9 research outputs found

    Wireless Transmission of Telemetry Data to Long Distance

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    The article presents a practical experiment of the developed module which uses one of the varieties of LPWAN (Low-power Wide-area Network) technology. The system is based on UBN (Ultra NarrowBand)

    Mobile IoT Systems in the Urban Area

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    An important element of Internet of Things systems (IoT) is wireless data transmission. Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and LTE Cat M1 (LTE-M) are the new standards for such transmission intended for LTE cellular networks. Cellular network operators has recently launched such transmission. The article presents the results of measurements of NB-IoT transmission parameters in this network, inside the building and in open urban areas. The main features of the NB-IoT system and measuring equipment are briefly discussed

    Mobile IoT Systems in the Urban Area

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    An important element of Internet of Things systems (IoT) is wireless data transmission. Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and LTE Cat M1 (LTE-M) are the new standards for such transmission intended for LTE cellular networks. Cellular network operators has recently launched such transmission. The article presents the results of measurements of NB-IoT transmission parameters in this network, inside the building and in open urban areas. The main features of the NB-IoT system and measuring equipment are briefly discussed

    Ultra Narrow Band Technique for Low Power Wide Area Communications

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    International audienceUltra Narrow Band (UNB) transmission technique makes a powerful comeback in the frame of Machine-To-Machine (M2M) communications thanks to advances in signal processing. After explaining why, among others, it is one of the best candidate for Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) communications, we present its specificities and associated constraints. In particular UNB is inseparable from random access so we introduce Time/Frequency Aloha, a random access scheme adapted for UNB. Then, we propose an analytical model to evaluate its performance in terms of packet loss ratio and normalized throughput in both terrestrial and satellite context. Several axes of improvement based on advanced signal processing techniques are proposed to enhance the capacity of a system using UNB signals

    Fault-Tolerant, Scalable and Interoperable IoT Platform

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Engenharia de Software) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Nowadays the growth of Internet usage is quite visible. Everyday the number of devices connected to the Internet increases, everything may be a smart device capable of interacting with the Internet, from smartphones, smartwatches, refrigerators and much more. All of these devices are called things in the Internet of Things. Many of them are usually constrained devices due to it’s size, usually very small with low capacities such as memory and/or processing power. These kind of devices need to be very efficient in all of their actives. For example, the battery lifetime should be maximized as possible so that the necessity to change each device’s battery could be minimized. There are many technologies that allow communication between devices. Besides the technologies, protocols may be involved in the communication between each device in an IoT system. Communication Protocols define the behaviour that is followed by things when communicating with each other. For example, in some protocols acknowledgments must be used to ensure data arrival, while in others this feature is not enforced. There are many communication Protocols available in the literature. The use of communication protocols and communication models bring many benefits to IoT systems, but they may also benefit from using the cloud. One of the biggest struggles in IoT is the fact that things are very constrained devices in terms of resources (CPU and RAM). With the cloud this would no longer be an issue. Plus, the cloud is able of providing device management, scalability, storage and real time transmission. The characteristics of the communication protocols were studied and an innovative system architecture based on micro-services, Kubernetes and Kafka is proposed in this thesis. This proposal tries to address issues such as scalability, interoperability, fault tolerance, resiliency, availability and simple management of large IoT systems. Supported by Kubernetes, which is an open-source technology that allows micro-services to be extensible, configurable and automatically managed with fault tolerance and Kafka, which is a distributed event log that uses the publish-subscribe pattern, the proposed architecture is able to deal with high number of devices producing and consuming data at the same time. The proposed Fault-Tolerant and Interoperable IoT Architecture is a cluster composed of many components (micro-services) that were implemented using docker containers. The current implementation of the system supports the MQTT, CoAP and REST protocols for data incoming and the same plus websockets for data output. Since the system is based on micro-services, more protocols may be added in a simple way (just a new micro-service must be added). The system is able to convert any protocol into another protocol, e.g., if a message arrives at the system through MQTT protocol, it can be consumed using the CoAP or REST protocol. When messages are sent to the system the payload is stored in Kafka independently of the protocol, and when clients request it, it is consumed from Kafka and encapsulated by the client protocol to be sent to the client. In order to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of our proposal a set of experiments were made, which allows to collect information about the performance of the Communication Protocols, the system as a whole, Kubernetes and Kafka. From the experiments we were able to conclude that the message size is not so much important, since the system is able to deal with messages from 39 bytes to 2000 bytes. Since we are designing the system for IoT applications, we considered that messages with 2000 Bytes are big messages. Also, it was recognized that the system is able to recover from crashed nodes and to respond well in terms of average delay and packet loss when low and high throughput are compared. In this situation, there is a significant impact of the RAM usage, but the system still works without problems. In terms of scalability, the evaluation of the system through its cluster under-layer platform (Kubernetes) allowed us to understand that there is no direct relation between the time spent toconstant. However, the same conclusion is not true for the number of instances that are needed at high layer (application layer). Here, time spent to increase the number of instances of a specific application is directly proportional to the number of instances that are already running. In respect to data redundancy and persistence, the experiments showed that the average delay and packet loss of a message sent from a Producer to a Receiver is approximately the same regardless of the number of Kafka instances being used. Additionally, using a high number of partitions has a negative impact on the system’s behaviour

