3,958 research outputs found

    Solid Wastes, Poverty and the Environment in Developing Country Cities

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    Many cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America face serious problems managing their wastes. Two of the major problems are the insufficient collection and inappropriate final disposal of wastes. Despite spending increasing resources, many cities – particularly in Africa and Asia – collect less than half of the waste generated. Most wastes are disposed of in open dumps, deposited on vacant land, or burned by residents in their backyards. Insufficient collection and inadequate disposal generate significant pollution problems and risks to human health and the environment. Over one billion people living in lowincome communities and slums lack appropriate waste management services. Given the rapid population growth and urbanization in many cities, the management of wastes tends to further deteriorate. This paper examines the challenges and opportunities that exist in improving the management of waste in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is argued that, despite a worsening trend, there are opportunities for reducing pollution, alleviating poverty, improving the urban environment, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries by implementing low-cost, low-tech, labour-intensive methods that promote community participation and involve informal refuse collectors and waste-pickers. Evidence from several cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America is discussed.urbanization, cities, environment, waste

    Newspaper of the university of alaska southeast juneau campus

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    Earth Day fair starts today at UAS campus -- 120 students may graduate May 4 -- Landfill rapidly filling up in Juneau -- Students protest faculty decision -- UAS recreational gym pending House funds -- Open beer leads to eviction -- USUAS budget shrinks to $9,000, continues to fall -- Earth Day remedies from CSEC -- Seater wins presidency -- Editorial: Violence versus discipline -- UAS student poetry -- Ethics -- Abortion -- Permanent Fund -- President's Message -- AIDS transmission dangers discussed -- Signs of Life set: A dirty job well done -- Baley's play shows life -- Briefly -- Classifieds -- Personals -- Save your cans for recycling on campu

    스마트그린도시 구축 현황 평가와 합리적 거버넌스의 모색

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 환경대학원 환경계획학과, 2021.8. 윤순진.Recent years it has been witnessed that rapid urbanization, climate change and sustainable cities are much debatable subjects concerning city development. Particularly, as cities become vulnerable to climate change but benefits from the technological advances, the construction of the sustainable and environmentally-friendly cities has drawn attentions from policy-makers, experts and academia. Nevertheless, very few attempts have been made at the city development, focusing on governance on Smart Green Cities (SGCs). This study examines challenges the governance faced and policy implications for developing the SGC policy in Korea, focusing on institutionalization of 2020 smart green city projects. It explores where and how governance and urban environmental policy are located in building SGCs, erupting political conflicts and contesting interests among stakeholders. In order to demonstrate the argument, the study embraces literature reviews and semi-structured interviews including policy- makers, practitioners, experts, and academia, focusing on SGC projects. Additionally, this study adopts a multi-level governance perspective to explore limiting factors which take place in creating SGCs by examining its vertical and horizontal governance framework. In the absence of a comprehensive urban environmental policy, local governments have developed distinct SGC plans within their jurisdictions. However, this study identifies that challenges the multi-level governance faced to build SGCs where stakeholders express contesting interests. More concisely, SGC projects in Korea exemplify a situation of conflicting agendas and policies due to multi-levels of governments, creating a great dispersion of initiatives. Second, it concludes that the governance of SGCs shows a matter of politics, because the urban environmental policies employ multi-level parties in which negotiation and compromise are inevitable among various stakeholders with different interests. Last but not least, the study implies the well-organised communication channels inviting embedded stakeholders are proposed for the success of SGC projects. It means that a good governance and adherent administrative systems can be a vehicle to obtain established goals of SGCs, while encouraging citizens to participant in those projects.기후위기가 심각해지면서 적응이 갈수록 중요해지고 있다. 특히 도시가 기후변화에 취약해짐과 동시에 기술발전에 따른 혜택이 집중되면서 지속가능하고 환경친화적인 도시건설에 대한 정책입안자, 전문가 그리고 학계의 주목을 받고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 스마트그린도시의 구축과 지속가능한 도시개발을 가로막거나 힘들게 하는 장애요소에 대한 논의는 부족한 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 2020 그린뉴딜 사업으로 지정된 스마트그린도시 정책을 수립하고 이행하는데 있어서 마주하는 한계 요인을 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 문헌연구와 스마트그린도시 사업에 참여한 정책입안자, 실무자, 전문가, 학계의 비구조화 심층면접을 통해 진행하였다. 선행연구 검토를 통해 한계 요인을 크게 ‘수평적거버넌스’와 ‘수직적거버넌스’로 나누어 살펴본 결과, 유사정책의 상충, 통합관리제도의 부재, 성과주의 등의 요인을 발견할 수 있었다. 기후위기에 대한 지역단위의 적응 역량을 구축하고 강화해나가기 위해서는 이 연구에서 발견한 한계 요인들을 지속적으로 보완해 나가야 할 것이다. 다양한 이해관계자 간의 소통을 통해 스마트그린도시를 만들어 가는 과정에서 정부의 일관성 있는 정책과 더불어, 지방정부, 기업, 시민사회 등의 활발한 참여가 요구된다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Study Background and Objective 1 1.2. Research Methods 6 Chapter 2. Literature Review 12 2.1. Existing Research on SGCs 12 2.2. Governance Theories 22 2.3. Analytical Framework 29 Chapter 3. Background of SGCs 32 3.1. Leadership of Central Government 32 3.2. Leadership of Local Government 37 3.3. Measures responding to climate change 45 3.4. Implications 47 Chapter 4. Analyzing limiting factors 51 4.1. Horizontal Governance 52 4.2. Vertical Governance 71 Chapter 5. Conclusion 92석

