56 research outputs found

    What is the potential of the luxury resale market in Portugal?

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    The purchase of pre-owned luxury goods is becoming a worldwide trend. With growing concerns over sustainability and the search for different and unique pieces, new ways of consuming luxury have emerged, especially among the younger generations, giving a boost to the second hand luxury market. However, in the Portuguese market this trend is almost non-existent and have just started to give its first step early this year. In an attempt to study the potential of growth for this market in Portugal, 14 in-store observations to the already established luxury resale business models were conducted, as well as 31 in-depth interviews to luxury consumers and 3 interviews to luxury resale retailers. Results showed that there is an interest both to purchase and sell second hand luxury items, suggesting the high potential of the market in Portugal. Moreover, it was found that the best business model to be applied to the Portuguese market is a closed-doors system, with a personalized and exclusive service similar to a luxury store with an omnichannel interaction with a physical store and an online website

    Equity research - Capri Holdings Limited

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    Mestrado em FinançasComo projeto final do Mestrado em Finanças foi elaborado o presente relatório. Este, engloba uma avaliação do valor das ações com uma análise detalhada do grupo CAPRI Holdings Limited. A estrutura do relatório reflete as recomendações do instituto CFA e as normas do trabalho final de mestrado do ISEG. Em 2017, a Michael Kors adquiriu a Jimmy Choo e em 2018 a Versace dando assim origem ao grupo CAPRI. O preço-alvo é de 48,8tendosidoalcanc\cadoatraveˊsdaavaliac\ca~opelomeˊtodoDiscountedCashFlowedaavaliac\ca~opelosMuˊltiplos.Arecomendac\ca~oeˊreduzirestandosustentadaem5fatoresprincipais:aaquisic\ca~odeumaempresana~ocotada,areluta^nciadomercadodeluxoedosproˊpriosconsumidoresemaceitaraunia~odestastre^smarcas,ainstabilidadedoReinoUnidocomasituac\ca~odoBrexit,oaumentodeimpostoseaguerracomercialentreosEstadosUnidoseaChina.Osdadosfinanceirosdesterelatoˊrioreportama31demarc\code2019na~osendoqualquereventoposteriorconsiderado.AsafinalprojectofISEG′sMasterinFinance,itwaselaboratedthisreportthatincludesanvaluationofsharesvaluewithadetailedanalysisofCAPRIHoldingsLimitedgroup.ThereportstructurefollowstheCFAInstituteguidelinesandISEG′sMasterfinalworkprojectstandards.In2017,MichaelKorsacquiredJimmyChooandVersacein2018,originatingCAPRIgroup.Thetargetpriceof 48,8 tendo sido alcançado através da avaliação pelo método Discounted Cash Flow e da avaliação pelos Múltiplos. A recomendação é reduzir estando sustentada em 5 fatores principais: a aquisição de uma empresa não cotada, a relutância do mercado de luxo e dos próprios consumidores em aceitar a união destas três marcas, a instabilidade do Reino Unido com a situação do Brexit, o aumento de impostos e a guerra comercial entre os Estados Unidos e a China. Os dados financeiros deste relatório reportam a 31 de março de 2019 não sendo qualquer evento posterior considerado.As a final project of ISEG's Master in Finance, it was elaborated this report that includes an valuation of shares value with a detailed analysis of CAPRI Holdings Limited group. The report structure follows the CFA Institute guidelines and ISEG's Master final work project standards. In 2017, Michael Kors acquired Jimmy Choo and Versace in 2018, originating CAPRI group. The target price of 48,8 was achieved using valuation method of Discounted Cash Flow and a relative valuation of Multiples. The recommendation is to reduce, supported by 5 main factors: acquisition of a non-public company, some market reluctance to accept the union of the three companies, UK instability due to Brexit situation, increase of duties and trade war between US and China. Financial data of this report is dated on March 31st, 2019. Any further event has not been considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Case study: the market is calling for Biolage R.A.W

