52 research outputs found

    SMT and Hybrid systems of the QTLeap project in the WMT16 IT-task

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    This paper presents the description of 12 systems submitted to the WMT16 IT-task, covering six different languages, namely Basque, Bulgarian, Dutch, Czech, Portuguese and Spanish. All these systems were developed under the scope of the QTLeap project, presenting a common strategy. For each language two different systems were submitted, namely a phrase-based MT system built using Moses, and a system exploiting deep language engineering approaches, that in all the languages but Bulgarian was implemented using TectoMT. For 4 of the 6 languages, the TectoMT-based system performs better than the Moses-based one

    Traducción automática basada en tectogramática para inglés-español e inglés-euskara

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    Presentamos los primeros sistemas de traducción automática para inglés-español e inglés-euskara basados en tectogramática. A partir del modelo ya existente inglés-checo, describimos las herramientas para el análisis y síntesis, y los recursos para la trasferencia. La evaluación muestra el potencial de estos sistemas para adaptarse a nuevas lenguas y dominios.We present the first attempt to build machine translation systems for the English-Spanish and English-Basque language pairs following the tectogrammar approach. Based on the English-Czech system, we describe the language-specific tools added in the analysis and synthesis steps, and the resources for bilingual transfer. Evaluation shows the potential of these systems for new languages and domains.The research leading to these results has received funding from FP7-ICT-2013-10-610516 (QTLeap project, qtleap.eu)

    Using Parallel Texts and Lexicons for Verbal Word Sense Disambiguation

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    We present a system for verbal Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) that is able to exploit additional information from parallel texts and lexicons. It is an extension of our previous WSD method, which gave promising results but used only monolingual features. In the follow-up work described here, we have explored two additional ideas: using English-Czech bilingual resources (as features only - the task itself remains a monolingual WSD task), and using a 'hybrid' approach, adding features extracted both from a parallel corpus and from manually aligned bilingual valency lexicon entries, which contain subcategorization information. Albeit not all types of features proved useful, both ideas and additions have led to significant improvements for both languages explored

    Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace

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    Název práce: Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace Autor: Bc. Tomáš Helešic Katedra: Katedra softwarového inženýrství Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D. Abstrakt: Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti automatické extrakce infor- mací z firemní projektové dokumentace s využitím nástroje pro strojové zpra- cování přirozeného jazyka a analýza přesnosti lingvistického zpracování těchto dokumentů. Dále navrhnout metody, jak získat klíčové pojmy a vazby mezi nimi. Z těchto pojmů a vazeb se vytváří znalostní grafy, které se uchovávají ve vhodném úložisti s vyhledávací službou. Práce se snaží propojit již ex- istující technologie, implementovat je do jednoduché aplikace a ověřit jejich připravenost pro praktické využití. Cílem je inspirovat budoucí výzkum v této oblasti, identifikovat kritická místa a navhrnout zlepšení. Hlavní přínos tkví v propojení zpracování přirozeného jazyka, metod extrakce informací, sémantické vyhledávání s firemnímy dokumenty. Přínos praktické části spočívá ve způsobu identifikace důležitých informací, které popisují jednotlivé dokumenty a jejich využití ve vyhledávání. Klíčová slova: Znalostní grafy, Extrakce informace, Zpracování...Title: Knowledge Graph Extraction from Project Documentation Author: Bc. Tomáš Helešic Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D. Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of automatic in- formation extraction from company project documentation with the use of ma- chine natural language processing and the analysis of the precision of linguistic processing of these documents. Furthermore suggest methods how acquire key terms and dependencies between them. From this terms and dependencies cre- ate knowledge graphs, that are stored in an appropriate database with search engine. The work is trying to interconnect already existing technologies in a shape of a simple application and test their readiness for a practical use. The goal is to inspire future research in this field, identify critical parts and propose improvements. The main gain is in the interconnection between natural lan- guage processing, methods of information extraction and semantic searching in corporate documents. The gain of the practical part reside in the way how to identify key information that is uniquely describing each document and its use in search. Keywords: Knowledge graphs, Information extraction, Natural language pro- cessing, Resource Description Framework 1Katedra softwarového inženýrstvíDepartment of Software EngineeringMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    New Language Pairs in TectoMT

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    The TectoMT tree-to-tree machine translation system has been updated this year to support easier retraining for more translation directions. We use multilingual standards for morphology and syntax annotation and language-independent base rules. We include a simple, non-parametric way of combining TectoMT’s transfer model outputs

    The Weight Function in the Subtree Kernel is Decisive

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    Tree data are ubiquitous because they model a large variety of situations, e.g., the architecture of plants, the secondary structure of RNA, or the hierarchy of XML files. Nevertheless, the analysis of these non-Euclidean data is difficult per se. In this paper, we focus on the subtree kernel that is a convolution kernel for tree data introduced by Vishwanathan and Smola in the early 2000's. More precisely, we investigate the influence of the weight function from a theoretical perspective and in real data applications. We establish on a 2-classes stochastic model that the performance of the subtree kernel is improved when the weight of leaves vanishes, which motivates the definition of a new weight function, learned from the data and not fixed by the user as usually done. To this end, we define a unified framework for computing the subtree kernel from ordered or unordered trees, that is particularly suitable for tuning parameters. We show through eight real data classification problems the great efficiency of our approach, in particular for small datasets, which also states the high importance of the weight function. Finally, a visualization tool of the significant features is derived.Comment: 36 page

    Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Discriminative translation models utilizing source context have been shown to help statistical machine translation performance. We propose a novel extension of this work using target context information. Surprisingly, we show that this model can be efficiently integrated directly in the decoding process. Our approach scales to large training data sizes and results in consistent improvements in translation quality on four language pairs. We also provide an analysis comparing the strengths of the baseline source-context model with our extended source-context and target-context model and we show that our extension allows us to better capture morphological coherence. Our work is freely available as part of Moses.Comment: Accepted as a long paper for ACL 201