8,167 research outputs found

    Spartan Daily, December 5, 2007

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    Volume 129, Issue 52https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10424/thumbnail.jp

    Automatization of TDS data evaluation

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    Tato práce se zabývá automatizací vyhodnocování dat termální desorpční spektroskopie (TDS). Teoretická část pojednává o procesích adsorpce a desorpce atomů a molekul a teplotní závislosti desorpce. Součástí práce je také kvantitativní analýza signálu měřícího přístroje. Hlavním cílem praktické části bylo vytvoření počítačového programu na automatizaci vyhodnocování dat TDS. Popis programu a uživatelská příručka jsou také součástí práce. Proběhlo testování programu na předchozích měření a kinetické parametry desorpce byly zjištěny u několika vzorků.This bachelor thesis is focused on automatization of post-processing and evaluation of thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) data. The theoretical part discusses the processes of adsorption and desorption of atoms and molecules on surfaces and the thermal dependence of the latter. This work also provides a quantitative analysis of the measured signal from the instrument. The main objective of the practical part is to create a computer tool for automatization of TDS data evaluation. Description of the program, as well as a user guide, is included in the work. Comprehensive tests of the created program were concluded on previously measured TDS spectra and the kinetic parameters of several samples were determined.

    The Cowl - v. 71 - n. 6 - Oct 5, 2006

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 71 - Number 6 - October 5, 2006. 24 pages

    Poszukiwanie informacji w procesie post-edycji i tłumaczenia

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    Wydział AnglistykiRozprawa miała na celu zbadanie, jak osoby studiujące tłumaczenie i filologię angielską korzystają z tłumaczenia maszynowego i źródeł internetowych podczas tłumaczenia oraz post-edycji dwóch typów tekstu. Rozdział 1 wprowadza pojęcia tłumaczenia maszynowego, post-edycji i stosunku tłumaczy do nich. Rozdział 2 dotyczy poszukiwania informacji oraz modeli kompetencji tłumaczy. Rozdział 3 przedstawia wysiłek w procesie tłumaczenia i post-edycji, skupiając się na metodologii w okulografii i badaniach wykorzystujących keylogging. Rozdział 4 opisuje eksperymentalne badanie efektów oraz korelacji między aspektami nauczania tłumaczenia oraz poszukiwania informacji w tłumaczeniu i post-edycji. Zbadano siedem hipotez dotyczących efektu typu tekstu oraz grupy na wskaźniki wysiłku, zakres wykorzystanych źródeł oraz poprawność tłumaczenia. Analizy korelacyjne dotyczyły poprawności i procentu sprawdzonych wybranych słów/fraz, jak również procentowo oszacowanego czasu w źródłach i stosunku do tłumaczenia maszynowego oraz postrzeganego wysiłku, który to również skorelowano z zakresem źródeł. Niektóre z hipotez częściowo potwierdzono, ale relacje między wysiłkiem, poprawnością i stosunkiem do tłumaczenia maszynowego w poszukiwaniu informacji w tłumaczeniu i post-edycji są bardzo złożone. Opisane zależności mogą być szczególnie przydatne w nauczaniu tłumaczenia i badaniach nad procesem przekładu.This dissertation investigated translation trainees and EFL students interacting with machine translation and online resources (OR) in translation and post-editing tasks for two text types. Chapter 1 introduces the concepts of machine translation, post-editing, and translators’ attitudes towards them. Chapter 2 details information behaviour and translator competence models. Chapter 3 presents effort in both translation and post-editing process, with the focus on methodology in eye-tracking and keylogging studies. Chapter 4 is a detailed report on the experimental study on the effects and correlations between aspects of translation training and information behaviour in translation and post-editing. The experimental study tested seven hypotheses about effects of task type and group membership on effort indicators, range of consulted OR, and translation accuracy. Correlational analyses were also made between accuracy and percentage of researched rich points, as well as percentage of time spent in OR with attitude and perceived effort which was also correlated with the range of consulted OR. Some of the hypotheses were partially confirmed, but the relationship between effort, accuracy, and attitude in information searching during translation and post-editing is intensely nuanced. The findings may be particularly valuable for translation trainers and translation process researchers


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    Wikipedia has been cited in over four hundred American judicial opinions. Courts have taken judicial notice of Wikipedia content, based their reasoning on Wikipedia entries, and decided dispositive motions on the basis of Wikipedia content. The impermanent nature of Wikipedia entries and their questionable quality raises a number of unique concerns. To date, no law review article has comprehensively examined the citation of Wikipedia in judicial opinions or considered its long-range implications for American law. This article reports the results of an exhaustive study examining every American judicial opinion that cites a Wikipedia entry. The article begins with a discussion of cases that cite Wikipedia for a significant aspect of the case before the court. The impact of these citations on litigants\u27 constitutional and procedural rights, the law of evidence, judicial ethics, and the judicial role in the common law adversarial system are explored. Part II discusses collateral references to Wikipedia entries. Part III proposes a set of best practices for when and how Wikipedia should be cited. Detailed statistics on the quality of Wikipedia entries cited in judicial opinions and the completeness and accuracy of citations to Wikipedia entries are provided. The article concludes with a discussion of the impact of Wikipedia citations in judicial opinions on the future of the law

    Cumulative growth in user-generated content production : evidence from Wikipedia

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    Open content production platforms typically allow users to gradually create content and react to previous contributions. Using detailed edit-level data across a large number of Wikipedia articles, we investigate how past edits shape current editing activity. We find that cumulative past contributions, embodied by the current article length, lead to signifi- cantly more editing activity, while controlling for a host of factors such as popularity of the topic and platform-level growth trends. The magnitude of the effect is large; content growth over an eight-year period would have been 45% lower in its absence. Our findings suggest other open content production environments are likely to also benefit from similar cumulative growth effects. In the presence of such effects, managerial interventions that increase content are amplified because they trigger further contributions