92 research outputs found

    Motion planning using synergies : application to anthropomorphic dual-arm robots

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    Motion planning is a traditional field in robotics, but new problems are nevertheless incessantly appearing, due to continuous advances in the robot developments. In order to solve these new problems, as well as to improve the existing solutions to classical problems, new approaches are being proposed. A paradigmatic case is the humanoid robotics, since the advances done in this field require motion planners not only to look efficiently for an optimal solution in the classic way, i.e. optimizing consumed energy or time in the plan execution, but also looking for human-like solutions, i.e. requiring the robot movements to be similar to those of the human beings. This anthropomorphism in the robot motion is desired not only for aesthetical reasons, but it is also needed to allow a better and safer human-robot collaboration: humans can predict more easily anthropomorphic robot motions thus avoiding collisions and enhancing the collaboration with the robot. Nevertheless, obtaining a satisfactory performance of these anthropomorphic robotic systems requires the automatic planning of the movements, which is still an arduous and non-evident task since the complexity of the planning problem increases exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom of the robotic system. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of planning the motions of dual-arm anthropomorphic robots (optionally with mobile base). The main objective is twofold: obtaining robot motions both in an efficient and in a human-like fashion at the same time. Trying to mimic the human movements while reducing the complexity of the search space for planning purposes leads to the concept of synergies, which could be conceptually defined as correlations (in the joint configuration space as well as in the joint velocity space) between the degrees of freedom of the system. This work proposes new sampling-based motion-planning procedures that exploit the concept of synergies, both in the configuration and velocity space, coordinating the movements of the arms, the hands and the mobile base of mobile anthropomorphic dual-arm robots.La planificación de movimientos es un campo tradicional de la robótica, sin embargo aparecen incesantemente nuevos problemas debido a los continuos avances en el desarrollo de los robots. Para resolver esos nuevos problemas, así como para mejorar las soluciones existentes a los problemas clásicos, se están proponiendo nuevos enfoques. Un caso paradigmático es la robótica humanoide, ya que los avances realizados en este campo requieren que los algoritmos planificadores de movimientos no sólo encuentren eficientemente una solución óptima en el sentido clásico, es decir, optimizar el consumo de energía o el tiempo de ejecución de la trayectoria; sino que también busquen soluciones con apariencia humana, es decir, que el movimiento del robot sea similar al del ser humano. Este antropomorfismo en el movimiento del robot se busca no sólo por razones estéticas, sino porque también es necesario para permitir una colaboración mejor y más segura entre el robot y el operario: el ser humano puede predecir con mayor facilidad los movimientos del robot si éstos son antropomórficos, evitando así las colisiones y mejorando la colaboración humano robot. Sin embargo, para obtener un desempeño satisfactorio de estos sistemas robóticos antropomórficos se requiere una planificación automática de sus movimientos, lo que sigue siendo una tarea ardua y poco evidente, ya que la complejidad del problema aumenta exponencialmente con el número de grados de libertad del sistema robótico. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la planificación de movimientos en robots antropomorfos bibrazo (opcionalmente con base móvil). El objetivo aquí es doble: obtener movimientos robóticos de forma eficiente y, a la vez, que tengan apariencia humana. Intentar imitar los movimientos humanos mientras a la vez se reduce la complejidad del espacio de búsqueda conduce al concepto de sinergias, que podrían definirse conceptualmente como correlaciones (tanto en el espacio de configuraciones como en el espacio de velocidades de las articulaciones) entre los distintos grados de libertad del sistema. Este trabajo propone nuevos procedimientos de planificación de movimientos que explotan el concepto de sinergias, tanto en el espacio de configuraciones como en el espacio de velocidades, coordinando así los movimientos de los brazos, las manos y la base móvil de robots móviles, bibrazo y antropomórficos.Postprint (published version

