention time GC embedded-DRAMs. The device/circuit/system level evaluation of proposed TFETs demonstrates their potential for low power digital applications. The second part of the thesis focuses on the design space exploration of hysteresis-free Negative Capacitance FETs (NCFETs). A cross-architecture analysis using HfZrOx ferroelectric (FE-HZO) integrated on bulk MOSFET, fully-depleted SOI-FETs, and sub-10nm FinFETs shows that FDSOI and FinFET configurations greatly benefit the NCFET performance due to their undoped body and improved gate-control which enables better capacitance matching with the ferroelectric. A low voltage NC-FinFET operating down to 0.25V is predicted using ultra-thin 3nm FE-HZO. Next, we propose one-transistor ferroelectric NOR type (Fe-NOR) non-volatile memory based on HfZrOx ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs). The enhanced drain-channel coupling in ultrashort channel FeFETs is utilized to dynamically modulate memory window of storage cells thereby resulting in simple erase-, program-and read-operations. The simulation analysis predicts sub-1V program/erase voltages in the proposed Fe-NOR memory array and therefore presents a significantly lower power alternative to conventional FeRAM and NOR flash memories

    Digital and analog TFET circuits: Design and benchmark

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    In this work, we investigate by means of simulations the performance of basic digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits employing tunnel-FETs (TFETs). The analysis reviews and complements our previous papers on these topics. By considering the same devices for all the analysis, we are able to draw consistent conclusions for a wide variety of circuits. A virtual complementary TFET technology consisting of III-V heterojunction nanowires is considered. Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) models are calibrated against the results of advanced full-quantum simulation tools and then used to generate look-up-tables suited for circuit simulations. The virtual complementary TFET technology is benchmarked against predictive technology models (PTM) of complementary silicon FinFETs for the 10 nm node over a wide range of supply voltages (VDD) in the sub-threshold voltage domain considering the same footprint between the vertical TFETs and the lateral FinFETs and the same static power. In spite of the asymmetry between p- and n-type transistors, the results show clear advantages of TFET technology over FinFET for VDDlower than 0.4 V. Moreover, we highlight how differences in the I-V characteristics of FinFETs and TFETs suggest to adapt the circuit topologies used to implement basic digital and analog blocks with respect to the most common CMOS solutions

    Digital and analog TFET circuits: Design and benchmark

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    In this work, we investigate by means of simulations the performance of basic digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits employing tunnel-FETs (TFETs). The analysis reviews and complements our previous papers on these topics. By considering the same devices for all the analysis, we are able to draw consistent conclusions for a wide variety of circuits. A virtual complementary TFET technology consisting of III-V heterojunction nanowires is considered. Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) models are calibrated against the results of advanced full-quantum simulation tools and then used to generate look-up-tables suited for circuit simulations. The virtual complementary TFET technology is benchmarked against predictive technology models (PTM) of complementary silicon FinFETs for the 10 nm node over a wide range of supply voltages (VDD) in the sub-threshold voltage domain considering the same footprint between the vertical TFETs and the lateral FinFETs and the same static power. In spite of the asymmetry between p- and n-type transistors, the results show clear advantages of TFET technology over FinFET for VDDlower than 0.4 V. Moreover, we highlight how differences in the I-V characteristics of FinFETs and TFETs suggest to adapt the circuit topologies used to implement basic digital and analog blocks with respect to the most common CMOS solutions

