23 research outputs found

    A Classification of Infographics

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    Classifications are useful for describing existing phenomena and guiding further investigation. Several classifications of diagrams have been proposed, typically based on analytical rather than empirical methodologies. A notable exception is the work of Lohse and his colleagues, published in Communications of the ACM in December 1994. The classification of diagrams that Lohse proposed was derived from bottom-up grouping data collected from sixteen participants and based on 60 diagrams. Mean values on ten Likert-scales were used to predict diagram class. We follow a similar methodology to Lohse, using real-world infographics (i.e. embellished data charts) as our stimuli. We propose a structural classification of infographics, and determine whether infographics class can be predicted from values on Likert scales

    How Novices and Experts Understand Hierarchies in Business Process Modeling

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    Conceptual models are essential for successful IT implementation, as they concisely represent the system\u27s component structures, behavior, and relationships. However, for conceptual models to fully realize their potential, they must be understood. To this end, hierarchy has been employed in business process modeling to enhance understanding of complex models. Prior research has proposed a two-component framework to explain the effects of hierarchy on understanding. Drawing on empirical data, this work extends this framework by investigating the influence of expertise on the understanding of hierarchical business process models. Our findings indicate that experts and novices benefit from hiding task-irrelevant information in subprocesses, with experts benefiting significantly more than novices. Additionally, experts profit more from recognizing familiar patterns in subprocesses than novices. Based on our results, we propose two principles for designing hierarchy and suggest future research avenues. Keywords: Business Process Modeling, Hierarchy, Expertise, Information Hiding

    How quickly do we learn conceptual models?

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    In organizations, conceptual models are used for understanding domain concepts. Learning the domain from models is crucial for the analysis and design of information systems that are intended to support the domain. Past research has proposed theories to structure conceptual models in order to improve learning. It has, however, never been investigated how quickly domain knowledge is acquired when using theory-guided conceptual models. Based on theoretical arguments, we hypothesize that theory-guided conceptual models expedite the initial stages of learning. Using the REA ontology pattern as an example of theoretical guidance, we show in a laboratory experiment how an eye-tracking procedure can be used to investigate the effect of using theory-guided models on the speed of learning. Whereas our experiment shows positive effects on both outcome and speed of learning in the initial stages of learning, the real contribution of our paper is methodological, i.e. an eye-tracking procedure to observe the process of learning from conceptual models

    Diagramas em Games Motors para simbolizar os jogadores

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    Introducción: Este trabajo es una continuación del trabajo previo con el cual se quieren representar tanto para planificación y análisis acciones motrices mediante gráficos y diagramas. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la comunicación narrativa oral y escrita que en muchos casos es más sencilla y directa para utilizarla, entras ocasiones por la complejidad de las acciones motrices la utilización de las palabras es más compleja y por esta razón se utiliza la expresión gráfica. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos de los jugadores que participan en los juegos motores en función de su orientación, participación en ataque o defensa con la forma, y colores y la participación en una determinada posición en función del número. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para mostrar a los jugadores que participan en los juegos motores en función de su orientación, participación en ataque o defensa con la forma, y colores y la participación en una determinada posición en función del número.Introduction: This work is a continuation of the previous work with which they want to represent both for planning and analysis motor actions through graphs and diagrams. Considering the importance of oral and written narrative communication, which in many cases is simpler and more direct to use, sometimes because of the complexity of the motor actions, the use of words is more complex and for this reason graphic expression is used. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams of the players participating in the motor games according to their orientation, participation in attack or defense with the form, and colors and participation in a certain position depending on the number. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to show the players that participate in the motor games according to their orientation, participation in attack or defense with the form, and colors and participation in a certain position depending on the number.Este trabalho é uma continuação do trabalho anterior com o qual eles querem representar tanto para planejar e analisar ações motoras através de gráficos e diagramas. Levando em conta a importância da comunicação narrativa oral e escrita, que em muitos casos é mais simples e direta, por vezes devido à complexidade das ações motoras, o uso das palavras é mais complexo e por isso a expressão gráfica é utilizada. Objectivos: Proponha símbolos ou diagramas explicativos dos jogadores que participam dos jogos a motor de acordo com sua orientação, participação no ataque ou defesa com o formulário, e cores e participação em uma determinada posição, dependendo do número. Conclusões: Propusemos alguns símbolos básicos para mostrar aos jogadores que participam dos jogos automobilísticos de acordo com sua orientação, participação no ataque ou defesa com o formulário, e cores e participação em uma determinada posição, dependendo do número.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Diagramas em 'Motores de jogos' com simbologia específica e terminologia

