4,145 research outputs found

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Development of Some Spatial-domain Preprocessing and Post-processing Algorithms for Better 2-D Up-scaling

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    Image super-resolution is an area of great interest in recent years and is extensively used in applications like video streaming, multimedia, internet technologies, consumer electronics, display and printing industries. Image super-resolution is a process of increasing the resolution of a given image without losing its integrity. Its most common application is to provide better visual effect after resizing a digital image for display or printing. One of the methods of improving the image resolution is through the employment of a 2-D interpolation. An up-scaled image should retain all the image details with very less degree of blurring meant for better visual quality. In literature, many efficient 2-D interpolation schemes are found that well preserve the image details in the up-scaled images; particularly at the regions with edges and fine details. Nevertheless, these existing interpolation schemes too give blurring effect in the up-scaled images due to the high frequency (HF) degradation during the up-sampling process. Hence, there is a scope to further improve their performance through the incorporation of various spatial domain pre-processing, post-processing and composite algorithms. Therefore, it is felt that there is sufficient scope to develop various efficient but simple pre-processing, post-processing and composite schemes to effectively restore the HF contents in the up-scaled images for various online and off-line applications. An efficient and widely used Lanczos-3 interpolation is taken for further performance improvement through the incorporation of various proposed algorithms. The various pre-processing algorithms developed in this thesis are summarized here. The term pre-processing refers to processing the low-resolution input image prior to image up-scaling. The various pre-processing algorithms proposed in this thesis are: Laplacian of Laplacian based global pre-processing (LLGP) scheme; Hybrid global pre-processing (HGP); Iterative Laplacian of Laplacian based global pre-processing (ILLGP); Unsharp masking based pre-processing (UMP); Iterative unsharp masking (IUM); Error based up-sampling(EU) scheme. The proposed algorithms: LLGP, HGP and ILLGP are three spatial domain preprocessing algorithms which are based on 4th, 6th and 8th order derivatives to alleviate nonuniform blurring in up-scaled images. These algorithms are used to obtain the high frequency (HF) extracts from an image by employing higher order derivatives and perform precise sharpening on a low resolution image to alleviate the blurring in its 2-D up-sampled counterpart. In case of unsharp masking based pre-processing (UMP) scheme, the blurred version of a low resolution image is used for HF extraction from the original version through image subtraction. The weighted version of the HF extracts are superimposed with the original image to produce a sharpened image prior to image up-scaling to counter blurring effectively. IUM makes use of many iterations to generate an unsharp mask which contains very high frequency (VHF) components. The VHF extract is the result of signal decomposition in terms of sub-bands using the concept of analysis filter bank. Since the degradation of VHF components is maximum, restoration of such components would produce much better restoration performance. EU is another pre-processing scheme in which the HF degradation due to image upscaling is extracted and is called prediction error. The prediction error contains the lost high frequency components. When this error is superimposed on the low resolution image prior to image up-sampling, blurring is considerably reduced in the up-scaled images. Various post-processing algorithms developed in this thesis are summarized in following. The term post-processing refers to processing the high resolution up-scaled image. The various post-processing algorithms proposed in this thesis are: Local adaptive Laplacian (LAL); Fuzzy weighted Laplacian (FWL); Legendre functional link artificial neural network(LFLANN). LAL is a non-fuzzy, local based scheme. The local regions of an up-scaled image with high variance are sharpened more than the region with moderate or low variance by employing a local adaptive Laplacian kernel. The weights of the LAL kernel are varied as per the normalized local variance so as to provide more degree of HF enhancement to high variance regions than the low variance counterpart to effectively counter the non-uniform blurring. Furthermore, FWL post-processing scheme with a higher degree of non-linearity is proposed to further improve the performance of LAL. FWL, being a fuzzy based mapping scheme, is highly nonlinear to resolve the blurring problem more effectively than LAL which employs a linear mapping. Another LFLANN based post-processing scheme is proposed here to minimize the cost function so as to reduce the blurring in a 2-D up-scaled image. Legendre polynomials are used for functional expansion of the input pattern-vector and provide high degree of nonlinearity. Therefore, the requirement of multiple layers can be replaced by single layer LFLANN architecture so as to reduce the cost function effectively for better restoration performance. With single layer architecture, it has reduced the computational complexity and hence is suitable for various real-time applications. There is a scope of further improvement of the stand-alone pre-processing and postprocessing schemes by combining them through composite schemes. Here, two spatial domain composite schemes, CS-I and CS-II are proposed to tackle non-uniform blurring in an up-scaled image. CS-I is developed by combining global iterative Laplacian (GIL) preprocessing scheme with LAL post-processing scheme. Another highly nonlinear composite scheme, CS-II is proposed which combines ILLGP scheme with a fuzzy weighted Laplacian post-processing scheme for more improved performance than the stand-alone schemes. Finally, it is observed that the proposed algorithms: ILLGP, IUM, FWL, LFLANN and CS-II are better algorithms in their respective categories for effectively reducing blurring in the up-scaled images