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    Which one of us never noticed the emerging trend of natural products? The presented case study aims to study the increasing demand for natural and organic cosmetics and how can Biolage R.A.W. leverage from it. Biolage R.A.W. is a natural professional haircare brand taking its first steps in the Portuguese market. The brand is already facing a lack of awareness which, alongside with the higher prices of its products can leave the brand more exposed. So, how can Biolage R.A.W. come up with a launch strategy to solve these main problems? To better understand the market and brand, an exhaustive qualitative and quantitative analysis was developed that allowed to draw some primary conclusions: Millennials are the healthy beauty products generation and are willing to pay more for natural products. Regarding the launch communication strategy, Biolage R.A.W should follow an integrated communication strategy, using different communication options, creating synergies, to obtain different outcomes in a more cost-efficient way. Taking into consideration millennials’ characteristics, online platforms and e-influencers should take a big part of the brands’ communication. Although recent in the market, Biolage R.A.W. can easily be aware of the growing demand for natural cosmetics and take it as an opportunity to develop and expand the brand. In this case study is clear that the brand has four large strategic core areas to develop, of which two are remarkable for their potential for expansion: distribution channels and innovation. The brand must in the future explore new distribution channels such as natural supermarkets and prioritize a brand extension at the product and category level by launching a line of natural dyes for the hair.Quem de nós nunca notou a tendência emergente de produtos naturais? O estudo de caso apresentado visa estudar a crescente procura por cosméticos naturais e orgânicos e perceber como pode Biolage R.A.W. beneficiar com isso. Biolage R.A.W. é uma marca natural de cuidados capilares profissionais naturais que está atualmente a dar os primeiros passos no mercado português. Enfrenta já alguma falta de awereness que, juntamente com os preços altos praticados quando comparados com os seus concorrentes, a deixam mais suscetível a eventuais. Então, como pode Biolage R.A.W. encontrar uma estratégia de lançamento para resolver esses principais problemas? Para entender melhor o mercado e a marca, uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa exaustiva foi realizada de forma a retirar algumas conclusões principais: os millennials são uma geração de produtos de beleza saudáveis e estão dispostos a pagar mais por produtos naturais. Em relação à estratégia de comunicação de lançamento, Biolage R.A.W deve seguir uma comunicação integrada usando diferentes opções de comunicação, criando sinergias para obter diferentes resultados e de forma eficiente. Tendo em consideração as características dos millennials, as plataformas on-line e os influenciadores digitais devem ter parte fulcral da comunicação da marca. Embora recente no mercado, Biolage R.A.W. pode facilmente estar ciente da crescente procura por cosméticos naturais e encará-la como uma oportunidade para desenvolver e expandir a marca. Neste estudo de caso fica claro que a marca tem quatro grandes áreas estratégicas principais para desenvolver, das quais duas são notáveis pelo seu potencial de expansão: canais de distribuição e inovação. A marca deve, no futuro, explorar novos canais de distribuição, como os supermercados naturais, e priorizar a extensão da marca ao nível do produto e categoria, lançando uma linha de coloração natural para o cabel

    Refining a Portuguese Jewelry brand leveraging the celebration of its 200 years anniversary - developing a product management strategy for Leitão & irmão

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    Leitão & Irmão is a Portuguese jewelry brand celebrating its 200th anniversary next year. Despite its history of success, the brand is currently facing a major challenge of remaining relevant in order to survive another 200 years. Drawing on this foundation, the aim of this paper is to develop a strategy to lead Leitão & Irmão into a successful future. The recommendation elaborated in this paper includes the development of a product management strategy and is based on two points: (1) reinventing Leitão & Irmão's design and (2) developing a strategy to restructure Leitão & Irmão's jewelry items in the luxury range

