48 research outputs found

    The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-30)

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    The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-30)

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    The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-30)

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    Dictionary of privacy, data protection and information security

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    The Dictionary of Privacy, Data Protection and Information Security explains the complex technical terms, legal concepts, privacy management techniques, conceptual matters and vocabulary that inform public debate about privacy. The revolutionary and pervasive influence of digital technology affects numerous disciplines and sectors of society, and concerns about its potential threats to privacy are growing. With over a thousand terms meticulously set out, described and cross-referenced, this Dictionary enables productive discussion by covering the full range of fields accessibly and comprehensively. In the ever-evolving debate surrounding privacy, this Dictionary takes a longer view, transcending the details of today''s problems, technology, and the law to examine the wider principles that underlie privacy discourse. Interdisciplinary in scope, this Dictionary is invaluable to students, scholars and researchers in law, technology and computing, cybersecurity, sociology, public policy and administration, and regulation. It is also a vital reference for diverse practitioners including data scientists, lawyers, policymakers and regulators

    The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-30)

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    Draft Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)

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    Executive Council Thirty-Sixth Ordinary Session 06 - 07 February 2020 Addis Ababa, EthiopiaIn this report, digital transformation strategy for Africa is based on foundation pillars, such as digital industry, digital trade, financial services, digital government, digital education, digital health and digital agriculture to drive the digital transformation across Africa.Africa presents a sea of economic opportunities in virtually every sector, and the continent’s youthful population structure is an enormous opportunity in this digital era and hence the need for Africa to make digitally enabled socio-economic development a high priority. Digital Transformation is a driving force for innovative, inclusive and sustainable growth. Innovations and digitalization are stimulating job creation and contributing to addressing poverty, reducing inequality, facilitating the delivery of goods and services, and contributing to the achievement of Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goal

    Web application penetration testing: an analysis of a corporate application according to OWASP guidelines

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    During the past decade, web applications have become the most prevalent way for service delivery over the Internet. As they get deeply embedded in business activities and required to support sophisticated functionalities, the design and implementation are becoming more and more complicated. The increasing popularity and complexity make web applications a primary target for hackers on the Internet. According to Internet Live Stats up to February 2019, there is an enormous amount of websites being attacked every day, causing both direct and significant impact on huge amount of people. Even with support from security specialist, they continue having troubles due to the complexity of penetration procedures and the vast amount of testing case in both penetration testing and code reviewing. As a result, the number of hacked websites per day is increasing. The goal of this thesis is to summarize the most common and critical vulnerabilities that can be found in a web application, provide a detailed description of them, how they could be exploited and how a cybersecurity tester can find them through the process of penetration testing. To better understand the concepts exposed, there will be also a description of a case of study: a penetration test performed over a company's web application


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    Cílem práce je podat ucelenou informaci o možnostech autentizace, kombinace autentizačních faktorů a začlenění této problematiky do podnikové komunikace. Práce se zaměřuje na tuto problematiku a specifikuje možnosti získání autentizačních informací, dále analyzuje metody autentizace, identifikace a autorizace. Zkoumaná je využitelnost biometrických technologií, princip funkčnosti, příklady jejich použití, jejich vliv, výhody a nevýhody, které přinášejí. Přirozený, snadno dostupný, a tedy vhodný nástroj pro efektivní a bezpečnou komunikaci je autentizace zahrnující dynamický biometrický podpis. Problematika technologie dynamického biometrického podpisu a jeho implementace jsou zkoumány z komplexního hlediska včetně provedených experimentů. Z výzkumu vyplývá, že dynamický biometrický podpis dokáže sloužit jako metoda podporující bezpečnou podnikovou komunikaci a zredukovat autentizační rizika ve společnostech i pro jednotlivce.The aim of this thesis is to provide comprehensive information on the possibilities of authentication, combination of authentication factors and the integration of this issue into corporate communication. The work focuses on this issue and specifies the possibilities for obtaining authentication information, analyses the authentication methods, identification and authorization. It examines the applicability of biometric technologies, the principle of their functionality, examples of their use, their impact, the advantages and disadvantages they bring. A natural, easy-to-use, convenient tool for effective and secure communication is authentication including the dynamic biometric signature. The issues of the dynamic biometric signature technology and its implementation are examined from a comprehensive perspective involving experiments. The research proved that the dynamic biometric signature can serve as a method for supporting secure corporate communication and reduce authentication risks in companies and for individuals.

    Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations on Air, Sea, Land

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    Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land is our fourth textbook in a series covering the world of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS). (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2019) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020)The authors have expanded their purview beyond UAS / CUAS systems. Our title shows our concern for growth and unique cyber security unmanned vehicle technology and operations for unmanned vehicles in all theaters: Air, Sea and Land – especially maritime cybersecurity and China proliferation issues. Topics include: Information Advances, Remote ID, and Extreme Persistence ISR; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & How They Can Augment Mesonet Weather Tower Data Collection; Tour de Drones for the Discerning Palate; Underwater Autonomous Navigation & other UUV Advances; Autonomous Maritime Asymmetric Systems; UUV Integrated Autonomous Missions & Drone Management; Principles of Naval Architecture Applied to UUV’s; Unmanned Logistics Operating Safely and Efficiently Across Multiple Domains; Chinese Advances in Stealth UAV Penetration Path Planning in Combat Environment; UAS, the Fourth Amendment and Privacy; UV & Disinformation / Misinformation Channels; Chinese UAS Proliferation along New Silk Road Sea / Land Routes; Automaton, AI, Law, Ethics, Crossing the Machine – Human Barrier and Maritime Cybersecurity.Unmanned Vehicle Systems are an integral part of the US national critical infrastructure The authors have endeavored to bring a breadth and quality of information to the reader that is unparalleled in the unclassified sphere. Unmanned Vehicle (UV) Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land discusses state-of-the-art technology / issues facing U.S. UV system researchers / designers / manufacturers / testers. We trust our newest look at Unmanned Vehicles in Air, Sea, and Land will enrich our students and readers understanding of the purview of this wonderful technology we call UV.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations

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    As the quarter-century mark in the 21st Century nears, new aviation-related equipment has come to the forefront, both to help us and to haunt us. (Coutu, 2020) This is particularly the case with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These vehicles have grown in popularity and accessible to everyone. Of different shapes and sizes, they are widely available for purchase at relatively low prices. They have moved from the backyard recreation status to important tools for the military, intelligence agencies, and corporate organizations. New practical applications such as military equipment and weaponry are announced on a regular basis – globally. (Coutu, 2020) Every country seems to be announcing steps forward in this bludgeoning field. In our successful 2nd edition of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets (Nichols, et al., 2019), the authors addressed three factors influencing UAS phenomena. First, unmanned aircraft technology has seen an economic explosion in production, sales, testing, specialized designs, and friendly / hostile usages of deployed UAS / UAVs / Drones. There is a huge global growing market and entrepreneurs know it. Second, hostile use of UAS is on the forefront of DoD defense and offensive planners. They are especially concerned with SWARM behavior. Movies like “Angel has Fallen,” where drones in a SWARM use facial recognition technology to kill USSS agents protecting POTUS, have built the lore of UAS and brought the problem forefront to DHS. Third, UAS technology was exploding. UAS and Counter- UAS developments in navigation, weapons, surveillance, data transfer, fuel cells, stealth, weight distribution, tactics, GPS / GNSS elements, SCADA protections, privacy invasions, terrorist uses, specialized software, and security protocols has exploded. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Our team has followed / tracked joint ventures between military and corporate entities and specialized labs to build UAS countermeasures. As authors, we felt compelled to address at least the edge of some of the new C-UAS developments. It was clear that we would be lucky if we could cover a few of – the more interesting and priority technology updates – all in the UNCLASSIFIED and OPEN sphere. Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Technologies and Operations is the companion textbook to our 2nd edition. The civilian market is interesting and entrepreneurial, but the military and intelligence markets are of concern because the US does NOT lead the pack in C-UAS technologies. China does. China continues to execute its UAS proliferation along the New Silk Road Sea / Land routes (NSRL). It has maintained a 7% growth in military spending each year to support its buildup. (Nichols, et al., 2019) [Chapter 21]. They continue to innovate and have recently improved a solution for UAS flight endurance issues with the development of advanced hydrogen fuel cell. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Reed and Trubetskoy presented a terrifying map of countries in the Middle East with armed drones and their manufacturing origin. Guess who? China. (A.B. Tabriski & Justin, 2018, December) Our C-UAS textbook has as its primary mission to educate and train resources who will enter the UAS / C-UAS field and trust it will act as a call to arms for military and DHS planners.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1031/thumbnail.jp