    Digital Signal Processing

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    Contains summary of research and reports on sixteen research projects.U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-75-C-0852)National Science Foundation FellowshipNATO FellowshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-75-C-0951)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS79-15226)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-77-C-0257)Bell LaboratoriesNational Science Foundation (Grant ECS80-07102)Schlumberger-Doll Research Center FellowshipHertz Foundation FellowshipGovernment of Pakistan ScholarshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-77-C-0196)U.S. Air Force (Contract F19628-81-C-0002)Hughes Aircraft Company Fellowshi

    On the optimality of a new class of 2D recursive filters

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    summary:The purpose of this paper is to prove the minimum variance property of a new class of 2D, recursive, finite-dimensional filters. The filtering algorithms are derived from general basic assumptions underlying the stochastic modelling of an image as a 2D gaussian random field. An appealing feature of the proposed algorithms is that the image pixels are estimated one at a time; this makes it possible to save computation time and memory requirement with respect to the filtering procedures based on strip processing. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the new filtering schemes

    Removal Of Blocking Artifacts From JPEG-Compressed Images Using An Adaptive Filtering Algorithm

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    The aim of this research was to develop an algorithm that will produce a considerable improvement in the quality of JPEG images, by removing blocking and ringing artifacts, irrespective of the level of compression present in the image. We review multiple published related works, and finally present a computationally efficient algorithm for reducing the blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts commonly present in JPEG compressed images. The algorithm alpha-blends a smoothed version of the image with the original image; however, the blending is controlled by a limit factor that considers the amount of compression present and any local edge information derived from the application of a Prewitt filter. In addition, the actual value of the blending coefficient (α) is derived from the local Mean Structural Similarity Index Measure (MSSIM) which is also adjusted by a factor that also considers the amount of compression present. We also present our results as well as the results for a variety of other papers whose authors used other post compression filtering methods

    Quadtree Structured Approximation Algorithms

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    The success of many image restoration algorithms is often due to their ability to sparsely describe the original signal. Many sparse promoting transforms exist, including wavelets, the so called ‘lets’ family of transforms and more recent non-local learned transforms. The first part of this thesis reviews sparse approximation theory, particularly in relation to 2-D piecewise polynomial signals. We also show the connection between this theory and current state of the art algorithms that cover the following image restoration and enhancement applications: denoising, deconvolution, interpolation and multi-view super resolution. In [63], Shukla et al. proposed a compression algorithm, based on a sparse quadtree decomposition model, which could optimally represent piecewise polynomial images. In the second part of this thesis we adapt this model to image restoration by changing the rate-distortion penalty to a description-length penalty. Moreover, one of the major drawbacks of this type of approximation is the computational complexity required to find a suitable subspace for each node of the quadtree. We address this issue by searching for a suitable subspace much more efficiently using the mathematics of updating matrix factorisations. Novel algorithms are developed to tackle the four problems previously mentioned. Simulation results indicate that we beat state of the art results when the original signal is in the model (e.g. depth images) and are competitive for natural images when the degradation is high.Open Acces

    CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-square Re-fitting with applications to image restoration

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework to remove parts of the systematic errors affecting popular restoration algorithms, with a special focus for image processing tasks. Generalizing ideas that emerged for 1\ell_1 regularization, we develop an approach re-fitting the results of standard methods towards the input data. Total variation regularizations and non-local means are special cases of interest. We identify important covariant information that should be preserved by the re-fitting method, and emphasize the importance of preserving the Jacobian (w.r.t. the observed signal) of the original estimator. Then, we provide an approach that has a "twicing" flavor and allows re-fitting the restored signal by adding back a local affine transformation of the residual term. We illustrate the benefits of our method on numerical simulations for image restoration tasks

    Introduction to computer image processing

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    Theoretical backgrounds and digital techniques for a class of image processing problems are presented. Image formation in the context of linear system theory, image evaluation, noise characteristics, mathematical operations on image and their implementation are discussed. Various techniques for image restoration and image enhancement are presented. Methods for object extraction and the problem of pictorial pattern recognition and classification are discussed