15 research outputs found

    Symbolic Tree Automata

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    Abstract We introduce symbolic tree automata as a generalization of finite tree automata with a parametric alphabet over any given background theory. We show that symbolic tree automata are closed under Boolean operations, and that the operations are effectively uniform in the given alphabet theory. This generalizes the corresponding classical properties known for finite tree automata

    In the Maze of Data Languages

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    In data languages the positions of strings and trees carry a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite alphabet. Extensions of automata and logics over finite alphabets have been defined to recognize data languages, both in the string and tree cases. In this paper we describe and compare the complexity and expressiveness of such models to understand which ones are better candidates as regular models

    Tree Automata with Global Constraints for Infinite Trees

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    We study an extension of tree automata on infinite trees with global equality and disequality constraints. These constraints can enforce that all subtrees for which in the accepting run a state q is reached (at the root of that subtree) are identical, or that these trees differ from the subtrees at which a state q\u27 is reached. We consider the closure properties of this model and its decision problems. While the emptiness problem for the general model remains open, we show the decidability of the emptiness problem for the case that the given automaton only uses equality constraints

    Reasoning About Integrity Constraints for Tree-Structured Data

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    We study a class of integrity constraints for tree-structured data modelled as data trees, whose nodes have a label from a finite alphabet and store a data value from an infinite data domain. The constraints require each tuple of nodes selected by a conjunctive query (using navigational axes and labels) to satisfy a positive combination of equalities and a positive combination of inequalities over the stored data values. Such constraints are instances of the general framework of XML-to-relational constraints proposed recently by Niewerth and Schwentick. They cover some common classes of constraints, including W3C XML Schema key and unique constraints, as well as domain restrictions and denial constraints, but cannot express inclusion constraints, such as reference keys. Our main result is that consistency of such integrity constraints with respect to a given schema (modelled as a tree automaton) is decidable. An easy extension gives decidability for the entailment problem. Equivalently, we show that validity and containment of unions of conjunctive queries using navigational axes, labels, data equalities and inequalities is decidable, as long as none of the conjunctive queries uses both equalities and inequalities; without this restriction, both problems are known to be undecidable. In the context of XML data exchange, our result can be used to establish decidability for a consistency problem for XML schema mappings. All the decision procedures are doubly exponential, with matching lower bounds. The complexity may be lowered to singly exponential, when conjunctive queries are replaced by tree patterns, and the number of data comparisons is bounded

    Logics with rigidly guarded data tests

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    The notion of orbit finite data monoid was recently introduced by Bojanczyk as an algebraic object for defining recognizable languages of data words. Following Buchi's approach, we introduce a variant of monadic second-order logic with data equality tests that captures precisely the data languages recognizable by orbit finite data monoids. We also establish, following this time the approach of Schutzenberger, McNaughton and Papert, that the first-order fragment of this logic defines exactly the data languages recognizable by aperiodic orbit finite data monoids. Finally, we consider another variant of the logic that can be interpreted over generic structures with data. The data languages defined in this variant are also recognized by unambiguous finite memory automata

    Regular expressions for data words

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    In this paper we define and study regular expressions for data words. We first define regular expression with memory (REM), which extend standard regular ex-pressions with limited memory and show that they capture the class of data words defined by register automata. We also study the complexity of the standard deci-sion problems for REM, which turn out to be the same as for register automata. In order to lower the complexity of main reasoning tasks, we then look at two natural subclasses of REM that can define many properties of interest in the applications of data words: regular expression with binding (REWB) and regular expression with equality (REWE). We study their expressive power and analyse the com-plexity of their standard decision problems. We also establish the following strict hierarchy of expressive power: REM is strictly stronger than REWB, and in turn REWB is strictly stronger than REWE

    Efficient reasoning about data trees via integer linear programming

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    Data trees provide a standard abstraction of XML documents with data values: they are trees whose nodes, in addition to the usual labels, can carry labels from an infinite alphabet (data). Therefore, one is interested in decidable formalisms for reasoning about data trees. While some are known – such as the two-variable logic – they tend to be of very high complexity, and most decidability proofs are highly nontrivial. We are therefore interested in reasonable complexity formalisms as well as better techniques for proving decidability. Here we show that many decidable formalisms for data trees are subsumed – fully or partially – by the power of tree automata together with set constraints and linear constraints on cardinalities of various sets of data values. All these constraints can be translated into instances of integer linear programming, giving us an NP bound on the complexity of the reasoning tasks. We prove that this bound, as well as the key encoding technique, remain very robust, and allow the addition of features such as counting of paths and patterns, and even a concise encoding of constraints, without increasing the complexity. We also relate our results to several reasoning tasks over XML documents, such as satisfiability of schemas and data dependencies and satisfiability of the two-variable logic

    Regular path queries on graphs with data

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    Graph data models received much attention lately due to applications in social networks, semantic web, biological databases and other areas. Typical query languages for graph databases retrieve their topology, while actual data stored in them is usually queried using standard relational mechanisms. Our goal is to develop techniques that combine these two modes of querying, and give us query languages that can ask questions about both data and topology. As the basic querying mechanism we consider regular path queries, with the key difference that conditions on paths between nodes now talk not only about labels but also specify how data changes along the path. Paths that combine edge labels with data values are closely related to data words, so for stating conditions in queries, we look at several data-word formalisms developed recently. We show that many of them immediately lead to intractable data complexity for graph queries, with the notable exception of register automata, which can specify many properties of interest, and have NLOGSPACE data and PSPACE combined complexity. As register automata themselves are not easy to use in querying, we define two types of extensions of regular expressions that are more userfriendly, and develop query evaluation techniques for them. For one class, regular expressions with memory, we achieve the same bounds as for automata, and for the other class, regular expressions with equality, we also obtain tractable combined complexity of query evaluation. In addition, we show that results extends to analogs of conjunctive regular path queries

    Querying Graphs with Data

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