11,904 research outputs found

    Variable-based multi-module data caches for clustered VLIW processors

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    Memory structures consume an important fraction of the total processor energy. One solution to reduce the energy consumed by cache memories consists of reducing their supply voltage and/or increase their threshold voltage at an expense in access time. We propose to divide the L1 data cache into two cache modules for a clustered VLIW processor consisting of two clusters. Such division is done on a variable basis so that the address of a datum determines its location. Each cache module is assigned to a cluster and can be set up as a fast power-hungry module or as a slow power-aware module. We also present compiler techniques in order to distribute variables between the two cache modules and generate code accordingly. We have explored several cache configurations using the Mediabench suite and we have observed that the best distributed cache organization outperforms traditional cache organizations by 19%-31% in energy-delay and by 11%-29% in energy-delay. In addition, we also explore a reconfigurable distributed cache, where the cache can be reconfigured on a context switch. This reconfigurable scheme further outperforms the best previous distributed organization by 3%-4%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Performance analysis and optimization of automotive GPUs

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) have drastically increased the performance demands of automotive systems. Suitable highperformance platforms building upon Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have been developed to respond to this demand, being NVIDIA Jetson TX2 a relevant representative. However, whether high-performance GPU configurations are appropriate for automotive setups remains as an open question. This paper aims at providing light on this question by modelling an automotive GPU (Jetson TX2), analyzing its microarchitectural parameters against relevant benchmarks, and identifying specific configurations able to meaningfully increase performance within similar cost envelopes, or to decrease costs preserving original performance levels. Overall, our analysis opens the door to the optimization of automotive GPUs for further system efficiency.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773) and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Pedro Benedicte and Jaume Abella have been partially supported by the MINECO under FPU15/01394 grant and Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717 respectively and Leonidas Kosmidis under Juan de la Cierva-Formacin postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2017-34095).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bulk Scheduling with the DIANA Scheduler

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    Results from the research and development of a Data Intensive and Network Aware (DIANA) scheduling engine, to be used primarily for data intensive sciences such as physics analysis, are described. In Grid analyses, tasks can involve thousands of computing, data handling, and network resources. The central problem in the scheduling of these resources is the coordinated management of computation and data at multiple locations and not just data replication or movement. However, this can prove to be a rather costly operation and efficient sing can be a challenge if compute and data resources are mapped without considering network costs. We have implemented an adaptive algorithm within the so-called DIANA Scheduler which takes into account data location and size, network performance and computation capability in order to enable efficient global scheduling. DIANA is a performance-aware and economy-guided Meta Scheduler. It iteratively allocates each job to the site that is most likely to produce the best performance as well as optimizing the global queue for any remaining jobs. Therefore it is equally suitable whether a single job is being submitted or bulk scheduling is being performed. Results indicate that considerable performance improvements can be gained by adopting the DIANA scheduling approach.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. To be published in the IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, IEEE Press. 200

    A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing

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    Since its first use by Euler on the problem of the seven bridges of K\"onigsberg, graph theory has shown excellent abilities in solving and unveiling the properties of multiple discrete optimization problems. The study of the structure of some integer programs reveals equivalence with graph theory problems making a large body of the literature readily available for solving and characterizing the complexity of these problems. This tutorial presents a framework for utilizing a particular graph theory problem, known as the clique problem, for solving communications and signal processing problems. In particular, the paper aims to illustrate the structural properties of integer programs that can be formulated as clique problems through multiple examples in communications and signal processing. To that end, the first part of the tutorial provides various optimal and heuristic solutions for the maximum clique, maximum weight clique, and kk-clique problems. The tutorial, further, illustrates the use of the clique formulation through numerous contemporary examples in communications and signal processing, mainly in maximum access for non-orthogonal multiple access networks, throughput maximization using index and instantly decodable network coding, collision-free radio frequency identification networks, and resource allocation in cloud-radio access networks. Finally, the tutorial sheds light on the recent advances of such applications, and provides technical insights on ways of dealing with mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    Improving latency tolerance of multithreading through decoupling

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    The increasing hardware complexity of dynamically scheduled superscalar processors may compromise the scalability of this organization to make an efficient use of future increases in transistor budget. SMT processors, designed over a superscalar core, are therefore directly concerned by this problem. The article presents and evaluates a novel processor microarchitecture which combines two paradigms: simultaneous multithreading and access/execute decoupling. Since its decoupled units issue instructions in order, this architecture is significantly less complex, in terms of critical path delays, than a centralized out-of-order design, and it is more effective for future growth in issue-width and clock speed. We investigate how both techniques complement each other. Since decoupling features an excellent memory latency hiding efficiency, the large amount of parallelism exploited by multithreading may be used to hide the latency of functional units and keep them fully utilized. The study shows that, by adding decoupling to a multithreaded architecture, fewer threads are needed to achieve maximum throughput. Therefore, in addition to the obvious hardware complexity reduction, it places lower demands on the memory system. The study also reveals that multithreading by itself exhibits little memory latency tolerance. Results suggest that most of the latency hiding effectiveness of SMT architectures comes from the dynamic scheduling. On the other hand, decoupling is very effective at hiding memory latency. An increase in the cache miss penalty from 1 to 32 cycles reduces the performance of a 4-context multithreaded decoupled processor by less than 2 percent. For the nondecoupled multithreaded processor, the loss of performance is about 23 percent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    64-bit architechtures and compute clusters for high performance simulations

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    Simulation of large complex systems remains one of the most demanding of high performance computer systems both in terms of raw compute performance and efficient memory management. Recent availability of 64-bit architectures has opened up the possibilities of commodity computers accessing more than the 4 Gigabyte memory limit previously enforced by 32-bit addressing. We report on some performance measurements we have made on two 64-bit architectures and their consequences for some high performance simulations. We discuss performance of our codes for simulations of artificial life models; computational physics models of point particles on lattices; and with interacting clusters of particles. We have summarised pertinent features of these codes into benchmark kernels which we discuss in the context of wellknown benchmark kernels of the 32-bit era. We report on how these these findings were useful in the context of designing 64-bit compute clusters for high-performance simulations

    Data mining: a tool for detecting cyclical disturbances in supply networks.

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    Disturbances in supply chains may be either exogenous or endogenous. The ability automatically to detect, diagnose, and distinguish between the causes of disturbances is of prime importance to decision makers in order to avoid uncertainty. The spectral principal component analysis (SPCA) technique has been utilized to distinguish between real and rogue disturbances in a steel supply network. The data set used was collected from four different business units in the network and consists of 43 variables; each is described by 72 data points. The present paper will utilize the same data set to test an alternative approach to SPCA in detecting the disturbances. The new approach employs statistical data pre-processing, clustering, and classification learning techniques to analyse the supply network data. In particular, the incremental k-means clustering and the RULES-6 classification rule-learning algorithms, developed by the present authors’ team, have been applied to identify important patterns in the data set. Results show that the proposed approach has the capability automatically to detect and characterize network-wide cyclical disturbances and generate hypotheses about their root cause
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