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    Introducción: Si nos centramos en los Juegos Motores observamos que tienen un gran componente espacial con movimientos de personas, móviles, en espacios pequeños y en espacios grandes. Si además queremos que se produzca una comunicación precisa indicando acciones, lugares, espacios, etc. vemos que es imprescindible la comunicación a través de diagramas gráficos. La idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta basada en símbolos utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, y fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos que indiquen acciones en los juegos motores con el fin de hacer diagramas explicativos de forma gráfica. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para indicar acciones en juegos motores, los símbolos son: lanzamiento, desplazamiento sin balón en línea recta, desplazamientos sin balón en curva, desplazamientos con balón, finta en el desplazamiento, bloqueo, pase recto, pase curvo, pase con bote, posibilidad de pase o asistencia, posibilidad de pase o asistencia curva, posibilidad de pase con bote, y resaltar un espacio.Introduction: If we focus on the Motor Games we see that they have a large spatial component with movements of people, mobile, in small spaces and in large spaces. If we also want to produce an accurate communication indicating actions, places, spaces, etc ... we see that it is essential to communicate through graphic diagrams. The idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal based on traditionally used symbols, easy handwriting, and easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose some symbols that indicate actions in the motor games to make explanatory diagrams in graphic form. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate actions in motor games, the symbols are: throwing, displacement without the ball in a straight line, displacements without the ball in a curve, displacements with the ball, feint in the displacement, blocking, straight pass, curved pass, pass with boat, possibility of pass or assistance, possibility of pass or curved assistance, possibility of pass with boat, and highlight a space.Introdução: Se nos concentramos nos Jogos de Motor, vemos que possuem um grande componente espacial com movimentos de pessoas, móveis, em espaços pequenos e em grandes espaços. Se também queremos produzir uma comunicação precisa, indicando ações, lugares, espaços, etc. ... vemos que é essencial se comunicar através de diagramas gráficos. A idéia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta com base em símbolos tradicionalmente usados, fácil de manusear e escrever facilmente em formato digital.Objectivos: Propor alguns símbolos que indicam ações nos jogos de motor, a fim de fazer diagramas explicativos em forma gráfica. Conclusões: Nós propusemos alguns símbolos básicos para indicar ações em jogos de motor, os símbolos são: jogando, deslocando sem bola em linha reta, deslocamentos sem a bola em uma curva, deslocamentos com a bola, feta no deslocamento, bloqueio, passagem direta, passagem curva, passagem com barco, possibilidade de passagem ou assistência, possibilidade de passagem ou assistência curvada, possibilidade de passear com barco e destacar um espaço.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238)

    Diagramas para representar material esportivo de Educação Física e Jogos de Motores

