12 research outputs found

    The Study "Insightroads: Exploration of Data Dissemination Techniques for Ensuring Safety in Vanets"

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    Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are ad hoc networks created for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in which vehicles communicate with one another to improve driving effectiveness and traffic safety without depending on a centralised infrastructure. To increase road safety, efficiency, and comfort, these networks allow vehicles to communicate data via sensors, GPS, and communication systems. By assuring accurate message transmission and lowering delivery delays, data dissemination mechanisms used in VANETs serve to further improve driver and passenger safety, productivity, and comfort. The existing literature on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) includes a variety of proposed mechanisms for data dissemination. This paper aims to conduct literature review to examine the data dissemination techniques for safety applications in VANETs

    Efficient Message Dissemination on Curve Road in Vehicular Networks

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    Effective emergency message dissemination is a great importance on a specific road in vehicular networks (VN). The existing methods are not most efficient solutions for message dissemination on the curve road, which primarily focus on highway and urban road. In order to improve the efficiency of message dissemination on the curved road, the paper proposed a message dissemination method based on bidirectional relay nodes. The message can be disseminated in two directions simultaneously. The paper designed a relay node selection method based on the neighbor nodes’ coverage length of the road. Different waiting delays are assigned to the neighbor nodes according to the cover capability of the road in which the message has not arrived. Simulation results demonstrated that the efficiency of the proposed method is superior to the common solutions in terms of the contention delay and the propagation velocity

    An effective transmit packet coding with trust-based relay nodes in VANETs

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    ehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are characterized by limited network resources such as limited bandwidth and battery capacity. Hence, it is necessary that unnecessary use of network resources (such as unnecessary packet transfers) is reduced in such networks so that the available power can be conserved for efficient multicast communications. In this paper, we have presented a Transmit Packet Coding (TPC) Network Coding in VANET to ensure reliable and efficient multicasting. With network coding, the number of transmitted packets over the network can be reduced, ensuring efficient utilization of network devices and resources. Here, the trust-based graph optimization is performed using Cuckoo search algorithm to select the secure relay nodes. The experimental results showed the superiority of the presented approach compared to the existing techniques in terms of throughput, latency, hop delay, packet delivery ratio, network decoder outage probability, and block error rate

    Comparative Analysis of GPSR and GPVR Protocol for Various Parameters in VANET with Power Control

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are deployed to make communication between vehicles possible using ad hoc wireless devices. Nowadays, these networks have become an emerging technology due to the variety of their applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). By creating a vehicular network, each vehicle can exchange information to inform drivers in other vehicles about the current status of the traffic flow or the existence of a dangerous situation. They can also be used to improve traffic management conditions such as route optimization, flow congestion control and to provide on-board infotainment such as Internet access, the location of free parking places, video streaming sharing, etc. GPSR protocol utilized for wireless sensor networks in base paper. First of all various parameters must be take care for whom our research would revolve and then finding the demerit of existing protocol. By analyzing the problem of existed protocol a new protocol need to be designed. In our dissertation work GPVR (Greedy Perimeter Vector Routing) protocol is designed. After that various parameters like throughput, end to end delay, packet loss ratio and energy would be compared of both protocols that is existed one and proposed one. In our research work GPSR protocol is enhanced by using position vector calculation and simple redundancy elimination. After analyzing results of both protocols, finally we came to the conclusion that proposed protocol that is GPVR performs better. This research work carried out in NS2 software because it is peril and menacing free, In simulation various possibility can be made regarding smash of vehicles, in rural and urban area. So computer simulation is very crucial in VANET research. VANET Simulation extended into two parts that is traffic simulation and Network simulatio

    Emergency message dissemination schemes based on congestion avoidance in VANET and vehicular FoG computing

