9 research outputs found

    Two Solutions of Soil Moisture Sensing with RFID for Landslide Monitoring

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    Two solutions for UHF RFID tags for soil moisture sensing were designed and are described in this paper. In the first, two conventional tags (standard transponders) are employed: one, placed close to the soil surface, is the sensor tag, while the other, separated from the soil, is the reference for system calibration. By transmission power ramps, the tag’s turn-on power levels are measured and correlated with soil condition (dry or wet). In the second solution, the SL900A chip, which supports up to two external sensors and an internal temperature sensor, is used. An interdigital capacitive sensor was connected to the transponder chip and used for soil moisture measurement. In a novel design for an UHF RFID tag the sensor is placed below the soil surface, while the transponder and antenna are above the soil to improve communication. Both solutions are evaluated practically and results show the presence of water in soil can be remotely detected allowing for their application in landslide monitoring

    Development of an affordable soil moisture sensor system with mini-VNA Tiny and smartphone

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    This study attempts to develop a soil moisture measurement system with a monopole antenna sensor, mini-VNA Tiny and a mobile phone respectively. The mini-VNA Tiny is a compact vector network analyzer (VNA) with a USB connection to a smartphone or a tablet. There are 17 sets of data which have been collected from 15 different spots with varying soil moisture content. The actual moisture content on site was collected from TRIME-PICO 64/32 sensor. Upon collection, it was necessary to calibrate the resistance obtained from the mini-VNA between 1 MHz and 3 GHz. The data obtained from the study shows that the resonances of the antenna resistance shift to the left on the frequency spectrum as moisture content increases. A linear model relating the resistance and actual moisture content was developed from this study with coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.723 at 13 MHz. This value is much less than the anticipated R2 = 0.95 for accurate measurement of soil moisture with monopole antenna at microwave frequency. This could be due to the 0.60 cm thickness of the monopole antenna which may not be suited for soil moisture measurement. Nonetheless, this study demonstrates the potential application of an inexpensive and portable mini-VNA Tiny and smartphone system for sensing applications

    Suatu Kajian Literatur Aplikasi Radio Frequency Identification Dalam Bidang Pertanian

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    One type of information system that is currently experiencing rapid development is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). The system is used to provide high flexibility, easy to use, and is highly suited to activities that require automation. This system has also been used to replace the Barcode system function which is considered less flexible especially in the case of tracerability. This paper aims to explore the potential application of RFID in agriculture, both in technological developments, what applications can be used with RFID, constraints and Prospects. This is to assist in directing the agricultural sector in accordance with revolution 4.0, in order for agriculture in the small area primarily, able to compete in globalization. The method used is a review of the research journal in connection with RFID, and its application in the World of Agriculture. Of the 100 Journals downloaded, only about 53 Journals are in line with the purpose of this review. The source of JUrnal is. Google Scholar, World Web Science (WWS), Science Direct and other open access journals. The majority of research is obtained through the search methodAbstrak Salah satu jenis system informasi yang saat ini mengalami perkembangan pesat adalah RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Sistem tersebut digunakan memiki fleksibilitas yang tinggi, mudah digunakan, serta sangat sesuai pada aktivitas yang memerlukan otomatisasi. Sisem ini juga telah digunakan untuk menggantikan fungsi sistem Barcode yang dianggap kurang fleksibel terutama dalam hal tracerability. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggali potensi penerapan RFID dalam bidang pertanian, baik dalam perkembangan teknologi, aplikasi apa saja yang dapat digunakan dengan RFID, kendala serta Prospeknya. Hal tersebut guna membantu dalam mengarahkan sector pertanian sesuai dengan revolusi 4.0, agar pertanian di daerah kecil utamanya, mampu bersaing di globalisasi. Adapun metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan review terhadap Jurnal penelitian sehubungan dengan RFID, dan aplikasinya di Dunia Pertanian. Dari 100 Jurnal yang diunduh, hanya sekitar 53 Jurnal yang sejalan dengan tujuan review ini. Adapun sumber JUrnal adalah. Google Scholar, World Web of Science (WWS), Science Direct dan jurnal open access lainnya. Adapun sebagian besar penelitian diperoleh melalui metode pencarian Kata  kunci:  Teknologi RFID, Aplikasi RFID,  masalah RFID,  RFID di bidang pertanian, Teknologi RFID