    Incorporating Human Expertise in Robot Motion Learning and Synthesis

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    With the exponential growth of robotics and the fast development of their advanced cognitive and motor capabilities, one can start to envision humans and robots jointly working together in unstructured environments. Yet, for that to be possible, robots need to be programmed for such types of complex scenarios, which demands significant domain knowledge in robotics and control. One viable approach to enable robots to acquire skills in a more flexible and efficient way is by giving them the capabilities of autonomously learn from human demonstrations and expertise through interaction. Such framework helps to make the creation of skills in robots more social and less demanding on programing and robotics expertise. Yet, current imitation learning approaches suffer from significant limitations, mainly about the flexibility and efficiency for representing, learning and reasoning about motor tasks. This thesis addresses this problem by exploring cost-function-based approaches to learning robot motion control, perception and the interplay between them. To begin with, the thesis proposes an efficient probabilistic algorithm to learn an impedance controller to accommodate motion contacts. The learning algorithm is able to incorporate important domain constraints, e.g., about force representation and decomposition, which are nontrivial to handle by standard techniques. Compliant handwriting motions are developed on an articulated robot arm and a multi-fingered hand. This work provides a flexible approach to learn robot motion conforming to both task and domain constraints. Furthermore, the thesis also contributes with techniques to learn from and reason about demonstrations with partial observability. The proposed approach combines inverse optimal control and ensemble methods, yielding a tractable learning of cost functions with latent variables. Two task priors are further incorporated. The first human kinematics prior results in a model which synthesizes rich and believable dynamical handwriting. The latter prior enforces dynamics on the latent variable and facilitates a real-time human intention cognition and an on-line motion adaptation in collaborative robot tasks. Finally, the thesis establishes a link between control and perception modalities. This work offers an analysis that bridges inverse optimal control and deep generative model, as well as a novel algorithm that learns cost features and embeds the modal coupling prior. This work contributes an end-to-end system for synthesizing arm joint motion from letter image pixels. The results highlight its robustness against noisy and out-of-sample sensory inputs. Overall, the proposed approach endows robots the potential to reason about diverse unstructured data, which is nowadays pervasive but hard to process for current imitation learning

    Virtual articulation and kinematic abstraction in robotics

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-292).This thesis presents the theory, implementation, novel applications, and experimental validation of a general-purpose framework for applying virtual modifications to an articulated robot, or virtual articulations. These can homogenize various aspects of a robot and its task environment into a single unified model which is both qualitatively high-level and quantitatively functional. This is the first framework designed specifically for the mixed real/virtual case. It supports arbitrary topology spatial kinematics, a broad catalog of joints, on-line structure changes, interactive kinostatic simulation, and novel kinematic abstractions, where complex subsystems are simplified with virtual replacements in both space and time. Decomposition algorithms, including a novel method of hierarchical subdivision, enable scaling to large closed-chain mechanisms with 100s of joints. Novel applications are presented in two areas of current interest: operating high- DoF kinematic manipulation and inspection tasks, and analyzing reliable kinostatic locomotion strategies based on compliance and proprioception. In both areas virtual articulations homogeneously model the robot and its task environment, and abstractions structure complex models. For high-DoF operations the operator attaches virtual joints as a novel interface metaphor to define task motion and to constrain coordinated motion (by virtually closing kinematic chains); virtual links can represent task frames or serve as intermediate connections for virtual joints. For compliant locomotion, virtual articulations model relevant compliances and uncertainties, and temporal abstractions model contact state evolution.(cont.) Results are presented for experiments with two separate robotic systems in each area. For high-DoF operations, NASA/JPL's 36 DoF ATHLETE performs previously challenging coordinated manipulation/inspection moves, and a novel large-scale (100s of joints) simulated modular robot is conveniently operated using spatial abstractions. For compliant locomotion, two experiments are analyzed that each achieve high reliability in uncertain tasks using only compliance and proprioception: a novel vertical structure climbing robot that is 99.8% reliable in over 1000 motions, and a mini-humanoid that steps up an uncertain height with 90% reliability in 80 trials. In both cases virtual articulation models capture the essence of compliant/proprioceptive strategies at a higher level than basic physics, and enable quantitative analyses of the limits of tolerable uncertainty that compare well to experiment.by Marsette Arthur Vona, III.Ph.D

