22 research outputs found


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    Information and communication technology has a great influence on scientific communication and work of scientists. Ways in which research is conducted have changed; science has become more highly collaborative; network-based, and data-intensive. The existing system of scientific publishing is experiencing pressure for change under the influence of the exponential growth of information production, the dramatic increase in subscription fees, the increasing storage cost of printed documents, and the increasing power and availability of digital technology. To conduct their research more effectively scientists need modern resources of digital information which would support their endeavor. Digital repository is one such type of information resources. Digital repository is an institutional digital archive of the intellectual product created by the faculty, research staff, and students of an institution and accessible to end users both within and outside of the institution. Digital repositories carry a great potential for the advancement of scientific research. Digital repositories can store different file formats and types of content. An institutional digital repository can contain e-prints of scientific papers, research data, but also e-learning materials and other forms of institutional intellectual outputs. As the number of open access digital repositories grows, it has become evident that institutional repositories are now clearly and broadly being recognized as essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital world.Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija ima velik utjecaj na znanstveno komuniciranje i rad znanstvenika. Načini provođenja istraživanja se mijenjaju; znanstvenici sve više surađuju; računalne mreže sve se više koriste uz nastanak i korištenje sve veće količine podataka. Postoje sustav znanstvenog objavljivanja nalazi se pod pritiskom promjena zbog eksponencijalnog rasta informacijske produkcije, dramatičnog povećanja cijena pretplata (na časopise), povećanih troškova pohrane tiskanih dokumenata i rastućom snagom i dostupnosti digitalne tehnologije. Za učinkovitije provođenje znanstvenih istraživanja, znanstvenicima su potrebni suvremeni izvori digitalnih informacija koji su pružiti podršku njihovim aktivnostima. Jedna takva vrsta informacijskih izvora su i digitalni repozitoriji. Riječ je obično o institucijskim digitalnim arhivima intelektualnih rezultata rada koje su stvorili nastavnici, znanstvenici i studenti neke institucije i koji su dostupni krajnjim korisnicima u instituciji i izvan nje. Digitalni repozitoriji imaju velik potencijal za napredak znanstvenih istraživanja. U digitalnim repozitorijima moguće je pohraniti razne formate datoteka i vrste sadržaja. Institucijski repozitorij može sadržavati e-print verzije znanstvenih radova, podatke istraživanja, ali i obrazovni materijal i druge oblike institucijskih rezultata intelektualnog rada. Kako broj digitalnih repozitorija sa slobodnim pristupom raste, postalo je očito da su institucijskih repozitoriji postali priznati kao esencijalni dijelovi infrastrukture znanosti u digitalnom svijetu


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    Information and communication technology has a great influence on scientific communication and work of scientists. Ways in which research is conducted have changed; science has become more highly collaborative; network-based, and data-intensive. The existing system of scientific publishing is experiencing pressure for change under the influence of the exponential growth of information production, the dramatic increase in subscription fees, the increasing storage cost of printed documents, and the increasing power and availability of digital technology. To conduct their research more effectively scientists need modern resources of digital information which would support their endeavor. Digital repository is one such type of information resources. Digital repository is an institutional digital archive of the intellectual product created by the faculty, research staff, and students of an institution and accessible to end users both within and outside of the institution. Digital repositories carry a great potential for the advancement of scientific research. Digital repositories can store different file formats and types of content. An institutional digital repository can contain e-prints of scientific papers, research data, but also e-learning materials and other forms of institutional intellectual outputs. As the number of open access digital repositories grows, it has become evident that institutional repositories are now clearly and broadly being recognized as essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital world.Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija ima velik utjecaj na znanstveno komuniciranje i rad znanstvenika. Načini provođenja istraživanja se mijenjaju; znanstvenici sve više surađuju; računalne mreže sve se više koriste uz nastanak i korištenje sve veće količine podataka. Postoje sustav znanstvenog objavljivanja nalazi se pod pritiskom promjena zbog eksponencijalnog rasta informacijske produkcije, dramatičnog povećanja cijena pretplata (na časopise), povećanih troškova pohrane tiskanih dokumenata i rastućom snagom i dostupnosti digitalne tehnologije. Za učinkovitije provođenje znanstvenih istraživanja, znanstvenicima su potrebni suvremeni izvori digitalnih informacija koji su pružiti podršku njihovim aktivnostima. Jedna takva vrsta informacijskih izvora su i digitalni repozitoriji. Riječ je obično o institucijskim digitalnim arhivima intelektualnih rezultata rada koje su stvorili nastavnici, znanstvenici i studenti neke institucije i koji su dostupni krajnjim korisnicima u instituciji i izvan nje. Digitalni repozitoriji imaju velik potencijal za napredak znanstvenih istraživanja. U digitalnim repozitorijima moguće je pohraniti razne formate datoteka i vrste sadržaja. Institucijski repozitorij može sadržavati e-print verzije znanstvenih radova, podatke istraživanja, ali i obrazovni materijal i druge oblike institucijskih rezultata intelektualnog rada. Kako broj digitalnih repozitorija sa slobodnim pristupom raste, postalo je očito da su institucijskih repozitoriji postali priznati kao esencijalni dijelovi infrastrukture znanosti u digitalnom svijetu

