9 research outputs found

    Manufacturing lot size and product distribution problem with rework, outsourcing and discontinuous inventory distribution policy

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    Product quality, timely delivery, and lower cost are critical operational goals to nowadays manufacturers, and company managements constantly seek different approaches to achieve these goals in order to stay competitive in turbulent global markets. This study investigates a practical manufacturing lot size and distribution problem with rework, outsourcing, and discontinuous inventory distribution policy. In real manufacturing environments, due to different controllable and/or uncontrollable factors, production of the nonconforming products is inevitable. Careful inspection into identifying nonconforming items and instant correction of the defects are considered in the proposed study. In additions, due to the limited production capacity in real manufacturing environments, sometimes, outsourcing can be used to cope with occasional unsteady demands, or running short of in-house capacity, to allow the management to maintain a smooth operation and/or shorten the production cycle length. Furthermore, in vendor-buyer integrated supply chains, multi-delivery policy is often considered for distributing finished products to customers. Motivated by the aforementioned practical situations, this study develops a mathematical model to explicitly investigate such a manufacturing lot-size and product distribution problem. Optimization techniques are employed to solve the problem and a numerical example is provided to show the applicability of our research results

    The design of simple subcontracting rules for make-to-order shops:an assessment by simulation

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    Subcontracting can be an important means of overcoming capacity shortages and of workload balancing, especially in make-to-order companies characterized by high variety, high demand variation and a job shop configuration. But there is a lack of simple, yet powerful subcontracting rules suitable for such contexts. The few existing rules were developed for single work center shops and neglect the actual subcontracting lead time, meaning some subcontracted jobs are destined to become tardy. This study uses Workload Control theory on matching required and available capacity over time to propose four new rules that address these shortcomings. The new rules are compared against four existing rules using an assembly job shop simulation model where the final, assembled product consists of several sub-assemblies that either flow through an internal job shop or are subcontracted. The best new rules stabilize the direct load queuing in front of a work center and significantly improve performance compared to the existing rules. For example, when the workload exceeds capacity by 10%, a 50% reduction in percentage tardy can be achieved. By examining how the workload behaves over time, we reveal that improvements come from selectively subcontracting the sub-assemblies that would otherwise cause overloads, thereby cutting off peaks in the workload

    Sistemática para alocação, sequenciamento e balanceamento de lotes em múltiplas linhas de produção

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    Diante dos desafios impostos pelo sistema econômico, características dos mercados e exigências dos clientes, as empresas são forçadas a operar com lotes de produção cada vez menores, dificultando a gestão de operações e a otimização dos sistemas produtivos. Desse modo, intensifica-se nos meios corporativos e acadêmicos a busca por abordagens que possibilitem a criação de diferenciais competitivos de mercado, sendo esta a justificativa prática deste trabalho, que propõe uma sistemática integrada para alocação, sequenciamento e balanceamento de lotes em um horizonte de programação em múltiplas linhas de produção em um sistema multiproduto com operadores polivalentes. A sistemática proposta foi dividida em três fases. A primeira fase utiliza um algoritmo genético multiobjetivo com o intuito de determinar a linha de produção em que cada lote será produzido. A segunda fase é responsável pelo sequenciamento dos lotes produtivos e se apoia em uma alteração da regra Apparent Tardiness Cost (ATC). Na terceira fase utilizou-se o método Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) para balancear a distribuição das tarefas entre os operadores polivalentes de cada linha de produção, respeitando a precedência das tarefas. A sistemática foi aplicada em dados reais do segmento têxtil, aprimorando os indicadores produtivos e de entrega e conferindo maior flexibilidade ao processo frente à demanda sazonal.Faced with the challenges imposed by the economic system, characteristic of the markets and requirements of the customers, the companies are forced to operate with smaller production batches, making it difficult to manage operations and optimization of the production systems. In this way, the search for improvements that allow the creation of competitive differentials of market is intensified in the corporate and academic circles. This is the practical justification for this work, which proposes an integrated systematics for the allocation, sequencing and balancing of batches in a horizon of programming in multiple production lines in a multiproduct system with multipurpose operators. The systematic proposal was divided into three phases. The first phase uses a multiobjective genetic algorithm with intention to determine the production line in which each batch will be produced. The second phase is responsible for the sequencing of productive batches and is based on a change in the rule Apparent Tardiness Cost (ATC). In the third phase the method Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) was used to balance the distribution of the tasks between the multipurpose operators of each line of production, respecting the precedence of the tasks. The systematics was applied in real data of the textile segment, improving the productive and delivery indicators and giving greater flexibility of the process against the seasonal demand

    Energy aware hybrid flow shop scheduling

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    Only if humanity acts quickly and resolutely can we limit global warming' conclude more than 25,000 academics with the statement of SCIENTISTS FOR FUTURE. The concern about global warming and the extinction of species has steadily increased in recent years

    Production Scheduling

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    Generally speaking, scheduling is the procedure of mapping a set of tasks or jobs (studied objects) to a set of target resources efficiently. More specifically, as a part of a larger planning and scheduling process, production scheduling is essential for the proper functioning of a manufacturing enterprise. This book presents ten chapters divided into five sections. Section 1 discusses rescheduling strategies, policies, and methods for production scheduling. Section 2 presents two chapters about flow shop scheduling. Section 3 describes heuristic and metaheuristic methods for treating the scheduling problem in an efficient manner. In addition, two test cases are presented in Section 4. The first uses simulation, while the second shows a real implementation of a production scheduling system. Finally, Section 5 presents some modeling strategies for building production scheduling systems. This book will be of interest to those working in the decision-making branches of production, in various operational research areas, as well as computational methods design. People from a diverse background ranging from academia and research to those working in industry, can take advantage of this volume

    Two-stage production scheduling with an outsourcing option

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    This paper considers a two-stage production scheduling problem in which each activity requires two operations to be processed in stages 1 and 2, respectively. There are two options for processing each operation: the first is to produce it by utilizing in-house resources, while the second is to outsource it to a subcontractor. For in-house operations, a schedule is constructed and its performance is measured by the makespan, that is, the latest completion time of operations processed in-house. Operations by subcontractors are instantaneous but require outsourcing cost. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the makespan and the total outsourcing cost. This paper analyzes how the model's computational complexity changes according to unit outsourcing costs in both stages and describes the boundary between NP-hard and polynomially solvable cases. Finally, this paper presents an approximation algorithm for one NP-hard case.Scheduling Outsourcing Flow shop scheduling NP-completeness Approximation algorithm

    Two-Stage Production Scheduling with an Outsourcing Option

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    This paper considers a two-stage production scheduling problem in which each activity requires two operations to be processed in stages 1 and 2, respectively. There are two options for processing each operation: the first is to produce it by utilizing in-house resources, while the second is to outsource it to a subcontractor. For in-house operations, a schedule is constructed and its performance is measured by the makespan, that is, the latest completion time of operations processed in-house. Operations by subcontractors are instantaneous but require outsourcing cost. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the makespan and the total outsourcing cost. This paper analyzes how the model's computational complexity changes according to unit outsourcing costs in both stages and describes the boundary between NP-hard and polynomially solvable cases. Finally, this paper presents an approximation algorithm for one NP-hard case. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.112327sciescopu