3,637 research outputs found

    Ontology in Information Security

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    The past several years we have witnessed that information has become the most precious asset, while protection and security of information is becoming an ever greater challenge due to the large amount of knowledge necessary for organizations to successfully withstand external threats and attacks. This knowledge collected from the domain of information security can be formally described by security ontologies. A large number of researchers during the last decade have dealt with this issue, and in this paper we have tried to identify, analyze and systematize the relevant papers published in scientific journals indexed in selected scientific databases, in period from 2004 to 2014. This paper gives a review of literature in the field of information security ontology and identifies a total of 52 papers systematized in three groups: general security ontologies (12 papers), specific security ontologies (32 papers) and theoretical works (8 papers). The papers were of different quality and level of detail and varied from presentations of simple conceptual ideas to sophisticated frameworks based on ontology

    An e-Business Model Ontology for Modeling e-Business

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    After explaining why business executives and academics should consider thinking about a rigorous approach to e-business models, we introduce a new e-Business Model Ontology. Using the concept of business models can help companies understand, communicate and share, change, measure, simulate and learn more about the different aspects of e-business in their firm. The generic e-Business Model Ontology (a rigorous definition of the e-business issues and their interdependencies in a company’s business model), which we outline in this paper is the foundation for the development of various useful tools for e-business management and IS Requirements Engineering. The e-Business Model Ontology is based on an extensive literature review and describes the logic of a “business system” for creating value in the Internet era. It is composed of four main pillars, which are Product Innovation, Infrastructure Management, Customer Relationship and Financial Aspects. These elements are then further decomposed.e-business models, ontology, e-business, strategy

    Real “Smart Cities”: Insights from Civitas PROSPERITY

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    A city does not need to be smart, but to allow people be, behave, live and work smart(er). Furthermore, smart should not be necessarily equalled to high technology, but to the sound management, communication and use of available resources, be they tangible or intangible. Anyway our evolution cannot be limited to technology, even if the latter has become unavoidable. If not accompanied by a comprehensive perspective and coherent management, technology may rather block than facilitate resilience and sustainable urban development. Not always the most technically advanced and expensive solutions are the best (most effective) ones or frequently they cannot work alone, needing to be complemented by soft / lower-cost measures. Moreover,even if the actual “smart city” paradigm would be accepted, there do not seem to be enough resources (especially primary ones) to provide high-tech for everybody (WWF, 2018). In this case high-tech might be replaced by smart-tech staying for innovative solutions of best coping with given situations no matter the level of scientific, cultural, economic and behavioural advancement. These are some of the conclusions of a recent ongoing project funded through Horizon 2020, pleading for a global integrated perspective and providing the appropriate tools to sustainably shape and enhance it. Being built in response to the challenge “Real Smart Cities. Best practices and concepts for the future”, the present contribution informs on how Civitas PROSPERITY (applied research project) integrated these principles and produced innovation in the field of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP). The focus is on bright solutions that can be equally extended and applied in other fields of urban management beyond mobility, such as energy, land-use, cultural heritage etc

    Mathematics as a Supporting Tool for Technological Management

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    The necessity of production involving the applicability of mathematics in the management decision-making process stimulates the elaboration of this article. This approach seeks to develop under a new profile of Mathematical Science, now as another tool of technological management, while it allows to understand the diverse deductive paradigms of this knowledge of support to the administrative process. In this way, the general objective is to deal with the application of mathematics as a tool in technological management; (1), to evaluate the applicability of these tools in the management of small and medium enterprises (2), to propose a mathematical model that contributes to the innovation of the business enterprise (3). The theoretical foundation is in the Taxonomy of Bloom, prescribed for the development of abilities and cognitive attitudes of the individual. There will be no doubt that mathematical problem-solving procedures advance significantly, especially to the demands of complex solutions. The Content Analysis Method and related procedures apply to this task. As a result .... Therefore, the study of mathematical and statistical application, in addition to computer resources to identify the possible trend in the index of technological management, the present article states that mathematics as a tool has its widespread applicability within the most diverse types of technological management, regardless of their size and showing how mathematics is associated in different areas of knowledge as a trend for technological management, since it is still considered for some as a difficult element among managers

