70,275 research outputs found

    Transforming (Private) Rights through (Public) International Law::Readings on a ‘Strange and Painful Odyssey’ in the PCIJ <em>Mavrommatis</em> Case1

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    Straddling both the centres of (European) power and the shifting dynamics of the post-Ottoman world in a quest to guarantee private rights through public international legal redress, the PCIJ Mavrommatis case provides a rich resource for interrogating the extent to which international law during the League period could speak for voices on the edge of empire. In this article, historical consideration of the regimes of empire and Mandate form the backdrop to an exploration into how international legal discourse (re)configured the relationship between the core and the periphery, especially for those peoples awaiting the promise of self-determination and sovereignty. The figure of a lone Greek investor and his dashed hopes in the newly created Palestine Mandate is the backdrop to this tail of ever-shifting interpretations of public and private rights, of speech as well as silence before and beyond the Peace Palace

    Collective bargaining centralisation against all odds? The Italian telecommunications industry after market liberalization

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    The widespread trends towards markets liberalisation, decline in trade union power, and flexible work organization were expected to push collective bargaining institutions to converge to a decentralised bargaining structure. This crude version of the neoliberal convergence thesis, however, was not borne out. Instead, change in employment relations has been more nuanced than initially thought. This paper explores the conditions under which centralisation of bargaining is possible, even in a more competitive environment with pressures for greater flexibility. It draws on case study evidence from the Italian telecommunications industry, tracing back the process of liberalisation since the early 1990s. It is shown how the strategies and the coalitions between organised labour, business and the state explain in large part this path of institutional change

    Eunomics and Administrative Process

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    Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur de svenska tidningarna portrĂ€tterade de svenska manliga respektive kvinnliga OS-deltagarna i Sotji 2014. Tidigare studier har visat att en olik portrĂ€ttering görs mellan herr- och damidrottare. Materialet har jĂ€mförts mot tidigare framtagna diskursteman av Judit BĂ©rczes. UtifrĂ„n detta har tre diskursteman tagits fram samt ett kort avsnitt som behandlar hur mycket utrymme herrarna respektive damerna fĂ„r i media. Det första diskurstemat heter ”den ambivalenta framstĂ€llningen” och behandlar tidningarnas givande av svaghetsegenskaper parallellt med styrkeegenskaper kring en idrottares prestation. Diskurstema nummer tvĂ„ behandlar hur tidningarna framhĂ€ver kvinnor som utövar typiskt ”feminina” sporter. Detta tema har jag namngivit ”genuskategorisering”. Mitt tredje diskurstema heter ”den asymmetriska genusbeteckningen” och behandlar tidningarnas tendens till att i en större utstrĂ€ckning markera om en artikel behandlar damidrott Ă€n herridrott. Ett exempel som lyfts fram ur mitt material Ă€r termerna ”Damkronorna” kontra ”Tre kronor”. I den avslutande diskussionen förs resonemang kring omförhandling och förĂ€ndring inom tidningarnas sportdiskurs och huruvida vi gĂ„r mot ett mer jĂ€mstĂ€llt idrotts-Sverige eller inte

    FE and skills system reforms: an update Revision 1

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    Can procurement affect design performance?

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    There is an emerging view in the construction industry that better performance or better value for money can be achieved by integrating teamwork for planning, design and construction of building projects. There are though, two opposing perspectives regarding how changes in traditional design practices should occur. Advocates of sustainable construction in North America posit that it is a matter of evolving processes, moving from a sequential to an iterative approach to design, whereas the British government supports the view that a change in how projects are procured is required to transform the context that dictates relationships among the members of the team. The objective of the research is to study the influence of procurement on the performance of integrated design teams. It analyses, through case studies representing these two perspectives, the influence of procurement on the performance of integrated teams. The research is conclusive in that it is the context created by contractual relationship, and not the process set up for conducting integrated design, that most influence team efficiency. It demonstrates that traditional procurement processes reinforce socio-cognitive barriers that hinder team efficiency. It also illustrates how new procurement modes can transform the dynamics of relationships between the client and the members of the supply chain, and have a positive impact on team performance

    Review of codes of conduct, voluntary guidelines and principles relevant for farm data sharing

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    Codes of conduct, voluntary guidelines, sets of principles on how to transparently govern farm data are a recent thing. While laws and regulations that govern personal data are becoming more and more common, legislation still does not cover data flows in many industries where different actors in the value chain need to share data and at the same time protect all involved from the risks of data sharing. Data in these value chains is currently governed through private data contracts or licensing agreements, which are normally very complex and on which data producers have very little negotiating power. Codes of conduct have started to emerge to fill the legislative void and to set common standards for data sharing contracts: codes provide principles that the signatories/subscribers/members agree to apply in their contracts

    The influence of a collaborative procurement approach using integrated design in construction on project team performance

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    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to study the influence of procurement on the performance of integrated design teams. Design/methodology/approach – The research paradigm is based on Russian socio-constructivist approach to activity theory. Activity theory, as opposed to natural or social science, is a design science approach that focuses on the context aspect of project. A triangulation of qualitative research methods is used to investigate the dynamic of integrated teams in two different procurement contexts. Findings – The paper is conclusive regarding the influence of procurement on team efficiency. It demonstrates that traditional procurement processes reinforce socio-cognitive barriers that hinder team efficiency. It also illustrates how new procurement modes can transform the dynamic of relationships between the client and the members of the supply chain, and have a positive impact on teamperformance. Practical implications – The paper demonstrates first that problems with integrated design team efficiency are related to context and not process – they are not technical but socio-cognitive; second that fragmented transactional contracting increases socio-cognitive barriers that hinder integrated design team performance; third that new forms of relational contracting may help to mitigate socio-cognitive barriers and improve integrated design team performance, fourth that changing the context through procurement does not address the problem of obsolete design practices. Originality/value – The paper brings together theories of production in lean construction and social learning as a rival approach to traditional project management theory for demonstrating the importance of context on team performance

    Semantic Web Technologies in Support of Service Oriented Architecture Governance

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    As Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) deployments gradually mature they also grow in size and complexity. The number of service providers, services, and service consumers increases, and so do the dependencies among these entities and the various artefacts that describe how services operate, or how they are meant to operate under specific conditions. Appropriate governance over the various phases and activities associated with the service lifecycle is therefore indispensable in order to prevent a SOA deployment from dissolving into an unmanageable infrastructure. The employment of Semantic Web technologies for describing and reasoning about service properties and governance requirements has the potential to greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of SOA Governance solutions by increasing the levels of automation in a wide-range of tasks relating to service lifecycle management. The goal of the proposed research work is to investigate the application of Semantic Web technologies in the context of service lifecycle management, and propose a concrete theoretical and technological approach for supporting SOA Governance through the realisation of semantically-enhanced registry and repository solutions
