399 research outputs found

    Transition density and simulated likelihood estimation for time-inhomogeneous diffusions

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    We propose a method to estimate the transition density of a non-linear time-inhomogeneous diffusion. Expressing the transition density as a functional of a Brownian bridge, allows us to estimate the density through Monte Carlo simulations with any level of precision. We show how these transition density estimates can be effectively used to estimate the parameters of the time-inhomogeneous diffusion and the conditional moments of the process. In this paper we prove that our method is asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator and more reliable than the closed-form approximation approach largely used in the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A selective overview of nonparametric methods in financial econometrics

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    This paper gives a brief overview on the nonparametric techniques that are useful for financial econometric problems. The problems include estimation and inferences of instantaneous returns and volatility functions of time-homogeneous and time-dependent diffusion processes, and estimation of transition densities and state price densities. We first briefly describe the problems and then outline main techniques and main results. Some useful probabilistic aspects of diffusion processes are also briefly summarized to facilitate our presentation and applications.Comment: 32 pages include 7 figure

    Estimation in discretely observed diffusions killed at a threshold

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    Parameter estimation in diffusion processes from discrete observations up to a first-hitting time is clearly of practical relevance, but does not seem to have been studied so far. In neuroscience, many models for the membrane potential evolution involve the presence of an upper threshold. Data are modeled as discretely observed diffusions which are killed when the threshold is reached. Statistical inference is often based on the misspecified likelihood ignoring the presence of the threshold causing severe bias, e.g. the bias incurred in the drift parameters of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model for biological relevant parameters can be up to 25-100%. We calculate or approximate the likelihood function of the killed process. When estimating from a single trajectory, considerable bias may still be present, and the distribution of the estimates can be heavily skewed and with a huge variance. Parametric bootstrap is effective in correcting the bias. Standard asymptotic results do not apply, but consistency and asymptotic normality may be recovered when multiple trajectories are observed, if the mean first-passage time through the threshold is finite. Numerical examples illustrate the results and an experimental data set of intracellular recordings of the membrane potential of a motoneuron is analyzed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    An Exact Auxiliary Variable Gibbs Sampler for a Class of Diffusions

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    Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) or diffusions are continuous-valued continuous-time stochastic processes widely used in the applied and mathematical sciences. Simulating paths from these processes is usually an intractable problem, and typically involves time-discretization approximations. We propose an exact Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm that involves no such time-discretization error. Our sampler is applicable to the problem of prior simulation from an SDE, posterior simulation conditioned on noisy observations, as well as parameter inference given noisy observations. Our work recasts an existing rejection sampling algorithm for a class of diffusions as a latent variable model, and then derives an auxiliary variable Gibbs sampling algorithm that targets the associated joint distribution. At a high level, the resulting algorithm involves two steps: simulating a random grid of times from an inhomogeneous Poisson process, and updating the SDE trajectory conditioned on this grid. Our work allows the vast literature of Monte Carlo sampling algorithms from the Gaussian process literature to be brought to bear to applications involving diffusions. We study our method on synthetic and real datasets, where we demonstrate superior performance over competing methods.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure

    Approximation of epidemic models by diffusion processes and their statistical inference

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    Multidimensional continuous-time Markov jump processes (Z(t))(Z(t)) on Zp\mathbb{Z}^p form a usual set-up for modeling SIRSIR-like epidemics. However, when facing incomplete epidemic data, inference based on (Z(t))(Z(t)) is not easy to be achieved. Here, we start building a new framework for the estimation of key parameters of epidemic models based on statistics of diffusion processes approximating (Z(t))(Z(t)). First, \previous results on the approximation of density-dependent SIRSIR-like models by diffusion processes with small diffusion coefficient 1N\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}, where NN is the population size, are generalized to non-autonomous systems. Second, our previous inference results on discretely observed diffusion processes with small diffusion coefficient are extended to time-dependent diffusions. Consistent and asymptotically Gaussian estimates are obtained for a fixed number nn of observations, which corresponds to the epidemic context, and for N→∞N\rightarrow \infty. A correction term, which yields better estimates non asymptotically, is also included. Finally, performances and robustness of our estimators with respect to various parameters such as R0R_0 (the basic reproduction number), NN, nn are investigated on simulations. Two models, SIRSIR and SIRSSIRS, corresponding to single and recurrent outbreaks, respectively, are used to simulate data. The findings indicate that our estimators have good asymptotic properties and behave noticeably well for realistic numbers of observations and population sizes. This study lays the foundations of a generic inference method currently under extension to incompletely observed epidemic data. Indeed, contrary to the majority of current inference techniques for partially observed processes, which necessitates computer intensive simulations, our method being mostly an analytical approach requires only the classical optimization steps.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Joint Modelling of Gas and Electricity spot prices

