106,959 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Effects of Workplace Friendship, Trust Climate and Psychological Capital on Individual Knowledge Sharing Behaviour

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    Knowledge plays a significant role on contemporary management and economics. How to promote individuals to share and interact knowledge with others in organisations decide what level of knowledge could affect. This research draw from antecedents of knowledge sharing behaviour, expand what will affect knowledge sharing behaviour by using a moderated mediation model. In order to test the moderated mediation model, 301 available data were used by analysing with SPSS, Mplus and R. Results demonstrate that workplace friendship is positively associated with knowledge sharing behaviour through a mediation named psychological capital (PsyCap). Specifically, a good relationship in workplace could promote psychological capital and could increase knowledge sharing behaviour. Furthermore, trust climate positively moderate the relationship between workplace friendship and then impact on promoting knowledge sharing behaviour. In other words, high trust climate could develop workplace friendship and PsyCap more easily due to colleagues trust with each other are more willing to share knowledge. This research highlights the function of PsyCap which did not received enough attentions in prior research. Theoretical and practice discussion are included at the end of this dissertation

    Determinants to knowledge transfer and sharing in multimedia super corridor in Malaysia : the mediating role of trust

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    The increased quest for vision 2020 has certainly meant that the role of MSC status organizations in Malaysia in contributing success becomes the subject of considerable debate. In this context, not much research has been conducted on knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations as well as the mediating role of trust in enhancing knowledge transfer and sharing in the Malaysian organizations. Based on knowledge creation theory, this study examines the determinants of knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations in Malaysia. Primarily, this study explored the relationship between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment, trust and knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations. Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that eight out of twenty-five hypotheses were found to be positive and significant. Specifically, the hypothesized direct relationships between organizational capacity (top management support), organizational motivation (culture), organizational environment (information technology), trust and knowledge transfer and sharing were supported. The results also revealed that the direct relationships between organizational capacity (human resource practices), and organizational environment (information technology, networks) were significantly related to trust. Furthermore, in terms of trust as mediating variable between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment and knowledge transfer and sharing, one out of eight hypotheses indicated full mediation including the relationship between networks and knowledge transfer and sharing. These results offer theoretical, methodological, and practical implications and will help academics and practitioners in the knowledge management field. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary both to confirm the findings and to incorporate additional variables that may influence results. The results of the study were crucial to be looked into so that MSC status organizations could have a clearer understanding and guidelines if they were to enhance their mission to accomplish phase three 2011-2020 of vision 2020 in transforming Malaysia into a knowledge-based society

    Building Knowledge Sharing Intention with Interpersonal Trust as a Mediating Variable

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    Abstract. Knowledge sharing is a key aspect of knowledge management activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of personal competence on knowledge sharing intention which mediated by interpersonal trust. The data were collected from student's Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Semarang as many 146 in numbers. Analysis path was proposed for measuring effect of cultural intelligence and self-efficacy on knowledge sharing intention. The role of interpersonal trust as mediation was being measured too. The results show that the cultural intelligence which is owned by an individual will lead to trust among individuals and then to share one's knowledge, also the person who have self-efficacy will increase his desire to share knowledge with fellow students. All hypothesis supported except cultural intelligence, which was unsupported affect the willingness to share knowledge.Keywords: cultural intelligence, self-efficacy, interpersonal trust, knowledge sharing intention.Abstrak. Proses berbagi pengetahuan merupakan aspek kunci dalam manajemen pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi individu dan kepercayaan pada keinginan berbagi pengetahuan. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari mahasiswa Pascasarjana Unnes sebanyak 146 mahasiswa. Model analisis jalur diajukan guna melihat pengaruh kecerdasan budaya dan efikasi diri secara langsung pada keinginan berbagi pengetahuan. Peran mediasi kepercayaan antar individu diukur untuk menjadi perantara hubungan tidak langsung. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan budaya yang dimiliki oleh seorang individu akan menimbulkan kepercayaan antar individu untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan dan efikasi diri seseorang akan meningkatkan keinginannya untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan sesama mahasiswa. Semua hipotesis terdukung kecuali kecerdasan budaya yang tidak terdukung mempengaruhi keinginan berbagi pengetahuan.Kata Kunci: kecerdasan budaya, efikasi diri, kepercayaan antar individu, keinginan berbagi pengetahuan

    Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour

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    Purpose Knowledge Sharing Behaviour (KSB) is the most important part of knowledge management, which has an influence in an organisation. Knowledge is a critical organisational resource that will provide a sustainable competitive advantage in a dynamic and competitive economy so that knowledge sharing behaviour between individuals has become one of the most important elements of effective knowledge processes. The main focus in this study is to examine and analyse antecedents of knowledge sharing behaviour. Methods This study uses a cross-sectional design which is used to collect the data used which is then carried out by mediation analysis. Structural Equation Modelling is used to test the mediation effect based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Findings The results show a positive and significant relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and behavioural intentions. So, there is the impact of full mediation of behavioural intentions between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and knowledge sharing behaviour. It can be concluded that this states that behavioural intentions can fully process planned behaviour predictions. Research limitations / implications The sample size is limited, in marine, shipping and other maritime industry companies in Java. This study limited supervisor behavioural preferences. This study is a one-time cross-section focusing on a one-off perception. Practical implications The supervisor at the Company in the field of sea transportation has a heavy duty responsibility in carrying the trust that has been given and synergises well between the employees below and the manager

    The mediation between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation: Examining intermediate knowledge mechanisms

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.We examine mediation effects of coworker knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity on the participative leadership–employee exploratory innovation relationship in R&D units of Taiwanese technology firms. Deploying a time-lagged questionnaire method implemented over four business quarters, data is generated from 1600 paired samples (managers and employees) in R&D units of Taiwanese technology firms. The structural equation modeling results reveal that (1) participative leadership is positively related to employee exploratory innovation; (2) coworker knowledge and (3) absorptive capacity partially mediate the relationship between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation independently; and, (4) coworker knowledge sharing in combination with absorptive capacity partially mediates this relationship. The results extend previous research on participative leadership and innovation by demonstrating that participative leadership is related to employee exploratory innovation (Lee and Meyer-Doyle, 2017; Mom et al., 2009).Results also confirm that participative leadership drives employee exploratory innovation through employee absorptive capacity. This reinforces the need highlighted by Lane et al. (2006) to investigate the role of absorptive capacity at the individual-level. Collectively, while participative leadership is important for employee exploratory innovation it is the knowledge mechanisms existing and interacting at the employee-level that are central to generating increased employee exploratory innovation from this leadership approach

    The Relationship Between Employee Perceptions of the Employment Game and Their Perceptions of Cooperative Knowledge Behavior in High Tech Firms

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    The relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational performance for high technology start-up companies is not well understood. Using game theory and the concept of competitive advantage through human resource management, I examine employee perceptions of the employment game relating to cooperative knowledge behavior and firm performance as an entry point into researching organizational knowledge utilization. I draw upon classical game theory to develop four measures of perceptions critical to game playing and apply these to organizational situations via a survey instrument. I propose that perceptions of the employment game held by organization members are determinants of cooperative knowledge sharing and subsequently firm performance. I analyze survey data gathered from high-tech workers using both regression and path analysis techniques. The results from this study offer new insights into methods for measuring both the connections between knowledge work and firm performance and the perceptions critical for fostering collaborative knowledge work in high tech firms. Results of the study show a significant relationship between the game theory construct of reciprocity, knowledge building behavior and firm performance. The mediation model was weakly supported but shows potential usefulness for further research in the field of strategic human resource management

    Innovative approach in the stabilisation of coastal slopes

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    Coastal slope instability poses a risk to life and material properties and is of great concern in times of climate change, posing challenges as communities seek to adapt and ensure resilience. This paper presents two case studies of coastal slope stabilisation efforts from Scotland and reflects the growing difficultly faced by coastal communities who value intervention but are limited by uncertain ownership, funding and access to expertise. In both cases, the slopes are owned by private charities with no power of authorisation or means of procuring stabilisation works to protect the adjacent communities. The engineering solutions included an innovative eco-engineering component where vegetation was used to perform an engineering function. Based on the experience with these projects, the authors advocate this sustainable technique supported by the evidence from monitoring and testing. The case studies emphasise the importance of engaging with the community as a means of achieving acceptance of a workable solution as well as participation in its long-term development. Another significant observation was the contribution played by establishment of a learning culture that is supported through inter- and intraproject knowledge transfer deemed necessary to promote the necessary double-loop learning evident in these projects. </jats:p

    Knowledge management, innovation and big data: Implications for sustainability, policy making and competitiveness

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    This Special Issue of Sustainability devoted to the topic of &ldquo;Knowledge Management, Innovation and Big Data: Implications for Sustainability, Policy Making and Competitiveness&rdquo; attracted exponential attention of scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers from all over the world. Locating themselves at the expanding cross-section of the uses of sophisticated information and communication technology (ICT) and insights from social science and engineering, all papers included in this Special Issue contribute to the opening of new avenues of research in the field of innovation, knowledge management, and big data. By triggering a lively debate on diverse challenges that companies are exposed to today, this Special Issue offers an in-depth, informative, well-structured, comparative insight into the most salient developments shaping the corresponding fields of research and policymaking
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