8 research outputs found

    Computer games as a pedagogical tool in education

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    Designing computer based environments is never easy, especially when considering young learners. Traditionally, computer gaming has been seen as lacking in educational value, but rating highly in satisfaction and motivation. The objective of this dissertation is to look at elements of computer based learning and to ascertain how computer games can be included as a means of improving learning. Various theories are drawn together from psychology, instructional technology and computer gaming, to devise an effective strategy in designing computer-based tutoring systems. With the inclusion of gaming elements, various designs can be tailored to the specific learning criteria of the students, reflecting their competencies and failings. More specifically, certain games can facilitate learner effects such as immersion, reward, motivation, reflection, collaboration and feedback; all necessary for effective learning (Wynn & Oliver, 1996). A taxonomy of the most common games in relation to their possible role in education is developed. The inclusion of gaming concepts is considered from both the behaviourist and constructivist views on instructional design. A model for the inclusion of various exogenous games into existing educational formats corresponding to Gagne’s (1977) instructional events is defined. Exogenous games are those that employ extrinsic fantasies and that are independent of the courseware. Five insertion points for exogenous games are defined. These are; 1) the exogenous game as an engaging environment, 2) as an aid to presentation of information, 3) as a means of aiding the testing of information, 4) as a means of rewarding the student and 5) as a means of enhancing retention and transfer. The model is described in detail with reference to the effective use of computer games for educational purposes. It was found that the model has value in web-based instructional design and designing computer based learning environments for young students and those with special needs

    Development, implementation and evaluation of a programme to facilitate critical thinking in nursing education

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    D.Cur. (Nursing Education)Abstract: The purpose of the study is to describe the development, implementation and evaluation of a programme to facilitate critical thinking in nursing education. The researcher departed deductively from the recommendation of a Delphi study by exponents of critical thinking that researchers are to develop programmes and assessment tools of critical thinking. They came up with a consensus definition resulting from a concept analysis and defined critical thinking as a purposeful, self-regulatory judgement which results into interpretation, analysis, evaluation and inference including explanation of the critical thinking process of contextual, conceptual, methodological, evidential and criteriological considerations on which the judgment is based. The researcher made use of the critical thinking framework that included contextual, conceptual, methodological, evidential and criteriological dimensions of critical thinking to develop a conceptual framework to facilitate critical thinking. The study is a qualitative, explorative and descriptive design for programme development that is contextual in nature

    Mediating effects in reverse knowledge transfer processes : the case of knowledge-intensive services in the U.K

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    Recent contributions highlight the importance of international knowledge transfer as a fundamental source of competitive advantage of MNCs. Due to the traditional assumption that parent firms are the prime source of knowledge, majority of studies have focused on knowledge transfer from headquarters to subsidiaries. However, the role of subsidiaries within MNCs has changed dramatically; many subsidiaries have gained a creative role by generating new resources depending on the comparative advantage of the location in which they operate, and through the process of reverse knowledge transfer, they subsequently contribute to the competence upgrading of the MNC. In reviewing the extant literature on MNC knowledge transfer and in particular reverse knowledge transfer, this research unleashes several gaps, notably in the understanding of factor affecting subsidiary knowledge development and reverse knowledge transfer within the service sector. Borrowing concepts from the knowledge-based and network views, a series of hypotheses were tested using the result of a web-based survey of the subsidiaries that were located in the UK, had a non-UK parent firm, and were active in the KIBS sector. Responses from 187 general managers, managing directors, or chief executives of subsidiaries confirm that those subsidiaries that develop and maintain business relationships with their internal (sister subsidiaries and headquarters) and external actors (customers, universities, suppliers, competitors) and have high level of autonomy are more capable of developing knowledge. With regards to determinants of reverse knowledge transfer, while subsidiary characteristics (knowledge development and willingness) and relationship characteristics (socialization mechanisms) are emerged as the main facilitators of reverse knowledge transfer, knowledge characteristics (tacitness and complexity) appeared as the main hindrances of this phenomenon. Moreover, the results indicate that, (a) socialisation mechanisms augment the extent of shared values and subsidiary-parent firm embeddedness and (b) willingness mediates the impacts of shared values and subsidiary-parent firm embeddedness on reverse knowledge transfer. The key contributions of this research are two-fold: firstly, it examines the process of reverse knowledge transfer and knowledge development exclusively within the KIBS sector. Secondly, it investigates the joint impacts of relationship characteristics, knowledge characteristics, and subsidiary (sender) characteristicson reverse knowledge transfer.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Knowledge Management in Rural Uzbekistan : Peasant, Project and Post-Socialist perspectives in Khorezm