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 2

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    These proceedings contain papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics held in Pasadena, January 31 to February 2, 1989. The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research

    Learning and Reacting with Inaccurate Prediction: Applications to Autonomous Excavation

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    Motivated by autonomous excavation, this work investigates solutions to a class of problem where disturbance prediction is critical to overcoming poor performance of a feedback controller, but where the disturbance prediction is intrinsically inaccurate. Poor feedback controller performance is related to a fundamental control problem: there is only a limited amount of disturbance rejection that feedback compensation can provide. It is known, however, that predictive action can improve the disturbance rejection of a control system beyond the limitations of feedback. While prediction is desirable, the problem in excavation is that disturbance predictions are prone to error due to the variability and complexity of soil-tool interaction forces. This work proposes the use of iterative learning control to map the repetitive components of excavation forces into feedforward commands. Although feedforward action shows useful to improve excavation performance, the non-repetitive nature of soil-tool interaction forces is a source of inaccurate predictions. To explicitly address the use of imperfect predictive compensation, a disturbance observer is used to estimate the prediction error. To quantify inaccuracy in prediction, a feedforward model of excavation disturbances is interpreted as a communication channel that transmits corrupted disturbance previews, for which metrics based on the sensitivity function exist. During field trials the proposed method demonstrated the ability to iteratively achieve a desired dig geometry, independent of the initial feasibility of the excavation passes in relation to actuator saturation. Predictive commands adapted to different soil conditions and passes were repeated autonomously until a pre-specified finish quality of the trench was achieved. Evidence of improvement in disturbance rejection is presented as a comparison of sensitivity functions of systems with and without the use of predictive disturbance compensation

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    Planning and Control Strategies for Motion and Interaction of the Humanoid Robot COMAN+

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    Despite the majority of robotic platforms are still confined in controlled environments such as factories, thanks to the ever-increasing level of autonomy and the progress on human-robot interaction, robots are starting to be employed for different operations, expanding their focus from uniquely industrial to more diversified scenarios. Humanoid research seeks to obtain the versatility and dexterity of robots capable of mimicking human motion in any environment. With the aim of operating side-to-side with humans, they should be able to carry out complex tasks without posing a threat during operations. In this regard, locomotion, physical interaction with the environment and safety are three essential skills to develop for a biped. Concerning the higher behavioural level of a humanoid, this thesis addresses both ad-hoc movements generated for specific physical interaction tasks and cyclic movements for locomotion. While belonging to the same category and sharing some of the theoretical obstacles, these actions require different approaches: a general high-level task is composed of specific movements that depend on the environment and the nature of the task itself, while regular locomotion involves the generation of periodic trajectories of the limbs. Separate planning and control architectures targeting these aspects of biped motion are designed and developed both from a theoretical and a practical standpoint, demonstrating their efficacy on the new humanoid robot COMAN+, built at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. The problem of interaction has been tackled by mimicking the intrinsic elasticity of human muscles, integrating active compliant controllers. However, while state-of-the-art robots may be endowed with compliant architectures, not many can withstand potential system failures that could compromise the safety of a human interacting with the robot. This thesis proposes an implementation of such low-level controller that guarantees a fail-safe behaviour, removing the threat that a humanoid robot could pose if a system failure occurred

    Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving)