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    With the rapid growth in connected vehicles, FoG-assisted vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an emerging and novel field of research. For information sharing, a number of messages are exchanged in various applications, including traffic monitoring and area-specific live weather and social aspects monitoring. It is quite challenging where vehicles' speed, direction, and density of neighbors on the move are not consistent. In this scenario, congestion avoidance is also quite challenging to avoid communication loss during busy hours or in emergency cases. This paper presents emergency message dissemination schemes that are based on congestion avoidance scenario in VANET and vehicular FoG computing. In the similar vein, FoG-assisted VANET architecture is explored that can efficiently manage the message congestion scenarios. We present a taxonomy of schemes that address message congestion avoidance. Next, we have included a discussion about comparison of congestion avoidance schemes to highlight the strengths and weaknesses. We have also identified that FoG servers help to reduce the accessibility delays and congestion as compared to directly approaching cloud for all requests in linkage with big data repositories. For the dependable applicability of FoG in VANET, we have identified a number of open research challenges. © 2013 IEEE

    Dynamic adaptation of delayed time of diffusion of emergency messages in cognitive vehicular networks

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    [ES] En este artículo se presenta un protocolo de difusión de mensajes de seguridad para emergencia que utiliza una adaptación dinámica del tiempo de retraso en el entorno de una red vehicular cognitiva. El escenario que se estudia considera la compartición del espectro entre la banda para comunicaciones vehiculares y la banda de la televisión digital con el objetivo de mitigar los efectos de la tormenta de difusión en una red vehicular. Dos de las técnicas de mitigación de la tormenta de difusión más utilizadas en la literatura son comparadas contra el protocolo propuesto en términos de las probabilidades de accesibilidad de los mensajes de emergencia y de la ocupación del canal. Los resultados numéricos muestran que el protocolo con la adaptación dinámica del tiempo presenta un mejor desempeño en condiciones de alta densidad de vehículos, lo cual es característico de un escenario de tormenta de difusión.[EN] This article presents a protocol for the dissemination of emergency safety messages that uses a dynamic adaptation of the delay time in the environment of a cognitive vehicular network. The scenario studied considers the spectrum sharing between the band for vehicular communications and the digital television band with the objective of mitigating the effects of the diffusion storm on a vehicular network. Two of the most commonly used diffusion mitigation techniques in the literature are compared against the proposed protocol in terms of the probabilities of reachability of emergency messages and channel occupancy. The numerical results show that the protocol with the dynamic adaptation of the time presents a better performance in conditions of high density of vehicles, which is characteristic of a diffusion storm scenario.El presente trabajo de investigación ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología ( CONACYT) de México a través de la Beca Nacional para Estudios de Posgrado no. 445821.Avalos Gómez, JU.; Stevens-Navarro, E.; Pineda-Rico, U.; Cárdenas-Juárez, M.; Arce, A.; González, S. (2020). Adaptación dinámica del tiempo de retraso de difusión de mensajes de emergencia en redes vehiculares cognitivas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 17(3). https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2019.12067OJS284173Avalos Gómez, J. U., Pineda-Rico, U., Cardenas-Juarez, M., Garcia- Barrientos, A., Arce, A., Stevens-Navarro, E., nov 2018. Broadcast storm mitigation of esms using spectrum sharing in cognitive radio vanets. In: 2018 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE). pp. 102-107. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMEAE.2018.00026Bechler, M., Horozovic, A., Kastner, R., 2015. Evaluation of car-2-x scenarios for automated driving. In: FAST-zero'15: 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents. pp. 397-402.Bi, Y., Shan, H., Shen, X. S., Wang, N., Zhao, H., mar 2016. A multi-hop broadcast protocol for emergency message dissemination in urban vehicular ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (3), 736-750. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2015.2481486Feukeu, E. A., Zuva, T., dec 2017. Overcoming broadcast storm problem in a vehicular network. In: 2017 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology Internet-Based Systems (SITIS). pp. 402-407. https://doi.org/10.1109/SITIS.2017.72IEEE802.11p, jul 2010. Ieee standard for information technology- local and metropolitan area networks- specific requirements- part 11: Wireless lan medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications amendment 6: Wireless access in vehicular environments. IEEE Std 802.11p-2010 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2007 as amended by IEEE Std 802.11k-2008, IEEE Std 802.11r-2008, IEEE Std 802.11y-2008, IEEE Std 802.11n-2009, and IEEE Std 802.11w-2009), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEESTD.2010.5514475Khattab, A., Bayoumi, M. A., may 2015a. An overview of ieee standardization efforts for cognitive radio networks. In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). pp.982-985. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISCAS.2015.7168800Khattab, A., Bayoumi, M. A., dec 2015b. Standardization of cognitive radio networking: a comprehensive survey. annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 70 (11), 465-477. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-015-0468-5Korkmaz, G., Ekici, E., Özgüner, F., jun 2006. An efficient fully ad-hoc multi-hop broadcast protocol for inter-vehicular communication systems. In: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 1. pp. 423-428. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2006.254764Korkmaz, G., Ekici, E., Özgüner, F., Özgüner, U., 2004. Urban Multihop broadcast protocol for inter-vehicle communication systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. VANET '04. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 76-85. https://doi.org/10.1145/1023875.1023887Lim, J., Kim, W., Naito, K., Yun, J., Cabric, D., Gerla, M., nov 2014. Interplay between tvws and dsrc: Optimal strategy for safety message dissemination in vanet. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (11), 2117-2133. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2014.1411RP02Pagadarai, S., Lessard, B. A., Wyglinski, A. M., Vuyyuru, R., Altintas, O., 2013. Vehicular communications, enhanced networking through dynamic spectrum access. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 8, 93-103. https://doi.org/10.1109/MVT.2013.2268659Sahoo, J., Wu, E. H., Sahu, P. K., Gerla, M., sep 2011. Binarypartition-assisted mac-layer broadcast for emergency message dissemination in vanets. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (3), 757-770. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2011.2159003Singh, K. D., Rawat, P., Bonnin, J. M., 2014. Cognitive radio for vehicular ad hoc networks (cr-vanets): Approaches and challenges. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 49. https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2014-49Sum, C., Villardi, G. P., Rahman, M. A., Baykas, T., Tran, H. N., Lan, Z., Sun, C., Alemseged, Y., Wang, J., Song, C., Pyo, C., Filin, S., Harada, H., jul 2013. Cognitive communication in tv white spaces: An overview of regulations, standards, and technology [accepted from open call]. IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (7), 138-145. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2013.6553690Suthaputchakun, C., Dianati, M., Sun, Z., jul 2014. Trinary partitioned black-burst-based broadcast protocol for time-critical emergency message dissemination in vanets. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (6), 2926-2940. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2013.2293020Tsukamoto, K., Oie, Y., Kremo, H., Altintas, O., Tanaka, H., Fujii, T., apr 2015. Implementation and performance evaluation of distributed autonomous multi-hop vehicle-to-vehicle communications over tv white space. Mobile Networks and Applications 20 (2), 203-219. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-015-0576-5Wisitpongphan, N., Tonguz, O. K., Parikh, J. S., Mudalige, P., Bai, F., Sadekar, V., dec 2007. Broadcast storm mitigation techniques in vehicular ad hoc networks. IEEE Wireless Communications 14 (6), 84-94. https://doi.org/10.1109/MWC.2007.4407231Wu, L., Nie, L., Fan, J., He, Y., Liu, Q., Wu, D., 2017. An efficient multi-hop broadcast protocol for emergency messages dissemination in vanets. Chinese Journal of Electronics 26 (3), 614-623. https://doi.org/10.1049/cje.2017.03.00