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    Introducción: Esta propuesta es la continuación de simbolización de elementos y acciones del juego y de los juegos motores. Particularmente ahora tratamos el tema del material utilizado en los juegos motores. Material también utilizado en deportes, clases de educación física, actividades deportivas, etc.... De este modo se puede indicar la presencia de este tipo de material en los planteamientos didácticos que utilizan gráficos, diagramas, símbolos y también para el análisis de situaciones motoras. Las imágenes elegidas son imágenes recogidas de forma libre en internet, o dibujos realizados de material con una perspectiva cenital. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos, e imágenes de material para juegos motores, educación física y material deportivo. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos, e imágenes de material para juegos motores, y material deportivo.Introduction: This proposal is the continuation of the symbolization of elements and actions of the game and of the motor games. Particularly now we are dealing with the material used in motor games. Material also used in sports, physical education classes, sports activities, etc ... This way you can indicate the presence of this type of material in the didactic approaches that use graphics, diagrams, symbols and for the analysis of situations motor. The chosen images are images collected freely on the Internet, or drawings made of material with a top-down perspective. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams, and images of material for motor games, physical education and sports equipment. Conclusions: We have proposed symbols or explanatory diagrams, and images of material for motor games, and sports equipment.Introdução: Esta proposta é a continuação da simbolização dos elementos e ações do jogo e dos jogos motores. Particularmente agora estamos lidando com o material usado em jogos de motor. Material também utilizado em esportes, aulas de educação física, atividades esportivas, etc ... Desta forma você pode indicar a presença deste tipo de material nas abordagens didáticas que utilizam gráficos, diagramas, símbolos e também para a análise de situações. motor As imagens escolhidas são imagens coletadas livremente na Internet ou desenhos feitos de material com uma perspectiva de cima para baixo. Então a ideia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta, pois tem havido algumas tentativas que possuem várias características: Baseada em símbolos similares tradicionalmente utilizados, caligrafia fácil, escrita fácil em formato digital. Objectivos: Proponha símbolos ou diagramas explicativos e imagens de material para jogos motorizados, educação física e equipamentos esportivos. Conclusões: Propusemos símbolos ou diagramas explicativos e imagens de material para jogos motorizados e equipamentos esportivos.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Diagramas em Games Motors para representar trilhas, campos e instalações

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    Introducción: Este estudio aborda la continuación de la simbolización de acciones y elementos del juego en juegos motores. En este caso la descripción básica de las pistas e instalaciones utilizadas para la realización de juegos motores, que habitualmente son las que se encuentra en los centros educativos y polideportivos al provenir de señalizaciones de juegos reglamentados y deporte. En estas señalizaciones puede haber simplificaciones con respecto a las líneas y señalizaciones reglamentarias para la facilitar su dibujo a mano. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos. que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos, imágenes o diagramas explicativos de las pistas, campos e instalaciones. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos, imágenes o diagramas explicativos de las pistas, campos e instalaciones.Introduction: This study addresses the continuation of the symbolization of actions and elements of the game in motor games. In this case, the basic description of the tracks and facilities for the realization of motor games, which are usually those found in educational centers and sports centers at the end of the signs of regulated games and sports. This can be simplified with respect to the lines and regulatory markings to facilitate their drawing by hand. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have been some attempts. It has several characteristics: simple handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose some symbols, images or explanatory diagrams of the tracks, fields and facilities. Conclusions: We have proposed symbols, images or explanatory diagrams of the tracks, fields and facilities.Introdução: Este estudo aborda a continuação da simbolização de ações e elementos do jogo em jogos motorizados. Neste caso, a descrição básica das pistas e instalações para a realização de jogos a motor, que são geralmente aqueles encontrados em centros educacionais e centros esportivos no final dos sinais de jogos regulamentados e esportes. Isso pode ser simplificado em relação às linhas e marcações regulamentares para facilitar o seu desenho à mão.Então a ideia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta, pois houve algumas tentativas. Tem várias características: caligrafia simples, escrita fácil em formato digital. Objectivos: Proponha alguns símbolos, imagens ou diagramas explicativos das pistas, campos e instalações. Conclusões: Propusemos símbolos, imagens ou diagramas explicativos das pistas, campos e instalações.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Diagramas em Motors Games para indicar sua estrutura e classificação