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    [EN] Nowadays, there are many electronic products that incorporate elements and features coming from the research in the field of mobile robotics. For instance, the well-known vacuum cleaning robot Roomba by iRobot, which belongs to the field of service robotics, one of the most active within the sector. There are also numerous autonomous robotic systems in industrial warehouses and plants. It is the case of Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs), which are able to drive completely autonomously in very structured environments. Apart from industry and consumer electronics, within the automotive field there are some devices that give intelligence to the vehicle, derived in most cases from advances in mobile robotics. In fact, more and more often vehicles incorporate Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), such as navigation control with automatic speed regulation, lane change and overtaking assistant, automatic parking or collision warning, among other features. However, despite all the advances there are some problems that remain unresolved and can be improved. Collisions and rollovers stand out among the most common accidents of vehicles with manual or autonomous driving. In fact, it is almost impossible to guarantee driving without accidents in unstructured environments where vehicles share the space with other moving agents, such as other vehicles and pedestrians. That is why searching for techniques to improve safety in intelligent vehicles, either autonomous or manual-assisted driving, is still a trending topic within the robotics community. This thesis focuses on the design of tools and techniques for planning and control of intelligent vehicles in order to improve safety and comfort. The dissertation is divided into two parts, the first one on autonomous driving and the second one on manual-assisted driving. The main link between them is the use of clothoids as mathematical formulation for both trajectory generation and collision detection. Among the problems solved the following stand out: obstacle avoidance, rollover avoidance and advanced driver assistance to avoid collisions with pedestrians.[ES] En la actualidad se comercializan infinidad de productos de electrónica de consumo que incorporan elementos y características procedentes de avances en el sector de la robótica móvil. Por ejemplo, el conocido robot aspirador Roomba de la empresa iRobot, el cual pertenece al campo de la robótica de servicio, uno de los más activos en el sector. También hay numerosos sistemas robóticos autónomos en almacenes y plantas industriales. Es el caso de los vehículos autoguiados (AGVs), capaces de conducir de forma totalmente autónoma en entornos muy estructurados. Además de en la industria y en electrónica de consumo, dentro del campo de la automoción también existen dispositivos que dotan de cierta inteligencia al vehículo, derivados la mayoría de las veces de avances en robótica móvil. De hecho, cada vez con mayor frecuencia los vehículos incorporan sistemas avanzados de asistencia al conductor (ADAS por sus siglas en inglés), tales como control de navegación con regulación automática de velocidad, asistente de cambio de carril y adelantamiento, aparcamiento automático o aviso de colisión, entre otras prestaciones. No obstante, pese a todos los avances siguen existiendo problemas sin resolver y que pueden mejorarse. La colisión y el vuelco destacan entre los accidentes más comunes en vehículos con conducción tanto manual como autónoma. De hecho, la dificultad de conducir en entornos desestructurados compartiendo el espacio con otros agentes móviles, tales como coches o personas, hace casi imposible garantizar la conducción sin accidentes. Es por ello que la búsqueda de técnicas para mejorar la seguridad en vehículos inteligentes, ya sean de conducción autónoma o manual asistida, es un tema que siempre está en auge en la comunidad robótica. La presente tesis se centra en el diseño de herramientas y técnicas de planificación y control de vehículos inteligentes, para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort. La disertación se ha dividido en dos partes, la primera sobre conducción autónoma y la segunda sobre conducción manual asistida. El principal nexo de unión es el uso de clotoides como elemento de generación de trayectorias y detección de colisiones. Entre los problemas que se resuelven destacan la evitación de obstáculos, la evitación de vuelcos y la asistencia avanzada al conductor para evitar colisiones con peatones.[CA] En l'actualitat es comercialitzen infinitat de productes d'electrònica de consum que incorporen elements i característiques procedents d'avanços en el sector de la robòtica mòbil. Per exemple, el conegut robot aspirador Roomba de l'empresa iRobot, el qual pertany al camp de la robòtica de servici, un dels més actius en el sector. També hi ha nombrosos sistemes robòtics autònoms en magatzems i plantes industrials. És el cas dels vehicles autoguiats (AGVs), els quals són capaços de conduir de forma totalment autònoma en entorns molt estructurats. A més de en la indústria i en l'electrònica de consum, dins el camp de l'automoció també existeixen dispositius que doten al vehicle de certa intel·ligència, la majoria de les vegades derivats d'avanços en robòtica mòbil. De fet, cada vegada amb més freqüència els vehicles incorporen sistemes avançats d'assistència al conductor (ADAS per les sigles en anglés), com ara control de navegació amb regulació automàtica de velocitat, assistent de canvi de carril i avançament, aparcament automàtic o avís de col·lisió, entre altres prestacions. No obstant això, malgrat tots els avanços segueixen existint problemes sense resoldre i que poden millorar-se. La col·lisió i la bolcada destaquen entre els accidents més comuns en vehicles amb conducció tant manual com autònoma. De fet, la dificultat de conduir en entorns desestructurats compartint l'espai amb altres agents mòbils, tals com cotxes o persones, fa quasi impossible garantitzar la conducció sense accidents. És per això que la recerca de tècniques per millorar la seguretat en vehicles intel·ligents, ja siguen de conducció autònoma o manual assistida, és un tema que sempre està en auge a la comunitat robòtica. La present tesi es centra en el disseny d'eines i tècniques de planificació i control de vehicles intel·ligents, per a la millora de la seguretat i el confort. La dissertació s'ha dividit en dues parts, la primera sobre conducció autònoma i la segona sobre conducció manual assistida. El principal nexe d'unió és l'ús de clotoides com a element de generació de trajectòries i detecció de col·lisions. Entre els problemes que es resolen destaquen l'evitació d'obstacles, l'evitació de bolcades i l'assistència avançada al conductor per evitar col·lisions amb vianants.Girbés Juan, V. (2016). Clothoid-based Planning and Control in Intelligent Vehicles (Autonomous and Manual-Assisted Driving) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65072TESI

