8 research outputs found

    Routing in MobileWireless Sensor Networks: A Leader-Based Approach

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    This paper presents a leader-based approach to routing in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSN). Using local information from neighbour nodes, a leader election mechanism maintains a spanning tree in order to provide the necessary adaptations for efficient routing upon the connectivity changes resulting from the mobility of sensors or sink nodes. We present two protocols following the leader election approach, which have been implemented using Castalia and OMNeT++. The protocols have been evaluated, besides other reference MWSN routing protocols, to analyse the impact of network size and node velocity on performance, which has demonstrated the validity of our approach.Research supported by the Spanish Research Council (MINECO), Grant TIN2016-79897-P, and the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government, Grant IT980-16

    Recognition physical activities with optimal number of wearable sensors using data mining algorithms and deep belief network

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    © 2017 IEEE. Daily physical activities monitoring is benefiting the health care field in several ways, in particular with the development of the wearable sensors. This paper adopts effective ways to calculate the optimal number of the necessary sensors and to build a reliable and a high accuracy monitoring system. Three data mining algorithms, namely Decision Tree, Random Forest and PART Algorithm, have been applied for the sensors selection process. Furthermore, the deep belief network (DBN) has been investigated to recognise 33 physical activities effectively. The results indicated that the proposed method is reliable with an overall accuracy of 96.52% and the number of sensors is minimised from nine to six sensors

    Adaptive Security Framework in Internet of Things (IoT) for Providing Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has immense potential to change many of our daily activities, routines and behaviors. The pervasive nature of the information sources means that a great amount of data pertaining to possibly every aspect of human activity, both public and private, will be produced, transmitted, collected, stored and processed. Consequently, integrity and confidentiality of transmitted data as well as the authentication of (and trust in) the services that offer the data is crucial. Hence, security is a critical functionality for the IoT. Enormous growth of mobile devices capability, critical automation of industry fields and the widespread of wireless communication cast need for seamless provision of mobile web services in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment. These are enriched by mobile cloud computing. However, it poses a challenge for its reliability, data authentication, power consumption and security issues. There is also a need for auto self-operated sensors for geo-sensing, agriculture, automatic cars, factories, roads, medicals application and more. IoT is still highly not reliable in points of integration between how its devices are connected, that is, there is poor utilization of the existing IP security protocols. In this chapter, we propose a deep penetration method for the IoT connected set of devices, along with the mobile cloud. An architecture and testing framework for providing mobile cloud computing in the IoT that is based on the object security, power utilization, latency measures and packet loss rate is explained. Our solution is based on the use of existing security protocols between clients and the mobile hosts as well as a key management protocol between the individual mobile hosts implementing an out-of-band key exchange that is simple in practice, flexible and secure. We study the performance of this approach by evaluating a prototype implementation of our security framework. This chapter, in a preliminary manner, discusses the threats, hacks, misguided packets and over read sensor message. These packets are then translated by hardware and pushed through the web for later-on action or support. Our testing of a set of sensor-triggered scenario and setup clearly indicates the security threats from wireless connected small LAN environments and the overestimated sensor messages resulting from the initial set of the sensor readings, while we emphasize more on the security level of the web services serving the IoT-connected device. Also, we add a remark on how mobile web services and their enabling devices are by far vulnerable to a 4G hack over the utilization of power pack and a serious battery use power draining issues

    An Empirical Analysis of cluster-based routing protocols in wireless sensor network

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are utilized for condition monitoring, developing the board, following animals or goods, social protection, transportation, and house frameworks. WSNs are revolutionizing research. A WSN includes a large number of sensor nodes, or bits, in the application. Bits outfitted with the application\u27s sensors acquire nature data and send it to at least one sink center (in like manner called base stations). This article simulates energy-efficient network initialization strategies using simulation models. First, an overview of network initiation and exploration procedures in wireless ad-hoc networks is provided. The clustering-based routing strategy was selected since it\u27s best for ad-hoc sensor networks. The clustering-based routing techniques used for this study are described below. LEACH, SEP, and Z-SEP are used. MATLAB was used to implement and simulate all routing protocols. All protocols were simulated with various parameters like Number of CHs, Number of Alive Nodes, Number of Dead Nodes, Number of packets to BS, and circumstances to show their functioning and to determine their behavior in different sensor networks

    Towards Citizen Co-Created Public Service Apps

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    WeLive project's main objective is about transforming the current e-government approach by providing a new paradigm based on a new open model oriented towards the design, production and deployment of public services and mobile apps based on the collaboration of different stakeholders. These stakeholders form the quadruple helix, i.e., citizens, private companies, research institutes and public administrations. Through the application of open innovation, open data and open services paradigms, the framework developed within the WeLive project enables the co-creation of urban apps. In this paper, we extend the description of the WeLive platform presented at, plus the preliminary results of the first pilot phase. The two-phase evaluation methodology designed and the evaluation results of first pilot sub-phase are also presented.The work presented in this research article has been carried out within the WeLive project from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 645845

    Implantación de una plataforma para desarrollar mundos virtuales para la educación

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    Este proyecto está dedicado a la implantación de una plataforma de mundo virtual que permita a sus usuarios utilizarla para dar apoyo a sus clases/talleres de índole educacional a distintos niveles, desde colegios e institutos a centros de educación especial. En particular, se ha trabajado estrechamente con el Colegio de Educación Especial "Santa Teresa de Jesús", en Granada, en la creación de un museo virtual donde los visitantes puedan ver las obras creadas por los alumnos de este centro. Para llevar a cabo la implantación se ha realizado en primera instancia una investigación sobre la capacidad necesaria de las máquinas que albergarán los servidores del mundo virtual. Seguidamente se han instalado y configurado los programas necesarios para acondicionar el mundo virtual de acuerdo a las necesidades requeridas por sus usuarios de mayor nivel, los profesores. Además, se ha añadido una interfaz web enlazada con las bases de datos del mundo virtual para permitir a los profesores el control de manera externa de ciertos parámetros que puedan serles necesarios; se han creado Pendrives USB con capacidad de ejecutar un programa cliente para conectarse al mundo virtual. El proyecto tiene también la intención de servir como manual de usuario para el mantenimiento y futuras mejoras de la plataforma.This Project is dedicated to the establishment of a virtual world platform that allows its users to use it as a support tool for their lessons and school workshops at different levels of education, from elementary schools and high schools to special education centers. Particularly, there has been a joint effort with the Special Education School “Santa Teresa de Jesús”, in Granada, with the creation of a virtual museum where its visitors can see the artwork of the students of the institute. To accomplish this establishment, we have done, in the first place, an investigation of the requirements on the machines that will host the servers of the virtual world. Next, the necessary programs have been installed and configured to set up the virtual world according to the needs required by the higher level users, the teachers. Furthermore, a web interface linked with the data base of the virtual world has been added to allow the teachers an external way to control certain parameters; USB keys have been created with the capacity to run a client program to connect to the virtual world. The project also intends to serve as a manual for the maintenance and future improvements