    Digital repositories and the future of preservation and use of scientific knowledge

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    Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija ima velik utjecaj na znanstveno komuniciranje i rad znanstvenika. Načini provođenja istraživanja se mijenjaju; znanstvenici sve više surađuju; računalne mreže sve se više koriste uz nastanak i korištenje sve veće količine podataka. Postoje sustav znanstvenog objavljivanja nalazi se pod pritiskom promjena zbog eksponencijalnog rasta informacijske produkcije, dramatičnog povećanja cijena pretplata (na časopise), povećanih troškova pohrane tiskanih dokumenata i rastućom snagom i dostupnosti digitalne tehnologije. Za učinkovitije provođenje znanstvenih istraživanja, znanstvenicima su potrebni suvremeni izvori digitalnih informacija koji su pružiti podršku njihovim aktivnostima. Jedna takva vrsta informacijskih izvora su i digitalni repozitoriji. Riječ je obično o institucijskim digitalnim arhivima intelektualnih rezultata rada koje su stvorili nastavnici, znanstvenici i studenti neke institucije i koji su dostupni krajnjim korisnicima u instituciji i izvan nje. Digitalni repozitoriji imaju velik potencijal za napredak znanstvenih istraživanja. U digitalnim repozitorijima moguće je pohraniti razne formate datoteka i vrste sadržaja. Institucijski repozitorij može sadržavati e-print verzije znanstvenih radova, podatke istraživanja, ali i obrazovni materijal i druge oblike institucijskih rezultata intelektualnog rada. Kako broj digitalnih repozitorija sa slobodnim pristupom raste, postalo je očito da su institucijskih repozitoriji postali priznati kao esencijalni dijelovi infrastrukture znanosti u digitalnom svijetu.Information and communication technology has a great infl uence on scientifi c communication and work of scientists. Ways in which research is conducted have changed; science has become more highly collaborative; network-based, and data-intensive. The existing system of scientifi c publishing is experiencing pressure for change under the infl uence of the exponential growth of information production, the dramatic increase in subscription fees, the increasing storage cost of printed documents, and the increasing power and availability of digital technology. To conduct their research more eff ectively scientists need modern resources of digital information which would support their endeavor. Digital repository is one such type of information resources. Digital repository is an institutional digital archive of the intellectual product created by the faculty, research staff , and students of an institution and accessible to end users both within and outside of the institution. Digital repositories carry a great potential for the advancement of scientifi c research. Digital repositories can store diff erent fi le formats and types of content. An institutional digital repository can contain e-prints of scientifi c papers, research data, but also e-learning materials and other forms of institutional intellectual outputs. As the number of open access digital repositories grows, it has become evident that institutional repositories are now clearly and broadly being recognized as essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital world

    Towards E-science: Scientific Communication on the Verge of Paradigm Change

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has a great influence on scientific communication and work of scientists. Globally, scientists are experiencing changes in ways in which they create, find, share, process, store and use scientific information. They communicate in electronic environment with their colleagues, publish their works in electronic journals and store them in digital repositories and create virtual scientific communities. However, all aspects of scientific communication on the Internet are still not known, and require additional research. This paper offers an insight into number of aspects of communication between scientists at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities in Zagreb

