465 research outputs found

    Personnalisation du contenu et tendances dans les médias sociaux

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    Fluctuating along user connections, some content succeeds at capturing the attention of a large amount of users and suddenly becomes trending. Understanding trending content and its dynamics is crucial to the explanation of opinion spreading, and to the design of social marketing strategies. While previous research has mostly focused on trending content and on the network structure of individuals in social media, this work complements these studies by exploring in depth the human factors behind the generation of this content. We build upon this analysis to investigate new personalization tools helping individuals to discover interesting social media content. This work contributes to the literature on the following aspects: an in depth analysis on individuals who create trending content in social media that uncovers their distinguishing characteristics; a novel means to identify trending content by relying on the ability of special individuals who create them; a mechanism to build a recommender system to personalize trending content; and techniques to improve the quality of recommendations beyond the core theme of accuracy. Our studies underline the vital role of special users in the creation of trending content in social media. Thanks to such special users and their ``wisdom'', individuals may discover the trending content distilled to their tastes. Our work brings insights in two main research directions - trending content in social media and recommender systems.En fonction des connexions entre utilisateurs de ces réseaux, certains contenus peuvent bénéficier d’une large audience et tout d’un coup se transformer en tendance. Comprendre comment du contenu peut se transformer en tendance est donc crucial pour pouvoir expliquer la propagation des opinions ainsi que pour établir des stratégies de marketing sociale. Les précédentes études se sont concentrées sur les caractéristiques du contenu pouvant se transformer en tendance et sur la structure du réseau d’individus dans les médias sociaux. Ce travail complète ces études en explorant les facteurs humains derrières la génération du contenu tendance. Nous nous appuyons sur cette analyse pour définir de nouveaux outils de personnalisation permettant aux individus de repérer le contenu qui les intéresse dans les médias sociaux. Les contributions de ce travail sont les suivantes:une analyse approfondie des individus créant du contenu tendance dans les médias sociaux ce qui permet de découvrir leurs caractéristiques distinctives; un nouveau moyen d’identifier le contenu tendance en s’appuyant sur la capacité des individus spéciaux qui le créent; un mécanisme d’élaboration de système de recommandation afin de personnaliser le contenu tendance.; et des techniques d’amélioration de la qualité des recommandations allant au-delà de la seule évaluation de la précision. Nos études montrent le rôle vital de certains utilisateurs spéciaux dans la création de contenu tendance dans les médias sociaux. Ces utilisateurs avec leur sagesse permettent aux autres individus de découvrir du contenu tendance à leur goût

    The Register, 2007-04-11

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    Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio: a Field Guide for Volunteer Storm Spotters

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    Volunteers have played a critical part in relaying weather information since the middle 19th century. The effort of these volunteers has helped safeguard life and property when severe weather threatens. For almost 100 years Amateur Radio operators have played a critical part in severe weather preparedness and response. Amateur Radio operators not only bring a willingness to serve, but communications skills that provide an added benefit to any storm spotter program. The National Weather Service recognized this when developing the SKYWARN program during the 1960’s. Amateur Radio and the National Weather Service have developed over the last 40 years a solid relationship that has been beneficial to communities across the country that face the threat of severe weather. This project, the first of its kind, seeks to gather information together that will help better prepare Amateur Radio operators that serve as volunteer storm spotters

    Managing Customization in Health Care: A Framework Derived from the Services Sector Literature

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    Organizations that provide health services are increasingly in need of systems and approaches that will enable them to be more responsive to the needs and wishes of their clients. Two recent trends, namely, patient-centered care (PCC) and personalized medicine, are first steps in the customization of care. PCC shifts the focus away from the disease to the patient. Personalized medicine, which relies heavily on genetics, promises significant improvements in the quality of healthcare through the development of tailored and targeted drugs. We need to understand how these two trends can be related to customization in healthcare delivery and, because customization often entails extra costs, to define new business models. This article analyze how customization of the care process can be developed and managed in healthcare. Drawing on relevant literature from various services sectors, we have developed a framework for the implementation of customization by the hospital managers and caregivers involved in care pathways

    The precautionary principle : its implication in capture fisheries management

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    The paper attempts to clarify the research, management and legal implications of a potential application of the Precautionary Principle to capture fisheries, particularly in the international context. In the process, the paper also looks at related issues such as the burden of proof, the use of best available scientific evidence and technology, the reliance on prior scientific consensus, assimilative capacity and acceptable levels of impacts, etc., inthe fishery context. It is argued that, if narrowly interpreted, the Precautionary principle could lead to socio-economic havoc. If reasonably interpred, however, the Principle offers a golden opportunity to progress towards sustainable fisheries development and suggestions are made for the implementation of precautionary approaches in fisheries management. (Résumé d'auteur

    The future of mobile devices:security and mobility

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    Mobile computing has transformed the way we work, play and communicate in a very short space of time. Advances in mobile technology and the innovative uses of that technology have contributed to a multitude of social and political effects from new ecommerce enterprises to the London Riots. Alongside these innovations are security concerns which will underpin how we think about and develop mobile technology in the future. This two day workshop comprised of a conceptual discussion and two technical exercises. The conceptual discussion group discussed current trends, future possibilities and how mobile technology will impact our lives over the next 10 years and beyond. The technical groups were given two days to produce a demonstrable attack scenario using mobile technology

    To what extent collectors of intangibles have motivations distinct from those of collectors of material objects

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    Collecting is an inherently human activity and much can be understood about the individual through the observation of this practice. This thesis identifies the motivations of collectors of intangibles, such as beer tickers (people who collect information relating to the beers they have drunk) and train spotters (those who collect notes of trains they have seen), in comparison to collectors of material objects. Little is published that gives insight into this niche activity, although through television and the printed media, negative opinions on this social group are plentiful. By observations of social settings at real ale pubs, a railway gala, numerous beer festivals, and 19 interviews with both types of collectors, this thesis reveals a complex and fulfilling activity. The principal conclusion is that whilst these collectors of ‘nothing’ recognise the apparent absurdity of collecting hundreds or thousands of ‘ticks’, that have no value beyond themselves, they in doing so construct fulfilling lives that are both highly particularised and inherently sociable. Whilst there is clear evidence that their motivations frequently overlap with collectors of material artefacts, the notion of ‘being’ and not ‘having’ is their main motivation

    Incorporating the future - a study of three companies’ internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.

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    Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation’s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology: A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies. Conclusions: Companies with clear strategies for forecasting trends and implement scenario planning have promising opportunities to gain a competitive advantage. Important variables have been identified as key success factors for companies with the objective to internalise future trends forecasting. These involve an integrated approach between functions and organisational levels, where all involved functions can gain knowledge and understanding from uncertainties in the external environment. Furthermore, all planning activities should be non-static and communicated throughout the organisation with the use of measurable milestones. A good internalisation of trend forecasting and/or scenario planning can lead to an increased organisational memory that can create a better strategy of forecasting trends
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