1,448 research outputs found

    Understanding user behavior aspects on emergency mobile applications during emergency communications using NLP and text mining techniques

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    Abstract. The use of mobile devices has been skyrocketing in our society. Users can access and share any type of information in a timely manner through these devices using different social media applications. This enabled users to increase their awareness of ongoing events such as election campaigns, sports updates, movie releases, disaster occurrences, and studies. The attractiveness, affordability, and two-way communication capabilities empowered these mobile devices that support various social media platforms to be central to emergency communication as well. This makes a mobile-based emergency application an attractive communication tool during emergencies. The emergence of mobile-based emergency communication has intrigued us to learn about the user behavior related to the usage of these applications. Our study was mainly conducted on emergency apps in Nordic countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway. To understand the user objects regarding the usage of emergency mobile applications we leveraged various Natural Language Processing and Text Mining techniques. VADER sentiment tool was used to predict and track users’ review polarity of a particular application over time. Lately, to identify factors that affect users’ sentiments, we employed topic modeling techniques such as the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. This model identifies various themes discussed in the user reviews and the result of each theme will be represented by the weighted sum of words in the corpus. Even though LDA succeeds in highlighting the user-related factors, it fails to identify the aspects of the user, and the topic definition from the LDA model is vague. Hence we leveraged Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) methods to extract the user aspects from the user reviews. To perform this task we consider fine-tuning DeBERTa (a variant of the BERT model). BERT is a Bidirectional Encoder Representation of transformer architecture which allows the model to learn the context in the text. Following this, we performed a sentence pair sentiment classification task using different variants of BERT. Later, we dwell on different sentiments to highlight the factors and the categories that impact user behavior most by leveraging the Empath categorization technique. Finally, we construct a word association by considering different Ontological vocabularies related to mobile applications and emergency response and management systems. The insights from the study can be used to identify the user aspect terms, predict the sentiment of the aspect term in the review provided, and find how the aspect term impacts the user perspective on the usage of mobile emergency applications

    Natural Language Processing in-and-for Design Research

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    We review the scholarly contributions that utilise Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to support the design process. Using a heuristic approach, we collected 223 articles published in 32 journals and within the period 1991-present. We present state-of-the-art NLP in-and-for design research by reviewing these articles according to the type of natural language text sources: internal reports, design concepts, discourse transcripts, technical publications, consumer opinions, and others. Upon summarizing and identifying the gaps in these contributions, we utilise an existing design innovation framework to identify the applications that are currently being supported by NLP. We then propose a few methodological and theoretical directions for future NLP in-and-for design research

    Applying Deep Learning Techniques for Sentiment Analysis to Assess Sustainable Transport

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    Users voluntarily generate large amounts of textual content by expressing their opinions, in social media and specialized portals, on every possible issue, including transport and sustainability. In this work we have leveraged such User Generated Content to obtain a high accuracy sentiment analysis model which automatically analyses the negative and positive opinions expressed in the transport domain. In order to develop such model, we have semiautomatically generated an annotated corpus of opinions about transport, which has then been used to fine-tune a large pretrained language model based on recent deep learning techniques. Our empirical results demonstrate the robustness of our approach, which can be applied to automatically process massive amounts of opinions about transport. We believe that our method can help to complement data from official statistics and traditional surveys about transport sustainability. Finally, apart from the model and annotated dataset, we also provide a transport classification score with respect to the sustainability of the transport types found in the use case dataset.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (DeepReading RTI2018-096846-B-C21, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2018 (BigKnowledge), DeepText (KK-2020/00088), funded by the Basque Government and the COLAB19/19 project funded by the UPV/EHU. Rodrigo Agerri is also funded by the RYC-2017-23647 fellowship and acknowledges the donation of a Titan V GPU by the NVIDIA Corporation