    Multi-Robot Symbolic Task and Motion Planning Leveraging Human Trust Models: Theory and Applications

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    Multi-robot systems (MRS) can accomplish more complex tasks with two or more robots and have produced a broad set of applications. The presence of a human operator in an MRS can guarantee the safety of the task performing, but the human operators can be subject to heavier stress and cognitive workload in collaboration with the MRS than the single robot. It is significant for the MRS to have the provable correct task and motion planning solution for a complex task. That can reduce the human workload during supervising the task and improve the reliability of human-MRS collaboration. This dissertation relies on formal verification to provide the provable-correct solution for the robotic system. One of the challenges in task and motion planning under temporal logic task specifications is developing computationally efficient MRS frameworks. The dissertation first presents an automaton-based task and motion planning framework for MRS to satisfy finite words of linear temporal logic (LTL) task specifications in parallel and concurrently. Furthermore, the dissertation develops a computational trust model to improve the human-MRS collaboration for a motion task. Notably, the current works commonly underemphasize the environmental attributes when investigating the impacting factors of human trust in robots. Our computational trust model builds a linear state-space (LSS) equation to capture the influence of environment attributes on human trust in an MRS. A Bayesian optimization based experimental design (BOED) is proposed to sequentially learn the human-MRS trust model parameters in a data-efficient way. Finally, the dissertation shapes a reward function for the human-MRS collaborated complex task by referring to the above LTL task specification and computational trust model. A Bayesian active reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm is used to concurrently learn the shaped reward function and explore the most trustworthy task and motion planning solution

    Advancement in robot programming with specific reference to graphical methods

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    This research study is concerned with the derivation of advanced robot programming methods. The methods include the use of proprietary simulation modelling and design software tools for the off-line programming of industrial robots. The study has involved the generation of integration software to facilitate the co-operative operation of these software tools. The three major researcli'themes7of "ease of usage", calibration and the integration of product design data have been followed to advance robot programming. The "ease of usage" is concerned with enhancements in the man-machine interface for robo t simulation systems in terms of computer assisted solid modelling and computer assisted task generation. Robot simulation models represent an idealised situation, and any off-line robot programs generated from'them may contain'discrepancies which could seriously effect thq programs' performance; Calibration techniques have therefore been investigated as 'a method of overcoming discrepancies between the simulation model and the real world. At the present time, most computer aided design systems operate as isolated islands of computer technology, whereas their product databases should be used to support decision making processes and ultimately facilitate the generation of machine programs. Thus the integration of product design data has been studied as an important step towards truly computer integrated manufacturing. The functionality of the three areas of study have been generalised and form the basis for recommended enhancements to future robot programming systems