20 research outputs found

    Redes sociais e feminismo. O campo discursivo de ativismo feminista juvenil no Tumblr

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    Com a ascensão das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação nas últimas décadas, surge também um incremento das Redes Sociais na Internet, que vem ganhando um espaço fundamental de ativismo no cotidiano das pessoas conectadas, com destaque para as questões politicas e defesas de causas diversas, a exemplo do feminismo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do artigo é analisar os principais temas relativos ao feminismo compartilhados no site de rede social Tumblr a fim de compreender como esse campo discursivo de ação tem sido assimilado em rede. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, descritiva e analítica, a partir da observação de 10 blogs do Tumblr autodeclarados feministas. Os resultados evidenciam uma predominância do que os membros chamam de feminismo interseccional, demonstrando que suas preocupações vão para além da categoria de gênero e perpassam por questões outras, como raça e sexualidade. O estudo conclui que a chamada geração Y, na cibercultura, tem se preocupado com questões sociais e políticas. As redes sociais têm sido espaços educativos em que aprendemos e ensinamos, gerando um fluxo global de solidariedade e conscientização em relação às mais variadas causas sociais

    What people study when they study Tumblr:Classifying Tumblr-related academic research

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    Purpose: Since its launch in 2007, research has been carried out on the popular social networking website Tumblr. This paper identifies published Tumblr based research, classifies it to understand approaches and methods, and provides methodological recommendations for others. / Design/methodology/approach: Research regarding Tumblr was identified. Following a review of the literature, a classification scheme was adapted and applied, to understand research focus. Papers were quantitatively classified using open coded content analysis of method, subject, approach, and topic. / Findings: The majority of published work relating to Tumblr concentrates on conceptual issues, followed by aspects of the messages sent. This has evolved over time. Perceived benefits are the platform’s long-form text posts, ability to track tags, and the multimodal nature of the platform. Severe research limitations are caused by the lack of demographic, geo-spatial, and temporal metadata attached to individual posts, the limited API, restricted access to data, and the large amounts of ephemeral posts on the site. / Research limitations/implications: This study focuses on Tumblr: the applicability of the approach to other media is not considered. We focus on published research and conference papers: there will be book content which was not found using our method. Tumblr as a platform has falling user numbers which may be of concern to researchers. / Practical implications: We identify practical barriers to research on the Tumblr platform including lack of metadata and access to big data, explaining why Tumblr is not as popular as Twitter in academic studies. - Social implications This paper highlights the breadth of topics covered by social media researchers, which allows us to understand popular online platforms. / Originality/value: There has not yet been an overarching study to look at the methods and purpose of those who study Tumblr. We identify Tumblr related research papers from the first appearing in July 2011 until July 2015. Our classification derived here provides a framework that can be used to analyse social media research, and in which to position Tumblr related work, with recommendations on benefits and limitations of the platform for researchers

    Mediafandomit, julkisuuden henkilöiden fanitus ja osallistuva kulttuuri

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    Mediafandomeja on tutkittu eri tieteenaloilla vuosikymmeniä. Tuona aikana tutkimusten painopiste on siirtynyt kriittisestä voimaannuttavaan, minkä jälkeen ne ovat asettuneet tämän hetken monitieteellisiin näkökulmiin. Yksi mediafandomien toimintatapa on kuitenkin jäänyt tutkimuksessa vähemmälle huomiolle. Kyseessä on fandomien harjoittama julkisuuden henkilöiden fanitus, johon perehdyn tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemalla näyttelijöiden Benedict Cumberbatchin ja Tom Hiddlestonin mediafandomeja Tumblr-mikroblogipalvelussa. Selvitän, miten tutkimuskohteenani olevien mediafandomien harjoittama julkisuuden henkilöiden fanitus ilmenee ja millaisia eri merkityksiä se saa. Perehdyn fanittamisen tapoihin ja merkityksiin fanitutkimuksen klassikon, Henry Jenkinsin osallistuvan kulttuurin teorian avulla. Palaan Jenkinsin teoriaan, koska mediafandomien harjoittamaa julkisuuden henkilöiden fanitusta ei ole aiemmin yhdistetty siihen. Tarkastelen artikkelissani näissä fandomeissa esiintyviä erilaisia fanituksen tapoja. Erityisesti käsittelen persoonakuvien rakentamisen tapaa, jota ei ole aiemmin tutkittu. Kyseessä on fanituksen tapa, jossa fanit muodostavat ja ylläpitävät yhdessä fanituksen kohteen persoonasta rakennettua mielikuvaa. Tarkastelen ja analysoin tekemiäni löytöjä Jenkinsin osallistuvan kulttuurin teorian kautta. Persoonamielikuvien rakentaminen nousee tärkeään asemaan, sillä se osoittaa, että nämä fandomit luovat ja ylläpitävät yhteisiä metatekstejä, mikä on tärkeää osallistuvassa kulttuurissa. Esitän, että mediafandomien harjoittama julkisuuden henkilöiden fanitus kuuluu osallistuvan kulttuurin piiriin samoin kuin mediafandomien harjoittama mediatuotteiden fanitus. Artikkelin lopussa tarkastelen myös hieman osallistuvan kulttuurin muutosta ja pohdin, miten tutkimuksen kohteena olevien fandomien toiminta sopii Jenkinsin omaan päivitettyyn versioon teoriasta.</p

    How Might Crime-Scripts Be Used to Support the Understanding and Policing of Cloud Crime?

