5,652 research outputs found

    The roadmap of collaboration skills from programmed teaching to e-learning

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    W artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą podstawowych zasad nauczania programowanego oraz konstruktywizm dla ich późniejszego zastosowania przy tworzeniu dydaktyki otwartego kształceniu z uwzględnieniem podejścia i czynności zorientowanych na współpracę. Zbadano fakt, że podstawą dwóch paradygmatów (konstruktywizmu i osobistego kształcenia) jest ta sama koncepcja: humanistyczny charakter edukacji, uwzględnienie indywidualnych charakterystyk, podejście oparte na aktywności i działalność studenta zorientowana na współpracę. Założenia dotyczące podniesienia wydajności procesu edukacyjnego, oparte na koncepcjach integracyjnej jedności tych pojęć, są uzasadnione. Odkryty został dalszy rozwój podejścia zorientowanego na jednostkę pod względem takich wzajemnie ze sobą powiązanych podejść jak e-learning, koneksjonizm i kształcenie mieszane. Jednocześnie nauczanie programowane, także przeżywające swój renesans, może być efektywnie i celowo wykorzystywane we współpracy edukacyjnej w połączeniu z innymi paradygmatami

    Teacher-student collaboration : challenges and opportunities

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    Collaborative learning is meant to benefit agents of education due to the fact that it could sharpen skills in collaboration (remote collaboration) as a process of cooperation to accomplish objectives by combining mutual efforts in the dialogue and interaction to eventually get results for all the participants of the process. The paper analyzes the essence of collaborative learning, theoretical perspectives on collaboration in educational process and CL benefits. The study examines collaborative learning classroom. The discussion focuses on challenges and opportunities in collaborative learning

    Library Spaces in the 21st Century—Meeting the Challenges of User Needs for Information, Technology, and Expertise

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    Libraries and library professionals face multiple challenges in meeting user needs in the second decade of the new millennium. This is particularly true in academic libraries where students and faculty demand and expect fast, easy, and seamless access to information as well as flexible, comfortable places to work alone was well as collaboratively with colleagues, friends, classmates, and instructors. These same patrons often require the assistance of information specialists to navigate a library’s increasingly large array of online resources. The past fifteen plus years have seen a major shift in philosophy in the U.S. and in other parts of the globe in terms of the importance of “library as space” in enhancing the role of the college and university library. As a result, academic institutions, at the urging of librarians, have created spaces known as information commons, learning commons, research commons, etc. in response to user needs for 1) access to technology, 2) group work, 3) social interaction, and 4) knowledge creation.The information commons in all its forms has not been static, indeed it has matured, adapting over time to changing technologies, patron needs, and pedagogies. This paper provides historical context and reviews recent trends in the area in the area of learning and study spaces in academic libraries. It also cites the successful Information Commons at the author’s home institution, Loyola University Chicago, examining its first six years of operation and projecting changes in its next half decade

    Using tablets for e-assessment of project-based learning

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    Technology is confirmed to be an effective tool for assessment and feedback, in particular for computer-assisted assessment (Irons, 2008; Challis, 2005), producing feedback (Heinrich et al., 2009) and publishing feedback (Bloxham and Boyd, 2007; Denton, 2003; Denton et al., 2008). The arrival of affordable mobile devices has introduced a new means for enhancing the above practices (Fabian and MacLean, 2014; Plimmer and Mason, 2006; Salem, 2013). Student preferences to smart phones and tablet devices steer the technological innovation towards ubiquitous mobile connectivity. Inspired by the benefits of such life and study style, educators have started exploring the use of these technologies. Tablet computers prove to become their preferred choice as they resolve some of the limitations associated with the design, readability and comprehensiveness of the feedback for mobile devices with smaller screens (Strain-Seymour, 2013, Rootman-le Grange and Lutz, 2013). This paper reports how tablets and the Form Connext mobile app have been used for engaging a sample of 300 Business Studies students in in-class online assessment and designing and providing timely comprehensive feedback. The study has followed an action research strategy that is grounded on a continuous and dynamic process of reflection (Carr and Kemmis, 2003) on the effectiveness of assessment of student projects documented electronically through wikis and electronic portfolios. It refines the use of tablets for summative and formative assessment of the project-based learning tasks through three review cycles, each of which incorporated a Reflection and Improvements stage. The experience resulted in enhancement of assessment strategies and contribution to the development of contemporary models of learning through effective assessment and feedback (Carr and Kemmis, 2003). The results of the work confirm that tablet computers are an effective tool in assessing e-materials in larger classes for two primary reasons. Firstly, design of e-forms facilitates rigorous process of reflection and understanding assessment criteria that in turn benefit students when preparing for the assessment. Hence, legible and detailed feedback is produced anytime anywhere with synchronous updates within the marking team. Secondly, students benefit from immediate comprehensive feedback allowing them to reflect on and improve their understanding of subject matters, as well as to engage in discussing specific details of the work that are captured through the form. An unexpected outcome was the enhanced reputation and respect to the tutors amongst students, the triggering of student curiosity and enthusiasm in applying similar approach to their own work. The diffusion for the practice amongst other units and identifying other purposes for which the mobile app could be used are also seen as achievements exceeding the expectations of the project team