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    Introducción: Con este trabajo queremos continuar el trabajo ya iniciado en el que con diagramas y esquemas se quieren representar acciones motrices, tanto para planificarlas como para realizarlas. Hay que valorar la importancia de la comunicación oral que en muchos casos es muy sencilla y la más rápida de utilizar. Pero en muchos casos las acciones motrices requieren muchas palabras para su explicación por lo cual resulta más fácil la expresión a través de gráficos. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos que indiquen las estructuras empleadas en los juegos motores, y símbolos para la clasificación de los Juegos Motores en diferentes categorías. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para indicar la estructura, y diferentes categorías que pueden entrar tanto en la estructura del juego motor como en su clasificación como: objetivos, material, instalaciones, organización, situaciones reducidas de juego, descripción, clasificación, edad, gasto energético, intensidad, grado lúdico, miedo, adicciones, violencia, sexo, atención, variantes, etc….Introduction: With this work we want to continue the work already started in which with diagrams and diagrams we want to represent motor actions, both to plan them and to carry them out. We must value the importance of oral communication, which in many cases is very simple and the fastest to use. But in many cases motor actions require many words for explanation, which makes it easier to express them through graphics. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have already been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams that indicate the structures used in motor games, and symbols for the classification of Motor Games in different categories. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate the structure, and different categories that can enter both the structure of the motor game and its classification as: objectives, material, facilities, organization, reduced situations of play, description, classification, age, energy expenditure, intensity, playfulness, fear, addictions, violence, sex, attention, variants, etc....Introduction: With this work we want to continue the work already started in which with diagrams and diagrams we want to represent motor actions, both to plan them and to carry them out. We must value the importance of oral communication, which in many cases is very simple and the fastest to use. But in many cases motor actions require many words for explanation, which makes it easier to express them through graphics. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have already been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams that indicate the structures used in motor games, and symbols for the classification of Motor Games in different categories. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate the structure, and different categories that can enter both the structure of the motor game and its classification as: objectives, material, facilities, organization, reduced situations of play, description, classification, age, energy expenditure, intensity, playfulness, fear, addictions, violence, sex, attention, variants, etc...

    Diagramas em Games Motors para simbolizar situações reduzidas de jogo em defesa

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    Introducción: Este estudio es la continuación de trabajos en los que se aborda la simbolización de acciones y elementos del juego en juegos motores. Al igual que ocurre en Juegos Motores en deporte, educación física y deportiva y áreas afines se utiliza la expresión gráfica junto con la comunicación oral, o también de forma escrita. Estas formas de expresión se dan en estos campos, pero también en otros campos de conocimiento. En educación física y como caso concreto en Juegos Motores donde uno de los componentes principales es la espacialidad con la necesidad de una rápida y clara comunicación en la que el tiempo de explicación sea el mínimo. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos de las situaciones reducidas de defensa en función del número de jugadores. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos de las situaciones reducidas de defensa en función del número de jugadores.Introduction: This study is the continuation of works in which the symbolization of actions and elements of the game in motor games is addressed. As happens in Motor Games in sports, physical and sports education and related areas, graphic expression is used together with oral communication, or also in written form. These forms of expression occur in these fields, but also in other fields of knowledge. In physical education and as a concrete case in Motor Games where one of the main components is spatiality with the need for a quick and clear communication in which the time of explanation is the minimum. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams of the reduced defense situations depending on the number of players. Conclusions: We have proposed symbols or explanatory diagrams of the reduced defense situations depending on the number of players.Introdução: Este estudo é a continuação de trabalhos em que a simbolização de ações e elementos do jogo em jogos a motor é abordada. Como acontece nos Jogos de Motores em esportes, educação física e esportiva e áreas afins, a expressão gráfica é utilizada em conjunto com a comunicação oral, ou também de forma escrita. Essas formas de expressão ocorrem nesses campos, mas também em outros campos do conhecimento. Na educação física e como um caso concreto nos Jogos de Motores, onde um dos principais componentes é a espacialidade com a necessidade de uma comunicação rápida e clara em que o tempo de explicação é o mínimo. Objectivos: Proponha símbolos ou diagramas explicativos das situações de defesa reduzida dependendo do número de jogadores. Conclusões: Propusemos símbolos ou diagramas explicativos das situações de defesa reduzida, dependendo do número de jogadores.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Kirjoitetut tunnisteet peruskoulun luonnontieteiden diagrammeissa: kielelliset rakenteet ja diskurssisuhteet