    Luxury brands on Instagram: A netnographic approach

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    The present research concerns a netnography study from June 1st 2020 to January 1st 2021on Instagram communication of six luxury brands: Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Dior, Chanel and Burberry. Five variables were taken into consideration: number of followers, number of posts, average comments, average likes and engagement rate. This qualitative study reflects the impact of digital transformation on the luxury market. Overall, results demonstrate luxury brands similarities in their Instagram communication strategy - Louis Vuitton and Gucci; Dior and Chanel; Prada and Burberry. With our findings, we were able to associate these luxury brands with the core dimensions of brand coolness. Implications of these findings are discussed with future research directions suggested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors affecting intention to buy organic personal care products: a comparison of generations X & Y in Cape Town.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Organic personal care products are deemed to provide more benefits to consumers and the environment, with the provision that manufacturers have ensured a rigorous certification process. In previous studies, research on organic consumption has placed a significant amount of focus on organic food in comparison to organic cosmetics. A gap in knowledge exists in understanding the consumers underlying motivations to purchase organic personal care products versus conventional products, more so in the South African market. The purpose of this paper is to research the factors affecting the intention to buy organic personal care products among generation X and generation Y in Cape Town. A conceptual framework integrating the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Kim and Chung’s consumer values, and Chen’s green trust metric has been developed and applied for this study. For this, a quantitative online survey using Google Forms was distributed to a sample of 150 respondents, which generated 123 valuable responses for further analysis. Descriptive statistics were conducted to display frequencies and mean of the study’s variables. Cronbach’s alpha scores for all variables were all above the acceptable reliability criteria of r=.06, which indicated they all capture the same underlying construct. Thereafter, principal component analysis was conducted to pinpoint the item with the largest variance on an underlying construct. From the findings, environmental consciousness was the consumer value that significantly influenced consumer attitudes, for both generation X and Y. For generation X, subjective norms had the strongest influence towards purchase intention, whereas for generation Y, the findings revealed that consumer attitudes were significant and positively influenced purchase intention towards organic personal care products. This study provides tangible insights to environmentalists and marketers of green products on ways of effectively conveying their green message to the intended target market in South Africa. As the study focused on generation X and generation Y, a combination of those actively and not actively engaged in environmental practices and issues; future researchers could consider a nationwide survey covering samples from other generation groups who are actively organic cosmetic purchasers

    The role and impact of the influencer marketing strategy in fashion companies: Farfetch case study

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    Lately, we’re seeing a turning point in digital marketing, with the growing interest in digital influencers, whose mission is to share their opinions and thoughts on different brands or products with what we call ‘followers’ on different social media platforms. At first, this strategy has been fiercely contested, and many marketers were not sure of its effectiveness. It is by seeing more and more successful companies entirely basing their social media approach on these influencers, that it has officially now become proper marketing expertise. In this in-company project, the influencer marketing strategy of the online luxury marketplace FARFETCH will be analyzed to understand the importance this strategy can have in fashion companies. A literature review will help to identify the key aspects and concepts of this social media strategy. Moreover, an online survey on social media usage and influencer marketing allowed us to gather a strong database about the subject. A total of 126 answers have been collected and analyzed. This survey helped to highlight areas that Farfetch has not exploited yet and which could be considered as solutions and potential directions to further develop their influencer marketing strategy in the future. Four ideas have been presented in this thesis: (1) Farfetch should invest to develop stronger relationships with the influencers; (2) Farfetch should consider extending its influencer marketing strategy to new platforms such as Tiktok; (3) Farfetch should consider working with sustainable influencers; (4) Farfetch should also analyze the benefits of working with/creating their own virtual influencers. In this study, we realized that influencer marketing is a complex social media strategy that needs to be precisely studied by fashion brands in order to be a great success.Nos últimos anos, temos assistido a um ponto de viragem no marketing digital, com o crescente interesse por influenciadores digitais, cuja missão é partilhar as suas opiniões e pensamentos sobre diferentes marcas ou produtos com o que chamamos de "seguidores" em diferentes plataformas de redes sociais. No início, esta estratégia foi ferozmente contestada, e muitos anunciantes não tinham a certeza da sua eficácia. Ao ver cada vez mais empresas bem sucedidas a basearem inteiramente a sua comunicação nas redes sociais com estes influenciadores, que se tornou oficialmente uma experiência de marketing adequada. Neste projeto, a estratégia de marketing de influenciadores do mercado de luxo online da empresa FARFETCH será analisada para entender a importância que esta estratégia pode ter nas empresas de moda. Uma revisão da literatura ajudará a identificar os aspetos e conceitos fundamentais desta estratégia das redes sociais. Além disso, um inquérito online sobre o uso das redes sociais e o marketing de influenciadores permitiu-nos reunir uma base de dados de opiniões sobre o assunto. Um total de 126 respostas foram recolhidas e analisadas. Este inquérito ajudou a destacar áreas que a Farfetch ainda não explorou e que poderiam ser consideradas como soluções e direções potenciais para desenvolver a sua estratégia de marketing de influenciadores no futuro. Foram apresentadas quatro ideias nesta tese: (1) A Farfetch deve investir para desenvolver relações mais fortes com os influenciadores; (2) A Farfetch deve considerar o alargamento da sua estratégia de marketing de influenciadores a novas plataformas como o Tiktok; (3) A Farfetch deve considerar o trabalho com influenciadores sustentáveis; (4) A Farfetch deve igualmente analisar os benefícios de trabalhar/criar os seus próprios influenciadores virtuais. Neste estudo, percebemos que o marketing de influenciadores é uma estratégia complexa nas redes sociais e que precisa de ser cuidadosamente estudada pelas marcas de moda para ser um grande sucesso

