47 research outputs found

    Ultra-wideband time of flight based localization system and odometry fusion for a scanning 3 DoF magnetic field autonomous robot

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    Solving the robot localization problem is one of the most necessary requirements for autonomous robots. Several methodologies can be used to determine its location as accurately as possible. What makes this difficult is the existence of uncertainty in the sensing of the robot. The uncertain information needs to be combined in an optimal way. This paper stresses a Kalman filter to combine information from the odometry and Ultra Wide Band Time of Flight distance modules, which lacks the orientation. The proposed system validated in a real developed platform performs the fusion task which outputs position and orientation of the robot. It is used to localize the robot and make a 3 DoF scanning of magnetic field in a room. Other examples can be pointed out with the same localization techniques in service and industrial autonomous robots.Project “TEC4Growth - Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020” is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational. Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work is also financed by the ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the FCT Funda¸cao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of a mobile robot to spatial mapping of radioactive substances in indoor environment

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    Nuclear medicine requires the use of radioactive substances that can contaminate critical areas (dangerous or hazardous) where the presence of a human must be reduced or avoided. The present work uses a mobile robot in real environment and 3D simulation to develop a method to realize spatial mapping of radioactive substances. The robot should visit all the waypoints arranged in a grid of connectivity that represents the environment. The work presents the methodology to perform the path planning, control and estimation of the robot location. For path planning two methods are approached, one a heuristic method based on observation of problem and another one was carried out an adaptation in the operations of the genetic algorithm. The control of the actuators was based on two methodologies, being the first to follow points and the second to follow trajectories. To locate the real mobile robot, the extended Kalman filter was used to fuse an ultra-wide band sensor with odometry, thus estimating the position and orientation of the mobile agent. The validation of the obtained results occurred using a low cost system with a laser range finder.A medicina nuclear requer o uso de substâncias radioativas que pode vir a contaminar áreas críticas, onde a presença de um ser humano deve ser reduzida ou evitada. O presente trabalho utiliza um robô móvel em ambiente real e em simulação 3D para desenvolver um método para o mapeamento espacial de substâncias radioativas. O robô deve visitar todos os waypoinst dispostos em uma grelha de conectividade que representa o ambiente. O trabalho apresenta a metodologia para realizar o planejamento de rota, controle e estimação da localização do robô. Para o planejamento de rota são abordados dois métodos, um baseado na heurística ao observar o problema e ou outro foi realizado uma adaptação nas operações do algoritmo genético. O controle dos atuadores foi baseado em duas metodologias, sendo a primeira para seguir de pontos e a segunda seguir trajetórias. Para localizar o robô móvel real foi utilizado o filtro de Kalman extendido para a fusão entre um sensor ultra-wide band e odometria, estimando assim a posição e orientação do agente móvel. A validação dos resultados obtidos ocorreu utilizando um sistema de baixo custo com um laser range finder

    Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Localization using UWB and ArUco Markers

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    Uma das principais características para considerar um robô autónomo é o facto de este ser capaz de se localizar, em tempo real, no seu ambiente, ou seja saber a sua posição e orientação. Esta é uma área desafiante que tem sido estudada por diversos investigadores em todo o mundo. Para obter a localização de um robô é possível recorrer a diferentes metodologias. No entanto há metodologias que apresentam problemas em diferentes circunstâncias, como é o caso da odometria que sofre de acumulação de erros com a distância percorrida pelo robô. Outro problema existente em diversas metodologias é a incerteza na deteção do robô devido a ruído presente nos sensores. Com o intuito de obter uma localização mais robusta do robô e mais tolerante a falhas é possível combinar diversos sistemas de localização, combinando assim as vantagens de cada um deles. Neste trabalho, será utilizado o sistema Pozyx, uma solução de baixo custo que fornece informação de posicionamento com o auxílio da tecnologia Ultra-WideBand Time-of-Flight (UWB ToF). Também serão utilizados marcadores ArUco colocados no ambiente que através da sua identificação por uma câmara é também possível obter informação de posicionamento. Estas duas soluções irão ser estudadas e implementadas num robô móvel, através de um esquema de localização baseada em marcadores. Primeiramente, irá ser feita uma caracterização do erro de ambos os sistemas, uma vez que as medidas não são perfeitas, havendo sempre algum ruído nas medições. De seguida, as medidas fornecidas pelos sistemas irão ser filtradas e fundidas com os valores da odometria do robô através da implementação de um Filtro de Kalman Extendido (EKF). Assim, é possível obter a pose do robô (posição e orientação), pose esta que é comparada com a pose fornecida por um sistema de Ground-Truth igualmente desenvolvido para este trabalho com o auxílio da libraria ArUco, percebendo assim a precisão do algoritmo desenvolvido. O trabalho desenvolvido mostrou que com a utilização do sistema Pozyx e dos marcadores ArUco é possível melhorar a localização do robô, o que significa que é uma solução adequada e eficaz para este fim.One of the main characteristics to consider a robot truly autonomous is the fact that it is able to locate itself, in real time, in its environment, that is, to know its position and orientation. This is a challenging area that has been studied by several researchers around the world. To obtain the localization of a robot it is possible to use different methodologies. However, there are methodologies that present problems in different circumstances, as is the case of odometry that suffers from error accumulation with the distance traveled by the robot. Another problem existing in several methodologies is the uncertainty in the sensing of the robot due to noise present in the sensors. In order to obtain a more robust localization of the robot and more fault tolerant it is possible to combine several localization systems, thus combining the advantages of each one. In this work, the Pozyx system will be used, a low-cost solution that provides positioning information through Ultra-WideBand Time-of-Flight (UWB ToF) technology. It will also be used ArUco markers placed in the environment that through their identification by a camera it is also possible to obtain positioning information. These two solutions will be studied and implemented in a mobile robot, through a beacon-based localization scheme. First, an error characterization of both systems will be performed, since the measurements are not perfect, and there is always some noise in the measurements. Next, the measurements provided by the systems will be filtered and fused with the robot's odometry values by the implementation of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). In this way, it is possible to obtain the robot's pose, i.e position and orientation, which is compared with the pose provided by a Ground-Truth system also developed for this work with the aid of the ArUco library, thus realizing the accuracy of the developed algorithm. The developed work showed that with the use of the Pozyx system and ArUco markers it is possible to improve the robot localization, meaning that it is an adequate and effective solution for this purpose

