684 research outputs found

    Composite Modeling based on Distributed Graph Transformation and the Eclipse Modeling Framework

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    Model-driven development (MDD) has become a promising trend in software engineering for a number of reasons. Models as the key artifacts help the developers to abstract from irrelevant details, focus on important aspects of the underlying domain, and thus master complexity. As software systems grow, models may grow as well and finally become possibly too large to be developed and maintained in a comprehensible way. In traditional software development, the complexity of software systems is tackled by dividing the system into smaller cohesive parts, so-called components, and let distributed teams work on each concurrently. The question arises how this strategy can be applied to model-driven development. The overall aim of this thesis is to develop a formalized modularization concept to enable the structured and largely independent development of interrelated models in larger teams. To this end, this thesis proposes component models with explicit export and import interfaces where exports declare what is provided while imports declare what it needed. Then, composite model can be connected by connecting their compatible export and import interfaces yielding so-called composite models. Suitable to composite models, a transformation approach is developed which allows to describe changes over the whole composition structure. From the practical point of view, this concept especially targets models based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). In the modeling community, EMF has evolved to a very popular framework which provides modeling and code generation facilities for Java applications based on structured data models. Since graphs are a natural way to represent the underlying structure of visual models, the formalization is based on graph transformation. Incorporated concepts according to distribution heavily rely on distributed graph transformation introduced by Taentzer. Typed graphs with inheritance and containment structures are well suited to describe the essentials of EMF models. However, they also induce a number of constraints like acyclic inheritance and containment which have to be taken into account. The category-theoretical foundation in this thesis allows for the precise definition of consistent composite graph transformations satisfying all inheritance and containment conditions. The composite modeling approach is shown to be coherent with the development of tool support for composite EMF models and composite EMF model transformation

    On a Graph-Based Semantics for UML Class and Object Diagrams

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    In this paper we propose a formal extension of type graphs with notions that are commonplace in the UML and have long proven their worth in that context: namely, inheritance, multiplicity, containment and the like. We believe the absence of a comprehensive and commonly agreed upon formalisation of these notions to be an important and, unfortunately, often ignored omission. Since our eventual aim (shared by many researchers) is to give unambiguous, formal semantics to the UML using the theory of graphs and graph transformation, in this paper we propose a set of definitions to repair this omission. With respect to previous work in this direction, our aim is to arrive at more comprehensive and at the same time simpler definitions.\u

    Enforced generative patterns for the specification of the syntax and semantics of visual languages

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Visual Languages and Computing,19, 4 (2008) DO: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2008.04.004Selected Papers from IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing 2007 (VL/HCC 2007)We present the new notion of enforced generative pattern, a structure that declares positive or negative conditions that must be satisfied by a model. Patterns are applied to transformation rules resulting in new rules that modify models according to the pattern specification. In the case of a negative pattern, an application condition is added to the rule. In the case of a positive one, the rule is modified to consider additional context in its left-hand side and to increase its effects. We have defined these patterns in an abstract setting, which enables their instantiation for different structures, like graphs, triple graphs and graph transformation rules. We apply the previous concepts to the specification of the syntax and semantics of visual languages. In particular, we show instantiations for: (i) graphs, with applications at the syntactical level; (ii) triple graphs, for the coordination of syntax and static semantics; and (iii) rules, for the incremental construction of execution rules. We present some examples that illustrate the usefulness of the combination of these three instantiations. In particular, we show the specification of environments for visual languages with token-holder semantics, discrete-event semantics and communication semantics.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, projects MOSAIC (TSI2005-08225-C07-06) and MODUWEB (TIN2006-09678). We thank the referees for their detailed and useful com- ments, which helped us in improving the paper

    Hierarchical models for service-oriented systems

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    We present our approach to the denotation and representation of hierarchical graphs: a suitable algebra of hierarchical graphs and two domains of interpretations. Each domain of interpretation focuses on a particular perspective of the graph hierarchy: the top view (nested boxes) is based on a notion of embedded graphs while the side view (tree hierarchy) is based on gs-graphs. Our algebra can be understood as a high-level language for describing such graphical models, which are well suited for defining graphical representations of service-oriented systems where nesting (e.g. sessions, transactions, locations) and linking (e.g. shared channels, resources, names) are key aspects

    Automatic Generation of Trace Links in Model-driven Software Development

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    Traceability data provides the knowledge on dependencies and logical relations existing amongst artefacts that are created during software development. In reasoning over traceability data, conclusions can be drawn to increase the quality of software. The paradigm of Model-driven Software Engineering (MDSD) promotes the generation of software out of models. The latter are specified through different modelling languages. In subsequent model transformations, these models are used to generate programming code automatically. Traceability data of the involved artefacts in a MDSD process can be used to increase the software quality in providing the necessary knowledge as described above. Existing traceability solutions in MDSD are based on the integral model mapping of transformation execution to generate traceability data. Yet, these solutions still entail a wide range of open challenges. One challenge is that the collected traceability data does not adhere to a unified formal definition, which leads to poorly integrated traceability data. This aggravates the reasoning over traceability data. Furthermore, these traceability solutions all depend on the existence of a transformation engine. However, not in all cases pertaining to MDSD can a transformation engine be accessed, while taking into account proprietary transformation engines, or manually implemented transformations. In these cases it is not possible to instrument the transformation engine for the sake of generating traceability data, resulting in a lack of traceability data. In this work, we address these shortcomings. In doing so, we propose a generic traceability framework for augmenting arbitrary transformation approaches with a traceability mechanism. To integrate traceability data from different transformation approaches, our approach features a methodology for augmentation possibilities based on a design pattern. The design pattern supplies the engineer with recommendations for designing the traceability mechanism and for modelling traceability data. Additionally, to provide a traceability mechanism for inaccessible transformation engines, we leverage parallel model matching to generate traceability data for arbitrary source and target models. This approach is based on a language-agnostic concept of three similarity measures for matching. To realise the similarity measures, we exploit metamodel matching techniques for graph-based model matching. Finally, we evaluate our approach according to a set of transformations from an SAP business application and the domain of MDSD

