9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mendengarkan Musik Terhadap Kondisi Rilaksasi

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    ABSTRACT The Impact of Listening to Music on Relaxation Condition. This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of passively using instrumental music in stimulating subjects to reach relaxation. Music has been used for centuries in association with trance condition. Currently, the use has been developing, including in the realm of hypnosis or "brainwashing". The notion that music can affect listeners' self-control has become a well-known topic like the concepts of automatic responses and conditioned reflexes that form the basis of psychological models of musical stimulation. Relaxation as one of the achievements of hypnotherapy in which music has a role in the presence of 'physiological psychology' as a physical reflex phenomenon in response to sounds. The sound of gong – Indonesian traditional musical instrument – and tuning forks have been widely used to induce hypnotic trances to conditioned reflex – automatic responses to sounds that have physiological effects through the conscious mind. In the 1770s, Mesmer, a German doctor, combined the recovery process of his patients with the theory that the universe was deliberately manipulated used in health-related matters. The presence of hypnotism to gain relaxation was considered to be embodied from this treatment known as 'magnetic sleep'. The concept of magnetism was understood as a 'sympathetic vibration' which had something in common with music and it was believed that this condition can be communicated, transmitted and amplified through sounds. In subsequent developments, conventional musical instruments such as piano, violin, and harp were used which further strengthened the perspective of the previous theory. Nevertheless, hardly did the people use local traditional musical instruments or culture, such as gamelan. In this study the authors implemented experimental curation approach with one post-test design only for the same subject group. The authors picked sample consisting of adolescents with no hearing or health problems after being examined. The total sample of N = 10 were given passive musical intervention by listening through compositions of the sound sources and nuances Javanese gamelan nuances, then measurements were taken through self-report questionnaire and integrated group discussion. The results of the study indicate that attaining relaxed condition can reduce subjective stress through listening to music, thereby allowing a temporary reduction in somatic symptoms.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas penggunaan musik instrumental secara pasif dalam menstimuli subjek agar dapat mencapai kondisi rilaksasi. Musik telah berabad lamanya digunakan dalam asosiasinya dengan kondisi trans dan saat ini pemanfaatannya makin berkembang termasuk ke ranah hypnosis atau “cuci otak”. Gagasan bahwa musik dapat memengaruhi pengendalian diri pendengar telah menjadi tema yang makin dikenal seperti konsep respons otomatis dan refleks terkondisi yang menjadi dasar model psikologi ketika terjadi stimuli musik. Rilaksasi sebagai salah satu capaian hipnoterapi dan musik memiliki peran dengan hadirnya 'psikologi fisiologis' sebagai fenomena refleks fisik merespons suara. Mulai dari suara gong dan garpu tala banyak digunakan untuk menginduksi trans hipnosis hingga ke refleks terkondisi, respons otomatis terhadap suara yang berefek pada fisiologis melalui pikiran sadar. Pada 1770-an, Mesmer, seorang dokter kebangsaan Jerman telah menggabungkan penyembuhan pasiennya dengan teori alam semesta yang secara terencana dimanipulasi untuk digunakan dalam kaitannya dengan kesehatan. Kehadiran hipnotisme untuk mencapai rilaksasi juga dianggap lahir dari perlakuan tersebut yang dikenal dengan istilah ‘magnetic sleep’. Konsep magnetisme dipahami sebagai sebuah 'getaran simpatik' yang memiliki kesamaan dengan musik dan dipercaya kondisi tersebut dapat dikomunikasikan, disebarkan, serta diperkuat melalui suara. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya digunakan alat musik konvensional seperti piano, biola, dan harpa yang makin memperkuat pandangan teori sebelumnya. Namun demikian, hanya sebagian kecil yang menggunakan alat atau kultur musik tradisi setempat seperti, gamelan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kurasi eksperimen dengan rancangan one post-test design only pada kelompok subjek yang sama. Sampel dalam penelitian terdiri dari remaja yang telah dilakukan asesmen tanpa memiliki gangguan pendengaran atau kesehatan tertentu. Total sampel sebanyak N=10 diberi intervensi musik secara pasif dengan cara mendengarkan melalui komposisi berdasarkan sumber suara dan nuansa gamelan Jawa kemudian dilakukan pengukuran melalui kuesioner self-report serta diskusi kelompok terpadu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian kondisi rileks dapat mengurangi stres subjektif melalui mendengarkan musik sehingga memungkinkan berkurangnya gejala somatik hingga beberapa saat