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    El denominado fenómeno de tormenta de broadcast presente en las redes inalámbricas y con gran número de nodos; es importante atacarlo durante la implementación de aplicaciones de seguridad en las redes vehiculares de radio cognoscitivo (COG-VANETs). En este trabajo se presenta una breve introducción a las COG-VANETs y radio cognoscitivo, y como es que estas dos tecnologías se pueden conjuntar para ayudar a la transmisión eficiente de mensajes de seguridad. Se presenta el modelo matemático que utiliza la banda de Comunicaciones Dedicadas de Rango Corto (DSRC) y la banda de Espacios en blanco de TV (TVWS) para la transmisión de los mensajes de seguridad. Se muestran los resultados del modelo bajo condiciones de saturación de la densidad, y se abordan la discusión y conclusiones de los efectos de la densidad y como se relaciona directamente con el problema de tormenta de broadcast, además se sugieren líneas de solución y mejora.The so-called broadcast storm phenomenon which is common at wireless networks and in other networks with high number of users; it is important to attack it in the implementation of security applications in the cognitive radio vehicle networks (COG-VANETs). This paper presents a brief introduction to COG-VANETs and cognitive radio and how these two technologies can be combined to help the efficient transmission of safety messages. In this work is presented the mathematical model that incorporates the Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and TV White Spaces (TVWS) bands for the transmission of safety messages. Also the results of the model under conditions of saturation of density are shown, and the discussion and conclusions of the effects of density and how it relates directly to the problem of broadcast storm are addressed. Lines of solution and improvement are also suggested in order to mitigate this phenomenon

    Reliable Message Dissemination in Mobile Vehicular Networks

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    Les réseaux véhiculaires accueillent une multitude d’applications d’info-divertissement et de sécurité. Les applications de sécurité visent à améliorer la sécurité sur les routes (éviter les accidents), tandis que les applications d’info-divertissement visent à améliorer l'expérience des passagers. Les applications de sécurité ont des exigences rigides en termes de délais et de fiabilité ; en effet, la diffusion des messages d’urgence (envoyés par un véhicule/émetteur) devrait être fiable et rapide. Notons que, pour diffuser des informations sur une zone de taille plus grande que celle couverte par la portée de transmission d’un émetteur, il est nécessaire d’utiliser un mécanisme de transmission multi-sauts. De nombreuses approches ont été proposées pour assurer la fiabilité et le délai des dites applications. Toutefois, ces méthodes présentent plusieurs lacunes. Cette thèse, nous proposons trois contributions. La première contribution aborde la question de la diffusion fiable des messages d’urgence. A cet égard, un nouveau schéma, appelé REMD, a été proposé. Ce schéma utilise la répétition de message pour offrir une fiabilité garantie, à chaque saut, tout en assurant un court délai. REMD calcule un nombre optimal de répétitions en se basant sur l’estimation de la qualité de réception de lien dans plusieurs locations (appelées cellules) à l’intérieur de la zone couverte par la portée de transmission de l’émetteur. REMD suppose que les qualités de réception de lien des cellules adjacentes sont indépendantes. Il sélectionne, également, un nombre de véhicules, appelés relais, qui coopèrent dans le contexte de la répétition du message d’urgence pour assurer la fiabilité en multi-sauts. La deuxième contribution, appelée BCRB, vise à améliorer REMD ; elle suppose que les qualités de réception de lien des cellules adjacentes sont dépendantes ce qui est, généralement, plus réaliste. BCRB utilise les réseaux Bayésiens pour modéliser les dépendances en vue d’estimer la qualité du lien de réception avec une meilleure précision. La troisième contribution, appelée RICS, offre un accès fiable à Internet. RICS propose un modèle d’optimisation, avec une résolution exacte optimale à l'aide d’une technique de réduction de la dimension spatiale, pour le déploiement des passerelles. Chaque passerelle utilise BCRB pour établir une communication fiable avec les véhicules.Vehicular networks aim to enable a plethora of safety and infotainment applications. Safety applications aim to preserve people's lives (e.g., by helping in avoiding crashes) while infotainment applications focus on enhancing the passengers’ experience. These applications, especially safety applications, have stringent requirements in terms of reliability and delay; indeed, dissemination of an emergency message (e.g., by a vehicle/sender involved in a crash) should be reliable while satisfying short delay requirements. Note, that multi-hop dissemination is needed to reach all vehicles, in the target area, that may be outside the transmission range of the sender. Several schemes have been proposed to provide reliability and short delay for vehicular applications. However, these schemes have several limitations. Thus, the design of new solutions, to meet the requirement of vehicular applications in terms of reliability while keeping low end-to-end delay, is required. In this thesis, we propose three schemes. The first scheme is a multi-hop reliable emergency message dissemination scheme, called REMD, which guarantees a predefined reliability , using message repetitions/retransmissions, while satisfying short delay requirements. It computes an optimal number of repetitions based on the estimation of link reception quality at different locations (called cells) in the transmission range of the sender; REMD assumes that link reception qualities of adjacent cells are independent. It also adequately selects a number of vehicles, called forwarders, that cooperate in repeating the emergency message with the objective to satisfy multi-hop reliability requirements. The second scheme, called BCRB, overcomes the shortcoming of REMD by assuming that link reception qualities of adjacent cells are dependent which is more realistic in real-life scenarios. BCRB makes use of Bayesian networks to model these dependencies; this allows for more accurate estimation of link reception qualities leading to better performance of BCRB. The third scheme, called RICS, provides internet access to vehicles by establishing multi-hop reliable paths to gateways. In RICS, the gateway placement is modeled as a k-center optimisation problem. A space dimension reduction technique is used to solve the problem in exact time. Each gateway makes use of BCRB to establish reliable communication paths to vehicles

