181 research outputs found

    Beyond socket options: making the Linux TCP stack truly extensible

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    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the most important protocols in today's Internet. Its specification and implementations have been refined for almost forty years. The Linux TCP stack is one of the most widely used TCP stacks given its utilisation on servers and Android smartphones and tablets. However, TCP and its implementations evolve very slowly. In this paper, we demonstrate how to leverage the eBPF virtual machine that is part of the recent versions of the Linux kernel to make the TCP stack easier to extend. We demonstrate a variety of use cases where the eBPF code is injected inside a running kernel to update or tune the TCP implementation. We first implement the TCP User Timeout Option. Then we propose a new option that enables a client to request a server to use a specific congestion control scheme. Our third extension is a TCP option that sets the initial congestion window. We then demonstrate how eBPF code can be used to tune the acknowledgment strategy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Beyond socket options: making the Linux TCP stack truly extensible

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    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the most important protocols in today's Internet. Its specification and implementations have been refined for almost forty years. The Linux TCP stack is one of the most widely used TCP stacks given its utilisation on servers and Android smartphones and tablets. However, TCP and its implementations evolve very slowly. In this paper, we demonstrate how to leverage the eBPF virtual machine that is part of the recent versions of the Linux kernel to make the TCP stack easier to extend. We demonstrate a variety of use cases where the eBPF code is injected inside a running kernel to update or tune the TCP implementation. We first implement the TCP User Timeout Option. Then we propose a new option that enables a client to request a server to use a specific congestion control scheme. Our third extension is a TCP option that sets the initial congestion window. We then demonstrate how eBPF code can be used to tune the acknowledgment strategy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Smart Television Services Using NFV/SDN Network Management

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    International audienceIntegrating joint network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networks (SDNs) with digital televisions (TVs) into home environments, has the potential to provide smart TV services to users, and improve their quality of experience (QoE). In this regard, this paper focuses on one of the next generation services so-called follow me service (FMS). FMS is a service offered by 5gNB to user equipments (UEs) in indoor environments (e.g., home), it enables its clients to use their smart phones to select media content from content servers, then cast it on the nearest TV set (e.g., living room) and continue watching on the next TV set (e.g., kitchen) while moving around the indoor coverage area. FMS can be provisioned by utilizing UEs geoloca-tion information and robust mechanisms for switching between multiple 5G radio access technologies (RATs), based on the intelligence of the SDN/NFV intelligent home IP gateway of the Internet of Radio Light (IoRL) project paradigm. In view that the actual IoRL system is at its early development stage, we step forward by using Mininet platform to integrate SDN/NFV virtualization into 5G multi-RAT scenario and provide performance monitoring with measurements for the identified service. Simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposal under various use case scenarios by means of minimizing the packet loss rate and improving QoE of the home users. Index Terms-Software defined networks, network function virtualisation, quality of experience, Internet of radio light, intelligent home IP gateway

    Testing goGPS low-cost RTK positioning with a web-based track log management system

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    Location-based online collaborative platforms are proving to be an effective and widely adopted solution for geospatial data collection, update and sharing. Popular collaborative projects like OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia and other services that collect and publish user-generated geographic contents have been fostered by the increasing availability of location-aware palmtop devices. These instruments include GPS-enabled mobile phones and low-cost GPS receivers, which are employed for quick field surveys at both professional and non-professional levels. Nevertheless, data collected with such devices are often not accurate enough to avoid heavy user intervention before using or sharing them. Providing tools for collecting and sharing accuracy-enhanced positioning data to a wide and diverse user base requires to integrate modern web technologies and online services with advanced satellite positioning techniques. A web-based prototype system for enhancing GPS tracks quality and managing track logs and points of interest (POI), originally developed using standard GPS devices, was tested by using goGPS software to apply kinematic relative positioning (RTK) with low-cost single-frequency receivers. The workflow consists of acquiring raw GPS measurements from the user receiver and from a network of permanent GPS stations, processing them by RTK positioning within goGPS Kalman filter algorithm, sending the accurate positioning data to the web-based system, performing further quality enhancements if needed, logging the data and displaying them. The whole system can work either in real-time or post-processing, the latter providing a solution to collect and publish enhanced location data without necessarily requiring mobile Internet connection on the field. Tests were performed in open areas and variously dense urban environments, comparing different indices for quality-based filtering. Results are promising and suggest that the integration of web technologies with advanced geodetic techniques applied to low-cost instruments can be an effective solution to collect, update and share accurate location data on collaborative platforms

