25 research outputs found

    Predicate Abstraction for Linked Data Structures

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    We present Alias Refinement Types (ART), a new approach to the verification of correctness properties of linked data structures. While there are many techniques for checking that a heap-manipulating program adheres to its specification, they often require that the programmer annotate the behavior of each procedure, for example, in the form of loop invariants and pre- and post-conditions. Predicate abstraction would be an attractive abstract domain for performing invariant inference, existing techniques are not able to reason about the heap with enough precision to verify functional properties of data structure manipulating programs. In this paper, we propose a technique that lifts predicate abstraction to the heap by factoring the analysis of data structures into two orthogonal components: (1) Alias Types, which reason about the physical shape of heap structures, and (2) Refinement Types, which use simple predicates from an SMT decidable theory to capture the logical or semantic properties of the structures. We prove ART sound by translating types into separation logic assertions, thus translating typing derivations in ART into separation logic proofs. We evaluate ART by implementing a tool that performs type inference for an imperative language, and empirically show, using a suite of data-structure benchmarks, that ART requires only 21% of the annotations needed by other state-of-the-art verification techniques

    HMC: Verifying Functional Programs Using Abstract Interpreters

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    We present Hindley-Milner-Cousots (HMC), an algorithm that allows any interprocedural analysis for first-order imperative programs to be used to verify safety properties of typed higher-order functional programs. HMC works as follows. First, it uses the type structure of the functional program to generate a set of logical refinement constraints whose satisfaction implies the safety of the source program. Next, it transforms the logical refinement constraints into a simple first-order imperative program that is safe iff the constraints are satisfiable. Thus, in one swoop, HMC makes tools for invariant generation, e.g., based on abstract domains, predicate abstraction, counterexample-guided refinement, and Craig interpolation be directly applicable to verify safety properties of modern functional languages in a fully automatic manner. We have implemented HMC and describe preliminary experimental results using two imperative checkers -- ARMC and InterProc -- to verify OCaml programs. Thus, by composing type-based reasoning grounded in program syntax and state-based reasoning grounded in abstract interpretation, HMC opens the door to automatic verification of programs written in modern programming languages.Comment: 12 page

    Helmholtz: A Verifier for Tezos Smart Contracts Based on Refinement Types

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    A smart contract is a program executed on a blockchain, based on which many cryptocurrencies are implemented, and is being used for automating transactions. Due to the large amount of money that smart contracts deal with, there is a surging demand for a method that can statically and formally verify them. This article describes our type-based static verification tool HELMHOLTZ for Michelson, which is a statically typed stack-based language for writing smart contracts that are executed on the blockchain platform Tezos. HELMHOLTZ is designed on top of our extension of Michelson’s type system with refinement types. HELMHOLTZ takes a Michelson program annotated with a user-defined specification written in the form of a refinement type as input; it then typechecks the program against the specification based on the refinement type system, discharging the generated verification conditions with the SMT solver Z3. We briefly introduce our refinement type system for the core calculus Mini-Michelson of Michelson, which incorporates the characteristic features such as compound datatypes (e.g., lists and pairs), higher-order functions, and invocation of another contract. HELMHOLTZ successfully verifies several practical Michelson programs, including one that transfers money to an account and that checks a digital signature

    Refining Inductive Types

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    Dependently typed programming languages allow sophisticated properties of data to be expressed within the type system. Of particular use in dependently typed programming are indexed types that refine data by computationally useful information. For example, the N-indexed type of vectors refines lists by their lengths. Other data types may be refined in similar ways, but programmers must produce purpose-specific refinements on an ad hoc basis, developers must anticipate which refinements to include in libraries, and implementations must often store redundant information about data and their refinements. In this paper we show how to generically derive inductive characterizations of refinements of inductive types, and argue that these characterizations can alleviate some of the aforementioned difficulties associated with ad hoc refinements. Our characterizations also ensure that standard techniques for programming with and reasoning about inductive types are applicable to refinements, and that refinements can themselves be further refined

    Refining Inductive Types

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    Dependently typed programming languages allow sophisticated properties of data to be expressed within the type system. Of particular use in dependently typed programming are indexed types that refine data by computationally useful information. For example, the N-indexed type of vectors refines lists by their lengths. Other data types may be refined in similar ways, but programmers must produce purpose-specific refinements on an ad hoc basis, developers must anticipate which refinements to include in libraries, and implementations must often store redundant information about data and their refinements. In this paper we show how to generically derive inductive characterisations of refinements of inductive types, and argue that these characterisations can alleviate some of the aforementioned difficulties associated with ad hoc refinements. Our characterisations also ensure that standard techniques for programming with and reasoning about inductive types are applicable to refinements, and that refinements can themselves be further refined

    Program synthesis from polymorphic refinement types

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    We present a method for synthesizing recursive functions that provably satisfy a given specification in the form of a polymorphic refinement type. We observe that such specifications are particularly suitable for program synthesis for two reasons. First, they offer a unique combination of expressive power and decidability, which enables automatic verification—and hence synthesis—of nontrivial programs. Second, a type-based specification for a program can often be effectively decomposed into independent specifications for its components, causing the synthesizer to consider fewer component combinations and leading to a combinatorial reduction in the size of the search space. At the core of our synthesis procedure is a newalgorithm for refinement type checking, which supports specification decomposition. We have evaluated our prototype implementation on a large set of synthesis problems and found that it exceeds the state of the art in terms of both scalability and usability. The tool was able to synthesize more complex programs than those reported in prior work (several sorting algorithms and operations on balanced search trees), as well as most of the benchmarks tackled by existing synthesizers, often starting from a more concise and intuitive user input.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1438969)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1139056)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant FA8750-14-2-0242

    Refinement kinds: type-safe programming with practical type-level computation

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    UID/CEC/04516/2019 PTDC/EEICTP/4293/2014This work introduces the novel concept of kind refinement, which we develop in the context of an explicitly polymorphic ML-like language with type-level computation. Just as type refinements embed rich specifications by means of comprehension principles expressed by predicates over values in the type domain, kind refinements provide rich kind specifications by means of predicates over types in the kind domain. By leveraging our powerful refinement kind discipline, types in our language are not just used to statically classify program expressions and values, but also conveniently manipulated as tree-like data structures, with their kinds refined by logical constraints on such structures. Remarkably, the resulting typing and kinding disciplines allow for powerful forms of type reflection, ad-hoc polymorphism and type-directed meta-programming, which are often found in modern software development, but not typically expressible in a type-safe manner in general purpose languages. We validate our approach both formally and pragmatically by establishing the standard meta-theoretical results of type safety and via a prototype implementation of a kind checker, type checker and interpreter for our language.publishersversionpublishe