    Deep Short Text Classification with Knowledge Powered Attention

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    Short text classification is one of important tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Unlike paragraphs or documents, short texts are more ambiguous since they have not enough contextual information, which poses a great challenge for classification. In this paper, we retrieve knowledge from external knowledge source to enhance the semantic representation of short texts. We take conceptual information as a kind of knowledge and incorporate it into deep neural networks. For the purpose of measuring the importance of knowledge, we introduce attention mechanisms and propose deep Short Text Classification with Knowledge powered Attention (STCKA). We utilize Concept towards Short Text (C- ST) attention and Concept towards Concept Set (C-CS) attention to acquire the weight of concepts from two aspects. And we classify a short text with the help of conceptual information. Unlike traditional approaches, our model acts like a human being who has intrinsic ability to make decisions based on observation (i.e., training data for machines) and pays more attention to important knowledge. We also conduct extensive experiments on four public datasets for different tasks. The experimental results and case studies show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, justifying the effectiveness of knowledge powered attention

    Using Multi-granular Fuzzy Linguistic Modelling Methods to Represent Social Networks Related Information in an Organized Way

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    Social networks are the preferred mean for experts to share their knowledge and provide information. Therefore, it is one of the best sources that can be used for obtaining data that can be used for a high amount of purposes. For instance, determining social needs, identifying problems, getting opinions about certain topics, ... Nevertheless, this kind of information is difficult for a computational system to interpret due to the fact that the text is presented in free form and that the information that represents is imprecise. In this paper, a novel method for extracting information from social networks and represent it in a fuzzy ontology is presented. Sentiment analysis procedures are used in order to extract information from free text. Moreover, multi-granular fuzzy linguistic modelling methods are used for converting the information into the most suitable representation mean.This work has been supported by the ’Juan de la Cierva Incorporación’ grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the Grant from the FEDER funds provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (No. TIN2016-75850-R)

    A Tutorial on Event Detection using Social Media Data Analysis: Applications, Challenges, and Open Problems

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    In recent years, social media has become one of the most popular platforms for communication. These platforms allow users to report real-world incidents that might swiftly and widely circulate throughout the whole social network. A social event is a real-world incident that is documented on social media. Social gatherings could contain vital documentation of crisis scenarios. Monitoring and analyzing this rich content can produce information that is extraordinarily valuable and help people and organizations learn how to take action. In this paper, a survey on the potential benefits and applications of event detection with social media data analysis will be presented. Moreover, the critical challenges and the fundamental tradeoffs in event detection will be methodically investigated by monitoring social media stream. Then, fundamental open questions and possible research directions will be introduced

    Sentiment Analysis of News Tweets

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    Sentiment Analysis is a process of extracting information from a large amount of data and classifying them into different classes called sentiments. Python is a simple yet powerful, high-level, interpreted, and dynamic programming language, which is well known for its functionality of processing natural language data by using NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit). NLTK is a library of python, which provides a base for building programs and classification of data. NLTK also provides a graphical demonstration for representing various results or trends and it also provides sample data to train and test various classifiers respectively. Sentiment classification aims to automatically predict the sentiment polarity of users publishing sentiment data. Although traditional classification algorithms can be used to train sentiment classifiers from manually labeled text data, the labeling work can be time-consuming and expensive. Meanwhile, users often use different words when they express sentiment in different domains. If we directly apply a classifier trained in one domain to other domains, the performance will be very low due to the difference between these domains. In this work, we develop a general solution to sentiment classification when we do not have any labels in the target domain but have some labeled data in a different domain, regarded as the source domain. The purpose of this study is to analyze the tweets of the popular local and international news agencies and classify the tweeted news as positive, negative, or neutral categories

    Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications

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    This Special Issue highlights the most recent research being carried out in the NLP field to discuss relative open issues, with a particular focus on both emerging approaches for language learning, understanding, production, and grounding interactively or autonomously from data in cognitive and neural systems, as well as on their potential or real applications in different domains

    Predictive Analysis on Twitter: Techniques and Applications

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    Predictive analysis of social media data has attracted considerable attention from the research community as well as the business world because of the essential and actionable information it can provide. Over the years, extensive experimentation and analysis for insights have been carried out using Twitter data in various domains such as healthcare, public health, politics, social sciences, and demographics. In this chapter, we discuss techniques, approaches and state-of-the-art applications of predictive analysis of Twitter data. Specifically, we present fine-grained analysis involving aspects such as sentiment, emotion, and the use of domain knowledge in the coarse-grained analysis of Twitter data for making decisions and taking actions, and relate a few success stories
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