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    Agricultural knowledge is important in rural Uzbekistan. Presented in this thesis is sociological data from field research in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, illustrating the ways in which knowledge operates in a certain context of power and culture. The way in which this agricultural knowledge is created, shared, stored and used is discussed in this thesis on the basis of three ‘systems’ of knowledge. These knowledge systems; peasant, project and post-Socialist are used to understand how agricultural knowledge is used differently. The peasant system constitutes the local knowledge of the rural community in the Khorezm province of Uzbekistan. Within this province a development research project, through which this research was conducted, also operates and the particular approach to knowledge creation and sharing is discussed here. Finally, both these systems operate within a knowledge ‘governance’ structure which establishes the ‘rules of the game’ for the region. Yet what we find in all three of these systems is that three phenomena of knowledge exist, in varying ways, in agriculture in Khorezm. These three phenomena are: (i) Knowledge dynamics: how knowledge is made, lost and destroyed, (ii) Power and Knowledge: the interplay of knowledge and power, (iii) Knowledge and Culture: why culture matters in knowledge management. Knowledge loss, especially in the post-1991 period is crucial to understanding the economic and ecological challenges in rural Khorezm and the process of knowledge loss (and creation) is prevalent in my research. Specific to the local knowledge system, evidence is presented that whilst specialisation is inherent in any knowledge system; this characteristic of the knowledge system is embedded in the patriarchal and hierarchal nature of Uzbek culture, and the position of power that this entails. Similarly, I examine the modes of knowledge reproduction within Khorezm and find these to be overwhelmingly family based, even in cases where formal education is necessary, although there are examples of external forms of knowledge being accessed and then reproduced within the knowledge system. I find that in all three systems there is a complex interplay of knowledge and power, with a mutually reinforcing of each occurring in social interactions, within and between the knowledge systems. Finally the phenomena of knowledge loss and knowledge/power relations are grounded in a specific cultural context and it is argued that the peculiarities of Khorezm, including the Soviet history and a specific understanding of authority (joshuli), means that knowledge is shaped and informed by the cultural context from which it is drawn. These findings are then discussed in terms of the theoretical implications of this research which argue for a wider appreciation of knowledge loss and deeper analysis of power/knowledge interactions. Finally, practical development advice is given on how foreign projects can better develop local knowledge in Uzbekistan, by seeing agricultural knowledge as it operates in the cultural context of Khorezm and by accessing local knowledge

    Análisis de los factores causales relacionados con la competencia matemática: Inteligencia Verbal e Inteligencia no Verbal

