305,254 research outputs found

    Exploiting parallel computing with limited program changes using a network of microcomputers

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    Network computing and multiprocessor computers are two discernible trends in parallel processing. The computational behavior of an iterative distributed process in which some subtasks are completed later than others because of an imbalance in computational requirements is of significant interest. The effects of asynchronus processing was studied. A small existing program was converted to perform finite element analysis by distributing substructure analysis over a network of four Apple IIe microcomputers connected to a shared disk, simulating a parallel computer. The substructure analysis uses an iterative, fully stressed, structural resizing procedure. A framework of beams divided into three substructures is used as the finite element model. The effects of asynchronous processing on the convergence of the design variables are determined by not resizing particular substructures on various iterations

    Parallel Computers and Complex Systems

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    We present an overview of the state of the art and future trends in high performance parallel and distributed computing, and discuss techniques for using such computers in the simulation of complex problems in computational science. The use of high performance parallel computers can help improve our understanding of complex systems, and the converse is also true --- we can apply techniques used for the study of complex systems to improve our understanding of parallel computing. We consider parallel computing as the mapping of one complex system --- typically a model of the world --- into another complex system --- the parallel computer. We study static, dynamic, spatial and temporal properties of both the complex systems and the map between them. The result is a better understanding of which computer architectures are good for which problems, and of software structure, automatic partitioning of data, and the performance of parallel machines

    Parallel Computing in Economics - An Overview of the Software Frameworks

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    This paper discusses problems related to parallel computing applied in economics. It introduces the paradigms of parallel computing and emphasizes the new trends in this field - a combination between GPU computing, multicore computing and distributed computing. It also gives examples of problems arising from economics where these parallel methods can be used to speed up the computation

    Continuum computer architecture for exaflops computation

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    The ultimate computers in our long-term future will deliver exaflops-scale performance (or greater) and will look very different from today’s micro-processors and massively parallel computers. Ironically, however, their alien structures and operational behavior can be inferred from the same technology trends driving development of today’s conventional computing systems

    08332 Executive Summary -- Distributed Verification and Grid Computing

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    The Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Verification and Grid Computing took place from 10.08.2008 to 14.08.2008 and brought together two groups of researchers to discuss their recent work and recent trends related to parallel verification of large scale computer systems on large scale grids. In total, 29 experts from 12 countries attended the seminar