    Compact DC Modeling of Tunnel-FETs

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    En l'última dècada, el transistor d'efecte de camp amb efecte túnel (TFET) ha guanyat molt interès i es maneja com un possible successor de la tecnologia MOSFET convencional. El transport de càrrega en un TFET es basa en el mecanisme de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) i, per tant, el pendent sub-llindar a temperatura ambient pot superar el límit de 60 mV / dec. Per descriure i analitzar el comportament del TFET en les simulacions de circuits, aquesta dissertació introdueix un model compacte de CC per TFET de doble comporta. L'enfocament de modelatge considera l'efecte túnel B2B amb l'efecte parasitari del corrent túnel assistida per trampes (TAT) en l'estat ON i ambipolar del TFET. Inclou un paquet d'equacions compactes per al potencial 2D per descriure el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basat en el diagrama de banda, el B2B i el corrent TAT es deriven per separat. Per fer-ho, primer es troba una expressió compacta per la llargada túnel, que després s'utilitza juntament amb un enfocament numèric robust de tipus Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) per calcular la probabilitat túnel. Després, usant l'equació de túnel de Landauer, la taxa de generació túnel es calcula i s'aproxima per arribar a una expressió de forma tancada per a la densitat de corrent. Amb una aproximació addicional de la densitat de corrent utilitzant una funció matemàtica, s'aconsegueixen expressions compactes per al túnel B2B resultant i el corrent TAT. La verificació del model es realitza amb l'ajuda de les dades de simulació TCAD Sentaurus per diverses configuracions de simulació. A més, la validesa del model es demostra mitjançant mesuraments de TFET complementaris fabricats. Per demostrar l'estabilitat numèrica i la continuïtat, així com la flexibilitat, es realitzen i analitzen simulacions de circuits lògics basats en TFET com un inversor d'una sola etapa o una cel·la SRAM. La combinació del model CC amb un model TFET AC permet una simulació transitòria d'un oscil·lador en anell de 11 etapes.En la última década, el transistor de efecto de campo con efecto túnel (TFET) ha ganado mucho interés y se maneja como un posible sucesor de la tecnología MOSFET convencional. El transporte de carga en un TFET se basa en el mecanismo de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) y, por lo tanto, la pendiente sub-umbral a temperatura ambiente puede superar el límite de 60 mV / dec. Para describir y analizar el comportamiento del TFET en las simulaciones de circuitos, esta disertación introduce un modelo compacto de CC para TFET de doble compuerta. El enfoque de modelado considera el efecto túnel B2B con el efecto parasitario de la corriente túnel asistida por trampas (TAT) en el estado ON y AMBIPOLAR del TFET. Incluye un paquete de ecuaciones compactas del potencial 2D para describir el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basado en el diagrama de banda, el B2B y la corriente TAT se derivan por separado. Para hacerlo, primero se encuentra una expresión compacta para la longitud túnel, que luego se utiliza junto con un enfoque numérico robusto de tipo Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) para calcular la probabilidad túnel. Luego, usando la ecuación de túnel de Landauer, la tasa de generación túnel se calcula y aproxima para llegar a una expresión de forma cerrada para la densidad de corriente. Con una aproximación adicional de la densidad de corriente por una función matemática, se logran expresiones compactas para el túnel B2B resultante y la corriente TAT. La verificación del modelo se realiza con la ayuda de los datos de simulación TCAD Sentaurus para varias configuraciones de simulación. Además, la validez del modelo se demuestra mediante mediciones de TFET complementarios fabricados. Para demostrar la estabilidad numérica y la continuidad, así como la flexibilidad, se realizan y analizan simulaciones de circuitos lógicos basados en TFET como un inversor de una sola etapa o una celda SRAM. La combinación del modelo CC con un modelo TFET AC permite una simulación transitoria de un oscilador en anillo de 11 etapas.In the last decade, the tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) has gained a lot of interest and is handled as a possible successor of the conventional MOSFET technology. The current transport of a TFET is based on the band-to-band (B2B) tunneling mechanism and therefore, the subthreshold slope at room temperature can overcome the limit of 60 mV/dec. In order to describe and analyze the TFET behavior in circuit simulations, this dissertation introduces a compact DC model for double-gate TFETs. The modeling approach considers the B2B tunneling and the parasitic effect of trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) in the ON- and AMBIPOLAR-state of the TFET. It includes a 2D compact potential equation package to de-scribe the band diagram of the TFET. Based on the band diagram, the B2B tunneling and TAT current part are derived separately. In order to do so, firstly a compact expression for the tunneling length is found, which is then used together with a numerical robust Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approach to calculate the tunneling probability. Afterwards, using Landauer’s tunneling equation, the tunneling generation rate is calculated and approximated to come to a closed-form expression for the current density. Further approximation of the current density by a mathematical function, compact expressions for the resulting B2B tun-neling and TAT current are achieved. The verification of the model is done with the help of TCAD Sentaurus simulation data for various simulation setups. Furthermore, the validity of the model is proven by measurements of fabricated complementary TFETs. In order to demonstrate the numerical stability and continuity as well as the flexibility, simulations of TFET-based logic circuits like a single-stage inverter or an SRAM cell are performed and analyzed. The combination of the DC model with an TFET AC model allows for a transient simulation of an 11-stage ring oscillator