    Development of a Random Time-Frequency Access Protocol for M2M Communication

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    This thesis focuses on the design and development of the random time-frequency access protocol in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication systems and covers different aspects of the data collision problem in these systems. The randomisation algorithm, used to access channels in the frequency domain, represents the key factor that affects data collisions. This thesis presents a new randomisation algorithm for the channel selection process for M2M technologies. The new algorithm is based on a uniform randomisation distribution and is called the Uniform Randomisation Channel Selection Technique (URCST). This new channel selection algorithm improves system performance and provides a low probability of collision with minimum complexity, power consumption, and hardware resources. Also, URCST is a general randomisation technique which can be utilised by different M2M technologies. The analysis presented in this research confirms that using URCST improves system performance for different M2M technologies, such as Weightless-N and Sigfox, with a massive number of devices. The thesis also provides a rigorous and flexible mathematical model for the random time-frequency access protocol which can precisely describe the performance of different M2M technologies. This model covers various scenarios with multiple groups of devices that employ different transmission characteristics like the number of connected devices, the number of message copies, the number of channels, the payload size, and transmission time. In addition, new and robust simulation testbeds have been built and developed in this research to evaluate the performance of different M2M technologies that utilise the random time-frequency access protocol. These testbeds cover the channel histogram, the probability of collisions, and the mathematical model. The testbeds were designed to support the multiple message copies approach with various groups of devices that are connected to the same base station and employ different transmission characteristics. Utilising the newly developed channel selection algorithm, mathematical model, and testbeds, the research offers a detailed and thorough analysis of the performance of Weightless-N and Sigfox in terms of the message lost ratio (MLR) and power consumption. The analysis shows some useful insights into the performance of M2M systems. For instance, while using multiple message copies improves the system performance, it might degrade the reliability of the system as the number of devices increases beyond a specific limit. Therefore, increasing the number of message copies can be disadvantageous to M2M communication performance

    Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях

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    В настоящем электронном сборнике «Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях. Технология» представлены работы молодых ученых по геодезии и картографии, химической технологии и машиностроению, информационным технологиям, строительству и радиотехнике. Предназначены для работников образования, науки и производства. Будут полезны студентам, магистрантам и аспирантам университетов.=In this Electronic collected materials “National and European dimension in research. Technology” works in the fields of geodesy, chemical technology, mechanical engineering, information technology, civil engineering, and radio-engineering are presented. It is intended for trainers, researchers and professionals. It can be useful for university graduate and post-graduate students