6 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of CS-DCSK over Nakagami-m fading channels

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    码复用差分混沌移位键控(COdE-SHIfTEd dIffErEnTIAl CHAOS SHIfT kEyIng,CS-dCSk)是一种dCSk的改进方案,其消除了接收机的延时电路,简化了系统实现。为了研究在一般化的多径衰落信道下的性能,基于高斯近似(gAuSSIAnAPPrOXIMATIOn,gA)方法分析了CS-dCSk在nAkAgAMI-M衰落信道下的误比特率(bIT ErrOr rATE,bEr)性能,给出了bEr的数值积分解。计算机仿真验证了分析结果,比较了不同信道参数M条件下的误比特率性能,并分析了原因。The code-shifted differential chaos shift keying(CS-DCSK) is an improved scheme of DCSK,which eliminates the delay circuits in receiver.It simplifies the implementation of system.For the study of the performance of CS-DCSK over the generalization multipath fading channels,based on Gaussian approximation(GA) the BER performance is analyzed over Nakagami-m fading channel.The expression of bit error rate(BER) is presented.Simulation results and numerical results show that the analyzed results are well consistent with the simulation results.And the BERs of different channel parameter m are compared and the reasons are analyzed.国家自然科学基金(61001073)---

    Performance Enhancement of Ultra Wideband WPAN using Narrowband Interference Mitigation Techniques

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    A new promising technique adopted by 4G community is ultra-wideband technology, which offers a solution for high bandwidth, high data rate, low cost, low power consumption, position location capability etc. A conventional type of UWB communication is impulse radio, where very short transient pulses are transmitted rather than a modulated carrier. Consequently, the spectrum is spread over several GHz, complying with the definition of UWB. Currently, the Rake receiver used for spread spectrum is considered a very promising candidate for UWB reception, due to its capability of collecting multipath components. Since UWB signals occupy such a large bandwidth, they operate as an overlay system with other existing narrowband (NB) radio systems overlapping with their bands. In order to ensure a robust communication link, the issue of coexistence and interference of UWB systems with current indoor wireless systems must be considered. Ultra Wideband technology with its application, advantages and disadvantages are discussed in detail. Design of UWB short pulse and a detail study IEEE 802.15.3a UWB channel models statistical characteristics have been analyzed through simulation. Simulation studies are performed and improved techniques are suggested for interference reduction in both Impulse Radio based UWB and Transmitted Reference type of UWB system. Modified TR-UWB receiver with UWB pulse design at transmitter end and notch filtering at receiver’s front end proved to be more efficient in single NBI, multiple NBI and WBI suppression. Extensive simulation studies to support the efficacy of the proposed schemes are carried out in the MATLAB. Bit error rate (BER) performance study for different data rates over different UWB channel models are also analyzed using proposed receiver models. Performance improvement of TR-UWB system is noticed using the proposed techniques

    Efficient approaches to robust and cooperative wireless network design

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-200).In wireless networks, relaying and user cooperation offer several attractive benefits such as higher throughput, better power efficiency, and larger coverage. As a result, cooperative networks are regarded as one of the most promising enabling technologies able to meet the increasingly high rate demands and quality of service requirements in wireless networks. In this dissertation, we investigate the efficient design of cooperative wireless networks from the perspectives of robust resource allocation, wideband communications, and energy efficiency. Given that the primary resource to be allocated is the relay node's transmission power, we propose robust and efficient relay power allocation algorithms when the global channel state information is subject to uncertainty. In addition, we propose practical algorithms that do not require frequent tracking of the global channel state information. This work reveals that ignoring global channel state information uncertainties and solving the relay power optimization problems often lead to poor performance, highlighting the importance of robust algorithm designs in practical wireless networks. Wideband cooperative networks allow for both higher data rate and higher resistance to interference. Since the gains achieved by using cooperation come at the cost of higher node complexity and substantial coordination overhead, it is important to study practical low-complexity signaling and receiver schemes suitable for wideband networks. In particular, we consider transmitted-reference signaling schemes and provide a unified performance analysis in terms of bit error rate. Since wideband networks are expected to coexist with many existing narrowband systems, it is important to characterize the effect of narrowband interference. We further extend the performance analysis of transmitted-reference signaling schemes to include the effect of narrowband interference..(cont) Finally, we conclude by studying the benefits of cooperation in a wireless sensor network, which aims at detecting the presence or absence of a certain physical phenomenon of interest using geographically dispersed sensor nodes. We propose a consensus flooding protocol and analyze its average energy consumption. We investigate the tradeoff between the detection reliability and the energy efficiency when nodes are allowed to cooperate. By addressing the above design challenges, this dissertation will be useful for obtaining insight into the theory and application of cooperative networks in future communication systemsby Tony Q.S. Quek.Ph.D

