17 research outputs found

    Robust face recognition

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Face recognition is one of the most important and promising biometric techniques. In face recognition, a similarity score is automatically calculated between face images to further decide their identity. Due to its non-invasive characteristics and ease of use, it has shown great potential in many real-world applications, e.g., video surveillance, access control systems, forensics and security, and social networks. This thesis addresses key challenges inherent in real-world face recognition systems including pose and illumination variations, occlusion, and image blur. To tackle these challenges, a series of robust face recognition algorithms are proposed. These can be summarized as follows: In Chapter 2, we present a novel, manually designed face image descriptor named “Dual-Cross Patterns” (DCP). DCP efficiently encodes the seconder-order statistics of facial textures in the most informative directions within a face image. It proves to be more descriptive and discriminative than previous descriptors. We further extend DCP into a comprehensive face representation scheme named “Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns” (MDML-DCPs). MDML-DCPs efficiently encodes the invariant characteristics of a face image from multiple levels into patterns that are highly discriminative of inter-personal differences but robust to intra-personal variations. MDML-DCPs achieves the best performance on the challenging FERET, FRGC 2.0, CAS-PEAL-R1, and LFW databases. In Chapter 3, we develop a deep learning-based face image descriptor named “Multimodal Deep Face Representation” (MM-DFR) to automatically learn face representations from multimodal image data. In brief, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are designed to extract complementary information from the original holistic face image, the frontal pose image rendered by 3D modeling, and uniformly sampled image patches. The recognition ability of each CNN is optimized by carefully integrating a number of published or newly developed tricks. A feature level fusion approach using stacked auto-encoders is designed to fuse the features extracted from the set of CNNs, which is advantageous for non-linear dimension reduction. MM-DFR achieves over 99% recognition rate on LFW using publicly available training data. In Chapter 4, based on our research on handcrafted face image descriptors, we propose a powerful pose-invariant face recognition (PIFR) framework capable of handling the full range of pose variations within ±90° of yaw. The framework has two parts: the first is Patch-based Partial Representation (PBPR), and the second is Multi-task Feature Transformation Learning (MtFTL). PBPR transforms the original PIFR problem into a partial frontal face recognition problem. A robust patch-based face representation scheme is developed to represent the synthesized partial frontal faces. For each patch, a transformation dictionary is learnt under the MtFTL scheme. The transformation dictionary transforms the features of different poses into a discriminative subspace in which face matching is performed. The PBPR-MtFTL framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art PIFR methods on the FERET, CMU-PIE, and Multi-PIE databases. In Chapter 5, based on our research on deep learning-based face image descriptors, we design a novel framework named Trunk-Branch Ensemble CNN (TBE-CNN) to handle challenges in video-based face recognition (VFR) under surveillance circumstances. Three major challenges are considered: image blur, occlusion, and pose variation. First, to learn blur-robust face representations, we artificially blur training data composed of clear still images to account for a shortfall in real-world video training data. Second, to enhance the robustness of CNN features to pose variations and occlusion, we propose the TBE-CNN architecture, which efficiently extracts complementary information from holistic face images and patches cropped around facial components. Third, to further promote the discriminative power of the representations learnt by TBE-CNN, we propose an improved triplet loss function. With the proposed techniques, TBE-CNN achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular video face databases: PaSC, COX Face, and YouTube Faces

    A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications

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    The proposed face recognition algorithm utilizes representation of local facial regions with the DCT. The local representation provides robustness against appearance variations in local regions caused by partial face occlusion or facial expression, whereas utilizing the frequency information provides robustness against changes in illumination. The algorithm also bypasses the facial feature localization step and formulates face alignment as an optimization problem in the classification stage

    A Markov Random Field Groupwise Registration Framework for Face Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework for tackling face recognition problem. The face recognition problem is formulated as groupwise deformable image registration and feature matching problem. The main contributions of the proposed method lie in the following aspects: (1) Each pixel in a facial image is represented by an anatomical signature obtained from its corresponding most salient scale local region determined by the survival exponential entropy (SEE) information theoretic measure. (2) Based on the anatomical signature calculated from each pixel, a novel Markov random field based groupwise registration framework is proposed to formulate the face recognition problem as a feature guided deformable image registration problem. The similarity between different facial images are measured on the nonlinear Riemannian manifold based on the deformable transformations. (3) The proposed method does not suffer from the generalizability problem which exists commonly in learning based algorithms. The proposed method has been extensively evaluated on four publicly available databases: FERET, CAS-PEAL-R1, FRGC ver 2.0, and the LFW. It is also compared with several state-of-the-art face recognition approaches, and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method consistently achieves the highest recognition rates among all the methods under comparison


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    During the past many decades, many face recognition algorithms have been proposed. The face recognition problem under controlled environment has been well studied and almost solved. However, in unconstrained environments, the performance of face recognition methods could still be significantly affected by factors such as illumination, pose, resolution, occlusion, aging, etc. In this thesis, we look into the problem of face recognition across these variations and quantization. We present a face recognition algorithm based on simultaneous sparse approximations under varying illumination and pose with dictionaries learned for each class. A novel test image is projected onto the span of the atoms in each learned dictionary. The resulting residual vectors are then used for classification. An image relighting technique based on pose-robust albedo estimation is used to generate multiple frontal images of the same person with variable lighting. As a result, the proposed algorithm has the ability to recognize human faces with high accuracy even when only a single or a very few images per person are provided for training. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated using publicly available databases and it is shown that this method is efficient and can perform significantly better than many competitive face recognition algorithms. The problem of recognizing facial images across aging remains an open problem. We look into this problem by studying the growth in the facial shapes. Building on recent advances in landmark extraction, and statistical techniques for landmark-based shape analysis, we show that using well-defined shape spaces and its associated geometry, one can obtain significant performance improvements in face verification. Toward this end, we propose to model the facial shapes as points on a Grassmann manifold. The face verification problem is then formulated as a classification problem on this manifold. We then propose a relative craniofacial growth model which is based on the science of craniofacial anthropometry and integrate it with the Grassmann manifold and the SVM classifier. Experiments show that the proposed method is able to mitigate the variations caused by the aging progress and thus effectively improve the performance of open-set face verification across aging. In applications such as document understanding, only binary face images may be available as inputs to a face recognition algorithm. We investigate the effects of quantization on several classical face recognition algorithms. We study the performances of PCA and multiple exemplar discriminant analysis (MEDA) algorithms with quantized images and with binary images modified by distance and Box-Cox transforms. We propose a dictionary-based method for reconstructing the grey scale facial images from the quantized facial images. Two dictionaries with low mutual coherence are learned for the grey scale and quantized training images respectively using a modified KSVD method. A linear transform function between the sparse vectors of quantized images and the sparse vectors of grey scale images is estimated using the training data. In the testing stage, a grey scale image is reconstructed from the quantized image using the transform matrix and normalized dictionaries. The identities of the reconstructed grey scale images are then determined using the dictionary-based face recognition (DFR) algorithm. Experimental results show that the reconstructed images are similar to the original grey-scale images and the performance of face recognition on the quantized images is comparable to the performance on grey scale images. The online social network and social media is growing rapidly. It is interesting to study the impact of social network on computer vision algorithms. We address the problem of automated face recognition on a social network using a loopy belief propagation framework. The proposed approach propagates the identities of faces in photos across social graphs. We characterize its performance in terms of structural properties of the given social network. We propose a distance metric defined using face recognition results for detecting hidden connections. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed on graph structure networks, scalability, different degrees of nodes, labeling errors correction and hidden connections discovery. The result demonstrates that the constraints imposed by the social network have the potential to improve the performance of face recognition methods. The result also shows it is possible to discover hidden connections in a social network based on face recognition

    Model-driven and Data-driven Approaches for some Object Recognition Problems

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    Recognizing objects from images and videos has been a long standing problem in computer vision. The recent surge in the prevalence of visual cameras has given rise to two main challenges where, (i) it is important to understand different sources of object variations in more unconstrained scenarios, and (ii) rather than describing an object in isolation, efficient learning methods for modeling object-scene `contextual' relations are required to resolve visual ambiguities. This dissertation addresses some aspects of these challenges, and consists of two parts. First part of the work focuses on obtaining object descriptors that are largely preserved across certain sources of variations, by utilizing models for image formation and local image features. Given a single instance of an object, we investigate the following three problems. (i) Representing a 2D projection of a 3D non-planar shape invariant to articulations, when there are no self-occlusions. We propose an articulation invariant distance that is preserved across piece-wise affine transformations of a non-rigid object `parts', under a weak perspective imaging model, and then obtain a shape context-like descriptor to perform recognition; (ii) Understanding the space of `arbitrary' blurred images of an object, by representing an unknown blur kernel of a known maximum size using a complete set of orthonormal basis functions spanning that space, and showing that subspaces resulting from convolving a clean object and its blurred versions with these basis functions are equal under some assumptions. We then view the invariant subspaces as points on a Grassmann manifold, and use statistical tools that account for the underlying non-Euclidean nature of the space of these invariants to perform recognition across blur; (iii) Analyzing the robustness of local feature descriptors to different illumination conditions. We perform an empirical study of these descriptors for the problem of face recognition under lighting change, and show that the direction of image gradient largely preserves object properties across varying lighting conditions. The second part of the dissertation utilizes information conveyed by large quantity of data to learn contextual information shared by an object (or an entity) with its surroundings. (i) We first consider a supervised two-class problem of detecting lane markings from road video sequences, where we learn relevant feature-level contextual information through a machine learning algorithm based on boosting. We then focus on unsupervised object classification scenarios where, (ii) we perform clustering using maximum margin principles, by deriving some basic properties on the affinity of `a pair of points' belonging to the same cluster using the information conveyed by `all' points in the system, and (iii) then consider correspondence-free adaptation of statistical classifiers across domain shifting transformations, by generating meaningful `intermediate domains' that incrementally convey potential information about the domain change

    Reconnaissance de visage robuste aux occultations

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    Face recognition is an important technology in computer vision, which often acts as an essential component in biometrics systems, HCI systems, access control systems, multimedia indexing applications, etc. Partial occlusion, which significantly changes the appearance of part of a face, cannot only cause large performance deterioration of face recognition, but also can cause severe security issues. In this thesis, we focus on the occlusion problem in automatic face recognition in non-controlled environments. Toward this goal, we propose a framework that consists of applying explicit occlusion analysis and processing to improve face recognition under different occlusion conditions. We demonstrate in this thesis that the proposed framework is more efficient than the methods based on non-explicit occlusion treatments from the literature. We identify two new types of facial occlusions, namely the sparse occlusion and dynamic occlusion. Solutions are presented to handle the identified occlusion problems in more advanced surveillance context. Recently, the emerging Kinect sensor has been successfully applied in many computer vision fields. We introduce this new sensor in the context of face recognition, particularly in presence of occlusions, and demonstrate its efficiency compared with traditional 2D cameras. Finally, we propose two approaches based on 2D and 3D to improve the baseline face recognition techniques. Improving the baseline methods can also have the positive impact on the recognition results when partial occlusion occurs.La reconnaissance faciale est une technologie importante en vision par ordinateur, avec un rôle central en biométrie, interface homme-machine, contrôle d’accès, indexation multimédia, etc. L’occultation partielle, qui change complétement l’apparence d’une partie du visage, ne provoque pas uniquement une dégradation des performances en reconnaissance faciale, mai peut aussi avoir des conséquences en termes de sécurité. Dans cette thèse, nous concentrons sur le problème des occultations en reconnaissance faciale en environnements non contrôlés. Nous proposons une séquence qui consiste à analyser de manière explicite les occultations et à fiabiliser la reconnaissance faciale soumises à diverses occultations. Nous montrons dans cette thèse que l’approche proposée est plus efficace que les méthodes de l’état de l’art opérant sans traitement explicite dédié aux occultations. Nous identifions deux nouveaux types d’occultations, à savoir éparses et dynamiques. Des solutions sont introduites pour gérer ces problèmes d’occultation nouvellement identifiés dans un contexte de vidéo surveillance avancé. Récemment, le nouveau capteur Kinect a été utilisé avec succès dans de nombreuses applications en vision par ordinateur. Nous introduisons ce nouveau capteur dans le contexte de la reconnaissance faciale, en particulier en présence d’occultations, et démontrons son efficacité par rapport aux caméras traditionnelles. Finalement, nous proposons deux approches basées 2D et 3D permettant d’améliorer les techniques de base en reconnaissance de visages. L’amélioration des méthodes de base peut alors générer un impact positif sur les résultats de reconnaissance en présence d’occultations

    Modeling Errors in Biometric Surveillance and De-duplication Systems

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    In biometrics-based surveillance and de-duplication applications, the system commonly determines if a given individual has been encountered before. In this dissertation, these applications are viewed as specific instances of a broader class of problems known as Anonymous Identification. Here, the system does not necessarily determine the identity of a person; rather, it merely establishes if the given input biometric data was encountered previously. This dissertation demonstrates that traditional biometric evaluation measures cannot adequately estimate the error rate of an anonymous identification system in general and a de-duplication system in particular. In this regard, the first contribution is the design of an error prediction model for an anonymous identification system. The model shows that the order in which individuals are encountered impacts the error rate of the system. The second contribution - in the context of an identification system in general - is an explanatory model that explains the relationship between the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and the Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) curve of a closed-set biometric system. The phenomenon of biometrics menagerie is used to explain the possibility of deducing multiple CMC curves from the same ROC curve. Consequently, it is shown that a good\u27\u27 verification system can be a poor\u27\u27 identification system and vice-versa.;Besides the aforementioned contributions, the dissertation also explores the use of gait as a biometric modality in surveillance systems operating in the thermal or shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectrum. In this regard, a new gait representation scheme known as Gait Curves is developed and evaluated on thermal and SWIR data. Finally, a clustering scheme is used to demonstrate that gait patterns can be clustered into multiple categories; further, specific physical traits related to gender and body area are observed to impact cluster generation.;In sum, the dissertation provides some new insights into modeling anonymous identification systems and gait patterns for biometrics-based surveillance systems