    RFID over Low Cost VCSEL-based MMF Links: Experimental Demonstration and Distortion Study

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    Radio-over-Fibre (RoF) Distributed Antenna System (DAS) technology has been investigated for the distribution of ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) signals. RoF DAS allows for reduced number of readers and centralized placement of readers which facilitates easy system maintenance, but it is important to find a low-cost solution that can achieve comparable performance to a conventional RFID system. In this work, a lowcost vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL)-based multimode fibre (MMF) link has been developed and demonstrated for passive UHF RFID applications. The reported results show almost the same performance when compared with a conventional RFID system. In addition, simple spatial antenna diversity schemes are tested, with improved performance reported in comparison with a RFID-RoF system without diversity. Also, an investigation of RFID over fibre with RoF nonlinearity is carried out showing that PR-ASK RFID modulation allows for higher levels of RF carrier and modulated signal power than the ASK RFID, for low levels of nonlinearity

    Dense and long-term monitoring of Earth surface processes with passive RFID -- a review

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    Billions of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) passive tags are produced yearly to identify goods remotely. New research and business applications are continuously arising, including recently localization and sensing to monitor earth surface processes. Indeed, passive tags can cost 10 to 100 times less than wireless sensors networks and require little maintenance, facilitating years-long monitoring with ten's to thousands of tags. This study reviews the existing and potential applications of RFID in geosciences. The most mature application today is the study of coarse sediment transport in rivers or coastal environments, using tags placed into pebbles. More recently, tag localization was used to monitor landslide displacement, with a centimetric accuracy. Sensing tags were used to detect a displacement threshold on unstable rocks, to monitor the soil moisture or temperature, and to monitor the snowpack temperature and snow water equivalent. RFID sensors, available today, could monitor other parameters, such as the vibration of structures, the tilt of unstable boulders, the strain of a material, or the salinity of water. Key challenges for using RFID monitoring more broadly in geosciences include the use of ground and aerial vehicles to collect data or localize tags, the increase in reading range and duration, the ability to use tags placed under ground, snow, water or vegetation, and the optimization of economical and environmental cost. As a pattern, passive RFID could fill a gap between wireless sensor networks and manual measurements, to collect data efficiently over large areas, during several years, at high spatial density and moderate cost.Comment: Invited paper for Earth Science Reviews. 50 pages without references. 31 figures. 8 table