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    Crime scripts are becoming an increasingly popular method for understanding crime by turning a crime from a static event into a process, whereby every phase of the crime is scripted. It is based on the work relating to cognitive scripts and rational-choice theory. With the exponential growth of cyber-crime, and more specifically cloud-crime, policing/law enforcement agencies are struggling with the amount of reported cyber-crime. This paper argues that crime scripts are the most effective way forward in terms of helping understand the behaviour of the criminal during the crime itself. They act as a common language between different stakeholders, focusing attention and resources on the key phases of a crime. More importantly, they shine a light on the psychological element of a crime over the more technical cyber-related elements. The paper concludes with an example of what a cloud-crime script might look like, asking future research to better understand: (i) cloud criminal fantasy development; (ii) the online cultures around cloud crime; (iii) how the idea of digital-drift affects crime scripts, and; (iv) to improve on the work by Ekblom and Gill in improving crime scripts

    'Bizarre Sapphic midlife crisis': (Re)thinking LGBTQ representation, age, and mental health

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    This article looks at viewers’ responses to the romance between two older women on the BBC medical drama Holby City. In the context of a continuing lack of representation of (older) women-loving women, viewers of all ages describe a transformative experience, with an emphasis on positive mental health outcomes – yet older women also orient to something implicitly problematic about this being the case. This is premised, I suggest, in the foregrounding of youth and adolescence in academic and public discussions of the role of the media in sexual self-realisation. The research demonstrates the need for qualitative case studies capturing LGBTQ portrayals, taking account of the experiences of older viewers, and of network television even in a fragmented and queer(er) digital marke

    The Rainbow Effect: Exploring the Implications of Queer Representation in Film and Television on Social Change

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    In this thesis, I explore how specific films and television shows use the preexisting structure and mechanics of narrative film in order to create queer characters and stories that defy their otherness and stereotypes, thus creating a profound cinematic experience. Not only does the manipulation of these structures and mechanics heighten the realism and depth of the narrative at hand, it also enhances audience identification by allowing queer viewers to find themselves and straight viewers to understand the “other.” In this manner, the New New Queer Cinema and television have had lasting effects on the modern gay rights movement, changing perceptions and attitudes of society on an extremely personal level and making way for incredible strides in public policy changes

    Fandom, Racism, and the Myth of Diversity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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    The Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently one of the most commercially successful entertainment brands in American popular culture, with a range of film franchises and television series under its banner. Although the brand maintains its popularity with various demographics, the casting choices in Doctor Strange (2017) generated controversy among Marvel fans and critics alike for excluding people of color or reducing them to villains and sidekicks. This thesis examines the online commentary surrounding the casting and marketing of Doctor Strange to evaluate how social media users on Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter come to understand race and gender through the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and how executives and filmmakers react to the push for racial diversity in Hollywood

    #does this count as poetry? : A genre analysis of Tumblr poetry

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    This thesis canonizes “Tumblr poetry” as a distinct and separate genre of poetry, closely related to other digital poetry movements but ultimately its own phenomenon. Through historical analysis, the criticism against Tumblr poetry and digital poetry as a whole become familiar in a cycle of negative reactions to changing poets and changing audiences. Through textual analysis of poems found on Tumblr, common attributes and style changes are identified and contrasted with more traditional contemporary poetry, signifying a distinct formal shift. Finally, through a platform analysis, poetry communities on Reddit and Instagram are similarly analyzed and contrasted with Tumblr poetry to showcase the effects that platform has on the communities that form, and why “Tumblr poetry” is not the same as “internet poetry.” Through these three different analyses, a more rounded image of Tumblr poetry as a phenomenon becomes apparent, further contributing to research about how community and art creation interact, and how digital culture and “mainstream” culture are becoming more ubiquitous

    One Direction Real Person Fiction on Wattpad.com: A textual analysis of sex and romance

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    This study conducted a textual analysis of 24 of the most popular real person fiction stories published on Wattpad.com about the members of the boy band One Direction. The analysis identified several problematic themes across the stories regarding gender roles and gendered sexual scripts. Males dominated sexual interactions, initiating kissing and sexual activity and actively participating in kissing and sexual activity twice as often as females in the dataset. The language used to describe kissing and sexual activity often insinuated male aggression or attack and female surprise at males’ sudden actions. Pain and hesitance/unease for kissing and sexual activity emerged as a prevalent theme expressed by female characters in these stories. Furthermore, inconsistent conceptualizations of sexual consent, nonconsensual sexual activity, and rape/sexual assault varied across the data in a ways that reinforce sexist patriarchal dominance. Gender roles outside of romantic relationships also reinforced the ideal of patriarchal protection of females.Master of Art