7 research outputs found

    Point trajectory planning of flexible redundant robot manipulators using genetic algorithms

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    The paper focuses on the problem of point-to-point trajectory planning for flexible redundant robot manipulators (FRM) in joint space. Compared with irredundant flexible manipulators, a FRM possesses additional possibilities during point-to-point trajectory planning due to its kinematics redundancy. A trajectory planning method to minimize vibration and/or executing time of a point-to-point motion is presented for FRMs based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Kinematics redundancy is integrated into the presented method as planning variables. Quadrinomial and quintic polynomial are used to describe the segments that connect the initial, intermediate, and final points in joint space. The trajectory planning of FRM is formulated as a problem of optimization with constraints. A planar FRM with three flexible links is used in simulation. Case studies show that the method is applicable

    Manipulator trajectory planning using a MOEA

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    Generating manipulator trajectories considering multiple objectives and obstacle avoidance is a non-trivial optimization problem. In this paper a multi-objective genetic algorithm based technique is proposed to address this problem. Multiple criteria are optimized considering up to five simultaneous objectives. Simulation results are presented for robots with two and three degrees of freedom, considering two and five objectives optimization. A subsequent analysis of the spread and solutions distribution along the converged non-dominated Pareto front is carried out, in terms of the achieved diversity

    An evolutionary approach to the trajectory planning of redundant robots

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    Several kinematic techniques for the trajectory optimization of redundant manipulators control the gripper using the pseudoinverse of the Jacobian. Nevertheless, these algorithms lead to a kind of chaotic motion with unpredictable arm configurations. This paper presents a new technique for solving the inverse kinematics problem for redundant manipulators that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms.N/

    Trajectory planning of redundant manipulators using genetic algorithms

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    The trajectory planning of redundant robots is an important area of research and efficient optimization algorithms are needed. This paper presents a new technique that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms. The results are compared with a genetic algorithm that adopts the direct kinematics. In both cases the trajectory planning is formulated as an optimization problem with constraints

    A heuristic approach for path planning for redundant robots

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    A new method to solve the trajectory generation for a redundant manipulator is proposed. It avoids traditional computationally intensive methods by relying on the human experience; The proposed method uses a fuzzy logic controller to generate the magnitude of the angles needed to move the end effector to the next target point. The inputs to the controller are the desired displacement of the end effector and the elements of the jacobian matrix that correspond to the considered joint, while the output is the angle magnitude of the joint needed to reach the target point; An algorithm is used to determine the sign of the output from the fuzzy logic controller. Inverse kinematics is used to bring the end-effector to the target point; Several fuzzy logic controllers combined with heuristic algorithms are used to avoid the obstacles in the workspace and to avoid self collision of the links

    A graph-theory-based C-space path planner for mobile robotic manipulators in close-proximity environments

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    In this thesis a novel guidance method for a 3-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator arm in 3 dimensions for Improvised Explosive Device (IED) disposal has been developed. The work carried out in this thesis combines existing methods to develop a technique that delivers advantages taken from several other guidance techniques. These features are necessary for the IED disposal application. The work carried out in this thesis includes kinematic and dynamic modelling of robotic manipulators, T-space to C-space conversion, and path generation using Graph Theory to produce a guidance technique which can plan a safe path through a complex unknown environment. The method improves upon advantages given by other techniques in that it produces a suitable path in 3-dimensions in close-proximity environments in real time with no a priori knowledge of the environment, a necessary precursor to the application of this technique to IED disposal missions. To solve the problem of path planning, the thesis derives the kinematics and dynamics of a robotic arm in order to convert the Euclidean coordinates of measured environment data into C-space. Each dimension in C-space is one control input of the arm. The Euclidean start and end locations of the manipulator end effector are translated into C-space. A three-dimensional path is generated between them using Dijkstra’s Algorithm. The technique allows for a single path to be generated to guide the entire arm through the environment, rather than multiple paths to guide each component through the environment. The robotic arm parameters are modelled as a quasi-linear parameter varying system. As such it requires gain scheduling control, thus allowing compensation of the non-linearities in the system. A Genetic Algorithm is applied to tune a set of PID controllers for the dynamic model of the manipulator arm so that the generated path can then be followed using a conventional path-following algorithm. The technique proposed in this thesis is validated using numerical simulations in order to determine its advantages and limitations