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    Communication, by nature, is multimodal: it uses various forms (modes) of communication, such as spoken language, written language, illustrations, and many others to create meaning. Multimodality research is the study of communicative situations that rely on such various modes and their combinations. One form of multimodality very commonly seen in everyday life comes in diagrams, which can convey very complex concepts by combining visual expressive resources (such as illustrations or photographs), written language, and diagrammatic elements such as lines and arrows. The primary aim of my thesis is to establish whether the linguistic structures of written labels – that is, textual elements – in diagrams can inform the decomposition of visual expressive resources. Put simply, I seek to find if said visual elements can more accurately be divided into further, more granular units in accordance with linguistic patterns in their accompanying textual elements. To answer my main research question, I posit three sub-questions. First, if certain diagram types (macro-structures), such as tables, cycles, or cross-sections co-occur with specific linguistic patterns; second, if different rhetorical functions found in diagrams employ different structures in their written labels as well; and third, if these functions are signaled by other means in tandem with written language. Answering these questions can help in designing future multimodal corpora and their annotation schemata, increasing annotation accuracy and possibilities for their processing. The theoretical framework used in this thesis synthesizes theories from multimodality theory, discourse studies, and diagrams research. I approach diagrams from the perspective of multimodality, highlighting them as discursive artefacts. This is enabled by the diagrammatic mode, which establishes how discourse semantics can function in the context of diagrams and how their interpretation is dynamic; that is, each element or combination of multiple elements can in turn contextualize or be a part of other elements and their combinations on a different scale. I also discuss the discourse-semantic concepts of coherence and cohesion as they relate to multimodal artefacts: different elements, even if not linguistic, can combine to create semantically meaningful connections between constituents in such an artefact. To exemplify this, I also apply Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), which seeks to formalize how units of discourse are interconnected and work towards a shared communicative goal. RST employs rhetorical relations such as ELABORATION and IDENTIFICATION to describe how units and their combinations relate to other parts of a text (or other communicative whole). The data I use consists of two interrelated and complementary multimodal corpora: AI2D and AI2D-RST. AI2D is a collection of primary-school textbook science diagrams, annotated for blobs (visual expressive resources), labels, and diagrammatic elements, created for question-answering purposes. It also contains the linguistic data in each of the corpus’s diagrams. AI2D-RST contains a subset of the diagrams in AI2D, expanding them with additional annotation layers for information on macro-structures, visual connectivity, and RST, describing each element’s rhetorical relation in the diagram. I computationally find each rhetorical relation containing a label in AI2D-RST, noting its type, the type of the diagram it appears in, and fetching the labels’ linguistic content from AI2D. I then process each label’s contents with spaCy, a library for natural language processing, for linguistic elements such as phrase types, part-of-speech patterns, and average word counts. The output contains data on each label’s rhetorical relation, the possible macro-structure it is contained in, and said linguistic structures. The results show that there are indeed some differences in how distinct rhetorical relations and macro-groups use language: for example, cycles contain the most verb phrases and highest word count, indicating the use of written language to explicate certain processes to viewers. As linguistic patterns differ across these classes and are contextualized by surrounding diagrammatic elements, approaching diagrams from a discursive standpoint may be beneficial for future empirical multimodality research as well as designing annotation schemata to be more intuitive for annotators. With larger datasets and further research, precise sets of rules containing linguistic structures and layout information may be developed to increase accuracy in probability-based computational analysis of diagrams