    The American University in the Digital Age (2.1)

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    Second International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networkshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89414/1/1996_Sloan_Talk_2.1.pd

    The American University in the Digital Age

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    Second International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networkshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89411/1/1996_Sloan_Talk.pd

    When Michigan Changed the World

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    A conceptual model of ubiquitous language learning environment (ULLE)

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    Ubiquitous learning is a popular option amongst students and educators.The landscape of learning environments, however, has become blurry with the fusion of technology. Recent developments in ubiquitous technologies provide new learning paradigms for learning, which goes far beyond the traditional learning paradigms.This paper proposes a conceptual model for Ubiquitous Language Learning Environment (ULLE).It begins by briefly describing the definition and comparison of characteristics in ubiquitous learning followed by proposing the conceptual model of ULLE.ULLE is an integrated learning environment that combines technical, physical, informational and social settings. ULLE ensures more effective and efficient integration amongst school, home and surrounding environment.The essential elements of this model are the integration and coordination of language school, home and other places where learning can take place anywhere and anytime.The type of interaction in ULLE consists of three main subjects such as the people, the objects in the real world and the artifacts in virtual space. With the implementation of ULLE, anyone could benefit the access to the right language learning knowledge anywhere and anytime using any device at their own convenience

    Коммуникация в образовании: оценка ИКТ инструментов

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    The article describes some preliminary results of implementation of WorkPackage 4 (WP4) “Selection and testing new IT tools” in frame international research network IRNet and researchers from partner institution from Ukraine, Poland, other countries. This results concerns analyzing and study some category ICT-tools for Communication in education and their assessment. The first part of article includes the theoretical aspects of communication: activity profile, some pedagogical aspects of teaching - learning together. The methods of cooperative learning, some psychosocial characteristics of communication over the Internet, analysing of challenges of communication, barriers of effective communication, model, communication quality requirement, form of communication and other items. Second part of paper described the research conducted in the frame of Module 005 WP4 and includes: Communication tools typology according to education activities, Mixed features of Communication Tools, Efficiency trend for top rated Communication ICT tools. Model 1, Sample expert card, Sample tool expert rating, Final expert ranking of Communication tools (all package period which has been divided on several main stages 1-5). Final part of manuscript contains expert model assessment and conclusions as to the top ranking IT communicative tools of the social media category. The comprehensive profile of social media communication tools in education and research is derived.У статті описуються деякі попередні підсумки реалізації Робочого пакету 4 (WP4) "Вибір і тестування нових ІТ-інструментів" в рамці міжнародної дослідницької мережі IRNet, дослідників з партнерського установи з України, Польщі, інших країн. Це призводить до аналізу проблем і вивчення деяких категорій ІКТ-інструментів для комунікації в сфері освіти і їх оцінки. Перша частина статті включає в себе теоретичні аспекти комунікації: профіль діяльності, деякі педагогічні аспекти викладання - навчання разом. Методи спільного навчання, деякі психосоціальні характеристики спілкування через Інтернет, аналіз проблем комунікації, бар'єри ефективної комунікації, моделі, вимоги до якості зв'язку, форми спілкування і інших предметів. Друга частина документа описує дослідження, проведене в рамках модуля 005 WP4 і включає в себе: комунікаційні інструменти типологію відповідно до навчальної діяльністю, змішані особливості комунікаційних засобів, ефективність тенденції найпопулярніших інструментів комунікації ІКТ. Модель 1, зразок експерт карти, зразок інструмент експертної оцінки, заключний експертний рейтинг комунікаційних засобів. Заключна частина рукопису містить експертну оцінку і висновки моделі, як до вершини рейтингу ІТ-комунікативних інструментів категорії соціальних медіа. Комплексний профіль соціальних медіа засобів комунікації в галузі освіти і наукових досліджень відбувається.В статье описываются некоторые предварительные итоги реализации Рабочего пакета 4 (WP4) "Выбор и тестирование новых ИТ-инструментов" в рамке международной исследовательской сети IRNet и исследователей из партнерского учреждения из Украины, Польши, других стран. Это приводит к анализу проблем и изучения некоторых категорий ИКТ-инструменты для коммуникации в сфере образования и их оценки. Первая часть статьи включает в себя теоретические аспекты коммуникации: профиль деятельности, некоторые педагогические аспекты преподавания - обучения вместе. Методы совместного обучения, некоторые психосоциальные характеристики общения через Интернет, анализ проблем коммуникации, барьеры эффективной коммуникации, модели, требования к качеству связи, формы общения и других предметов. Вторая часть документа описывает исследование, проведенное в рамках модуля 005 WP4 и включает в себя: коммуникационные инструменты типологию в соответствии с учебной деятельностью, смешанные особенности коммуникационных средств, эффективность тенденции популярнейших инструментов коммуникации ИКТ. Модель 1, образец эксперт карты, образец инструмент экспертной оценки, Заключительный эксперт рейтинга коммуникационных средств (весь период пакет, который был разделен на несколько основных этапов 1-5). Заключительная часть рукописи содержит экспертную оценку и выводы модели, как к вершине рейтинга ИТ-коммуникативных инструментов категории социальных медиа. Комплексный профиль социальных медиа средств коммуникации в области образования и научных исследований происходит