280 research outputs found

    Multiple Trellis Coded Modulation (MTCM): An MSAT-X report

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    Conventional trellis coding outputs one channel symbol per trellis branch. The notion of multiple trellis coding is introduced wherein more than one channel symbol per trellis branch is transmitted. It is shown that the combination of multiple trellis coding with M-ary modulation yields a performance gain with symmetric signal set comparable to that previously achieved only with signal constellation asymmetry. The advantage of multiple trellis coding over the conventional trellis coded asymmetric modulation technique is that the potential for code catastrophe associated with the latter has been eliminated with no additional cost in complexity (as measured by the number of states in the trellis diagram)

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part II: Asymmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, multilevel coded asymmetric modulation with multistage decoding and unequal error protection (UEP) is discussed. These results further emphasize the fact that unconventional signal set partitionings are more promising than traditional (Ungerboeck-type) partitionings, to achieve UEP capabilities with multilevel coding and multistage decoding. Three types of unconventional partitionings are analyzed for asymmetric 8-PSK and 16-QAM constellations over the additive white Gaussian noise channel to introduce design guidelines. Generalizations to other PSK and QAM type constellations follow the same lines. Upper bounds on the bit-error probability based on union bound arguments are first derived. In some cases, these bounds become loose due to the large overlappings of decision regions associated with asymmetric constellations and unconventional partitionings. To overcome this problem, simpler and tighter approximated bounds are derived. Based on these bounds, it is shown that additional refinements can be achieved in the construction of multilevel UEP codes, by introducing asymmetries in PSK and QAM signal constellations

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part I: Symmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, theoretical upper bounds and computer simulation results on the error performance of multilevel block coded modulations for unequal error protection (UEP) and multistage decoding are presented. It is shown that nonstandard signal set partitionings and multistage decoding provide excellent UEP capabilities beyond those achievable with conventional coded modulation. The coding scheme is designed in such a way that the most important information bits have a lower error rate than other information bits. The large effective error coefficients, normally associated with standard mapping by set partitioning, are reduced by considering nonstandard partitionings of the underlying signal set. The bits-to-signal mappings induced by these partitionings allow the use of soft-decision decoding of binary block codes. Moreover, parallel operation of some of the staged decoders is possible, to achieve high data rate transmission, so that there is no error propagation between these decoders. Hybrid partitionings are also considered that trade off increased intraset distances in the last partition levels with larger effective error coefficients in the middle partition levels. The error performance of specific examples of multilevel codes over 8-PSK and 64-QAM signal sets are simulated and compared with theoretical upper bounds on the error performance

    Combined trellis coding with asymmetric MPSK modulation: An MSAT-X report

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    Traditionally symmetric, multiple phase-shift-keyed (MPSK) signal constellations, i.e., those with uniformly spaced signal points around the circle, have been used for both uncoded and coded systems. Although symmetric MPSK signal constellations are optimum for systems with no coding, the same is not necessarily true for coded systems. This appears to show that by designing the signal constellations to be asymmetric, one can, in many instances, obtain a significant performance improvement over the traditional symmetric MPSK constellations combined with trellis coding. The joint design of n/(n + 1) trellis codes and asymmetric 2 sup n + 1 - point MPSK is considered, which has a unity bandwidth expansion relative to uncoded 2 sup n-point symmetric MPSK. The asymptotic performance gains due to coding and asymmetry are evaluated in terms of the minimum free Euclidean distance free of the trellis. A comparison of the maximum value of this performance measure with the minimum distance d sub min of the uncoded system is an indication of the maximum reduction in required E sub b/N sub O that can be achieved for arbitrarily small system bit-error rates. It is to be emphasized that the introduction of asymmetry into the signal set does not effect the bandwidth of power requirements of the system; hence, the above-mentioned improvements in performance come at little or no cost. MPSK signal sets in coded systems appear in the work of Divsalar

    Multiple trellis coded modulation

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    A technique for designing trellis codes to minimize bit error performance for a fading channel. The invention provides a criteria which may be used in the design of such codes which is significantly different from that used for average white Gaussian noise channels. The method of multiple trellis coded modulation of the present invention comprises the steps of: (a) coding b bits of input data into s intermediate outputs; (b) grouping said s intermediate outputs into k groups of s.sub.i intermediate outputs each where the summation of all s.sub.i,s is equal to s and k is equal to at least 2; (c) mapping each of said k groups of intermediate outputs into one of a plurality of symbols in accordance with a plurality of modulation schemes, one for each group such that the first group is mapped in accordance with a first modulation scheme and the second group is mapped in accordance with a second modulation scheme; and (d) outputting each of said symbols to provide k output symbols for each b bits of input data

    Space-time coding techniques with bit-interleaved coded modulations for MIMO block-fading channels

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    The space-time bit-interleaved coded modulation (ST-BICM) is an efficient technique to obtain high diversity and coding gain on a block-fading MIMO channel. Its maximum-likelihood (ML) performance is computed under ideal interleaving conditions, which enables a global optimization taking into account channel coding. Thanks to a diversity upperbound derived from the Singleton bound, an appropriate choice of the time dimension of the space-time coding is possible, which maximizes diversity while minimizing complexity. Based on the analysis, an optimized interleaver and a set of linear precoders, called dispersive nucleo algebraic (DNA) precoders are proposed. The proposed precoders have good performance with respect to the state of the art and exist for any number of transmit antennas and any time dimension. With turbo codes, they exhibit a frame error rate which does not increase with frame length.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Submission: January 2006 - First review: June 200

    On Code Design for Interference Channels

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    abstract: There has been a lot of work on the characterization of capacity and achievable rate regions, and rate region outer-bounds for various multi-user channels of interest. Parallel to the developed information theoretic results, practical codes have also been designed for some multi-user channels such as multiple access channels, broadcast channels and relay channels; however, interference channels have not received much attention and only a limited amount of work has been conducted on them. With this motivation, in this dissertation, design of practical and implementable channel codes is studied focusing on multi-user channels with special emphasis on interference channels; in particular, irregular low-density-parity-check codes are exploited for a variety of cases and trellis based codes for short block length designs are performed. Novel code design approaches are first studied for the two-user Gaussian multiple access channel. Exploiting Gaussian mixture approximation, new methods are proposed wherein the optimized codes are shown to improve upon the available designs and off-the-shelf point-to-point codes applied to the multiple access channel scenario. The code design is then examined for the two-user Gaussian interference channel implementing the Han-Kobayashi encoding and decoding strategy. Compared with the point-to-point codes, the newly designed codes consistently offer better performance. Parallel to this work, code design is explored for the discrete memoryless interference channels wherein the channel inputs and outputs are taken from a finite alphabet and it is demonstrated that the designed codes are superior to the single user codes used with time sharing. Finally, the code design principles are also investigated for the two-user Gaussian interference channel employing trellis-based codes with short block lengths for the case of strong and mixed interference levels.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Cooperative Relaying with CPFSK and Distributed Space-Time Trellis Codes

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    Cooperative relaying allows single antenna users to achieve diversity and coding gains by utilizing nearby users' transmitting capabilities. We consider a relay system employing constant envelope continuous phase frequency shift keying. Distributed space-time trellis codes are implemented with a novel multiple relay protocol