125 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Logistics Pedagogical Literature: Past and Future Trends in Curriculum, Content, and Pedagogy

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    There presently is no comprehensive review which systematizes and summarizes the burgeoning body of logistics educational literature. The purpose of this paper is to provide a guide for both educators and practitioners to assess the history, current status, and future trends in logistics education in order to nurture advancement in logistics education. This paper draws its conclusions based upon a literature review and categorizes the evolution of logistics education into three areas: defining curriculum, developing content and skills taught, and refining teaching methods. Logistics education continues to benefit from strong ties to industry. Additionally, four principle macro-environmental factors were discovered that impact the current status of logistics education: an increase in the number of logistics educational programs, limited supply of logistics-trained faculty, changes to content requirements, and a changing teaching environment. Future research directions from the published literature are summarized. As current logistics programs continue to evolve and the number of logistics and supply chain management programs continue to increase in response to industry demand, this comprehensive review of the logistics literature may help serve as a benchmark for past and current practices in logistics education. The early partnership between industry and education set the stage to help guide educators to evolve logistics education to address practitioner needs. Increased interest in logistics education and changing environmental factors suggest the need for continued collaboration to further logistics education. The literature demonstrates successful dynamic behavior in response to dynamic industries. It highlights factors which may drive further evolution of logistics education and proposes areas impacted


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    Sistem transportasi geografis berkaitan dengan pergerakan orang, barang dan informasi,  yang mencoba mentautkan kendala-kendala dan atribut-atribut spasial dengan titik-titik asal, titik-titik tujuan, jarak, sifat dan tujuan pergerakan.  Konektivitas antar pulau menjadi salah satu kendala transportasi geografis untuk pengembangan sistem transportasi laut di wilayah kepulauan. Provinsi Maluku dengan 1.388 pulau dengan infrastruktur transportasi darat terbatas di sebagian besar pulau, mobilitas orang dan barang rendah, memiliki permasalahan konektivitas antar pulau yang cukup rumit. Dengan menggunakan analisis Weighted Arithmetic Mean (WAM) dan analisis statistik diketahui bahwa masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh para pengguna moda transportasi laut di wilayah kepulauan adalah waktu tunggu yang cukup lama di pelabuhan,  disamping tidak tersedianya informasi penjadwalan kapal.  Ketiadaan kapal pada saat dibutuhkan juga merupakan salah satu masalah utama sistem transportasi antar pulau di wilayah kepulaua

    The model of goods delivery using multi depot vehicle routing problem at PT X

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    Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a problem in shipping that focuses on distributing goods from a depot to customers. There are several developments from VRP, one of which is the Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). The MDVRP model has the same goal as the VRP, which is to minimize travel costs. The difference between VRP and MDVRP depends on the depot used. In VRP, only one depot is used. Whereas in MDVRP, there is more than one depot used. This research discussed the delivery of goods to two depots. The aim of this research is to form a model for shipping goods using two depots, determine the total travel cost, and determine the optimal route to delivery of the goods. The data used in this research is secondary data. The result of this research is that the model for the MDVRP aims to minimize the total travel cost by using two depots and serving 10 customer locations. The total cost of the trip is IDR 390,000, with a total distance traveled as far as 300 km, and the optimal routes for delivering goods involve each depot making two trips. The first depot covers distances of 57 km and 48 km, and the second depot covers distances of 92 km and 103 km

    Understanding the Roles of Different Transport Modes in Logistics Market: Content Analysis for an Online Logistics Forum

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    For the purpose of meeting customer requirements at minimum cost, different transport modes need to be coordinated to make full use of their respective advantages in logistics market. A critical challenge lies in the lack of understanding for the roles of different transport modes in the dynamic logistics market with uncertainties. Online logistics forums provide user-generated content representing real-time market information. In this paper, a content analysis based method is presented to explore the logistics market. Text content in logistics forums is processed by word segmentation and stop word filtering. Then the LDA topic model is derived representing the most probable words for each transport mode. On this basis, the market areas and the cargo types can be investigated for the different modes of transportation. The method is demonstrated using a case study

    New Avenues of Logistics and Transportation Laws in Supply Chain Management: Issues and Challenges

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    While dealing with trade, either at domestic or international market, legal considerations involve in logistics and transportation in supply chain has played their significant role. The field of laws and regulations has been emerged over time with some serious issues at global market. Present study has reviewed the opportunities with the issues and trends involved in logistics and transportation. For this purpose, a comprehensive review is developed with some meaningful suggestions to develop a comprehensive understanding as well. In this regard, the field of Operational research (OR), its historical trends, legal issues for the transportation of goods, international commercial terms, and finally the shipped documents are very much important. Although the complexity level has been increased while dealing with the legal formalities, the compliance of shipped documents can provide the firm with better outcome and better delivery of the products in recent time

    The subsidy fertilizer supply chain challenges in Malawi

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    The high cost of fertilizer left many small holder farmers unable to access fertilizer which resulted in low agricultural production in Malawi. To solve this problem, the government introduced the Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP) in 2004/2005 growing season. The subsidy program constituted about 60% of all fertilizer imports into the country. But besides huge investment into this program, food insecurity situation had not been eliminated leaving many smallholder farmers depending on food handouts to take them to the next harvesting season. Policy makers had been exploring options on how to exploit the benefits of FISP. It is for that reason that an investigation was conducted on transportation challenges in fertilizer supply chain, as late delivery was reported to be one of the problems in the distribution process. Because of that, three research objectives and research questions were formulated, and a pragmatic philosophy was adopted. Through this philosophy, both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods in data collection were employed. A snowball sampling method was used with the assistance of Road Transport Operators Association (RTOA) in Malawi. Three managers from both public as well as private fertilizer companies were interviewed while 38 questionnaires were administered to transporters that had previously been involved in subsidy fertilizer distribution. The findings of the research spotted logistical problems in the process of awarding contracts to fertilizer importers as well as transporters as not effective because of bribery, political interference and bias claims, as the main causes of the inefficiencies. Other findings included problems with beneficiary identification, high transportation costs, not utilizing ICT, ITS and lack of Research and Development as other challenges affecting productivity. This research came up with a Roadmap to Fertilizer Supply Chain as a reference material to future fertilizer supply chain studies, proposed “group fertilizer procurement” in future fertilizer procurement policies and provided empirical evidence of transportation challenges affecting fertilizer distribution in Malawi

    A collaborative stakeholder decision-making approach for sustainable urban logistics

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    Cities strongly rely on efficient urban logistics to ensure their attractiveness, quality of life, and economic development. In the same time, they strive to ensure livable and safe environments around its road network, where the increased presence of light and heavy goods vehicles raises questions of regarding safety and environmental impacts. Recent literature has well-recognized the need to consider different stakeholders’ perspectives on these issues, in order to achieve desired outcomes. In this paper, we introduce a collaborative stakeholders’ decision-making approach for sustainable urban logistics, and demonstrate its applicability on a real-life example. The suggested approach extends existing route planning approaches by considering route sustainability as a part of an arc’s traversal cost. The integration of route sustainability is based on the adoption of a multi-criterial decision-making approach, with the possibility of including different stakeholders’ points of view, and evaluating the sustainability cost concerning the route’s spatial context. To demonstrate the applicability of the suggested approach, we extract the route sustainability cost from the traffic sign database, and implement the findings on a real-life example. Furthermore, the suggested approach exhibits a high level of transferability to various local contexts, where local stakeholders might have a different view on the route sustainability than is the case in our exampl
