423 research outputs found

    Turn-minimizing multirobot coverage

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    Document Sections I. Introduction II. Partitioning the Environment III. Combining Ranks Into Paths IV. Results V. Conclusions Authors Figures References Keywords Metrics Abstract: Multirobot coverage is the problem of planning paths for several identical robots such that the combined regions traced out by the robots completely cover their environment. We consider the problem of multirobot coverage with the objective of minimizing the mission time, which depends on the number of turns taken by the robots. To solve this problem, we first partition the environment into ranks which are long thin rectangles the width of the robot's coverage tool. Our novel partitioning heuristic produces a set of ranks which minimizes the number of turns. Next, we solve a variant of the multiple travelling salesperson problem (m-TSP) on the set of ranks to minimize the robots' mission time. The resulting coverage plan is guaranteed to cover the entire environment. We present coverage plans for a robotic vacuum using real maps of 25 indoor environments and compare the solutions to paths planned without the objective of minimizing turns. Turn minimization reduced the number of turns by 6.7% and coverage time by 3.8% on average for teams of 1-5 robots

    Coverage & cooperation: Completing complex tasks as quickly as possible using teams of robots

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    As the robotics industry grows and robots enter our homes and public spaces, they are increasingly expected to work in cooperation with each other. My thesis focuses on multirobot planning, specifically in the context of coverage robots, such as robotic lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. Two problems unique to multirobot teams are task allocation and search. I present a task allocation algorithm which balances the workload amongst all robots in the team with the objective of minimizing the overall mission time. I also present a search algorithm which robots can use to find lost teammates. It uses a probabilistic belief of a target robot’s position to create a planning tree and then searches by following the best path in the tree. For robust multirobot coverage, I use both the task allocation and search algorithms. First the coverage region is divided into a set of small coverage tasks which minimize the number of turns the robots will need to take. These tasks are then allocated to individual robots. During the mission, robots replan with nearby robots to rebalance the workload and, once a robot has finished its tasks, it searches for teammates to help them finish their tasks faster

    Decentralization of Multiagent Policies by Learning What to Communicate

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    Effective communication is required for teams of robots to solve sophisticated collaborative tasks. In practice it is typical for both the encoding and semantics of communication to be manually defined by an expert; this is true regardless of whether the behaviors themselves are bespoke, optimization based, or learned. We present an agent architecture and training methodology using neural networks to learn task-oriented communication semantics based on the example of a communication-unaware expert policy. A perimeter defense game illustrates the system's ability to handle dynamically changing numbers of agents and its graceful degradation in performance as communication constraints are tightened or the expert's observability assumptions are broken.Comment: 7 page

    Aerial Remote Sensing in Agriculture: A Practical Approach to Area Coverage and Path Planning for Fleets of Mini Aerial Robots

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    In this paper, a system that allows applying precision agriculture techniques is described. The application is based on the deployment of a team of unmanned aerial vehicles that are able to take georeferenced pictures in order to create a full map by applying mosaicking procedures for postprocessing. The main contribution of this work is practical experimentation with an integrated tool. Contributions in different fields are also reported. Among them is a new one-phase automatic task partitioning manager, which is based on negotiation among the aerial vehicles, considering their state and capabilities. Once the individual tasks are assigned, an optimal path planning algorithm is in charge of determining the best path for each vehicle to follow. Also, a robust flight control based on the use of a control law that improves the maneuverability of the quadrotors has been designed. A set of field tests was performed in order to analyze all the capabilities of the system, from task negotiations to final performance. These experiments also allowed testing control robustness under different weather conditions

    Hopscotch: Robust Multi-agent Search

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    The task of searching a space is critical to a wide range of diverse applications such as land mine clearing and planetary exploration. Because applications frequently require searching remote or hazardous locations, and because the task is easily divisible, it is natural to consider the use of multi-robot teams to accomplish the search task. An important topic of research in this area is the division of the task among robot agents. Interrelated with subtask assignment is failure handling, in the sense that, when an agent fails, its part of the task must then be performed by other agents. This thesis describes Hopscotch, a multi-agent search strategy that divides the search area into a grid of lots. Each agent is assigned responsibility to search one lot at a time, and upon completing the search of that lot the agent is assigned a new lot. Assignment occurs in real time using a simple contract net. Because lots that have been previously searched are skipped, the order of search from the point of view of a particular agent is reminiscent of the progression of steps in the playground game of Hopscotch. Decomposition of the search area is a common approach to multi-agent search, and auction-based contract net strategies have appeared in recent literature as a method of task allocation in multi-agent systems. The Hopscotch strategy combines the two, with a strong focus on robust tolerance of agent failures. Contract nets typically divide all known tasks among available resources. In contrast, Hopscotch limits each agent to one assigned lot at a time, so that failure of an agent compels re-allocation of only one lot search task. Furthermore, the contract net is implemented in an unconventional manner that empowers each agent with responsibility for contract management. This novel combination of real-time assignment and decentralized management allows Hopscotch to resiliently cope with agent failures. The Hopscotch strategy was modeled and compared to other multi-agent strate- gies that tackle the search task in a variety of ways. Simulation results show that Hopscotch is failure-tolerant and very effective in comparison to the other approaches in terms of both search time and search efficiency. Although the search task modeled here is a basic one, results from simulations show the promise of using this strategy for more complicated scenarios, and with actual robot agents

    Negotiation of Target Points for Teams of Heterogeneous Robots: an Application to Exploration

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    In this paper, we present an application to Search and Rescue of a task negotiation protocol for teams of heterogeneous robots. Self-organization through autonomous negotiations allow the robots to assign themselves a number of target observation points decided by the operator, who is relieved from deciding the optimal assignment. The operator can then focus on monitoring the mission and deciding next actions. The protocol has been tested on both computer simulations and real robots