540 research outputs found

    Application of multirate digital signal processing to image compression

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    With the increasing emphasis on digital communication and digital processing of images and video, image compression is drawing considerable interest as a means of reducing computer storage and communication channels bandwidth requirements. This thesis presents a method for the compression of grayscale images which is based on the multirate digital signal processing system. The input image spectrum is decomposed into octave wide subbands by critically resampling and filtering the image using separable FIR digital filters. These filters are chosen to satisfy the perfect reconstruction requirement. Simulation results on rectangularly sampled images (including a text image) are presented. Then, the algorithm is applied to the hexagonally resampled images and the results show a slight increase in the compression efficiency. Comparing the results against the standard (JPEG), indicate that this method does not have the blocking effect of JPEG and it preserves the edges even in the presence of high noise level

    Image Compression using Discrete Cosine Transform & Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    Image Compression addresses the problem of reducing the amount of data required to represent the digital image. Compression is achieved by the removal of one or more of three basic data redundancies: (1) Coding redundancy, which is present when less than optimal (i.e. the smallest length) code words are used; (2) Interpixel redundancy, which results from correlations between the pixels of an image & (3) psycho visual redundancy which is due to data that is ignored by the human visual system (i.e. visually nonessential information). Huffman codes contain the smallest possible number of code symbols (e.g., bits) per source symbol (e.g., grey level value) subject to the constraint that the source symbols are coded one at a time. So, Huffman coding when combined with technique of reducing the image redundancies using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) helps in compressing the image data to a very good extent. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is an example of transform coding. The current JPEG standard uses the DCT as its basis. The DC relocates the highest energies to the upper left corner of the image. The lesser energy or information is relocated into other areas. The DCT is fast. It can be quickly calculated and is best for images with smooth edges like photos with human subjects. The DCT coefficients are all real numbers unlike the Fourier Transform. The Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) can be used to retrieve the image from its transform representation. The Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has gained widespread acceptance in signal processing and image compression. Because of their inherent multi-resolution nature, wavelet-coding schemes are especially suitable for applications where scalability and tolerable degradation are important. Recently the JPEG committee has released its new image coding standard, JPEG-2000, which has been based upon DWT

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Sub-band/transform compression of video sequences

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    The progress on compression of video sequences is discussed. The overall goal of the research was the development of data compression algorithms for high-definition television (HDTV) sequences, but most of our research is general enough to be applicable to much more general problems. We have concentrated on coding algorithms based on both sub-band and transform approaches. Two very fundamental issues arise in designing a sub-band coder. First, the form of the signal decomposition must be chosen to yield band-pass images with characteristics favorable to efficient coding. A second basic consideration, whether coding is to be done in two or three dimensions, is the form of the coders to be applied to each sub-band. Computational simplicity is of essence. We review the first portion of the year, during which we improved and extended some of the previous grant period's results. The pyramid nonrectangular sub-band coder limited to intra-frame application is discussed. Perhaps the most critical component of the sub-band structure is the design of bandsplitting filters. We apply very simple recursive filters, which operate at alternating levels on rectangularly sampled, and quincunx sampled images. We will also cover the techniques we have studied for the coding of the resulting bandpass signals. We discuss adaptive three-dimensional coding which takes advantage of the detection algorithm developed last year. To this point, all the work on this project has been done without the benefit of motion compensation (MC). Motion compensation is included in many proposed codecs, but adds significant computational burden and hardware expense. We have sought to find a lower-cost alternative featuring a simple adaptation to motion in the form of the codec. In sequences of high spatial detail and zooming or panning, it appears that MC will likely be necessary for the proposed quality and bit rates

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems

    Adapted generalized lifting schemes for scalable lossless image coding

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    International audienceStill image coding occasionally uses linear predictive coding together with multi-resolution decompositions, as may be found in several papers. Those related approaches do not take into account all the information available at the decoder in the prediction stage. In this paper, we introduce an adapted generalized lifting scheme in which the predictor is built upon two filters, leading to taking advantage of all this available information. With this structure included in a multi-resolution decomposition framework, we study two kinds of adaptation based on least squares estimation, according to different assumptions, which are either a global or a local second order stationarity of the image. The efficiency in lossless coding of these decompositions is shown on synthetic images and their performances are compared with those of well-known codecs (S+P, JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, CALIC) on actual images. Four images' families are distinguished: natural, MRI medical, satellite and textures associated with fingerprints. On natural and medical images, the performances of our codecs do not exceed those of classical codecs. Now for satellite images and textures, they present a slightly noticeable (about 0.05 to 0.08 bpp) coding gain compared to the others that permit a progressive coding in resolution, but with a greater coding time

    Self-similarity and wavelet forms for the compression of still image and video data

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    This thesis is concerned with the methods used to reduce the data volume required to represent still images and video sequences. The number of disparate still image and video coding methods increases almost daily. Recently, two new strategies have emerged and have stimulated widespread research. These are the fractal method and the wavelet transform. In this thesis, it will be argued that the two methods share a common principle: that of self-similarity. The two will be related concretely via an image coding algorithm which combines the two, normally disparate, strategies. The wavelet transform is an orientation selective transform. It will be shown that the selectivity of the conventional transform is not sufficient to allow exploitation of self-similarity while keeping computational cost low. To address this, a new wavelet transform is presented which allows for greater orientation selectivity, while maintaining the orthogonality and data volume of the conventional wavelet transform. Many designs for vector quantizers have been published recently and another is added to the gamut by this work. The tree structured vector quantizer presented here is on-line and self structuring, requiring no distinct training phase. Combining these into a still image data compression system produces results which are among the best that have been published to date. An extension of the two dimensional wavelet transform to encompass the time dimension is straightforward and this work attempts to extrapolate some of its properties into three dimensions. The vector quantizer is then applied to three dimensional image data to produce a video coding system which, while not optimal, produces very encouraging results

    Image representation and compression using steered hermite transforms

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    A comparative study of image compress schemes

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    Image compression is an important and active area of signal processing. All popular image compression techniques consist of three stages: Image transformation, quantization (lossy compression only), and lossless coding (of quantized transform coefficients). This thesis deals with a comparative study of several lossy image compression techniques. First, it reviews the well-known techniques of each stage. Starting with the first stage, the techniques of orthogonal block transformation and subband transform are described in detail. Then the quantization stage is described, followed by a brief review of the techniques for the third stage, lossless coding. Then these different image compression techniques are simulated and their rate-distortion performance are compared with each other. The results show that two-band multiplierless PR-QMF bank based subband image codec outperforms other filter banks considered in this thesis. It is also shown that uniform quantizers with a dead-zone perform best. Also, the multiplierless PR-QMF bank outperforms the DCT based on uniform quantization, but underperforms the DCT based on uniform quantization with a dead-zone