    Enhancing the sales potential of montblanc in Portugal & the new montblanc franchise boutique in colombo shopping mall - which communication strategy should montblanc & its respective franchisees implement to reach a younger & female target in Portugal

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    This field lab aims to provide recommendations to Montblanc, a leading manufacturer of luxury writing instruments and more, and Grupo Tempus’ Montblanc franchise boutique at Colombo Shopping Mall to enhance their sales potential in Portugal. Due to traditionally targeting executive men, Montblanc is challenged by a male brand perception among Portuguese consumers. To tackle the objective of reaching a younger and female target, qualitative interviews were conducted, and the findings complemented by secondary research. The presented multi-channel communication strategy addresses B2B and B2C recommendations, that aim to establish Montblanc as a Success Marker for new generations and independent of gender

    How Chanel adapted its storytelling to the digital era within its masstige segment : a case study of the perfume Chanel number 5

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    The information and communication technologies - which became popular worldwide since the 1990s - have transformed the contemporary world; thus, altering interpersonal, labor and consumption relationships. Thanks to the connectivity and interaction between people, without limits of time and space, the collectivity was empowered. In this globalized world - with an endless supply of possibilities, experiences, information and products - it is crucial to offer users great content to stand out in the crowd. In this context, nothing is more effective than using storytelling to involve and engage consumers. Stories arouse interest and empathy for brands, as well as for the values they transmit; thus, strengthening emotional bonds with customers and consequently increasing the desire of purchasing their products. Luxury brands are aware of the relevance of engaging customers and creating emotional bonds. This research is a case study of the perfume Chanel Number 5, that consists of a one single phase; which is the qualitative content analysis of all advertising films the perfume, released from 1973 to 2020. This study investigated the evolution of the storytelling of Chanel - within its masstige segment - and how it has adapted to the digital age. Another objective was having a broader understanding of the use of storytelling in the advertisement of luxury and masstige brands, specially in the new digital context. The storytelling of Chanel Number 5 evolved over time and accompanied the technological changes that transformed the contemporary society; but, without ever losing its essential attributes, like glamour, luxury, allure and singularity.As tecnologias da informação e comunicação - que se popularizaram mundialmente desde a década de 1990 - transformaram o mundo contemporâneo, e alteraram as relações interpessoais, de trabalho e consumo. Graças à conectividade e interação entre as pessoas, sem limites de tempo e espaço, a coletividade foi potencializada. Neste mundo globalizado - com uma oferta infinita de possibilidades, experiências, informações e produtos - é fundamental oferecer aos usuários um ótimo conteúdo para se destacar na multidão. Nesse contexto, nada é mais eficaz do que contar histórias para envolver e engajar os consumidores. As histórias despertam interesse e empatia pelas marcas, bem como pelos valores que transmitem; fortalecendo assim os laços afetivos com os consumidores e, consequentemente, aumentando o desejo em adquirir seus produtos. As marcas de luxo estão cientes da importância de envolver os clientes e criar laços emocionais. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso do perfume Chanel Número 5, que consiste em uma única fase; qual seja uma análise qualitativa de conteúdo de todos os filmes publicitários do perfume, lançados de 1973 a 2020. Este estudo investigou a evolução da narrativa da Chanel - dentro do seu segmento masstige - e como ela se adaptou à era digital. Outro objetivo foi ter uma ampla compreensão do uso da narrativa na propaganda de marcas de luxo e masstige, especialmente no novo contexto digital. A narrativa do perfume Chanel Número 5 evoluiu ao longo do tempo e acompanhou as mudanças tecnológicas que transformaram a sociedade contemporânea; sem perder de vista seus atributos essenciais, como glamour, luxo, fascínio e singularidade
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