    Compact DC Modeling of Tunnel-FETs

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    En l'última dècada, el transistor d'efecte de camp amb efecte túnel (TFET) ha guanyat molt interès i es maneja com un possible successor de la tecnologia MOSFET convencional. El transport de càrrega en un TFET es basa en el mecanisme de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) i, per tant, el pendent sub-llindar a temperatura ambient pot superar el límit de 60 mV / dec. Per descriure i analitzar el comportament del TFET en les simulacions de circuits, aquesta dissertació introdueix un model compacte de CC per TFET de doble comporta. L'enfocament de modelatge considera l'efecte túnel B2B amb l'efecte parasitari del corrent túnel assistida per trampes (TAT) en l'estat ON i ambipolar del TFET. Inclou un paquet d'equacions compactes per al potencial 2D per descriure el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basat en el diagrama de banda, el B2B i el corrent TAT es deriven per separat. Per fer-ho, primer es troba una expressió compacta per la llargada túnel, que després s'utilitza juntament amb un enfocament numèric robust de tipus Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) per calcular la probabilitat túnel. Després, usant l'equació de túnel de Landauer, la taxa de generació túnel es calcula i s'aproxima per arribar a una expressió de forma tancada per a la densitat de corrent. Amb una aproximació addicional de la densitat de corrent utilitzant una funció matemàtica, s'aconsegueixen expressions compactes per al túnel B2B resultant i el corrent TAT. La verificació del model es realitza amb l'ajuda de les dades de simulació TCAD Sentaurus per diverses configuracions de simulació. A més, la validesa del model es demostra mitjançant mesuraments de TFET complementaris fabricats. Per demostrar l'estabilitat numèrica i la continuïtat, així com la flexibilitat, es realitzen i analitzen simulacions de circuits lògics basats en TFET com un inversor d'una sola etapa o una cel·la SRAM. La combinació del model CC amb un model TFET AC permet una simulació transitòria d'un oscil·lador en anell de 11 etapes.En la última década, el transistor de efecto de campo con efecto túnel (TFET) ha ganado mucho interés y se maneja como un posible sucesor de la tecnología MOSFET convencional. El transporte de carga en un TFET se basa en el mecanismo de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) y, por lo tanto, la pendiente sub-umbral a temperatura ambiente puede superar el límite de 60 mV / dec. Para describir y analizar el comportamiento del TFET en las simulaciones de circuitos, esta disertación introduce un modelo compacto de CC para TFET de doble compuerta. El enfoque de modelado considera el efecto túnel B2B con el efecto parasitario de la corriente túnel asistida por trampas (TAT) en el estado ON y AMBIPOLAR del TFET. Incluye un paquete de ecuaciones compactas del potencial 2D para describir el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basado en el diagrama de banda, el B2B y la corriente TAT se derivan por separado. Para hacerlo, primero se encuentra una expresión compacta para la longitud túnel, que luego se utiliza junto con un enfoque numérico robusto de tipo Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) para calcular la probabilidad túnel. Luego, usando la ecuación de túnel de Landauer, la tasa de generación túnel se calcula y aproxima para llegar a una expresión de forma cerrada para la densidad de corriente. Con una aproximación adicional de la densidad de corriente por una función matemática, se logran expresiones compactas para el túnel B2B resultante y la corriente TAT. La verificación del modelo se realiza con la ayuda de los datos de simulación TCAD Sentaurus para varias configuraciones de simulación. Además, la validez del modelo se demuestra mediante mediciones de TFET complementarios fabricados. Para demostrar la estabilidad numérica y la continuidad, así como la flexibilidad, se realizan y analizan simulaciones de circuitos lógicos basados en TFET como un inversor de una sola etapa o una celda SRAM. La combinación del modelo CC con un modelo TFET AC permite una simulación transitoria de un oscilador en anillo de 11 etapas.In the last decade, the tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) has gained a lot of interest and is handled as a possible successor of the conventional MOSFET technology. The current transport of a TFET is based on the band-to-band (B2B) tunneling mechanism and therefore, the subthreshold slope at room temperature can overcome the limit of 60 mV/dec. In order to describe and analyze the TFET behavior in circuit simulations, this dissertation introduces a compact DC model for double-gate TFETs. The modeling approach considers the B2B tunneling and the parasitic effect of trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) in the ON- and AMBIPOLAR-state of the TFET. It includes a 2D compact potential equation package to de-scribe the band diagram of the TFET. Based on the band diagram, the B2B tunneling and TAT current part are derived separately. In order to do so, firstly a compact expression for the tunneling length is found, which is then used together with a numerical robust Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approach to calculate the tunneling probability. Afterwards, using Landauer’s tunneling equation, the tunneling generation rate is calculated and approximated to come to a closed-form expression for the current density. Further approximation of the current density by a mathematical function, compact expressions for the resulting B2B tun-neling and TAT current are achieved. The verification of the model is done with the help of TCAD Sentaurus simulation data for various simulation setups. Furthermore, the validity of the model is proven by measurements of fabricated complementary TFETs. In order to demonstrate the numerical stability and continuity as well as the flexibility, simulations of TFET-based logic circuits like a single-stage inverter or an SRAM cell are performed and analyzed. The combination of the DC model with an TFET AC model allows for a transient simulation of an 11-stage ring oscillator

    Assessment of InAs/AlGaSb Tunnel-FET Virtual Technology Platform for Low-Power Digital Circuits

