3,272 research outputs found

    Direction problems in affine spaces

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    This paper is a survey paper on old and recent results on direction problems in finite dimensional affine spaces over a finite field.Comment: Academy Contact Forum "Galois geometries and applications", October 5, 2012, Brussels, Belgiu

    Configurations of lines and models of Lie algebras

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    The automorphism groups of the 27 lines on the smooth cubic surface or the 28 bitangents to the general quartic plane curve are well-known to be closely related to the Weyl groups of E_6E\_6 and E_7E\_7. We show how classical subconfigurations of lines, such as double-sixes, triple systems or Steiner sets, are easily constructed from certain models of the exceptional Lie algebras. For e_7{\mathfrak e}\_7 and e_8{\mathfrak e}\_8 we are lead to beautiful models graded over the octonions, which display these algebras as plane projective geometries of subalgebras. We also interpret the group of the bitangents as a group of transformations of the triangles in the Fano plane, and show how this allows to realize the isomorphism PSL(3,F_2)≃PSL(2,F_7)PSL(3,F\_2)\simeq PSL(2,F\_7) in terms of harmonic cubes.Comment: 31 page

    (2^n,2^n,2^n,1)-relative difference sets and their representations

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    We show that every (2n,2n,2n,1)(2^n,2^n,2^n,1)-relative difference set DD in Z4n\Z_4^n relative to Z2n\Z_2^n can be represented by a polynomial f(x)\in \F_{2^n}[x], where f(x+a)+f(x)+xaf(x+a)+f(x)+xa is a permutation for each nonzero aa. We call such an ff a planar function on \F_{2^n}. The projective plane Π\Pi obtained from DD in the way of Ganley and Spence \cite{ganley_relative_1975} is coordinatized, and we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions of Π\Pi to be a presemifield plane. We also prove that a function ff on \F_{2^n} with exactly two elements in its image set and f(0)=0f(0)=0 is planar, if and only if, f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y) for any x,y\in\F_{2^n}

    How tangents solve algebraic equations, or a remarkable geometry of discriminant varieties

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    Let Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} denote the discriminant variety of degree dd polynomials in one variable with at least one of its roots being of multiplicity ≥k\geq k. We prove that the tangent cones to Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} span Dd,k−1\mathcal D_{d,k-1} thus, revealing an extreme ruled nature of these varieties. The combinatorics of the web of affine tangent spaces to Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} in Dd,k−1\mathcal D_{d,k-1} is directly linked to the root multiplicities of the relevant polynomials. In fact, solving a polynomial equation P(z)=0P(z) = 0 turns out to be equivalent to finding hyperplanes through a given point P(z)\in \mathcal D_{d,1} \approx \A^d which are tangent to the discriminant hypersurface Dd,2\mathcal D_{d,2}. We also connect the geometry of the Vi\`{e}te map \mathcal V_d: \A^d_{root} \to \A^d_{coef}, given by the elementary symmetric polynomials, with the tangents to the discriminant varieties {Dd,k}\{\mathcal D_{d,k}\}. Various dd-partitions {μ}\{\mu\} provide a refinement {Dμ∘}\{\mathcal D_\mu^\circ\} of the stratification of \A^d_{coef} by the Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k}'s. Our main result, Theorem 7.1, describes an intricate relation between the divisibility of polynomials in one variable and the families of spaces tangent to various strata {Dμ∘}\{\mathcal D_\mu^\circ\}.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    Discrete phase-space approach to mutually orthogonal Latin squares

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    We show there is a natural connection between Latin squares and commutative sets of monomials defining geometric structures in finite phase-space of prime power dimensions. A complete set of such monomials defines a mutually unbiased basis (MUB) and may be associated with a complete set of mutually orthogonal Latin squares (MOLS). We translate some possible operations on the monomial sets into isomorphisms of Latin squares, and find a general form of permutations that map between Latin squares corresponding to unitarily equivalent mutually unbiased sets. We extend this result to a conjecture: MOLS associated to unitarily equivalent MUBs will always be isomorphic, and MOLS associated to unitarily inequivalent MUBs will be non-isomorphic
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