    Wireless colorimetric readout to enable resource-limited point-of-care

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    Patientennahe Diagnostik in Entwicklungsländer birgt spezielle Herausforderungen, die ihren Erfolg bisher begrenzen. Diese Arbeit widmet sich daher der Entwicklung eines in seiner Herstellung skalierbaren und vielseitig einsetzbaren funkbasierten Auslesegerätes für Laborteststreifen. Durch die Kombination einer wachsenden Auswahl an papierbasierten Teststreifendiagnostiken mit gedruckter Elektronik und unter Berücksichtigung des diagnostischen Alltags im südlichen Afrika wurde ein Gerät entwickelt, das Teststreifen zuverlässig ausliest und die Daten per Funk an eine Datenbank übertragen kann. Die Technik basiert auf RFID-Tags (radio frequency identification devices), welche auf verschiedene flexible Substrate gedruckt wurden, um die technische Umsetzbarkeit und Funktionalität zu evaluieren. Um den Preis für die geplante Anwendung niedrig zu halten, wurden unter anderem Papier und Karton als Substrate genutzt. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie sind passive RFID-Tags auf unterschiedlichen, meist günstigen Substraten, die über eine Distanz von über 75 mm betrieben und ausgelesen werden können. Basierend auf der über RFID bereitgestellten Energie und Datenübertragung wurde eine Ausleseeinheit für Standardpapierstreifentests entwickelt und integriert. Durch das Auslesen verschiedener Teststreifen wurde das Gerät evaluiert und in seiner Aussagekraft mit einer scanner-basierten Aufnahme und anschließender Bildanalyse (ImageJ), einem kommerziellen Auslesegerät sowie einer manuellen Auslesung mit Hilfe von Farbtabellen verglichen. Das Gerät kann die Streifen zuverlässig auslesen und die Daten über die RFID-Schnittstelle übertragen. Die funkbasierte Ausleseeinheit ist mit verschiedenen kommerziellen Teststreifen sowohl im biodiagnostischen (lateral flow tests) wie auch im chemischen Bereich (pH-Wert) kompatibel. Die modulare Lösung erlaubt ein breites Einsatzgebiet und führt dadurch zu reduzierten Trainingszeiten der Anwender und einer zuverlässigen Handhabung. Die vorgestellte Lösung ist äußerst kostengünstig und bedarf keiner Wartung, wodurch sie sich sehr gut für den Einsatz in abgelegenen Feldkrankenhäusern eignet. Es wurde ein skalierbarer Prototyp entwickelt, der auf konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren der Verpackungsindustrie aufbaut. Aktuell handelt es sich noch um einen bogenbasierten Prozess, der sich aber prinzipiell auch auf Rolle-zu-Rolle Maschinen übertragen lässt. Bei der Entwicklung des Geräts spielte die Möglichkeit der lokalen Herstellung in den Einsatzländern eine große Rolle. Diese hätte neben der Generierung von Arbeitsplätzen auch den Vorteil einer einfacheren Verteilung der Geräte in ländliche Regionen, in denen sie den größten Nutzen für die Diagnostik erzielen würden

    Chipless RFID sensor systems for structural health monitoring

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    Ph. D. ThesisDefects in metallic structures such as crack and corrosion are major sources of catastrophic failures, and thus monitoring them is a crucial issue. As periodic inspection using the nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) techniques is slow, costly, limited in range, and cumbersome, novel methods for in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) are required. Chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) is an emerging and attractive technology to implement the internet of things (IoT) based SHM. Chipless RFID sensors are not only wireless, passive, and low-cost as the chipped RFID counterpart, but also printable, durable, and allow for multi-parameter sensing. This thesis proposes the design and development of chipless RFID sensor systems for SHM, particularly for defect detection and characterization in metallic structures. Through simulation studies and experimental validations, novel metal-mountable chipless RFID sensors are demonstrated with different reader configurations and methods for feature extraction, selection, and fusion. The first contribution of this thesis is the design of a chipless RFID sensor for crack detection and characterization based on the circular microstrip patch antenna (CMPA). The sensor provides a 4-bit ID and a capability of indicating crack width and orientation simultaneously using the resonance frequency shift. The second contribution is a chipless RFID sensor designed based on the frequency selective surface (FSS) and feature fusion for corrosion characterization. The FSS-based sensor generates multiple resonance frequency features that can reveal corrosion progression, while feature fusion is applied to enhance the sensitivity and reliability of the sensor. The third contribution deals with robust detection and characterization of crack and corrosion in a realistic environment using a portable reader. A multi-resonance chipless RFID sensor is proposed along with the implementation of a portable reader using an ultra-wideband (UWB) radar module. Feature extraction and selection using principal component analysis (PCA) is employed for multi-parameter evaluation. Overall, chipless RFID sensors are small, low-profile, and can be used to quantify and characterize surface crack and corrosion undercoating. Furthermore, the multi-resonance characteristics of chipless RFID sensors are useful for integrating ID encoding and sensing functionalities, enhancing the sensor performance, as well as for performing multi-parameter analysis of defects. The demonstrated system using a portable reader shows the capability of defects characterization from a 15-cm distance. Hence, chipless RFID sensor systems have great potential to be an alternative sensing method for in-situ SHM.Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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