    Using a mobile robot for hazardous substances detection in a factory environment

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    Dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáIndustries that work with toxic materials need extensive security protocols to avoid accidents. Instead of having fixed sensors, the concept of assembling the sensors on a mobile robot that performs the scanning through a defined path is cheaper, configurable and adaptable. This work describes a mobile robot, equipped with several gas sensors and LIDAR, that follows a trajectory based on waypoints, simulating a working Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV). At the same time, the robot keeps measuring for toxic gases. In other words, the robot follows the trajectory while the gas concentration is under a defined value. Otherwise, it starts the autonomous leakage search based on a search algorithm that allows to find the leakage position avoiding obstacles in real time. The proposed methodology is verified in simulation based on a model of the real robot. Therefore, three path plannings were developed and their performance compared. A Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) device was integrated with the path planning to propose an obstacle avoidance system with a dilation technique to enlarge the obstacles, thus, considering the robot’s dimensions. Moreover, if needed, the robot can be remotely operated with visual feedback. In addition, a controller was made for the robot. Gas sensors were embedded in the robot with Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter to process the data. A low cost AGV was developed to compete in Festival Nacional de Robótica (Portuguese Robotics Open) 2019 - Gondomar, describing the robot’s control and software solution to the competition.As indústrias que trabalham com materiais tóxicos necessitam de extensos protocolos de segurança para evitar acidentes. Ao invés de ter sensores estáticos, o conceito de instalar sensores em um robô móvel que inspeciona através de um caminho definido é mais barato, configurável e adaptável. O presente trabalho descreve um robô móvel, equipado com vários sensores de gás e LIDAR, que percorre uma trajetória baseada em pontos de controle, simulando um AGV em trabalho. Em simultâneo são efetuadas medidas de gases tóxicos. Em outras palavras, o robô segue uma trajetória enquanto a concentração de gás está abaixo de um valor definido. Caso contrário, inicia uma busca autônoma de vazamento de gás com um algoritmo de busca que permite achar a posição do gás evitando os obstáculos em tempo real. A metodologia proposta é verificada em simulação. Três algoritmos de planejamento de caminho foram desenvolvidos e suas performances comparadas. Um LIDAR foi integrado com o planejamento de caminho para propôr um sistema de evitar obstáculos. Além disso, o robô pode ser operado remotamente com auxílio visual. Foi feito um controlador para o robô. Sensores de gás foram embarcados no robô com um filtro de resposta ao impulso finita para processar as informações. Um veículo guiado automático de baixo custo foi desenvolvido para competir no Festival Nacional de Robótica 2019 - Gondomar. O controle do veículo foi descrito com o programa de solução para a competição

    Indoor environment monitoring in search of gas leakage by mobile robot

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    Inspection based on mobile autonomous robots can assume an important role in many industries. Instead of having fixed sensors, the concept of assembling the sensors on a mobile robot that performs the scanning and inspection through a defined path is cheaper, configurable and adaptable. This paper describes a mobile robot, equipped with several gas sensors and a LIDAR device, that scans an established area by following a trajectory based on way-points searching for gas leakage and simultaneously avoid obstacles in the map. In other words, the robot follows the trajectory while the gas concentration is under a defined value and surrounding the obstacles. Otherwise, the autonomous robot starts the leakage search based on a search algorithm that allows to find the leakage position. The proposed methodology is verified in simulation based on a model of the real robot. The search test performed in a simulation environment allows to validate the proposed methodology.This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation- COMPETE 2020 Programme within project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 006961), and by National Funds through the FCT - Funda~ao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensors Utilisation and Data Collection of Underground Mining