    Trinary Partitioned Black-Burst-Based Broadcast Protocol for Time-Critical Emergency Message Dissemination in VANETs

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    In this paper, we propose a multihop broadcast protocol for dissemination of time-critical emergency messages (EMs) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), where the IEEE 802.11p technology is used for communication among the nodes. The proposed trinary partitioned black-burst-based broadcast protocol (3P3B) consists of two primary mechanisms. First, a mini distributed interframe space (DIFS) in a medium access control (MAC) sublayer is introduced to give the time-critical EMs a higher access priority to the communication channel compared with other messages. Second, a trinary partitioning is designed to iteratively partition the communication range into small sectors. The trinary partitioning mechanism allows the farthest possible vehicle in the farthest sector from the sender node to perform forwarding to increase the dissemination speed by reducing the number of forwarding hops. In addition, 3P3B reduces the contention period jitter, which is independent of the density of vehicles, resulting in a more stable contention period. Analytical models are proposed for performance evaluation in conjunction with simulation-based performance analysis. The results demonstrate that 3P3B outperforms benchmarks of the existing broadcast protocols in VANETs in terms of the average message dissemination speed, message progress, communication delay, and packet delivery ratio

    Trinary partitioned black-burst-based broadcast protocol for time-critical emergency message dissemination in VANETs

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    In this paper, we propose a multihop broadcast protocol for dissemination of time-critical emergency messages (EMs) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), where the IEEE 802.11p technology is used for communication among the nodes. The proposed trinary partitioned black-burst-based broadcast protocol (3P3B) consists of two primary mechanisms. First, a mini distributed interframe space (DIFS) in a medium access control (MAC) sublayer is introduced to give the time-critical EMs a higher access priority to the communication channel compared with other messages. Second, a trinary partitioning is designed to iteratively partition the communication range into small sectors. The trinary partitioning mechanism allows the farthest possible vehicle in the farthest sector from the sender node to perform forwarding to increase the dissemination speed by reducing the number of forwarding hops. In addition, 3P3B reduces the contention period jitter, which is independent of the density of vehicles, resulting in a more stable contention period. Analytical models are proposed for performance evaluation in conjunction with simulation-based performance analysis. The results demonstrate that 3P3B outperforms benchmarks of the existing broadcast protocols in VANETs in terms of the average message dissemination speed, message progress, communication delay, and packet delivery ratio