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    In this work, a complementary InAs/Al0.05Ga0.95Sb tunnel field-effect-Transistor (TFET) virtual technology platform is benchmarked against the projection to the CMOS FinFET 10-nm node, by means of device and basic circuit simulations. The comparison is performed in the ultralow voltage regime (below 500 mV), where the proposed III-V TFETs feature ON-current levels comparable to scaled FinFETs, for the same low-operating-power OFF-current. Due to the asymmetrical n-and p-Type I-V exts , trends of noise margins and performances are investigated for different Wp/Wn ratios. Implications of the device threshold voltage variability, which turned out to be dramatic for steep slope TFETs, are also addressed

    Dielectric-Modulated TFETs as Label-Free Biosensors

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    This chapter presents tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs) as dielectric-modulated (DM) label-free biosensors, and discusses various aspects related to them. A brief survey of the dielectric-modulated TFET biosensors is presented. The concept of dielectric modulation in TFETs is discussed with focus on principle and design perspectives. A Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) based approach to incorporate embedded nanogaps in TFET geometries along with appropriate physics-based simulation models are mentioned. Non-ideal conditions in dielectric-modulated biosensors are brought to light, keeping in view the practical considerations of the devices. A gate engineered TFET is taken up for analysis of sensitivities under different conditions through TCAD simulations. Finally, a status map of the sensitivities of the most significant works in dielectric-modulated label-free biosensors is depicted, and the status of the proposed TFET is highlighted

    Dispositifs innovants à pente sous le seuil abrupte (du TEFT au Z -FET)

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    Tunnel à effet de champ (TFET) et un nouveau composant MOS à rétroaction que nous avons nommé le Z2-FET.Le Z2-FET est envisagé pour la logique faible consommation et pour les applications mémoire compatibles avecles technologies CMOS avancées. Nous avons étudié de manière systématique des TFETs avec différents oxydesde grille, matériaux et structures de canal, fabriqués sur silicium sur isolant totalement déserté (FDSOI). Lesmesures de bruit à basse fréquence (LFN) sur TFETs montrent la prédominance d'un signal aléatoiretélégraphique (RTS), qui révèle sans ambiguïté le mécanisme d effet tunnel. Un modèle analytique combinantl effet tunnel et le transport dans le canal a été développé, montrant un bon accord entre les résultatsexpérimentaux et les simulations.Nous avons conçu et démontré un nouveau dispositif (Z2-FET, pour pente sous le seuil verticale et zéroionisation par impact), qui présente une commutation extrêmement abrupte (moins de 1 mV par décade decourant), avec un rapport ION / IOFF >109, un large effet de hystérésis et un potentiel de miniaturisation jusqu'à 20nm. La simulation TCAD a été utilisée pour confirmer que la commutation électrique du Z2-FET fonctionne parl'intermédiaire de rétroaction entre les flux des électrons et trous et leurs barrières d'injection respectives. LeZ2-FET est idéalement adapté pour des applications mémoire à un transistor. La mémoire DRAM basée sur leZ2-FET montre des performances très bonnes, avec des tensions d'alimentation jusqu'à 1,1 V, des temps derétention jusqu'à 5,5 s et des vitesses d'accès atteignant 1 ns. Une mémoire SRAM utilisant un seul Z -FET estégalement démontrée sans nécessité de rafraichissement de l information stockée.Notre travail sur le courant GIDL intervenant dans les MOSFETs de type FDSOI a été combiné avec leTFET afin de proposer une nouvelle structure de TFETs optimisés, basée sur l'amplification bipolaire du couranttunnel. Les simulations de nouveau dispostif à injection tunnel amélioré par effet bipolaire (BET-FET) montrentdes résultats prometteurs, avec des ION supérierus à 4mA/ m et des pentes sous le seuil SS inférieures à 60mV/dec sur plus de sept décades de courant, surpassant tous les TFETs silicium rapportés à ce jour.La thèse se conclut par les directions de recherche futures dans le domaine des dispositifs à pente sous leseuil abrupte.This thesis is dedicated to studying sharp switching devices, including the tunneling field-effect-transistor(TFET) and a new feedback device we have named the Z2-FET, for low power logic and memory applicationscompatible with modern silicon technology. We have extensively investigated TFETs with various gate oxides,channel materials and structures, fabricated on fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) substrates.Low-frequency noise (LFN) measurements were performed on TFETs, showing the dominance of randomtelegraphy signal (RTS) noise, which reveals the tunneling mechanism. An analytical TFET model combiningtunneling and channel transport has been developed, showing agreement with the experimental and simulationresults.We also conceived and demonstrated a new device named the Z2-FET (for zero subthreshold swing andzero impact ionization), which exhibits extremely sharp switching with subthreshold swing SS 4.10-3 A/ mand SS < 60 mV/dec over 7 decades of current, outperforming all silicon-compatible TFETs reported to date.The thesis concludes with future research directions in the sharp-switching device arena.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF