2,012 research outputs found

    Memoizing a monadic mixin DSL

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    Modular extensibility is a highly desirable property of a domain-specific language (DSL): the ability to add new features without affecting the implementation of existing features. Functional mixins (also known as open recursion) are very suitable for this purpose. We study the use of mixins in Haskell for a modular DSL for search heuristics used in systematic solvers for combinatorial problems, that generate optimized C++ code from a high-level specification. We show how to apply memoization techniques to tackle performance issues and code explosion due to the high recursion inherent to the semantics of combinatorial search. As such heuristics are conventionally implemented as highly entangled imperative algorithms, our Haskell mixins are monadic. Memoization of monadic components causes further complications for us to deal with

    An Embedded Domain Specific Language to Model, Transform and Quality Assure Business Processes in Business-Driven Development

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    In Business-Driven Development (BDD), business process models are produced by business analysts. To ensure that the business requirements are satisfied, the IT solution is directly derived through a process of model refinement. If models do not contain all the required technical details or contain errors, the derived implementation would be incorrect and the BDD lifecycle would have to be repeated. In this project we present a functional domain specific language embedded in Haskell, with which: 1) models can rapidly be produced in a concise and abstract manner, 2) enables focus on the specifications rather than the implementation, 3) ensures that all the required details, to generate the executable code, are specified, 4) models can be transformed, analysed and interpreted in various ways, 5) quality assures models by carrying out three types of checks; by Haskell.s type checker, at construction-time and by functions that analyse the soundness of models, 6) enables users to define quality assured composite model transformations

    Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language

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    Linear type systems have a long and storied history, but not a clear path forward to integrate with existing languages such as OCaml or Haskell. In this paper, we study a linear type system designed with two crucial properties in mind: backwards-compatibility and code reuse across linear and non-linear users of a library. Only then can the benefits of linear types permeate conventional functional programming. Rather than bifurcate types into linear and non-linear counterparts, we instead attach linearity to function arrows. Linear functions can receive inputs from linearly-bound values, but can also operate over unrestricted, regular values. To demonstrate the efficacy of our linear type system - both how easy it can be integrated in an existing language implementation and how streamlined it makes it to write programs with linear types - we implemented our type system in GHC, the leading Haskell compiler, and demonstrate two kinds of applications of linear types: mutable data with pure interfaces; and enforcing protocols in I/O-performing functions

    Adaptive Lock-Free Data Structures in Haskell: A General Method for Concurrent Implementation Swapping

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    A key part of implementing high-level languages is providing built-in and default data structures. Yet selecting good defaults is hard. A mutable data structure's workload is not known in advance, and it may shift over its lifetime - e.g., between read-heavy and write-heavy, or from heavy contention by multiple threads to single-threaded or low-frequency use. One idea is to switch implementations adaptively, but it is nontrivial to switch the implementation of a concurrent data structure at runtime. Performing the transition requires a concurrent snapshot of data structure contents, which normally demands special engineering in the data structure's design. However, in this paper we identify and formalize an relevant property of lock-free algorithms. Namely, lock-freedom is sufficient to guarantee that freezing memory locations in an arbitrary order will result in a valid snapshot. Several functional languages have data structures that freeze and thaw, transitioning between mutable and immutable, such as Haskell vectors and Clojure transients, but these enable only single-threaded writers. We generalize this approach to augment an arbitrary lock-free data structure with the ability to gradually freeze and optionally transition to a new representation. This augmentation doesn't require changing the algorithm or code for the data structure, only replacing its datatype for mutable references with a freezable variant. In this paper, we present an algorithm for lifting plain to adaptive data and prove that the resulting hybrid data structure is itself lock-free, linearizable, and simulates the original. We also perform an empirical case study in the context of heating up and cooling down concurrent maps.Comment: To be published in ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 201

    Implementing Explicit and Finding Implicit Sharing in Embedded DSLs

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    Aliasing, or sharing, is prominent in many domains, denoting that two differently-named objects are in fact identical: a change in one object (memory cell, circuit terminal, disk block) is instantly reflected in the other. Languages for modelling such domains should let the programmer explicitly define the sharing among objects or expressions. A DSL compiler may find other identical expressions and share them, implicitly. Such common subexpression elimination is crucial to the efficient implementation of DSLs. Sharing is tricky in embedded DSL, since host aliasing may correspond to copying of the underlying objects rather than their sharing. This tutorial summarizes discussions of implementing sharing in Haskell DSLs for automotive embedded systems and hardware description languages. The technique has since been used in a Haskell SAT solver and the DSL for music synthesis. We demonstrate the embedding in pure Haskell of a simple DSL with a language form for explicit sharing. The DSL also has implicit sharing, implemented via hash-consing. Explicit sharing greatly speeds up hash-consing. The seemingly imperative nature of hash-consing is hidden beneath a simple combinator language. The overall implementation remains pure functional and easy to reason about.Comment: In Proceedings DSL 2011, arXiv:1109.032

    On conservativity of concurrent Haskell

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    The calculus CHF models Concurrent Haskell extended by concurrent, implicit futures. It is a process calculus with concurrent threads, monadic concurrent evaluation, and includes a pure functional lambda-calculus which comprises data constructors, case-expressions, letrec-expressions, and Haskell’s seq. Futures can be implemented in Concurrent Haskell using the primitive unsafeInterleaveIO, which is available in most implementations of Haskell. Our main result is conservativity of CHF, that is, all equivalences of pure functional expressions are also valid in CHF. This implies that compiler optimizations and transformations from pure Haskell remain valid in Concurrent Haskell even if it is extended by futures. We also show that this is no longer valid if Concurrent Haskell is extended by the arbitrary use of unsafeInterleaveIO

    Semantics of RxJS

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    RxJS is a popular JavaScript library for reactive programming in Web applications. It provides numerous operators to create, combine, transform, and filter discrete events and to handle errors. These operators may be stateful and have side effects, which makes it difficult to understand the precise meaning of the resulting computation. In this paper, we define a formal model for RxJS programs by formalizing a selected subset of RxJS operators using a small-step operational semantics. We present several debugging related applications using the semantics as a model. We also implemented a subset of RxJS based on this semantics, which provides convenient access to the runtime representation of the RxJS program to help debugging

    A functional approach to heterogeneous computing in embedded systems

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    Developing programs for embedded systems presents quite a challenge; not only should programs be resource efficient, as they operate under memory and timing constraints, but they should also take full advantage of the hardware to achieve maximum performance. Since performance is such a significant factor in the design of embedded systems, modern systems typically incorporate more than one kind of processing element to benefit from specialized processing capabilities. For such heterogeneous systems the challenge in developing programs is even greater.In this thesis we explore a functional approach to heterogeneous system development as a means to address many of the modularity problems that are typically found in the application of low-level imperative programming for embedded systems. In particular, we explore a staged hardware software co-design language that we name Co-Feldspar and embed in Haskell. The staged approach enables designers to build their applications from reusable components and skeletons while retaining control over much of the generated source code. Furthermore, by embedding the language in Haskell we can exploit its type classes to write not only hardware and software programs, but also generic programs with overloaded instructions and expressions. We demonstrate the usefulness of the functional approach for co-design on a cryptographic example and signal processing filters, and benchmark software and mixed hardware-software implementations. Co-Feldspar currently adopts a monadic interface, which provides an imperative functional programming style that is suitable for explicit memory management and algorithms that rely on a certain evaluation order. For algorithms that are better defined as pure functions operating on immutable values, we provide a signal and array library that extends a monadic language, like Co-Feldspar. These extensions permit a functional style of programming by composing high-level combinators. Our compiler transforms such high-level code into efficient programs with mutating code. In particular, we show how to execute an FFT safely in-place, and how to describe a FIR and IIR filter efficiently as streams. Co-Feldspar’s monadic interface is however quite invasive; not only is the burden of explicit memory management quite heavy on the user, it is also quite easy to shoot on eself in the foot. It is for these reasons that we also explore a dynamic memory management discipline that is based on regions but predictable enough to be of use for embedded systems. Specifically, this thesis introduces a program analysis which annotates values with dynamically allocated memory regions. By limiting our efforts to functional languages that target embedded software, we manage to define a region inference algorithm that is considerably simpler than traditional approaches

    Koka: Programming with Row Polymorphic Effect Types

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    We propose a programming model where effects are treated in a disciplined way, and where the potential side-effects of a function are apparent in its type signature. The type and effect of expressions can also be inferred automatically, and we describe a polymorphic type inference system based on Hindley-Milner style inference. A novel feature is that we support polymorphic effects through row-polymorphism using duplicate labels. Moreover, we show that our effects are not just syntactic labels but have a deep semantic connection to the program. For example, if an expression can be typed without an exn effect, then it will never throw an unhandled exception. Similar to Haskell's `runST` we show how we can safely encapsulate stateful operations. Through the state effect, we can also safely combine state with let-polymorphism without needing either imperative type variables or a syntactic value restriction. Finally, our system is implemented fully in a new language called Koka and has been used successfully on various small to medium-sized sample programs ranging from a Markdown processor to a tier-splitted chat application. You can try out Koka live at www.rise4fun.com/koka/tutorial.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2014, arXiv:1406.153