    Consistency-by-Construction Techniques for Software Models and Model Transformations

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    A model is consistent with given specifications (specs) if and only if all the specifications are held on the model, i.e., all the specs are true (correct) for the model. Constructing consistent models (e.g., programs or artifacts) is vital during software development, especially in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), where models are employed throughout the life cycle of software development phases (analysis, design, implementation, and testing). Models are usually written using domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) and specified to describe a domain problem or a system from different perspectives and at several levels of abstraction. If a model conforms to the definition of its DSML (denoted usually by a meta-model and integrity constraints), the model is consistent. Model transformations are an essential technology for manipulating models, including, e.g., refactoring and code generation in a (semi)automated way. They are often supposed to have a well-defined behavior in the sense that their resulting models are consistent with regard to a set of constraints. Inconsistent models may affect their applicability and thus the automation becomes untrustworthy and error-prone. The consistency of the models and model transformation results contribute to the quality of the overall modeled system. Although MDE has significantly progressed and become an accepted best practice in many application domains such as automotive and aerospace, there are still several significant challenges that have to be tackled to realize the MDE vision in the industry. Challenges such as handling and resolving inconsistent models (e.g., incomplete models), enabling and enforcing model consistency/correctness during the construction, fostering the trust in and use of model transformations (e.g., by ensuring the resulting models are consistent), developing efficient (automated, standardized and reliable) domain-specific modeling tools, and dealing with large models are continually making the need for more research evident. In this thesis, we contribute four automated interactive techniques for ensuring the consistency of models and model transformation results during the construction process. The first two contributions construct consistent models of a given DSML in an automated and interactive way. The construction can start at a seed model being potentially inconsistent. Since enhancing a set of transformations to satisfy a set of constraints is a tedious and error-prone task and requires high skills related to the theoretical foundation, we present the other contributions. They ensure model consistency by enhancing the behavior of model transformations through automatically constructing application conditions. The resulting application conditions control the applicability of the transformations to respect a set of constraints. Moreover, we provide several optimizing strategies. Specifically, we present the following: First, we present a model repair technique for repairing models in an automated and interactive way. Our approach guides the modeler to repair the whole model by resolving all the cardinalities violations and thereby yields a desired, consistent model. Second, we introduce a model generation technique to efficiently generate large, consistent, and diverse models. Both techniques are DSML-agnostic, i.e., they can deal with any meta-models. We present meta-techniques to instantiate both approaches to a given DSML; namely, we develop meta-tools to generate the corresponding DSML tools (model repair and generation) for a given meta-model automatically. We present the soundness of our techniques and evaluate and discuss their features such as scalability. Third, we develop a tool based on a correct-by-construction technique for translating OCL constraints into semantically equivalent graph constraints and integrating them as guaranteeing application conditions into a transformation rule in a fully automated way. A constraint-guaranteeing application condition ensures that a rule applies successfully to a model if and only if the resulting model after the rule application satisfies the constraint. Fourth, we propose an optimizing-by-construction technique for application conditions for transformation rules that need to be constraint-preserving. A constraint-preserving application condition ensures that a rule applies successfully to a consistent model (w.r.t. the constraint) if and only if the resulting model after the rule application still satisfies the constraint. We show the soundness of our techniques, develop them as ready-to-use tools, evaluate the efficiency (complexity and performance) of both works, and assess the overall approach in general as well. All our four techniques are compliant with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which is the realization of the OMG standard specification in practice. Thus, the interoperability and the interchangeability of the techniques are ensured. Our techniques not only improve the quality of the modeled system but also increase software productivity by providing meta-tools for generating the DSML tool supports and automating the tasks

    Model-Driven Engineering in the Large: Refactoring Techniques for Models and Model Transformation Systems

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm that aims to increase the productivity of developers by raising the abstraction level of software development. It envisions the use of models as key artifacts during design, implementation and deployment. From the recent arrival of MDE in large-scale industrial software development – a trend we refer to as MDE in the large –, a set of challenges emerges: First, models are now developed at distributed locations, by teams of teams. In such highly collaborative settings, the presence of large monolithic models gives rise to certain issues, such as their proneness to editing conflicts. Second, in large-scale system development, models are created using various domain-specific modeling languages. Combining these models in a disciplined manner calls for adequate modularization mechanisms. Third, the development of models is handled systematically by expressing the involved operations using model transformation rules. Such rules are often created by cloning, a practice related to performance and maintainability issues. In this thesis, we contribute three refactoring techniques, each aiming to tackle one of these challenges. First, we propose a technique to split a large monolithic model into a set of sub-models. The aim of this technique is to enable a separation of concerns within models, promoting a concern-based collaboration style: Collaborators operate on the submodels relevant for their task at hand. Second, we suggest a technique to encapsulate model components by introducing modular interfaces in a set of related models. The goal of this technique is to establish modularity in these models. Third, we introduce a refactoring to merge a set of model transformation rules exhibiting a high degree of similarity. The aim of this technique is to improve maintainability and performance by eliminating the drawbacks associated with cloning. The refactoring creates variability-based rules, a novel type of rule allowing to capture variability by using annotations. The refactoring techniques contributed in this work help to reduce the manual effort during the refactoring of models and transformation rules to a large extent. As indicated in a series of realistic case studies, the output produced by the techniques is comparable or, in the case of transformation rules, partly even preferable to the result of manual refactoring, yielding a promising outlook on the applicability in real-world settings