3,171 research outputs found

    Two-Way Unary Temporal Logic over Trees

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    We consider a temporal logic EF+F^-1 for unranked, unordered finite trees. The logic has two operators: EF\phi, which says "in some proper descendant \phi holds", and F^-1\phi, which says "in some proper ancestor \phi holds". We present an algorithm for deciding if a regular language of unranked finite trees can be expressed in EF+F^-1. The algorithm uses a characterization expressed in terms of forest algebras.Comment: 29 pages. Journal version of a LICS 07 pape

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    First-Order and Temporal Logics for Nested Words

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    Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured data, such as XML. We provide new temporal logics for finite and infinite nested words, which are natural extensions of LTL, and prove that these logics are first-order expressively-complete. One of them is based on adding a "within" modality, evaluating a formula on a subword, to a logic CaRet previously studied in the context of verifying properties of recursive state machines (RSMs). The other logic, NWTL, is based on the notion of a summary path that uses both the linear and nesting structures. For NWTL we show that satisfiability is EXPTIME-complete, and that model-checking can be done in time polynomial in the size of the RSM model and exponential in the size of the NWTL formula (and is also EXPTIME-complete). Finally, we prove that first-order logic over nested words has the three-variable property, and we present a temporal logic for nested words which is complete for the two-variable fragment of first-order.Comment: revised and corrected version of Mar 03, 201

    Reasoning about XML with temporal logics and automata

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    We show that problems arising in static analysis of XML specifications and transformations can be dealt with using techniques similar to those developed for static analysis of programs. Many properties of interest in the XML context are related to navigation, and can be formulated in temporal logics for trees. We choose a logic that admits a simple single-exponential translation into unranked tree automata, in the spirit of the classical LTL-to-Büchi automata translation. Automata arising from this translation have a number of additional properties; in particular, they are convenient for reasoning about unary node-selecting queries, which are important in the XML context. We give two applications of such reasoning: one deals with a classical XML problem of reasoning about navigation in the presence of schemas, and the other relates to verifying security properties of XML views

    Monadic second order finite satisfiability and unbounded tree-width

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    The finite satisfiability problem of monadic second order logic is decidable only on classes of structures of bounded tree-width by the classic result of Seese (1991). We prove the following problem is decidable: Input: (i) A monadic second order logic sentence α\alpha, and (ii) a sentence β\beta in the two-variable fragment of first order logic extended with counting quantifiers. The vocabularies of α\alpha and β\beta may intersect. Output: Is there a finite structure which satisfies αβ\alpha\land\beta such that the restriction of the structure to the vocabulary of α\alpha has bounded tree-width? (The tree-width of the desired structure is not bounded.) As a consequence, we prove the decidability of the satisfiability problem by a finite structure of bounded tree-width of a logic extending monadic second order logic with linear cardinality constraints of the form X1++Xr<Y1++Ys|X_{1}|+\cdots+|X_{r}|<|Y_{1}|+\cdots+|Y_{s}|, where the XiX_{i} and YjY_{j} are monadic second order variables. We prove the decidability of a similar extension of WS1S

    On relating CTL to Datalog

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    CTL is the dominant temporal specification language in practice mainly due to the fact that it admits model checking in linear time. Logic programming and the database query language Datalog are often used as an implementation platform for logic languages. In this paper we present the exact relation between CTL and Datalog and moreover we build on this relation and known efficient algorithms for CTL to obtain efficient algorithms for fragments of stratified Datalog. The contributions of this paper are: a) We embed CTL into STD which is a proper fragment of stratified Datalog. Moreover we show that STD expresses exactly CTL -- we prove that by embedding STD into CTL. Both embeddings are linear. b) CTL can also be embedded to fragments of Datalog without negation. We define a fragment of Datalog with the successor build-in predicate that we call TDS and we embed CTL into TDS in linear time. We build on the above relations to answer open problems of stratified Datalog. We prove that query evaluation is linear and that containment and satisfiability problems are both decidable. The results presented in this paper are the first for fragments of stratified Datalog that are more general than those containing only unary EDBs.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure (file .eps