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    The recent liberalization of the electricity and gas markets has resulted in the growth of energy exchanges and modelling problems. In this paper, we modelize jointly gas and electricity spot prices using a mean-reverting model which fits the correlations structures for the two commodities. The dynamics are based on Ornstein processes with parameterized diffusion coefficients. Moreover, using the empirical distributions of the spot prices, we derive a class of such parameterized diffusions which captures the most salient statistical properties: stationarity, spikes and heavy-tailed distributions. The associated calibration procedure is based on standard and efficient statistical tools. We calibrate the model on French market for electricity and on UK market for gas, and then simulate some trajectories which reproduce well the observed prices behavior. Finally, we illustrate the importance of the correlation structure and of the presence of spikes by measuring the risk on a power plant portfolio

    Estimation in the partially observed stochastic Morris-Lecar neuronal model with particle filter and stochastic approximation methods

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    Parameter estimation in multidimensional diffusion models with only one coordinate observed is highly relevant in many biological applications, but a statistically difficult problem. In neuroscience, the membrane potential evolution in single neurons can be measured at high frequency, but biophysical realistic models have to include the unobserved dynamics of ion channels. One such model is the stochastic Morris-Lecar model, defined by a nonlinear two-dimensional stochastic differential equation. The coordinates are coupled, that is, the unobserved coordinate is nonautonomous, the model exhibits oscillations to mimic the spiking behavior, which means it is not of gradient-type, and the measurement noise from intracellular recordings is typically negligible. Therefore, the hidden Markov model framework is degenerate, and available methods break down. The main contributions of this paper are an approach to estimate in this ill-posed situation and nonasymptotic convergence results for the method. Specifically, we propose a sequential Monte Carlo particle filter algorithm to impute the unobserved coordinate, and then estimate parameters maximizing a pseudo-likelihood through a stochastic version of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It turns out that even the rate scaling parameter governing the opening and closing of ion channels of the unobserved coordinate can be reasonably estimated. An experimental data set of intracellular recordings of the membrane potential of a spinal motoneuron of a red-eared turtle is analyzed, and the performance is further evaluated in a simulation study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS729 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Markov chain Monte Carlo for exact inference for diffusions

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    We develop exact Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for discretely-sampled, directly and indirectly observed diffusions. The qualification "exact" refers to the fact that the invariant and limiting distribution of the Markov chains is the posterior distribution of the parameters free of any discretisation error. The class of processes to which our methods directly apply are those which can be simulated using the most general to date exact simulation algorithm. The article introduces various methods to boost the performance of the basic scheme, including reparametrisations and auxiliary Poisson sampling. We contrast both theoretically and empirically how this new approach compares to irreducible high frequency imputation, which is the state-of-the-art alternative for the class of processes we consider, and we uncover intriguing connections. All methods discussed in the article are tested on typical examples.Comment: 23 pages, 6 Figures, 3 Table

    Maximum-likelihood estimation for diffusion processes via closed-form density expansions

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    This paper proposes a widely applicable method of approximate maximum-likelihood estimation for multivariate diffusion process from discretely sampled data. A closed-form asymptotic expansion for transition density is proposed and accompanied by an algorithm containing only basic and explicit calculations for delivering any arbitrary order of the expansion. The likelihood function is thus approximated explicitly and employed in statistical estimation. The performance of our method is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations from implementing several examples, which represent a wide range of commonly used diffusion models. The convergence related to the expansion and the estimation method are theoretically justified using the theory of Watanabe [Ann. Probab. 15 (1987) 1-39] and Yoshida [J. Japan Statist. Soc. 22 (1992) 139-159] on analysis of the generalized random variables under some standard sufficient conditions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOS1118 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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