    Advanced index modulation techniques for future wireless networks

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    In the research study proposed in this Ph.D Thesis, we consider Index Modulation as a novel tool to enhance energy and spectral efficiencies for upcoming 5G networks, including wireless sensor networks and internet of things. In this vein, spatial modulation was proposed to enhance the capacity of wireless systems to partially achieve the capacity of MIMO systems but at lower cost, making it a technique that has attracted significant attention over the past few years. As such, SM schemes have been regarded as possible candidates for spectrum- and energy-efficient next generation MIMO systems. However, the implementation of the SM is also challenging because of its heavy dependence on channel characteristics, channel correlation, corrupted CSI and the need to have adequate spacing between antennas. Moreover, the SM requires multiple antennas at the transmitter which adds cost to the hardware implementation. In addition, the number of mapped bits in SM is limited by the physical size of the wireless device where only small number of antennas can be used. The switching time wasted by RF antenna switches adds to the complexity of the issue. In this Thesis, we study the drawbacks of SM in the articles indicated, namely Performance Comparison of Spatial Modulation Detectors Under Channel Impairments that is placed in the Appendix at the end of Thesis as it is a conference paper, and The Impact of Antenna Switching Time on Spatial Modulation that is put in Chapter 1. In the first article, we have shown that channel impairments have serious impacts on the BER performance and on the capacity of the SM system and that the SM is too sensitive to both imperfect and correlated channels. In the second article, we have demonstrated that the switching time defined as the time needed by the system to turn off an antenna and turn on another one, which is an inherent property of RF industrial switches used in SM systems, is in the order of nanoseconds and naturally influences the transmission rate of SM systems because of introducing systematic transmission gaps or pauses. Given the speed limitation of practical RF switches in performing transitions, antenna transition-based technologies like SM schemes are capped in terms of data rate performance. In fact, the effective data rate of SM will remain hostage to developments in industrial RF switches. This brings restrictions to the implementation and operation issues when extremely high data rates become a necessity. It is shown by the assemblage of our results that the switching time Tsw which is a requirement for transitions between antennas to happen, dictates restrictions on data rate, capacity and spectral efficiency of SM systems. Furthermore, we propose baseband non-hardware-based indexing modulation schemes based on frequency-index modulation, coherent chaotic modulation and non-coherent differential chaotic modulation schemes as potential alternatives to SM, that would also fit wireless sensor networks and internet of things applications. In this regard, we have proposed three articles. The first article which represents frequency index modulation is called Frequency Index Modulation for Low Complexity Low Energy Communication Networks and is placed in Chapter 2 of this Thesis. In this article, we explore a low complexity multi-user communication system based on frequency index modulation that suits Internet of Things (IoT) applications and we show that such a system would constitute an excellent candidate for wireless sensor applications, where it represents a simpler substitution for frequency-hopping (FH) based architectures, in which the hops carry extra bits. The third article which concerns coherent chaotic modulation is called Design of an Initial-Condition Index Chaos Shift Keying Modulation and is located in Chapter 3. In this article, an initial condition index chaos shift keying modulation is proposed. This design aims to increase the spectral and energy efficiencies to unprecedented levels. The proposed scheme exploits the initial conditions to generate different chaotic sequences to convey extra bits per transmission. In comparison to rival modulation schemes, the results obtained in the proposed work show a promising data rate boost and a competitive performance. The last article employs a non-coherent differential chaotic shift-key system named Permutation Index DCSK Modulation Technique for Secure Multi-User High-Data-Rate Communication Systems that is found in the Appendix. In this original design, where each data frame is divided into two time slots in which the reference chaotic signal is sent in the first time slot and a permuted replica of the reference signal multiplied by the modulating bit is sent in the second time slot, we target enhancing data security, energy and spectral efficiencies. Overall, in light of the high demands for bandwidth and energy efficiencies of futuristic systems, the suggested soft indexing mechanisms are successful candidates with promising results

    Contribution à la conception d'un système de radio impulsionnelle ultra large bande intelligent