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    [Resumo] A comprensión de enunciados matemáticos é unha tarefa complexa que adoita ocasionar problemas a algúns nenos/as á hora de resolvelos. Para iso é necesario que os suxeitos teñan unha serie de habilidades que lles permitan comprender a información que proporciona o problema, de maneira que poidan utilizar os datos e realizar as operacións pertinentes. Neste complexo proceso interveñen unha serie de variables tanto intrapersonales como de situación que son onde aparecen as diferentes dificultades que os suxeitos teñen á hora de resolver os problemas matemáticos. A capacidade de razonamiento, capacidade de memoria, o nivel de comprensión lectora son algunhas das variables que inflúen neste proceso; pero tamén o son outras como os coñecementos previos, a capacidade de resolver as operacións, así como outras variables máis relacionadas cos aspectos emocionais e afectivos: ansiedade, motivación, etc. Os obxectivos deste traballo son establecer: a) un perfil de nivel de competencia matemática, intelixencia verbal e non verbal en cada un dos niveis educativos estudados; b) as relacións entre intelixencia verbal e competencia matemática (cálculo e resolución de problemas), e entre intelixencia non verbal e competencia matemática en cada un dos niveis educativos estudados; c) analizar o valor predictivo da Intelixencia Verbal (semántica/relacións analógicas) e a Intelixencia non-Verbal en tarefas de competencia matemática (cálculo e resolución de problemas) en cada un dos niveis educativos seleccionados. Para iso seleccionouse unha mostra de 226 suxeitos con idades comprendidas entre os 10 e os 14 anos, correspondentes a alumnado de 4º e 6º curso de Educación Primaria e de 2º de ESO. Os resultados amosan: a) un patrón evolutivo ascendente no nivel de eficacia das distintas habilidades estudadas no grupo de 2º de E.S.O.; b) as tarefas que se presentan con menor nivel de eficacia son as de competencia matemática ; c) os alumnos de Educación Primaria son máis eficaces nas tarefas de Intelixencia Verbal que non-Verbal, patrón que se inviste no grupo de Secundaria; d) en Intelixencia Verbal o coñecemento semántico imponse ás habilidades relacionadas con relacións analógicas que se presentan máis deficitarias; e) as variables relacionadas coa Intelixencia Verbal foron altamente predictivas da Resolución de Problemas matemáticos en 4º de E.P.; f) en xeral a Intelixencia Verbal predijo o nivel de eficacia en Resolución de Problemas nos tres niveles educativos, pola súa banda a Intelixencia non-verbal só predijo o Cálculo en 2º de ESO.[Resumen]La comprensión de enunciados matemáticos es una tarea compleja que suele ocasionar problemas a algunos niños/as a la hora de resolverlos. Para ello es necesario que los sujetos tengan una serie de habilidades que les permitan comprender la información que proporciona el problema, de manera que puedan utilizar los datos y realizar las operaciones pertinentes. En este complejo proceso intervienen una serie de variables tanto intrapersonales como de situación que son donde aparecen las diferentes dificultades que los sujetos tienen a la hora de resolver los problemas matemáticos. La capacidad de razonamiento, capacidad de memoria, el nivel de comprensión lectora son algunas de las variables que influyen en este proceso; pero también lo son otras como los conocimientos previos, la capacidad de resolver las operaciones, así como otras variables más relacionadas con los aspectos emocionales y afectivos: ansiedad, motivación, etc. Los objetivos de este trabajo son establecer: a) un perfil de nivel de competencia matemática, inteligencia verbal y no verbal en cada uno de los niveles educativos estudiados; b) las relaciones entre inteligencia verbal y competencia matemática (cálculo y resolución de problemas), y entre inteligencia no verbal y competencia matemática en cada uno de los niveles educativos estudiados; c) analizar el valor predictivo de la Inteligencia Verbal (semántica/relaciones analógicas) y la Inteligencia no-Verbal en tareas de competencia matemática (cálculo y resolución de problemas) en cada uno de los niveles educativos seleccionados. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra de 226 sujetos con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 14 años, correspondientes a alumnado de 4º y 6º curso de Educación Primaria y de 2º de ESO. Los resultados muestran: a) un patrón evolutivo ascendente en el nivel de eficacia de las distintas habilidades estudiadas en el grupo de 2º de E.S.O.; b) las tareas que se presentan con menor nivel de eficacia son las de competencia matemática; c) los alumnos de Educación Primaria son más eficaces en las tareas de Inteligencia Verbal que no-Verbal, patrón que se invierte en el grupo de Secundaria; d) en Inteligencia Verbal el conocimiento semántico se impone a las habilidades relacionadas con relaciones analógicas que se presentan más deficitarias; e) las variables relacionadas con la Inteligencia Verbal fueron altamente predictivas de la Resolución de Problemas matemáticos en 4º de E.P.; f) en general la Inteligencia Verbal predijo el nivel de eficacia en Resolución de Problemas en los tres niveles educativos, por su parte la Inteligencia no-verbal sólo predijo el Cálculo en 2º de ESO.[Abstract]Comprehension of mathematical statements is a complex task that typically produces problems for some children when they are solving them. It requires that individuals have a set of skills that enable them to understand the information provided by the problem, so they can use the data and make the necessary operations. This complex process involves a number of variables as both intrapersonal situation are where different subjects have difficulties when solving math problems appear. Reasoning ability, memory capacity, the level of reading comprehension are some of the variables that influence this process; but so are others, such as prior knowledge, the ability to resolve operations and other variables more related to emotional and affective anxiety, motivation and go on. Objectives of this study are to establish: a) a profile-level math, verbal and nonverbal intelligence in each of the educational levels studied competition; b) relationships between non-verbal intelligence verbal intelligence and mathematical literacy (calculation and problem solving), and mathematical competence and in each of the educational levels studied; c) to analyze the predictive value of verbal intelligence (semantic / analogic relations) and non- verbal intelligence in mathematical literacy tasks (calculation and problem solving) in each of the selected educational levels. For this, a sample of 226 subjects aged between 10 and 14 years, corresponding to students of 4th and 6th from Primary Education and 2nd from ESO was selected. Results showed: a) an upward developmental pattern in the level of effectiveness of different skills studied in the group of 2nd ESO; b) tasks with lower efficiency are the math (calculation and solving problems); c) subjects in Primary education are more effective in Verbal Intelligence tasks that nonverbal pattern is reversed in the Secondary education group; d) Verbal Intelligence semantic knowledge is imposed on skills related to analog relationships are presented deficit; e) related variables verbal intelligence were highly predictive of mathematical problem solving in 4th EP; f) general verbal intelligence predicted the level of efficiency in mathematical problem solving in the three educational levels, meanwhile the non-verbal intelligence predicted the calculation only in 2nd ESO

    Building dyadic and netwok relationships in protected environments. The case of university business

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    Las incubadoras pueden entenderse como entornos protegidos, frente al mercado, para emprendedores que se encuentran en la etapa inicial de sus negocios. La investigación en torno a incubación ha sido reducida, lo cual hace necesario generar conocimiento con respecto a resultados exitosos a nivel micro, tales como las relaciones entre las partes implicadas en incubación. Explorar las relaciones que emergen en el ámbito de las incubadoras es el objetivo de la presente tesis. Más concretamente, se pretende conocer cuáles son los determinantes que favorecen la gestación de relaciones diádicas entre incubados, el efecto de las mismas sobre los negocios, y en qué medida el mánager puede favorecer la creación y desarrollo de relaciones en la incubadora, y de los incubados con agentes externos, y cómo todo ello, a su vez, permite mejorar la eficiencia de los negocios incubados. Todo lo cual, en un contexto concreto de incubación: las incubadoras universitarias.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercado