3,808,463 research outputs found

    Gatherings of mobility and immobility: itinerant “criminal tribes” and their containment by the Salvation Army in colonial South India

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    In retelling the history of “criminal tribe” settlements managed by the Salvation Army in Madras Presidency (colonial India) from 1911, I argue that neither the mobility–immobility relationship nor the compositional heterogeneity of (im)mobility practices can be adequately captured by relational dialecticism espoused by leading mobilities scholars. Rather than emerging as an opposition through dialectics, the relationship between (relative) mobility and containment may be characterized by overlapping hybridity and difference. This differential hybridity becomes apparent in two ways if mobility and containment are viewed as immanent gatherings of humans and nonhumans. First, the same entities may participate in gatherings of mobility and of containment, while producing different effects in each gathering. Here, nonhumans enter a gathering, and constitute (im)mobility practices, as actors that make history irreducibly differently from other actors that they may be entangled with. Second, modern technologies and amodern “institutions” may be indiscriminately drawn together in all gatherings

    A deficiency of documentation in translation historiography in Spain: reflections about performed but unpublished (Austrian) theatre

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    The aim of this paper is to underline the importance of recovering translated but not published literature in Spain so as to contribute exhaustively to translation history. We refer specifically to the translation recovery of those theatre plays that arrive in Spain temporarily through various performances, thus becoming the only means of reception. This paper classifies this kind of translation and weighs up the alterations that are made to it during the staging.This article is the English version of “Un déficit documental en la historiografía de la traducción en España: consideraciones acerca del teatro (austriaco) representado y no editado” by Elena Serrano Bertos. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism

    O Astuto Coronavirus

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    First in Aircoach

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    Quel Furbo del Coronavirus

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    The Trickster Coronavirus

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    NOTRE DAME: Sleepless Nights

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    La palabra a los oyentes: los comentarios del público en un cuestionario sobre la percepción de la calidad de la interpretación consecutiva de estudiantes en prácticas

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    This article is the English version of “La palabra a los oyentes: Los comentarios del público en un cuestionario sobre la percepción de la calidad de la interpretación consecutiva de estudiantes en prácticas” by Elena Errico & Mara Morelli. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.This study is part of a project investigating user-perceived quality of consecutive interpreting assignments carried out as part of an on-the-job training scheme offered to our students. From a theoretical-methodological point of view we have adopted the ethnographic perspective (Angelelli 2004; Valero-Garcés & Martin 2008) and administered users and other participants a questionnaire replicated from Collados Aís’s research (1998). Thus far, we have collected responses from 403 informants in 14 different events. In this paper we focus on the “Additional Comments and Suggestions” section which the informants can fill in at the end of the questionnaire. We examine the types of commentaries added, their frequency and consistency with the rest of responses. We also explore whether the informants who provide negative assessments in the questionnaire add details in this section.Esta contribución se inscribe en un proyecto en el que estamos investigando la percepción de la calidad por parte de los usuarios de un servicio de interpretación consecutiva (IC) español-italiano desarrollado por estudiantes en prácticas. Desde el punto de vista teórico-metodológico, hemos adoptado la perspectiva etnográfica (Angelelli 2004; Valero-Garcés & Martin 2008) y utilizado una combinación de herramientas investigadoras que incluye un cuestionario para cuyo diseño nos hemos guiado por el desarrollado por Collados Aís (1998). Hasta la fecha contamos con 403 cuestionarios recogidos en 14 actos diferentes. En esta ocasión nos centramos en la sección del cuestionario llamada “Más comentarios” que pueden rellenar los oyentes al final. Nos interesa ver con qué frecuencia se agregan comentarios, de qué tipo son y si resultan coherentes con el resto del cuestionario. Además, veremos si los que atribuyen juicios y notas negativas en el cuestionario añaden detalles en la sección “Más comentarios”