    In Time with the Beat: Entrainment in Patients with Phonological Impairment, Apraxia of Speech, and Parkinson’s Disease

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    In the present study, we investigated if individuals with neurogenic speech sound impairments of three types, Parkinson’s dysarthria, apraxia of speech, and aphasic phonological impairment, accommodate their speech to the natural speech rhythm of an auditory model, and if so, whether the effect is more significant after hearing metrically regular sentences as compared to those with an irregular pattern. This question builds on theories of rhythmic entrainment, assuming that sensorimotor predictions of upcoming events allow humans to synchronize their actions with an external rhythm. To investigate entrainment effects, we conducted a sentence completion task relating participants’ response latencies to the spoken rhythm of the prime heard immediately before. A further research question was if the perceived rhythm interacts with the rhythm of the participants’ own productions, i.e., the trochaic or iambic stress pattern of disyllabic target words. For a control group of healthy speakers, our study revealed evidence for entrainment when trochaic target words were preceded by regularly stressed prime sentences. Persons with Parkinson’s dysarthria showed a pattern similar to that of the healthy individuals. For the patient groups with apraxia of speech and with phonological impairment, considerably longer response latencies with differing patterns were observed. Trochaic target words were initiated with significantly shorter latencies, whereas the metrical regularity of prime sentences had no consistent impact on response latencies and did not interact with the stress pattern of the target words to be produced. The absence of an entrainment in these patients may be explained by the more severe difficulties in initiating speech at all. We discuss the results in terms of clinical implications for diagnostics and therapy in neurogenic speech disorders. View Full-Tex

    Auditory-Motor Rhythms and Speech Processing in French and German Listeners

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    Moving to a speech rhythm can enhance verbal processing in the listener by increasing temporal expectancies (Falk and Dalla Bella, 2016). Here we tested whether this hypothesis holds for prosodically diverse languages such as German (a lexical stress-language) and French (a non-stress language). Moreover, we examined the relation between motor performance and the benefits for verbal processing as a function of language. Sixty-four participants, 32 German and 32 French native speakers detected subtle word changes in accented positions in metrically structured sentences to which they previously tapped with their index finger. Before each sentence, they were cued by a metronome to tap either congruently (i.e., to accented syllables) or incongruently (i.e., to non-accented parts) to the following speech stimulus. Both French and German speakers detected words better when cued to tap congruently compared to incongruent tapping. Detection performance was predicted by participants' motor performance in the non-verbal cueing phase. Moreover, tapping rate while participants tapped to speech predicted detection differently for the two language groups, in particular in the incongruent tapping condition. We discuss our findings in light of the rhythmic differences of both languages and with respect to recent theories of expectancy-driven and multisensory speech processing

    Infants' perception of sound patterns in oral language play

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    Advances in the neurocognition of music and language

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    Auditive Anpassungsprozesse des Sprechens und der Einfluss rhythmischer Strukturen

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    Auditive Anpassungsprozesse des Sprechens und der Einfluss rhythmischer Strukturen

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    Tuning neural phase entrainment to speech

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    International audienceMusical rhythm positively impacts on subsequent speech processing. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are so far unclear. We investigated whether carryover effects from a preceding musical cue to a speech stimulus result from a continuation of neural phase entrainment to periodicities that are present in both music and speech. Participants listened and memorized French metrical sentences that contained (quasi-)periodic recurrences of accents and syllables. Speech stimuli were preceded by a rhythmically regular or irregular musical cue. Our results show that the presence of a regular cue modulates neural response as estimated by EEG power spectral density, intertrial coherence, and source analyses at critical frequencies during speech processing compared with the irregular condition. Importantly, intertrial coherences for regular cues were indicative of the participants' success in memorizing the subsequent speech stimuli. These findings underscore the highly adaptive nature of neural phase entrainment across fundamentally different auditory stimuli. They also support current models of neural phase entrainment as a tool of predictive timing and attentional selection across cognitive domains