    Nearby live virtual machine migration using cloudlets and multipath TCP

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    A nearby virtual machine (VM) based cloudlet is proposed for mobile cloud computing (MCC) to enhance the performance of real-time resource-intensive mobile applications. Generally, when a mobile device (MD) discovers a cloudlet in the vicinity, it takes time to set up a VM inside the cloudlet before data offloading from the MD to the VM starts. The time between the discovery of the cloudlet and actual offloading of data is considered as the service initiation time. When multiple cloudlets are present in a nearby geographical location, initiating a service with each cloudlet may be frustrating for cloudlet users that moving from one location to another. In order to eliminate the delay caused by the service initiation time after moving away from the source cloudlet, this paper proposes a seamless live VM migration between neighbouring cloudlets. A seamless live VM migration is achieved with the prior knowledge of the migrating VM IP address in the destination cloudlet and more importantly with multip

    A methodology for obtaining More Realistic Cross-Layer QoS Measurements in mobile networks: A VoIP over LTE Use Case

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    Los servicios de voz han sido durante mucho tiempo la primera fuente de ingresos para los operadores móviles. Incluso con el protagonismo creciente del tráfico de datos, los servicios de voz seguirán jugando un papel importante y no desaparecerán con la transición a redes basadas en el protocolo IP. Por otra parte, hace años que los principales actores en la industria móvil detectaron claramente que los usuarios no aceptarían una degradación en la calidad de los servicios de voz. Es por esto que resulta crítico garantizar la experiencia de usuario (QoE) en la transición a redes de nueva generación basadas en conmutación de paquetes. El trabajo realizado durante esta tesis ha buscado analizar el comportamiento y las dependencias de los diferentes servicios de Voz sobre IP (VoIP), así como identificar configuraciones óptimas, mejoras potenciales y metodologías que permitan asegurar niveles de calidad aceptables al mismo tiempo que se trate de minimizar los costes. La caracterización del rendimiento del tráfico de datos en redes móviles desde el punto de vista de los usuarios finales es un proceso costoso que implica la monitorización y análisis de un amplio rango de protocolos y parámetros con complejas dependencias. Para abordar desde la raíz este problema, se requiere realizar medidas que relacionen y correlen el comportamiento de las diferentes capas. La metodología de caracterización propuesta en esta tesis proporciona la posibilidad de recoger información clave para la resolución de problemas en las comunicaciones IP, relaciolándola con efectos asociados a la propagación radio, como cambios de celda o pérdida de enlaces, o con carga de la red y limitaciones de recursos en zonas geográficas específicas. Dicha metodología se sustenta en la utilización de herramientas nativas de monitorización y registro de información en smartphones, y la aplicación de cadenas de herramientas para la experimentación extensiva tanto en redes reales y como en entornos de prueba controlados. Con los resultados proporcionados por esta serie de herramientas, tanto operadores móviles y proveedores de servicio como desarrolladores móviles podrían ganar acceso a información sobre la experiencia real del usuario y sobre cómo mejorar la cobertura, optimizar los servicios y adaptar el funcionamiento de las aplicaciones y el uso de protocolos móviles basados en IP en este contexto. Las principales contribuciones de las herramientas y métodos introducidos en esta tesis son los siguientes: - Una herramienta de monitorización multicapa para smartphones Android, llamada TestelDroid, que permite la captura de indicadores clave de rendimiento desde el propio equipo de usuario. Asimismo proporciona la capacidad de generar tráfico de forma activa y de verificar el estado de alcanzabilidad del terminal, realizando pruebas de conectividad. - Una metodología de post-procesado para correlar la información presente en las diferentes capas de las medidas realizadas. De igual forma, se proporciona la opción a los usuarios de acceder directamente a la información sobre el tráfico IP y las medidas radio y de aplicar metodologías propias para la obtención de métricas. - Se ha realizado la aplicación de la metodología y de las herramientas usando como caso de uso el estudio y evaluación del rendimiento de las comunicaciones basadas en IP a bordo de trenes de alta velocidad. - Se ha contribuido a la creación de un entorno de prueba realista y altamente configurable para la realización de experimentos avanzados sobre LTE. - Se han detectado posibles sinergias en la utilización de instrumentación avanzada de I+D en el campo de las comunicaciones móviles, tanto para la enseñanza como para la investigación en un entorno universitario

    Bandwidth management in live virtual machine migration

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    In this thesis I investigated the bandwidth management problem on live migration of virtual machine in different environment. First part of the thesis is dedicated to intra-data-center bandwidth optimization problem, while in the second part of the document I present the solution for wireless live migration in 5G and edge computing emerging technologies. Live virtual machine migration aims at enabling the dynamic balanced use of the networking/computing physical resources of virtualized data centers, so to lead to reduced energy consumption and improve data centers’ flexibility. However, the bandwidth consumption and latency of current state-of-the-art live VM migration techniques still reduce the experienced benefits to much less than their potential. Motivated by this consideration I analytically characterize and test the optimal bandwidth manager for intra-data-center live migration of VMs. The goal is to min- imize the migration-induced communication energy consumption under service level agreement (SLA)-induced hard constraints on the total migration time, downtime, slowdown of the migrating applications and overall available bandwidth