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    This study reviews IMU significance and performance for underground mine drone localisation. This research has designed a Kalman filter which extracts reliable information from raw data. Kalman filter for INS combines different measurements considering estimated errors to produce a trajectory including time, position and attitude. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed method, a prototype has been designed and evaluated. Experimental results indicate that the designed Kalman filter estimates the internal states of a system

    Practical investigations in robot localization using ultra-wideband sensors

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    Robot navigation is rudimentary compared to the capabilities of humans and animals to move about their environments. One of the core processes of navigation is localization, the problem of answering where one is at the present time. Robot localization is the science of using various sensors to inform a robot of where it is within its environment. Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio is one such sensor technology that can return absolute position information. The algorithm to accomplish this is known as multilateration, which uses a collection of distance measurements between multiple robot tag and environment anchor pairs to calculate the tag’s position. UWB is especially suited to the task of returning precise distance measurements due to its capabilities of short duration, high amplitude pulse generation and detection. Decawave Ltd. has created an UWB integrated circuit to perform ranging and a suite of products to support this technology. Claimed and verified accuracies using this implementation are on the order of 10cm. This thesis describes various experiments carried out using Decawave technology for robot localization. The progression of the chapters starts with commercial product verification before moving into development and testing in various environments of an open-source driver package for the Robot Operating System (ROS), then the development of a novel phase difference of arrival (PDoA) sensor for three-dimensional robot localization without an UWB anchor mesh, before concluding with future research directions and commercialization potential of UWB. This thesis is designed as a compilation of all that the author has learned through primary and secondary research over the past three years of investigation. The primary contributions are: 1. A modular ROS UWB driver framework and series of ROS bags for offline experimentation with multilateration algorithms. 2. A robust ROS framework for comparing motion capture system (MoCap) ground truth vs sensor data for rigorous statistical analysis and characterization of multiple sensors. 3. Development of a novel UWB PDoA sensor array and data model to allow 3D localization of a target from a single point without the deployment of an antenna mesh

    Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear Probabilistic State Estimation Filters for Deployment on Dynamic Unmanned Systems

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    The work conducted in this thesis is a part of an EU Horizon 2020 research initiative project known as DigiArt. This part of the DigiArt project presents and explores the design, formulation and implementation of probabilistically orientated state estimation algorithms with focus towards unmanned system positioning and three-dimensional (3D) mapping. State estimation algorithms are considered an influential aspect of any dynamic system with autonomous capabilities. Possessing the ability to predictively estimate future conditions enables effective decision making and anticipating any possible changes in the environment. Initial experimental procedures utilised a wireless ultra-wide band (UWB) based communication network. This system functioned through statically situated beacon nodes used to localise a dynamically operating node. The simultaneous deployment of this UWB network, an unmanned system and a Robotic Total Station (RTS) with active and remote tracking features enabled the characterisation of the range measurement errors associated with the UWB network. These range error metrics were then integrated into an Range based Extended Kalman Filter (R-EKF) state estimation algorithm with active outlier identification to outperform the native approach used by the UWB system for two-dimensional (2D) pose estimation.The study was then expanded to focus on state estimation in 3D, where a Six Degreeof-Freedom EKF (6DOF-EKF) was designed using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) as its primary observation source. A two step method was proposed which extracted information between consecutive LiDAR scans. Firstly, motion estimation concerning Cartesian states x, y and the unmanned system’s heading (ψ) was achieved through a 2D feature matching process. Secondly, the extraction and alignment of ground planes from the LiDAR scan enabled motion extraction for Cartesian position z and attitude angles roll (θ) and pitch (φ). Results showed that the ground plane alignment failed when two scans were at 10.5◦ offset. Therefore, to overcome this limitation an Error State Kalman Filter (ES-KF) was formulated and deployed as a sub-system within the 6DOF-EKF. This enabled the successful tracking of roll, pitch and the calculation of z. The 6DOF-EKF was seen to outperform the R-EKF and the native UWB approach, as it was much more stable, produced less noise in its position estimations and provided 3D pose estimation

    Towards autonomous mapping in agriculture: A review of supportive technologies for ground robotics

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    This paper surveys the supportive technologies currently available for ground mobile robots used for autonomous mapping in agriculture. Unlike previous reviews, we describe state-of-the-art approaches and technologies aimed at extracting information from agricultural environments, not only for navigation purposes but especially for mapping and monitoring. The state-of-the-art platforms and sensors, the modern localization techniques, the navigation and path planning approaches, as well as the potentialities of artificial intelligence towards autonomous mapping in agriculture are analyzed. According to the findings of this review, many examples of recent mobile robots provide full navigation and autonomous mapping capability. Significant resources are currently devoted to this research area, in order to further improve mobile robot capabilities in this complex and challenging field