    Contrasting Views of Complexity and Their Implications For Network-Centric Infrastructures

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    There exists a widely recognized need to better understand and manage complex “systems of systems,” ranging from biology, ecology, and medicine to network-centric technologies. This is motivating the search for universal laws of highly evolved systems and driving demand for new mathematics and methods that are consistent, integrative, and predictive. However, the theoretical frameworks available today are not merely fragmented but sometimes contradictory and incompatible. We argue that complexity arises in highly evolved biological and technological systems primarily to provide mechanisms to create robustness. However, this complexity itself can be a source of new fragility, leading to “robust yet fragile” tradeoffs in system design. We focus on the role of robustness and architecture in networked infrastructures, and we highlight recent advances in the theory of distributed control driven by network technologies. This view of complexity in highly organized technological and biological systems is fundamentally different from the dominant perspective in the mainstream sciences, which downplays function, constraints, and tradeoffs, and tends to minimize the role of organization and design

    Framework for collaborative knowledge management in organizations

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    Nowadays organizations have been pushed to speed up the rate of industrial transformation to high value products and services. The capability to agilely respond to new market demands became a strategic pillar for innovation, and knowledge management could support organizations to achieve that goal. However, current knowledge management approaches tend to be over complex or too academic, with interfaces difficult to manage, even more if cooperative handling is required. Nevertheless, in an ideal framework, both tacit and explicit knowledge management should be addressed to achieve knowledge handling with precise and semantically meaningful definitions. Moreover, with the increase of Internet usage, the amount of available information explodes. It leads to the observed progress in the creation of mechanisms to retrieve useful knowledge from the huge existent amount of information sources. However, a same knowledge representation of a thing could mean differently to different people and applications. Contributing towards this direction, this thesis proposes a framework capable of gathering the knowledge held by domain experts and domain sources through a knowledge management system and transform it into explicit ontologies. This enables to build tools with advanced reasoning capacities with the aim to support enterprises decision-making processes. The author also intends to address the problem of knowledge transference within an among organizations. This will be done through a module (part of the proposed framework) for domain’s lexicon establishment which purpose is to represent and unify the understanding of the domain’s used semantic

    A Model-based Approach for Designing Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    The most recent development trend related to manufacturing is called "Industry 4.0". It proposes to transition from "blind" mechatronics systems to Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). Such systems are capable of communicating with each other, acquiring and transmitting real-time production data. Their management and control require a structured software architecture, which is tipically referred to as the "Automation Pyramid". The design of both the software architecture and the components (i.e., the CPPSs) is a complex task, where the complexity is induced by the heterogeneity of the required functionalities. In such a context, the target of this thesis is to propose a model-based framework for the analysis and the design of production lines, compliant with the Industry 4.0 paradigm. In particular, this framework exploits the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) as a unified representation for the different viewpoints of a manufacturing system. At the components level, the structural and behavioral diagrams provided by SysML are used to produce a set of logical propositions about the system and components under design. Such an approach is specifically tailored towards constructing Assume-Guarantee contracts. By exploiting reactive synthesis techniques, contracts are used to prototype portions of components' behaviors and to verify whether implementations are consistent with the requirements. At the software level, the framework proposes a particular architecture based on the concept of "service". Such an architecture facilitates the reconfiguration of components and integrates an advanced scheduling technique, taking advantage of the production recipe SysML model. The proposed framework has been built coupled with the construction of the ICE Laboratory, a research facility consisting of a full-fledged production line. Such an approach has been adopted to construct models of the laboratory, to virtual prototype parts of the system and to manage the physical system through the proposed software architecture