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    Faced with an ever increasing demand of high data-rates and improved adaptability among existing systems, which inturn is resulting in spectrum scarcity, the development of new radio solutions becomes mandatory in order to answer the requirements of these emergent applications. Among the recent innovations in the field of wireless communications,ultra wideband (UWB) has generated significant interest. Impulse based UWB (IR-UWB) is one attractive way of realizing UWB systems, which is characterized by the transmission of sub nanoseconds UWB pulses, occupying a band width up to 7.5 GHz with extremely low power density. This large band width results in several captivating features such as low-complexity low-cost transceiver, ability to overlay existing narrowband systems, ample multipath diversity, and precise ranging at centimeter level due to extremely fine temporal resolution.In this PhD dissertation, we investigate some of the key elements in the realization of an intelligent time-hopping based IR-UWB system. Due to striking resemblance of IR-UWB inherent features with cognitive radio (CR) requirements, acognitive UWB based system is first studied. A CR in its simplest form can be described as a radio, which is aware ofits surroundings and adapts intelligently. As sensing the environment for the availability of resources and then consequently adapting radio’s internal parameters to exploit them opportunistically constitute the major blocks of any CR, we first focus on robust spectrum sensing algorithms and the design of adaptive UWB waveforms for realizing a cognitive UWB radio. The spectrum sensing module needs to function with minimum a-priori knowledge available about the operating characteristics and detect the primary users as quickly as possible. Keeping this in mind, we develop several spectrum sensing algorithms invoking recent results on the random matrix theory, which can provide efficient performance with a few number of samples. Next, we design the UWB waveform using a linear combination of Bsp lines with weight coefficients being optimized by genetic algorithms. This results in a UWB waveform that is spectrally efficient and at the same time adaptable to incorporate the cognitive radio requirements. In the 2nd part of this thesis, some research challenges related to signal processing in UWB systems, namely synchronization and dense multipath channel estimation are addressed. Several low-complexity non-data-aided (NDA) synchronization algorithms are proposed for BPSK and PSM modulations, exploiting either the orthogonality of UWB waveforms or theinherent cyclostationarity of IR-UWB signaling. Finally, we look into the channel estimation problem in UWB, whichis very demanding due to particular nature of UWB channels and at the same time very critical for the coherent Rake receivers. A method based on a joint maximum-likelihood (ML) and orthogonal subspace (OS) approaches is proposed which exhibits improved performance than both of these methods individually.Face à une demande sans cesse croissante de haut débit et d’adaptabilité des systèmes existants, qui à son tour se traduit par l’encombrement du spectre, le développement de nouvelles solutions dans le domaine des communications sans fil devient nécessaire afin de répondre aux exigences des applications émergentes. Parmi les innovations récentes dans ce domaine, l’ultra large bande (UWB) a suscité un vif intérêt. La radio impulsionnelle UWB (IR-UWB), qui est une solution intéressante pour réaliser des systèmes UWB, est caractérisée par la transmission des impulsions de très courte durée, occupant une largeur de bande allant jusqu’à 7,5 GHz, avec une densité spectrale de puissance extrêmement faible. Cette largeur de bande importante permet de réaliser plusieurs fonctionnalités intéressantes, telles que l’implémentation à faible complexité et à coût réduit, la possibilité de se superposer aux systèmes à bande étroite, la diversité spatiale et la localisation très précise de l’ordre centimétrique, en raison de la résolution temporelle très fine.Dans cette thèse, nous examinons certains éléments clés dans la réalisation d'un système IR-UWB intelligent. Nous avons tout d’abord proposé le concept de radio UWB cognitive à partir des similarités existantes entre l'IR-UWB et la radio cognitive. Dans sa définition la plus simple, un tel système est conscient de son environnement et s'y adapte intelligemment. Ainsi, nous avons tout d’abord focalisé notre recherché sur l’analyse de la disponibilité des ressources spectrales (spectrum sensing) et la conception d’une forme d’onde UWB adaptative, considérées comme deux étapes importantes dans la réalisation d'une radio cognitive UWB. Les algorithmes de spectrum sensing devraient fonctionner avec un minimum de connaissances a priori et détecter rapidement les utilisateurs primaires. Nous avons donc développé de tels algorithmes utilisant des résultats récents sur la théorie des matrices aléatoires, qui sont capables de fournir de bonnes performances, avec un petit nombre d'échantillons. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une méthode de conception de la forme d'onde UWB, vue comme une superposition de fonctions B-splines, dont les coefficients de pondération sont optimisés par des algorithmes génétiques. Il en résulte une forme d'onde UWB qui est spectralement efficace et peut s’adapter pour intégrer les contraintes liées à la radio cognitive. Dans la 2ème partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes attaqués à deux autres problématiques importantes pour le fonctionnement des systèmes UWB, à savoir la synchronisation et l’estimation du canal UWB, qui est très dense en trajets multiples. Ainsi, nous avons proposé plusieurs algorithmes de synchronisation, de faible complexité et sans séquence d’apprentissage, pour les modulations BPSK et PSM, en exploitant l'orthogonalité des formes d'onde UWB ou la cyclostationnarité inhérente à la signalisation IR-UWB. Enfin, nous avons travaillé sur l'estimation du canal UWB, qui est un élément critique pour les récepteurs Rake cohérents. Ainsi, nous avons proposé une méthode d’estimation du canal basée sur une combinaison de deux approches complémentaires, le maximum de vraisemblance et la décomposition en sous-espaces orthogonaux,d’améliorer globalement les performances