    Accessibility and Usage of Scholarly Information Sources by Faculty Members and Postgraduate Students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    This study was aimed at developing an understanding of the scholarly information sources and services that faculty members and postgraduate students in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria accessed and used to support their research, teaching and learning. Three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated and tested with respect to types of Scholarly Information Sources (SIS) available, accessed and used by the Faculty Members (FM) and Postgraduate (PG) Students of Ahmadu Bello University, (A.B.U.), Zaria, Nigeria, in this study. A number of 868 samples comprising 487 FM and 381 PG students were drawn from the population and used as sample size for this study. The data collected, through questionnaire and observations, were analyzed using frequency distribution tables and percentages, while the hypothesis was tested using T-test for independent samples. The results show that academic/research libraries and the internet is the major SIS accessed by the FM and PG students in A.B.U., Zaria. In addition, printed matters as well as manuscripts were the most accessed and utilized Scholarly Information Sources in A.B.U., Zaria. Moreover, there is significant difference between the FM and PG students in their uses of Scholarly Information Sources. This study therefore concludes that internet has revolutionized the process by which information is being packaged, processed, stored and disseminated, as well as how users seek and access information, these notwithstanding, the academic and the research library is still very relevant to faculty members and PG students’ scholarly activities. Therefore, the universities, through their library systems, need to explore the advantages and opportunities offered by the application of Information and communication Technology (ICTs) in scholarly information delivery

    Embedded Librarianship in Scholarly Communication: Perceived Roles of Academic Librarians in Malaysian Research Intensive Universities

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    When scholarly communication is placed at the forefront of Malaysian research universities, the need for a research arm to support and facilitate usage, publishing and dissemination of research output becomes crucial has and this has changed the academic libraries’ services landscape. This paper reports the results of a study that aims to understand the practices of embedded librarianship in Malaysian research universities. The paper explores the embedded librarian’s in the pre-publication and post-publication roles of the scholarly communication process. Data were collected through personal semi structured interviews with twelve respondents from five academic libraries. Findings show that the academic libraries are expected to take a greater responsibility for the usage and dissemination of publication output of research intensive universities, as the participants in general perceived that the survival of the professionalism requires the embedded librarianship practices

    Understanging Information Use in the Multidisciplinary Field: A Local Citation Analysis of Neuroscience Research

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    Assessing the information needs of a multidisciplinary academic community presents challenges to librarians managing journal collections. This case study analyzed the literature used by the neuroscience community at the University of Maryland to determine the following about the publications they cited: their type, their discipline, and how recent they were relative to the citing publication. The authors searched the ISI Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index to identify the publishing, citing, and coauthoring patterns of both faculty and graduate students to inform library decisions about collecting journals and other types of literature

    Motivations for self-archiving on an academic social networking site:A study on researchgate

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    © 2019 ASIS & T This study investigates motivations for self-archiving research items on academic social networking sites (ASNSs). A model of these motivations was developed based on two existing motivation models: motivation for self-archiving in academia and motivations for information sharing in social media. The proposed model is composed of 18 factors drawn from personal, social, professional, and external contexts, including enjoyment, personal/professional gain, reputation, learning, self-efficacy, altruism, reciprocity, trust, community interest, social engagement, publicity, accessibility, self-archiving culture, influence of external actors, credibility, system stability, copyright concerns, additional time, and effort. Two hundred and twenty-six ResearchGate users participated in the survey. Accessibility was the most highly rated factor, followed by altruism, reciprocity, trust, self-efficacy, reputation, publicity, and others. Personal, social, and professional factors were also highly rated, while external factors were rated relatively low. Motivations were correlated with one another, demonstrating that RG motivations for self-archiving could increase or decrease based on several factors in combination with motivations from the personal, social, professional, and external contexts. We believe the findings from this study can increase our understanding of users' motivations in sharing their research and provide useful implications for the development and improvement of ASNS services, thereby attracting more active users

    What do chemists cite? A five-year analysis of references cited in American Chemical Society journal articles.

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    This study analyzes references cited by articles published in ten American Chemical Society journals between 2011 and 2015. The median age of references was 6 years. On average, 44% of the references were five years old or younger, and only 11% were more than 20 years old. There appears to be a modest increase in references to older sources, possibly due to the increased availability of older articles online. References tended to be concentrated on a small core of journals. Overall, 20% of the journals cited accounted for 80% of the references. However, there was considerable variation among subdisciplines