    Extended Skin: Designing Interactive Content for Ubiquitous Computing Materials

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    Current research is inspired by the impact of digital media on disciplinary division. Sim- ultaneously, recognizes the difficulty of engineering (applied science) to consider the humani- ties as fundamental contributors in the process of making. Steaming from a design perspective, the intersection between art (design) and science, questions if these relations can open per- spectives on the matter of designing within a U.C. context, and fundamentally, introduces the question on how this can be done Furthermore, the motivation for this research arises from considering that innovation in technology is happening in the fields typically identified as engineering. And, despite this, the in-corporation of these inventions in life, considering some discussed exceptions, has not typ- ically been present in the concerns of design action and methods. Therefore, the challenge of current research is to contribute to the realm of ubiquitous computing, routed by design, to some degree aiming to contribute to the field. A deeper analysis into the subject of U.C., there is the realization that there is minority presence of the humanities in the discussion of U.C. (Dourish and Bell, 2011). Technological disruption offers continuous inspiration for design innovation within U.C. Furthermore, the inquiry labeled as “material turn” contextualizes a dialogue between nano- technology and traditional materials. Nanotechnology is applied to project development, while considering a human centred design approach. This focus is present throughout this disserta- tion. The research proposal describes SuberSkin, as a responsive surface that works as a screen. The exploration of aesthetical effects is focused on visual properties – using high con- trast between natural cork colors, dark and light brown. The proposal is highly experimental, and ultimately, aims to explore potential routes on cork research, linked to that of U.C. Thus, recreating and transforming this material into an intelligent surface. In sum, this thesis discusses displacement of disciplines suggested as having a positive impact in interdisciplinary thought and for future design. Therefore a methodology, "research through techne" is presented that illustrates this intention.A presente pesquisa é inspirada pelo impacto exercido pelos media digitais na divisão disciplinar. Simultaneamente, reconhece a dificuldade da engenharia (ciência aplicada) em considerar as humanidades como contribuintes fundamentais no processo de fazer. Partindo de uma perspectiva de design e da interseção entre arte (design) e ciência, questiona-se se essas relações poderão abrir perspectivas na criação no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Fun- damentalmente, introduz a questão de como poderá ser feito. A motivação para esta pesquisa decorre de considerar que a inovação tecnológica acontece nas áreas normalmente identificadas como engenharia. E, apesar disso, a incor- poração dessas invenções na vida, considerando as exceções discutidas, normalmente não está presente nas preocupações, ação e métodos de design. Portanto, o desafio da pesquisa é con- tribuir para o domínio da Computação Ubíqua, orientada pelo design. Uma análise mais pro- funda sobre o tema da Computação Ubiqua, constata que há na sua discussão uma presença minoritária das humanidades (Dourish e Bell, 2011). A disrupção tecnológica oferece inspiração contínua para inovação de design, e o mesmo se aplica no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Além disso, a pesquisa intitulada como “material turn” contextualiza um diálogo entre a nanotecnologia e os materiais tradicionais. A nanotecnologia é aplicada ao desenvolvimento de projetos, considerando uma abordagem de design centrada no ser humano. Este foco está presente ao longo desta dissertação. O projecto de pesquisa descreve SuberSkin, uma superfície responsiva. A exploração centra-se nos efeitos estéticos da cortiça, recorrendo a um contraste entre as suas cores natu- rais: castanho escuro e claro. A proposta é experimental e, em última análise, visa explorar potenciais linhas de investigação ligando a cortiça à Computação Ubíqua. E assim, recriar e transformar este material numa superfície inteligente. Em suma, esta tese discute o deslocamento disciplinar como tendo um impacto posi- tivo no pensamento interdisciplinar e no futuro da prática do design. Consequentemente, apresenta uma metodologia, "investigação através da techne" que a exemplifica

    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    The State of Sachets: Ghana’s Private Sector Solution to a Public Infrastructure Problem

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    Known colloquially as “purewater”, sachet water has outcompeted all alternatives to Ghana’s unreliable government water infrastructure and serves as the cheap, portable, omnipresent solution for narrowing the safe water access gap. Each single-use sachet holds 500 ml of filtered potable water and is heat-sealed in a high-density polyethylene bag. Insufficient and often skeptical scholarship exists surrounding the state of sachet water in Ghana, and almost no research incorporates qualitative data into analysis and future recommendations. In the face of incomplete and decontextualized research on sachet water, this study aims to use qualitative data concerning Ghanaian viewpoints to showcase the recent positive developments in the lifecycle of sachet water. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with dozens of sachet water producers, regulatory parties, consumers from all over the country with diverse backgrounds, and members of the formal and informal waste management sectors over the summer months of 2013 and 2014. Although viewed as a problematic water alternative from a number of health and environmental viewpoints, this thesis demonstrates that sachet water is becoming more potable and better recycled. Results suggest that registered sachet water producers continue to raise water quality, private market waste management solutions are starting to curb the number of inappropriately discarded sachets, and Ghanaians generally are satisfied with sachet water’s role in increasing reliable potable water coverage

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI