92 research outputs found

    IPv6-kotiverkon liittäminen Internetin nimipalveluun

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    Current home networks are very simple containing only a few devices. As the number of devices connected to the home network increases, there is no reasonable way for a user to access devices using only IP addresses. Due to the exponential growth of devices connected to the Internet, the addresses of the current IP version are however soon to be depleted. A new IP version has already been implemented in the Internet, containing a very large amount of addresses compared to the current IP version. Addresses in the new IP address version are also much longer and more complicated. Therefore it is not reasonable to try to use IP addresses alone to access devices anymore. The previous facts force to implement a name service to the home network. Name service is quite similar to that used in the Internet, although the home network version should be much more automatic and user friendly. This means that users do not have to type IP addresses anymore to be able to access services, but they can use meaningful names like in the Internet. The first objective of the thesis is to examine methods to implement as automated name service as possible to the home network. Second objective is to examine connecting the home network name service to the Internet name service. Accomplishing this allows users to access services at home from the Internet. This has to be made in a secure manner to protect the integrity and authenticity of the user information. A live experiment of the thesis concentrates to the second objective of the thesis by establishing the connection and transferring the name service information between home network and the Internet name service. The study and the live experiments indicate that there is still work to be done before the two objectives can be fully accomplished. At the moment there is no convenient way to automatically name devices at home. Connecting to the Internet name service involves also quite a lot of effort, thus requiring more than basic computing skills from the user


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    The Broadband Forum is a non-profit corporation organized to create guidelines for broadband network system development and deployment. This Broadband Forum Technical Report has been approved by members of the Forum. This Broadband Forum Technical Report is not binding on the Broadband Forum, any of its members, or any developer or service provider. Thi

    Soporte al descubrimiento y autoconfiguración de dispositivos y servicios basados en UPnP sobre una pasarela residencial

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    Hoy en día los ordenadores personales desempeñan cada vez más actividades cotidianas, esto hace que los consumidores busquen soluciones de conectividad entre el ordenador personal y los productos de electrónica de consumo. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y su interacción con las redes de datos, están propiciando el hecho de que los equipos interconectados en red, no sean otros que los que hoy pueblan las casas modernas: tostadoras, microondas, televisores, cadenas de música, sistemas de alarmas, termostatos, llaves de paso del gas o el agua, y más, sólo que ahora estos dispositivos cuentan con mecanismos de control más sofisticados que regulan su funcionamiento de manera automática e incluso remota. Estos dispositivos están teniendo un crecimiento considerable y una curva ascendente en sus aplicaciones que es imparable. En muchos entornos se habla ya de viviendas domóticas o inteligentes teniendo en cuenta múltiples versiones y matices. Paralelamente a este hecho, el éxito que han tenido las redes con arquitectura TCP/IP en el mundo (gracias a que es la tecnología por antonomasia de Internet), ha supuesto la proliferación de redes de banda ancha domésticas para el acceso a Internet. Esto último junto a la demanda de ubiquidad de múltiples ordenadores personales, telefonía móvil y dispositivos dentro del entorno domótico, están forzando la fusión de las tecnologías usadas para las redes de comunicaciones privadas (utilizadas solo para el entorno domótico) con puertas de enlace a Internet o pasarelas residenciales, debido a la tendencia que existe en un futuro de utilizar las redes de datos IP para conectar cualquier dispositivo electrónico. Estos elementos integradores, como son las pasarelas residenciales, facilitan precisamente la interconexión de estas plataformas en el hogar y a la vez permite su interconexión con el exterior, con redes públicas como Internet. Una de las iniciativas más aceptadas por los fabricantes y desarrolladores de software, como tecnología de integración, son los sistemas basados en OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative). Una de las tecnologías que hace posible la creación de un entorno domótico y que además se puede desplegar sobre redes IP, es la tecnología UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), tecnología en la que se basa este proyecto y que ofrece grandes expectativas para el concepto de “Hogar digital”. Con UPnP, la pasarela residencial es capaz de descubrir y registrar dinámicamente recursos y servicios dentro del entorno domótico. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado una extensión de la tecnología UPnP dentro de sistemas basados en OSGi, para comunicar dispositivos y servicios entre dos pasarelas residenciales a través de redes públicas como Internet. Se aborda por tanto la problemática que surge al intentar extender la tecnología UPnP a redes externas debido al direccionamiento unicast de Internet. Como resultado final de las simulaciones, el software implementado es capaz de instalarse en cualquier pasarela residencial basada en OSGi, y acceder a dispositivos y servicios dentro de la red privada que se interconecta a otra pasarela reciproca a través de Internet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nowadays the personal computers carry out more and more activities daily, this causes that the consumers look for solutions of connectivity between the personal computer and products of consumption electronics. The development of new technologies and its interaction with the data networks, are causing the fact that the equipment interconnected in network, is not other than those that today populates the modern houses: toasting, microwaves, televisions, chains of music, alarm systems, thermostats, stop cocks of the gas or the water, and more, only than now these devices count on control mechanisms more than sophisticated which regulate his operation of automatic and even remote way. These devices are having a considerable growth and an ascending curve in their applications that are unstoppable. In many environments are already talking about home automation or smart houses, taking into account multiple versions and nuances. Parallel to this fact, success that has had the networks with architecture TCP/IP in the world (thanks to the fact that it is the technology by excellence of Internet), has supposed the proliferation of domestic broadband networks for the access to Internet. This latest next to the demand of ubiquity of multiple PCs, mobile phones and devices within the environment automation, is forcing the fusion of the technologies used for the private communications networks (used only for the environment automation) with gateways to the Internet or residential gateways, to the trend in the future to use IP data networks to connect any electronic device. These integrating elements, such as residential gateways, indeed facilitate the interconnection of these platforms in the home and simultaneously it allows his interconnection with the outside, with public networks like Internet. One of the initiatives more accepted by the manufacturers and developer of software as technology integration systems are based on OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative). One of the technologies that enable the creation of an automation environment and also can be deployed over IP networks is the UPnP technology (Universal Plug and Play), technology that underlies this project and that offers great expectations for the concept of “Digital Home”. With UPnP, the residential gateway is able to discover and dynamically register resources and services within the automation environment. In this project an extension of the UPnP technology has been developed within OSGi-based systems, to communicate devices and services between two residential gateways to public networks like the Internet. It therefore addresses the problem that arises when trying to extend the UPnP technology to external networks due to the unicast address of the Internet. Like final result of the simulations, the deployed software can be installed in any OSGi-based residential gateway and access devices and services within the private network to another gateway interfaces between them through Internet.Ingeniería Técnica en Sonido e Image

    Understanding Home Networks with Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Passive Measurement

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    Homes are involved in a significant fraction of Internet traffic. However, meaningful and comprehensive information on the structure and use of home networks is still hard to obtain. The two main challenges in collecting such information are the lack of measurement infrastructure in the home network environment and individuals’ concerns about information privacy. To tackle these challenges, the dissertation introduces Home Network Flow Logger (HNFL) to bring lightweight privacy-preserving passive measurement to home networks. The core of HNFL is a Linux kernel module that runs on resource-constrained commodity home routers to collect network traffic data from raw packets. Unlike prior passive measurement tools, HNFL is shown to work without harming either data accuracy or router performance. This dissertation also includes a months-long field study to collect passive measurement data from home network gateways where network traffic is not mixed by NAT (Network Address Translation) in a non-intrusive way. The comprehensive data collected from over fifty households are analyzed to learn the characteristics of home networks such as number and distribution of connected devices, traffic distribution among internal devices, network availability, downlink/uplink bandwidth, data usage patterns, and application traffic distribution

    Cognitive assisted living ambient system: a survey

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    The demographic change towards an aging population is creating a significant impact and introducing drastic challenges to our society. We therefore need to find ways to assist older people to stay independently and prevent social isolation of these population. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) provide various solutions to help older adults to improve their quality of life, stay healthier, and live independently for a time. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a field to investigate innovative technologies to provide assistance as well as healthcare and rehabilitation to impaired seniors. The paper provides a review of research background and technologies of AAL

    Local Coordination for Interpersonal Communication Systems

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    The decomposition of complex applications into modular units is anacknowledged design principle for creating robust systems and forenabling the flexible re-use of modules in new applicationcontexts. Typically, component frameworks provide mechanisms and rulesfor developing software modules in the scope of a certain programmingparadigm or programming language and a certain computing platform. Forexample, the JavaBeans framework is a component framework for thedevelopment of component-based systems -- in the Java environment.In this thesis, we present a light-weight, platform-independentapproach that views a component-based application as a set of ratherloosely coupled parallel processes that can be distributed on multiplehosts and are coordinated through a protocol. The core of ourframework is the Message Bus (Mbus): an asynchronous, message-orientedcoordination protocol that is based on Internet technologies andprovides group communication between application components.Based on this framework, we have developed a local coordinationarchitecture for decomposed multimedia conferencing applications thatis designed for endpoint and gateway applications. One element of thisarchitecture is an Mbus-based protocol for the coordination of callcontrol components in conferencing applications

    Wireless communication technologies for the Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the inter-networking paradigm based on many processes such as identifying, sensing, networking and computation. An IoT technology stack provides seamless connectivity between various physical and virtual objects. The increasing number of IoT applications leads to the issue of transmitting, storing, and processing a large amount of data. Therefore, it is necessary to enable a system capable to handle the growing traffic requirements with the required level of QoS (Quality of Service). IoT devices become more complex due to the various components such as sensors and network interfaces. The IoT environment is often demanding for mobile power source, QoS, mobility, reliability, security, and other requirements. Therefore, new IoT technologies are required to overcome some of these issues. In recent years new wireless communication technologies are being developed to support the development of new IoT applications. This paper provides an overview of some of the most widely used wireless communication technologies used for IoT applications