1,266 research outputs found

    Assessment of Driver\u27s Attention to Traffic Signs through Analysis of Gaze and Driving Sequences

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    A driver’s behavior is one of the most significant factors in Advance Driver Assistance Systems. One area that has received little study is just how observant drivers are in seeing and recognizing traffic signs. In this contribution, we present a system considering the location where a driver is looking (points of gaze) as a factor to determine that whether the driver has seen a sign. Our system detects and classifies traffic signs inside the driver’s attentional visual field to identify whether the driver has seen the traffic signs or not. Based on the results obtained from this stage which provides quantitative information, our system is able to determine how observant of traffic signs that drivers are. We take advantage of the combination of Maximally Stable Extremal Regions algorithm and Color information in addition to a binary linear Support Vector Machine classifier and Histogram of Oriented Gradients as features detector for detection. In classification stage, we use a multi class Support Vector Machine for classifier also Histogram of Oriented Gradients for features. In addition to the detection and recognition of traffic signs, our system is capable of determining if the sign is inside the attentional visual field of the drivers. It means the driver has kept his gaze on traffic signs and sees the sign, while if the sign is not inside this area, the driver did not look at the sign and sign has been missed

    Vision-based pavement marking detection and condition assessment : a case study

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    Pavement markings constitute an effective way of conveying regulations and guidance to drivers. They constitute the most fundamental way to communicate with road users, thus, greatly contributing to ensuring safety and order on roads. However, due to the increasingly extensive traffic demand, pavement markings are subject to a series of deterioration issues (e.g., wear and tear). Markings in poor condition typically manifest as being blurred or even missing in certain places. The need for proper maintenance strategies on roadway markings, such as repainting, can only be determined based on a comprehensive understanding of their as-is worn condition. Given the fact that an efficient, automated and accurate approach to collect such condition information is lacking in practice, this study proposes a vision-based framework for pavement marking detection and condition assessment. A hybrid feature detector and a threshold-based method were used for line marking identification and classification. For each identified line marking, its worn/blurred severity level was then quantified in terms of worn percentage at a pixel level. The damage estimation results were compared to manual measurements for evaluation, indicating that the proposed method is capable of providing indicative knowledge about the as-is condition of pavement markings. This paper demonstrates the promising potential of computer vision in the infrastructure sector, in terms of implementing a wider range of managerial operations for roadway management

    An advanced deep learning model for maneuver prediction in real-time systems using alarming-based hunting optimization

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    The increasing trend of autonomous driving vehicles in smart cities emphasizes the need for safe travel. However, the presence of obstacles, potholes, and complex road environments, such as poor illumination and occlusion, can cause blurred road images that may impact the accuracy of maneuver prediction in visual perception systems. To address these challenges, a novel ensemble model named ABHO-based deep CNN-BiLSTM has been proposed for traffic sign detection. This model combines a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) with the alarming-based hunting optimization (ABHO) algorithm to improve maneuver prediction accuracy. Additionally, a modified hough-enabled lane generative adversarial network (ABHO based HoughGAN) has been proposed, which is designed to be robust to blurred images. The ABHO algorithm, inspired by the defending and social characteristics of starling birds and Canis kojot, allows the model to efficiently search for the optimal solution from the available solutions in the search space. The proposed ensemble model has shown significantly improved accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in maneuver prediction compared to previously utilized methods, with minimal error during lane detection. Overall, the proposed ensemble model addresses the challenges faced by autonomous driving vehicles in complex and obstructed road environments, offering a promising solution for enhancing safety and reliability in smart cities

    Generic object classification for autonomous robots

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    Un dels principals problemes de la interacció dels robots autònoms és el coneixement de l'escena. El reconeixement és fonamental per a solucionar aquest problema i permetre als robots interactuar en un escenari no controlat. En aquest document presentem una aplicació pràctica de la captura d'objectes, de la normalització i de la classificació de senyals triangulars i circulars. El sistema s'introdueix en el robot Aibo de Sony per a millorar-ne la interacció. La metodologia presentada s'ha comprobat en simulacions i problemes de categorització reals, com ara la classificació de senyals de trànsit, amb resultats molt prometedors.Uno de los principales problemas de la interacción de los robots autónomos es el conocimiento de la escena. El reconocimiento es fundamental para solventar este problema y permitir a los robots interactuar en un escenario no controlado. En este documento, presentamos una aplicación práctica de captura del objeto, normalización y clasificación de señales triangulares y circulares. El sistema es introducido en el robot Aibo de Sony para mejorar el comportamiento de la interacción del robot. La metodología presentada ha sido testeada en simulaciones y problemas de categorización reales, como es la clasificación de señales de tráfico, con resultados muy prometedores.One of the main problems of autonomous robots interaction is the scene knowledge. Recognition is concerned to deal with this problem and to allow robots to interact in uncontrolled environments. In this paper, we present a practical application for object fitting, normalization and classification of triangular and circular signs. The system is introduced in the Aibo robot of Sony to increase the robot interaction behaviour. The presented methodology has been tested in real simulations and categorization problems, as the traffic signs classification, with very promising results.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Vision for Looking at Traffic Lights:Issues, Survey, and Perspectives

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